GDC 2008: The Agency
If you like drama, intrigue, travel, fashion, and really cool toys, then The Agency is a title you should be watching for.
As I’ve said before, think James Bond meets Posh Spice, and you’ve got an idea of just what kind of eye candy is awaiting you in this FPS-styled MMO that is currently in development at Sony Online Entertainment. And, although they were not officially presenting at GDC in San Francisco, I did have an opportunity to sit down with a couple of the G.I.R.L. gals from the development team.
(Yes, that was a shameless plug for G.I.R.L. which, incidentally, had a great party while at GDC and announced a partnership with the Art Institute to provide a scholarship to women interested in getting into the game development industry. (Go, G.I.R.L.s!)
Sherry Floyd-Producer, SOE Seattle As part of Sony Online Entertainment’s Seattle studio, Sherry Floyd helps oversee internal content production and maintain visual quality, as well as manages all facets of outsourcing for The Agency™. Floyd has been involved in the video games industry for eight years, previously directing a creative management group with focus on concept art and marketing for games. Her experience as an art director and graphic designer has given her a unique perspective while facing the challenges of game production. | Sherry Floyd and Heather Sowards are Producers on the team, and my goal in talking with them was not to get the same standard answers we’ve been hearing about The Agency, but to delve a bit deeper into some of the art and design of the world they are creating. All too often we forget about the vision of the people behind the world we are waiting to enter, and I thought this would be a great time to learn some more from that angle. Over some bottled water and the loud buzz of people all around us, the three of us chatted about various aspects of the world that is U.N.I.T.E. and Paragon. For the uninitiated, these are the two factions within this title. U.N.I.T.E is more of your “uptown” feel where the spies are settled, while Paragon is the “ghetto” area, where mercenaries are from. Your clothing will reflect this, and I’m all for high fashion… so I guess I’ll be a spy! Yay! /looks intriguing Your clothing will also be a large part of overall game play, determining certain directions you must take and the results of certain actions. It is therefore wise for you to take notice of your wardrobe, it will be important in this game. Let’s take a look at The Agency… when I spoke with Heather, I asked her what her favorite part of the entire game is. Her response? “Jet-setting”; in other words, the act of traveling the world to exotic and wonderful places – traveling in style, no less. In order to add depth to the experience, there are members of the development team currently traveling the world to see the cities and learn as much as they can so that the in-game feel is as authentic as possible. It will be interesting to see how they accomplish this – will it truly be the look of the city, or will there be an artistic spin on it? I’m all for artists putting their own twist on things. That’s what art is all about. But when I hit Paris in my evening gown just off my Leer jet, I don’t want to see some odd-looking not quite Paris. Just like any good spy story, one has to have operatives. This is definitely a large part of the whole experience in The Agency. As you achieve your goals you unlock more operatives, which in turn gives you cooler toys to play with. Now – with most MMOs, you log in, play your time away, and log out to focus on the real world. And you have to wait until you log back in again to see what’s been going on while you’ve been gone. Also, there is no progress for you while you’re not there, which means you have to sit and wait for things to happen in order to complete your task. Mob camping, anyone? Not so here. The team at SOE has decided they want to provide players with a truly immersive experience, and while they are unable to call your boss to say that you need to attend the wedding of the daughter of a major arms dealer in Nigeria so that you can make contact with your operative and hopefully find your mark to silence him once and for all… they can keep you updated on the progress of your plans and preparations. In The Agency, you will have the option to receive updates throughout the day on your mobile device; PDA, cell phone, internet connection from work. | Heather Sowards-Media Producer, SOE Seattle A veteran to the gaming industry, Heather Sowards is the Media Producer for SOE Seattle. She has worked on over 25 shipped titles including EverQuest® II, beginning her career as a music composer and working her way through the ranks as a Sound Designer, Audio Lead, Audio Director, Audio Studio Manager and is currently a Producer for The Agency™. Her career has seen a tour of duty with companies such as Jaleco, Microsoft, Soundelux DMG, SOE San Diego and SOE Seattle. |
Yes, in the real world, on your real cell phone. While you’re talking to your mother, boss, clients, or the parent of the kid your son kicked in class earlier in the day for calling you a geek because you game. (Way to go, kiddo!)
This is by far the coolest thing ever in my opinion. Not only has the team decided they want to provide you with the meshing of two fantastic gaming worlds by bringing the first-person shooter to a true MMO format, but they also want to give players the sense of really being a spy – imagine being at your day job, keeping your head down doing your thing, and watching the clock until quitting time. You take a look at your Blackberry and there’s a new message. It’s your operative letting you know that when you’re ready you can pick up your pocket pen camera and night goggles on your way to the party tonight where you must meet the agent from whom you are to receive the microfilm with the secrets of the Russian government on it.
Makes happy hour at the local pub pale in comparison, doesn’t it?
Of course, there is more to The Agency than just these cool toys. I’ve only seen the game a couple of times, and of course both of those times it was a trailer or in-game setup that was specifically put together for members of the press to get the best possible look at the game. This is part of why I wanted to speak with some of the gals behind the game. You can tell a lot about a title by listening to the developers talk about it. And these gals are not only excited and enthusiastic, but also quietly confident and have absolutely no need to shout from the rooftops to get people to listen. They know they’ve got a great idea here, and they know that what they’re creating is going to be awesome. I applaud such confidence… it truly speaks of just how dedicated they are to this game. It’s not just another project. It’s their purpose each day. A lifeblood, of sorts.
Some of the things that we discussed were the lighting, the feel of the game as you stand in the city street trying to avoid being seen by your mark, and the overall immersive quality. If you’ve ever played Call of Duty 4, you’ll be happy to know that the effects artist from that title is working on The Agency. When looking at the explosion effects, the fire array from the end of a gun as it is fired, or the collapse of walls as you blow them up, you can almost feel the heat, the reverberation, the backlash. This is how it should be. Therefore, you’ll get the true bang for your buck, no pun intended. And I hope that SOE can make it happen in true game play.
When I spoke with Sherry and asked her what she felt was the biggest accomplishment was to date, she responded “collaboration”. And this was when I saw the light really hit her eyes, when she was talking about the team and how they all come together to share ideas. She did say that communication was probably the biggest challenge, but when is it not? Whenever you put a large group of extremely creative people together in one room you’re going to have communication issues. You say to-may-to, I say to-mah-to. In the end, we’re both anxious to make the same great-tasting soup, right? The most important thing to remember here is that the team is large (approximately 80 people are on the staff for this title), and they are creative. To the extent of thinking about the small details that will truly allow you to be an individual in this world of limited character models.
There are currently 3 female and 4 male models available at character creation. So naturally I will expect to see that busty blonde running around in a tight black outfit, and the tan, fit, sexy guy in a fine tuxedo appreciating the blonde from across the room. We will be a group of beautiful people in a beautiful world working hard to create beautiful spy games together. Yet once you get down to the bare skin of it all, there will be some differences. Like tattoos. And no, I’m not talking the kind that cover your face like a barbarian. Rather, detailed works of art that will help stand you out from the crowd. I can see myself in a business suit, with my hair up in a French twist, with my palm pilot out, briefcase in hand, Bluetooth in the ear while rushing down a busy city street on a warm, summer day; too warm, in fact. So I must remove my suit jacket ... and reveal a small tattoo on my left shoulder blade just off the bra strap peeking out from under my blouse. What is it of? Guess you’ll have to find me to discover that for yourself!
In the end of it all, what we have developing here is a world truly transcending into the depths of "beauty meets brawn", and there is no detail left untouched. While walking the streets of New York you will be able to look up and see the laundry flapping in the wind between the rowhouses, the stay-at-home mom with her baby in her arms watching you from the darkened corner of her window, and the opposing side's helicopter disguised as a television air traffic news reporter as it follows you through the city. The sights and sounds will draw you in, the intrigue and intense adrenaline will keep you here.
The Agency… are you uptown or downtown, and will I have to kill you in the end? Only time will tell. And my operatives will be sure to let me know where you are…
Maggie "AutumnKiss" Olsen
Senior Editor, Zam Network