EQ Producer Letter for January 2008 - 1/31/08

A new producer's letter was published on the Sony website:

EQ Producer Letter for January 2008

A Brief Recap of 2007 2007 was a great year for EverQuest. We launched an expansion, provided live events, and worked on building the community. It would be impossible for me to cover everything done for EQ throughout the year so here's brief recap of some of fun: For Secrets of Faydwer, we kicked off a 3-month Beta that allowed both the players (you) and the Developers (us) plenty of time to focus on quality and polish the content for the expansion. We were able to do multiple passes on the high-level content and our Quality Assurance department actually reached out to work with players to ensure that the content was "fun" to play. That is a new process that you will see rolling into all future expansions. Since the development team is generally focused on balance and functionality and what we think is fun, it is refreshing to have the QA team essentially be an unbiased check and balance for the content. The Live event that took place in the Steamfont Mountains was MAJOR! For those of you who were able to participate… I hope you had a great time with the event. We plan to do more events like it moving forward. In March we celebrated the 8th Anniversary for EverQuest with the introduction of the Fabled Luclin NPCs and The Fabled Adventurer video contest.

April Fool's Day… all I can say is that we had a blast with the "new character models." Though, we did learn that a simple toggle on/off would have made everyone including us happier. Lesson learned and just wait for this year's plans *evil grin*.

Community's involvement with the game has increased and look for it to only get better; tournaments, contests and awesome in-game rewards for those of you that participate. With the latest contest, Dawn of the Clockworks, we received some amazing entries; with the First Place prize going to a welded clockwork with a working clock crank on its back.

What's in store for 2008?

The EverQuest team is already hard at work on the next expansion. We plan to have a longer Beta cycle once again to ensure that we deliver a quality product that is fun to play. More information about the expansion will be announced later in the year.

One of the goals that the EQ Dev team has is to refocus on the Live content that we give to the players. Many of you work on chewing through the expansion content and then you are left either wanting more or diving into AA advancement while you wait for the next major release. We are focusing on providing Live content on a monthly basis that you will be able to enjoy throughout the year. We hope to see everyone take part in these events and we are open to trying new and exciting things, so your feedback is welcome.

Bug fixing has been a priority that many of you have been able to take advantage of. Some fixes are tied to detective work on the development side and others are tied to amazing work done by "you" the actual players. Take the "West Bug" for example, when I mentioned to the community that we were going to take it serious and find a fix, I can't tell you how many messages I received about how the bug was "impossible" to fix and it was just part of EQ at that point. I can tell you now that through the hard work of a dedicated EQ player and one of my programmers… there is now a workaround that seems to address the bug on the majority of player's machines.

Stability has been a sore subject with EQ for some time now. Some of the issues have been persistent for quite some time and others are more recent. Part of the renewed focus on quality also encompasses stability and I can assure you that you will see significant progress on this issue in the next few months. We have tracked down a few major issues that have been under the radar for some time now and we already have fixes for them that will be rolling out in the next few weeks. With the move to the longer development cycles, we have opened up time on the programmers schedules to focus on issues like stability and everyone will benefit from it.

Server merges are always a hot topic, some are for and some are against. I can tell you that we keep a close eye on the populations on each server both at peak time and off peak time. We have target numbers that we feel are adequate for gameplay to be fully enjoyed in the EverQuest world. Once player numbers get close to dropping below those numbers we evaluate a server merge. I would like to clear the record though; we are not opposed to server merges. We just want to make sure the timing is right and it is something that will benefit the players. I will keep everyone updated on any movement with server merges once it comes up.

2008 is going to be a great year for EQ and I look forward to all of you participating with the changes we are bringing. As you notice in my letter, the words QUALITY and FOCUS are repeated over and over. We have recognized the main issues both good and bad and we are attacking them to make the game and the infrastructure as solid as possible. I get messages daily from players and I can say that the positive messages I am getting far outweigh the negative and it hasn't always been that way.

Thank you all for working with us to nail down the issues and we will continue to work on making EQ the game that you all love!

Clint "Jourdian" Worley
Senior Producer, EverQuest
Sony Online Entertainment

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Advertising might be a good thing ...
# Feb 11 2008 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
78 posts
I can't tell you how surprised I was to see Secrets of Faydwer at BestBuy recently! It had been months to years since I had seen an expansion on the shelves of a major store around here. I have been seeing WoW appear in every store, in commercials, and in TV shows, and I have friends who ask if that is the game I play. I disdainfully glance at them with contempt. I started playing EQ when the game was tough but fun; nothing else has the content or possibilities of EQ(IMO), but unfortunately, it seems Sony doesn't want to put much cash into letting the world know what we have here. I like the expansions that provide some great items for casual players; these allow us not to be completely gimp if we join a pick-up raid into a higher end zone. Seeing the links for the new uber drops always makes me gasp, but in envy. Someday, maybe, I will get some of these, while others I won't because I don't raid 5 days a week. So be it. EQ provides a place to play at whatever level I wish, and I hope Sony will provide enough promotion of our game to encourage new players to join us in the fun. And a nice Evercrack commercial would be entertaining to see...
# Feb 07 2008 at 11:58 PM Rating: Default
I didn't see any mention of them ripping out all the ****** expansions added since PoP and putting all "re-envisioned" zones back the way they were. This being the only thing that could be an improvement to EQ it would have to be part of this letter but it's not there. So I guess it's just another lie...

# Feb 04 2008 at 9:15 AM Rating: Default
How about some real GM events more fun wars, etc. It gets very redundant to see arena events or halfling races 24/7. It really doesn't take much to have some skeleton invasion w/random augs or drops or have a GM take over some zone monster and go crazy beating on players/taunting them--that sort of thing used to happen in WW. Some imagination please!
# Feb 08 2008 at 12:01 AM Rating: Default
There will never be another event like haloween 2001. They obviously are too busy making other games preparing for when EQ is no longer profitable or my personal favorite theory they simply don't know how. All the people that did have left...


PS- "ANCIENT CYCLOPS TO THE DOCKS!", the fact that this is a possibility makes me homicidal.
# Feb 03 2008 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
820 posts
1 thought, the highlight of 2007 in my opinion was without a doubt logging in early morning on April fools to the new character models, I applauded, toggle option or not.
# Feb 03 2008 at 6:14 PM Rating: Default
Please do a server merge
next expansion
# Feb 03 2008 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
Id like to hear any info about next expansion
love eq
# Feb 02 2008 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
I love EQ

make it harder and more of a pain in the *** like it used to be so i can hate it again
dev letter
# Feb 02 2008 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
4,580 posts
I'll take the positive road:

I'm enjoying EQ more than I ever have. I see them working on stuff that had lingered for a long time. The TSS expansion remains a brilliant piece of work for the lower level and casual player.

I have no intention of being a cutting-edge raider, but I do believe the new expansions should primarily develop content for the end-gamers. It is my understanding that every expansion from now on will have a level-cap increase.
Family guilds are going to have a lot of options with a small raid force with a few level 85s or 90s in it.

I would love to see an orc war event where Faydwar becomes the Crushbone Empire and is all 60+ content. And to keep people happy that don't like revamps and progress put some NPC in the wayfarers camps that send you to the original crushbone, Lfay, etc. if you want. That how the Mistmoore revamp could have been handled.

I wholeheartedly agree that old quested content should be upgraded. Frankly, I think items like the coldain prayer shawl (as an example) should be a simple NPC hail in the next expansion to make the item worthy again and a new difficult task to make it uber again for the endgamers. Reward the people that have stuck around and did stuff when it was harder, but create incentive for new characters to do it too.
RE: Mergers
# Feb 02 2008 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
2,605 posts

"We have target numbers that we feel are adequate for gameplay to be fully enjoyed in the EverQuest world. Once player numbers get close to dropping below those numbers we evaluate a server merge."

I think this is a very faulty "measuring stick."

Here's why...

1) I bet the "peak" times are when most guilds are raiding and/or casual players log in for a short time in the evening. I know quite a few players who log on only for raids (and then log off afterwards) and do very very little non-raid stuff.

2) After raids, I bet the server population declines drastically.

3) Most Guilds (at least on Bertoxx) are so decimated for numbers, they can't raid like they used to (they have to do lesser targets, if even that) and never have full raids. Or they have outside guild help that often makes up the difference in being able to get a decent target.

4) People who box (and there are a LOT of them) can easily throw off the actual "peak" and "off peak" times. They box so they don't have to find a group and rarely allow others in their box-group, unless they feel like they actually need the help. In off-peak times, they cannot be truly counted on as a potential grouper, leaving single-account players with far far less options.
In short, they should count as 1-player. In my guild we have several boxers (2-boxers to 6-boxers) and very often, it is their boxes that make even the lesser targets possible.

5) Many many people resort to playing lower level alts just so they have something to do that is doable and somewhat challenging/fun and/or has a point to it. People playng alts FURTHER reduces the options for those who like to play their Mains. So, including alts in the "population" is also misleading.

In short -- the measuring stick you are using is INSURING a declining population because people sign on, can't find anyone to play with outside of a raid (and those raids are limited in scope to lesser targets because of turn-out/classes/etc.) and in no time you have a lot of frustrated, disappointed, and disillusioned players who loose their drive or desire to play; and soon quit EQ; or rarely ever play; or play their mains.

Try this... hop on Bertox.

Send a tell to an Officer/Leader of each Guild in peak and off-peak times. Ask them seven (7) questions:

1) How many are on guild roster total. (This will show you how many toons they have).

2) How many are logged on right now. (This will show you how so few are playing).

3) How many of those are boxed? (This will tell you how many toons are just boxes, reducing the actual on-line numbers for the guild).

4) Of those boxes, how many actual players are behind them? (This will tell you how many actual players are behind those boxes).

5) Do the boxers generally group with anyone else or are they generally off on their own? (This will likely show you that they don't play with others, much, and to include them in "population" is decpetive, as they aren't a good measure of how many players are out there for others to play with.)

6)When you are raiding, is the raid up to your normal standards (re: viable turn out allowing you to take-on targets you should be, progression-wise)? (This should tell you that raids are generally not "full" raids and targets are often alternative targets because of population/classes/turn-out...).

7) In non-raid times, do you find full groups to play with, normally end up in partial groups or have a hard time finding a group at all? (This should tell you how hard it really is to find a good, full group (even within a guild) to take on desired content).

I bet those questions will provide surprising answers from the majority of guilds.

In fact, I am sure you all ready can tell how many toons are in a guild without asking and simply do a /w all "Goldenhearts" to see how many are actually playing.

On to other things...

The Devs, naturally, take advantage of the true Hi-End guilds in testing and developing content. However, this is the HI-END content, not the normal everyday content.

They may not feel they are playing favorites to the hi-end guilds, but they are. Deal with the lesser/average folks more. The average Guild is at least one to three expansions behind in progression, I am sure, even if they may "dabble" in current content.

To say we are "chewing" through the content and are left waiting for more, is just an example of Dev thinking being limited to the true Hi-End guilds, who can actually do that.

I would also be happy with an expansion that DOES NOT introduce a whole new continent or area. If it was to just add a few zones here and there (quite a few places where it appears there should have been a zone), expand/inprove certain content (upgrade LDoN), expand the bank, expand number of active tasks, expand unclaimed task rewards, give us 2 more Finger slots, add epics for each weapon skill, expand/upgrade epics with each expansion (DoDH added 2.5, but later expansions added noting) and so forth.

Each expansion since PoP has generally added progression-type or other special items that one can quest. However, as another expansion comes along, old content is made more and more undesireable and those hard-quested expansion-items become obsolete due to better items.

It is time to make old content new again and allow players to retain the benefit of such items. Add a NPC that will combine/merge the 100% completed Augs into a single and improved item. Combine and merge the 100% completed charms. 100% stats retained.

Don't give me the "overpowered" argument as it is illogical.

Every expansion adds items that, by the same considerations, would be "overpowered" with the expansion they came out with, or the one before it. Sometimes you guys then nerf these items, which the MAJORITY of players HATE (example, the very very bad idea of nerfing Last Bloods/Cultural Armor... the RIGHT answer is to nerf UP the Serpents, Faycites and Sunshard Augs).

But anyway, so what if my Wayfarer-Adventure-Cartograopher-BiC aug is 425 HP? Sublimes are near that level and this combined aug is WAY WAY harder to get, even involving raids and mini-raids to successfully obtain them (BiC, Wayfarer...).

So throw that "overpowered" argument in the trash can.

With such as this, players retain the benefit of their hard-earned rewards and old content becomes new again, because players will want to go back and complete such items like the Adventure Stone, the Intricate Wooden Totem, etc.(Proper completion, not by-pass flags, etc.).

Thank you for listening.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2008 8:33am by GOMN

Edited, Feb 2nd 2008 8:36am by GOMN

RE: Mergers
# Feb 05 2008 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
I couldn't agree more with your post. I'm from the the Tribunal (Ayonae Ro) and started when Freeport was a happening place and PC literally had people standing in line to get a spot. The POP was full of players and my weak computer would lag terrible because of it. My cleric would constantly get invites and upon the breakup of one group there was barely time to get buffed up before heading out with another group. After leaving the game due to being too busy in real life for a year I returned, caught up on all the expansions and experienced the surge of players from a recent release of the newest expansion. Looked normal enough to me like the way I had remembered it before. But the player count dropped off and it got harder and harder to find a group. I quickly found myself leveling a druid and a necro and playing solo. There is nothing more disappointing than spending time on a main and then not be able to play. I talked with several people that had the same issue as me and some of the resorted to buying several accounts and leveling classes that complimented each other (boxing). By the way I never had the time to join a hardcore raiding guild because my lack of spare time didn't permit me. So I've always had to rely on in game friends or luck to get in a good group. What I have seen of the game is expansion after expansion, the game gets bigger and bigger but the numbers of players dwindle and I feel like I might as well be playing Oblivion. Everquest was the first MMORPG I played, and since I have tried all of the ones that have decent ratings. But all seem to lack in either the 'content' department or the UI feels clunky. I love the game but I also love the crowds of players and if they aren't there I won't be either. Me and my wife both want to play again but when a cleric and chanter can't find enough people to make up a group somethings out of balance. We've been away now for six months, never really wanted to leave in the first place but why subscribe and not be able to play? Well, I've rambled long enough now but just wanted to speak my mind a little. With SOE still working on expansions I wouldn't think they want this game to die. I don't either but I'm not going to pay to support a game I love just for the sake of supporting it.
RE: Mergers
# Feb 11 2008 at 5:58 AM Rating: Default
Even though it might seem petty, it overjoys me to see that servers, after already merging servers once, are again becoming empty. You screwed up the game I loved and apparently thousands of others loved as well and now you are paying for it by having to run a game on a rarely bleeping lifeline just to keep up appearances.

Everytime I feel myself losing the hatred I just think about how I can never see the twinkling line of lights of freeport in the distance as I zone in from North Ro, or how I took my last screenshot looking out the window at the waterfall at the High Keep Pass bar, oh and let's not forget the first zone I ever appeared in as an erudite wizard in the year 2000 Tox forest is now part of your stupid little "re-envisioning" borg collective.

Suffice to say now that I'm bouncing around from game to game never getting the feeling back I got from playing the most insane game I ever played very few things bring a smile to my face in that reguard. But I'll settle for a feeling and smile brought on by the realization of a cold revenge, no matter how indirect it is...

# Feb 01 2008 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
Peak numbers? HAH! At least half of the tribunals population are boxed and or spam bots. If you ask me a merge is very welcome not to mention extremely needed. Heck having more people around may actually straighten out the servers horrble inflation as well.
# Feb 01 2008 at 3:26 PM Rating: Default
Daily bazaar crashes on CT server are the norm. WoW is looking more and more viable everyday.
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