Currently on Test
Lots of exciting new changes on Test, here are just a few:
The mission areas have received a major upgrade in looks and layout, and should now be both more varied, challenging and visually pleasing.
New dangers in missions include proximity mines, cameras and gun turrets. The "Map Reader Upgrade – Monsters" will help somewhat against some of these hazards.
A nano program for summoning your pet(s) is now available. It's a very low level program, with no profession restrictions, and can be found in the general nano program store.
The frequency of individuals surfing the ground instead of running has diminished. It's simply not in this year.
The client will now store visibility data for outdoor playfields on your hard-drive. This will cause some extra client lag the first time you enter a given playfield, but a lot less lag after that, as the visibility data doesn't need to be reconstructed.
And this is just a sample complete details here.
Tags: AnarchyOnline, News