November 27, 2007

New Guides: World of Warcraft Comic #1 Review

New Mobs: Guild Banker

Updated Items: A Ragged PageDesign: Shifting Shadowsong AmethystDark Whisper BladeStonecutting GlaiveAmethyst War StaffFlimsy Female Undead MaskFlimsy Male Undead MaskFlimsy Male Tauren MaskFlimsy Female Tauren MaskFlimsy Female Orc MaskFlimsy Male Troll MaskFlimsy Male Human MaskFlimsy Female Human MaskFlimsy Male Nightelf Mask ; Flimsy Female Nightelf MaskFlimsy Female Dwarf MaskFlimsy Male Dwarf MaskFlimsy Female Gnome MaskFlimsy Male Gnome MaskSchematic: Bloodvine GogglesWushoolay's PokerGri'lek's GrinderHazza'rah's Charm of MagicWushoolay's Charm of SpiritsGri'lek's Charm of ValorOverlord's EmbraceCrystal Spiked MaulJeklik's CrusherRingo's Blizzard BootsJin'do's Bag of WhammiesHakkari Loa CloakBloodcallerWindtalker's WristguardsApprentice's RobeLookout's TunicApprentice's PantsSoul HarvesterSoul Corrupter's NecklaceWarder's ShirtBetrayer's BootsAmulet of the DarkmoonArathi Basin Mark of HonorRenataki's Charm of TrickeryHuge Venom SacSunrise BracersRuby Crown of RestorationDesign: Wicked Moonstone RingMendicant's SlippersAlterac Valley Mark of HonorLightforged BladeHunting SpearGlacial SpikeMar'li's TouchJin'do's Evil EyeWindtalker's WristguardsLynxskin GlovesScraggy Leather BeltUnkempt BracersWyrm SashStaff of Rampant GrowthMandokir's StingZulian Stone AxeJin'do's HexxerTouch of ChaosFang of the FacelessGurubashi Dwarf DestroyerBoots of Pure ThoughtCloak of Draconic MightBloodlord's DefenderLookout's ShoesLookout's PantsScraggy Leather BracersScraggy Leather BootsUnkempt ShoesStriding PantsVigorous BracersGreen Chain BootsGreen Chain VestNeophyte's RobeSparkling DustWraith FragmentSunstrider ShieldSunstrider MaceSunstrider StaffSunstrider BowSunstrider DaggerSunstrider SwordHibernation CrystalTrance StoneHoodoo Hunting BowArlokk's Hoodoo StickHalberd of SmitingAncient Hakkari ManslayerWindtalker's WristguardsShoddy Chain VestScraggy Leather GlovesGreen Chain GauntletsArcane Forged MaceDeep Strike BowWarder's PantsShoddy Chain GlovesScraggy Leather VestUnkempt RobeUnkempt BeltNeophyte's MaceArcane Forged DirkEmerald DragonfangArcane Forged ShortswordPumpkin BagPanther Hide SackGordok Inner Door KeyAegis of the VindicatorHazza'rah's Charm of HealingBlue Murloc EggFang of VenoxisWill of ArlokkMana Gathering StaffOverlord's EmbraceBattered ShieldGlowing Black OrbDarkstone ClaymoreSpitfire GauntletsZulian HackerWildstaffWushoolay's Charm of NatureFlimsy Female Troll MaskWavefront NecklaceZin'rokh, Destroyer of WorldsGri'lek's Charm of MightWeather Beaten BucklerStiff ShortbowArcane Forged AxeSmashed PetalFrayed Tender VineSunstrider AxeErona's PackageFelendren's HeadLynx CollarUnstable Mana CrystalArcane SliverRenataki's Charm of BeastsBounty of the HarvestDragonbone WristguardsFaint Necrotic CrystalAbjurer's BootsAcid Inscribed GreavesGreen Dragonskin CloakTigule's HarpoonJin'do's JudgementDragonheart NecklaceDark Iron BootsCrystal Tipped StilettoThe Scepter of the Shifting SandsAzure KeyRenataki's Soul ConduitCrystal SlugthrowerNightmare BladeFlimsy Male Orc MaskDragonspur WrapsBelt of the Dark BogFiery RetributerMalignant FootguardsHammer of Bestial FuryRenegade BeltBanded GauntletsSuperior CloakBandit BracersFortified BeltSimple CapeRighteous BracersSimple GlovesHoly DustDeathmantle HandguardsBoots of Natural GraceRed Belt of BattlePendant of the PerilousThe Sun King's TalismanTuxedo ShirtBand of Al'arMindstorm WristbandsBelt of One-Hundred DeathsBelt of BlastingBanded ArmorSorcerer SlippersBrigade LeggingsBoots of Utter DarknessOrange Mageweave ShirtPink Mageweave ShirtBandit CloakLord's CrestRighteous CloakDuskwoven PantsBattle Tabard of the DefilersChieftain's CloakDeathmantle ShoulderpadsDeathmantle LegguardsTracker's CloakRoyal GlovesRenegade ChestguardBelt of the Black EagleBanded CloakBanded BracersBelt of the GuardianSeventh Ring of the TirisfalenRaider's BootsRaider's ChestpieceBandit CinchMagistrate's GreavesBattle Seeker ChestguardPhoenix-Wing CloakNetherbaneArcane TomeArathor Battle TabardDestroyer ShoulderguardsDestroyer GreathelmRazor-Scale BattlecloakWarboots of ObliterationAncestral Ring of ConquestFortified GauntletsCadet LeggingsWand of Biting ColdJazeraint PauldronsRenegade BracersBanded PauldronsRenegade CircletArcher's JerkinScaled CloakRaider's LegguardsDuskwoven AmiceSimple CordDuskwoven TurbanRoyal GownSimple ShoesCataclysm LegplatesCataclysm HelmCataclysm GauntletsCataclysm ShoulderplatesSerpent Spine LongbowWoestaveAbjurer's SashChieftain's BootsZandalarian Hero BadgeCloak of ConsumptionDuskwoven CapeRing of Endless CoilsWorld BreakerRenegade CloakFortified BracersBand of the Ranger-GeneralRaider's GauntletsVambraces of EndingSimple RobeCobra-Lash BootsLord Sanguinar's ClaimScreaming DaggerBox of GoodiesSmall QuiverSimple GrinderBronze SettingJeweler's KitSchematic: Gnomish Universal RemoteSuncrown HauberkUnkempt CloakFine LongbowNovice's PantsSettler's LeggingsCrude Battle AxeRecipe: Clam BarZandalarian Hero MedallionScraggy Leather PantsDaylight CloakSharp DaggerWarder's ShortbowNat Pagle's Fish TerminatorThe Eye of HakkarHorn RingLight FeatherIronwood SeedHornbeam SeedAshwood SeedSymbol of DivinityRune of Portals


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