Boston Herald Looks at WoW Gold Selling Suit

Remember that lawsuit against IGE for the selling of WoW gold?  Well now the Boston Herald has a great article on it, and whoever wrote it seems to understand not only the game, but the community we have around it!

The people who buy gold typically are professionals who have disposable income but don’t have the time to invest in the game, said Craig Kelly, an Art Institute instructor who teaches video game design.

And the people collecting gold for real-money trading companies are largely from overseas, working in "gold farm" rooms filled with other "World of Warcraft" players. There have been estimates that there are more than 10,000 gold farms in China alone, said Ge Jin, a University of California San Diego graduate student who is making a documentary on gold farming.

Many gold farmers in China play the game 10 to 12 hours a day in an atmosphere Jin describes as "a mixture of boredom, exhaustion and fun."

"Most of the time it’s just a job for them ... killing certain monsters in certain areas repetitiously," Jin said.

There's four whole pages of someone who actually did their research, understands the rules and the situation, and I for one am so pleased to have this type of article come to light!


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Earn Gold Like a Pro! No cheats, no hacks
# Jul 26 2012 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
I have 50,000g, how much do you have? Learn how I made it Right Here

Edited, Jul 27th 2012 12:41am by qasim16

Edited, Jul 27th 2012 12:42am by qasim16

Edited, Jul 27th 2012 12:43am by qasim16
Buying Gold
# May 13 2008 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
The article is no longer available for me to read -- I've bought gold - not to amp my character up, but to get decent (for me) armor, and some of it can get pretty expensive (especially when you want it to match). I'll probably buy gold when it comes to getting my epic mount as well.

It's usually nerve wracking for me, but the company I'm loyal to hasn't let me down yet....they're 3 for 3 so far.

If I was a good enough at playing to actually MAKE my own gold, I wouldn't buy it. Unfortunately, my play style could use vast improvement - until I'm more proficient, I'm buying gold.
No to
# Apr 25 2008 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
I don't play Second Life games but my brother is big into them. For his birthday he asked for 1000 gold and we purchased some from What a deceitful business, as I'm sure you gamers know. While I partly blame my (13-year-old) brother for telling me purchasing virtual gold for cash was a legitimate practice, in my research on Oofay I'm beginning to see why it's so frowned upon. These companies are thieves and prey upon impressionable minds like my young brother's. In any case, I hope Blizzard takes a more active hand in informing its clients not to purchase items from these companies.
# Apr 16 2008 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
I hate it! I'm trying to friggin' play and I'm getting nothing but spam whispers to buy gold, or that stupid wow-toolbox or whatever it is to custom create a character. I play for the fun and the challenge, NOT to be able to one-hit Illidan, or solo instances. I mean seriously, if I can custom make my stats to be 999999999, why the hell would I want to get epics? I could do more damage with The Stoppable Force, or any other grey weapon. Also, think of all the bandwidth these guys are taking. If we got rid of all the gold farmers and the advertisement toons the WoW server population would drop, but in a good way!
about time
# Apr 15 2008 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
36 posts
Fantastic to see that it is coming to light more and more that these Gold Farmers should be shut down!

You want gold go and earn it like all of the 'real' players do (yours truly included)

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