New AO Reviews

Well the reviews of Anarchy Online are starting to come out, and they aren't very flattering. There are two out that I know of. Previews and links are inside. Something Awful has, among other things, this to say: FunCom decided to place emphasis on a player-driven economy by making it nearly impossible to use vendor machines in the cities thanks to the incredible lag (of the FUTURE!). Adding in unbelievable amounts of lag is FunCom's solution to nearly every problem in the game, ranging from city overcrowding to plaque and tooth decay (of the FUTURE!). They have also attempted to solve the problem of server overload by adding in code which causes your game to crash to the desktop every 20 minutes or so, thereby decreasing the stress of having so many people on the server at once. These are very futuristic and advanced concepts of the advanced conceptual future, and you should be thankful that FunCom spent so much time and brainpower developing these aforementioned conceptually futuristically advanced ideas. It gets worse from there. Read it at this link. Massive Multiplayer Org has this to say: [Gasp] "What??? Playable!" I shouted. I stared on with horror wondering if they had suddenly made smoking Hash legal in Norway as well. After a small rampage that no real animals were hurt during, I calmed down. "They must have a patch…yes, yes, one is scheduled for tomorrow!" I said. I waited till the next day, patch came. I started up…Crash. [WhatThe!] The game was worse now. In between crashes I hit the official forums, when those weren’t timing it that is. My anger grew…everyone was still having problems. It’s not just me…how can they call this playable. "That’s alright, I’m sure they’ll retract that tomorrow." I said. The next day came and went. No daily update. [Bastards!] What are they doing? I don’t understand it? I have a good job, $13 a month isn’t a big deal, hell I spend that on lunch…it’s the principle now! The rest is at this link. Of Course, we all know what they think over at Lums.


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# Jul 15 2001 at 2:06 AM Rating: Default
that first review at the top of the page was rather amusing and 999% correct you should pst that on the main ao page lol ;P

lvl 31 nanotech
(this game is boring so far)
Even Slashdot is up on AO..
# Jul 12 2001 at 6:02 PM Rating: Default
Even had a little pointer to AO.

The story can be found here:

The comments wander on to talk about the perils of getting massive projects to market with any kind of quality control.

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