November 11, 2007

Updated Items: Royal Cloak of the SunstridersAdmiral's HatFang of VashjTainted Helboar MeatBracers of Qiraji CommandThree of BeastsTwo of WarlordsMageweave BagArcane RuneGreat White KodoNecromantic BandLucky Fishing HatQR 9867 Hunter GlovesMarshal's Plate GauntletsCrystalforge ShoulderguardsCrystalforge HandguardsHunter's Insignia Medal ; Dazzling LongswordDarkhunter's CinchCloak of the Honor GuardMarshal's Plate BootsField Marshal's Plate ShoulderguardsMarshal's Plate LegguardsField Marshal's Plate ArmorGrand Marshal's LongswordBlack Mageweave BootsBlack Mageweave GlovesCrystalforge LegguardsSky-Hunter Swift BootsDeviate Scale BeltWolf Hunter's GuiseLeesa'oh's WristbandsForest Leather BracersSeal of WrynnTunic of WestfallTalbar MantleLeggings of the FangFeet of the LynxLeggings of the Plague HunterConqueror's SpauldersConqueror's CrownEthereum Prison KeyField Marshal's Plate HelmIllidari-Bane DaggerEthereum EssenceGladiator's QuickbladeShoulderpads of Renewed LifeCrystalforge BreastplateConqueror's GreavesConqueror's LegguardsConqueror's BreastplateGauntlets of AnnihilationHammer of the Twisting NetherShimmering SashStalking PantsBlue Linen VestScroll of AgilityScroll of StrengthGlimmering FlambergeHook of the Master AnglerWarpwood BindingGrovekeeper's DrapeCharstone DirkNemesis SkullcapDreadmist WrapsMagister's GlovesSpellbinder OrbRigid TunicRitual GlovesPagan VestFirebane CloakEdge of the CosmosBraincageVanquisher's SwordCrystalforge GreathelmJazeraint PauldronsFortified LeggingsOutland StridersGlowing Breastplate of TruthWildfury GreatstaffSunshower Light CloakDemon Stalker HarnessBeast Lord HelmCincture of WillLunar CrescentCrystal Band of ValorWillow BranchKeen Marshfang SlicerScouting BeltDefender TunicSeer's Padded ArmorForest Leather BeltThe PacifierCommander's CrestRiding CropMuck-ridden GaloshesDivine HammerHeavy Clefthoof BootsTelaar Courier's CloakTim's Trusty HelmetMana PotionStomping BootsBurnished BootsJourneyman's PantsPatterned Bronze BracersBlack Velvet RobesLast Year's "In" BeltLifegiving CloakRing of SaviorsHealing PotionButcher's CleaverLightbringer PauldronsLeggings of the Vanquished DefenderScroll of Intellect VRosewine CircleElixir of Ogre's StrengthGreater Eternal EssenceAzerothian DiamondGirdle of HopeApprentice's BootsArathi Basin Mark of HonorWindshear CapeHammer of Bestial FuryFlimsy Female Nightelf MaskFlimsy Male Orc MaskPumpkin BagBracelets of WrathLeggings of Arcane SupremacyApprentice's PantsHero's BrandSchematic: Moonsight RifleNeophyte's MaceCrystal Spire of KaraborSavior's GraspNeophyte's RobeWraps of Precise FlightMaster's CloakMantle of TirisfalGloves of the UnboundSuperior BeltIvycloth CloakFlayer-Hide LeggingsPratt's Handcrafted BootsLightfathom ScepterKrakken-Heart BreastplateFire Scarred BreastplateBand of the ExorcistGloves of PenitenceBattlescar BootsMantle of Nimble ThoughtBlessed Band of KaraborPhytoskin SpauldersGauntlets of the BoldBloodfyre Robes of AnnihilationSurvivalist's WandGilded Crimson ChestplateDecapitating SwordSun-Gilded ShouldercapsVerdant Keeper's AimFists of MukoaKentic AmiceBlisterbane WrapStormragerDefender LeggingsEmblazoned GlovesEnamored Water SpiritFaith Bearer's GauntletsOmnicast BootsAnetheron's NooseSatyr's LashGloves of QuickeningFire Hardened HauberkSergeant Major's Plate WristguardsScaled Leather BracersHelm of the Vanquished HeroGloves of the Vanquished HeroGilded Trousers of BenedictionPauldrons of the Vanquished HeroLeggings of the Vanquished HeroCombat CloakLightbringer LeggingsRageclaw BracersEarring of Soulful MeditationMantle of the AvatarRing of Calming WavesFortified ShieldBulwark of the Ancient KingsTemplar CrownInvincible StaveRing of the AristocratSpiked Chain BeltGhostwalker BootsUni-Mind HeaddressBoots of DarknessRaincaller PantsDark Shaman's CoverFel Iron MusketEmblazoned LeggingsWarglaive of AzzinothFeathered HeaddressSpellbinder VestMadman's BladeRound BucklerJungle NecklaceCryptbone StaffFreezing ShardLightwarden's GirdleRedridge MacheteScraggy Leather VestScraggy Leather PantsScraggy Leather BootsUnkempt GlovesUnkempt CloakVigorous BracersSunspire CordLynxskin GlovesDaylight CloakSharp DaggerLookout's TunicLookout's PantsSunstrider BowSunstrider DaggerSimple GrinderJeweler's KitSpringpaw PeltFormula: Lesser Wizard OilMinor Wizard OilUnstable Mana CrystalStaff of Rampant GrowthSunstrider Book SatchelZandalar Illusionist's MantleVigilance CharmBlizzard StationeryMaple SeedPrimal WrapsWarglaive of AzzinothCed's CarverFacet of EternityShalehusk BootsDarkstorm TunicOutfitter GlovesWine-stained CloakGreater Astral EssenceShattered Power CoreFur Lined Chain ShirtSoul DustLesser Astral EssenceStrange DustLesser Magic EssenceTwin-Bladed RipperImbued Plate VambracesThe Night BladeDefault StationeryTalon of AzsharaDarkmantle CapLynx MeatHunting RifleTest StationeryFizzule's WhistleValentine's Day StationerySoft Leather VestAntheol's Elemental GrimoirePlucked FeatherChipped ClawBroken FangSmall EggLeggings of Unending AssaultFormula: Enchant Boots - Minor AgilityFormula: Enchant Chest - Minor ManaCracked Egg ShellsCopper RodDiscolored FangNeophyte's RobeAcolyte's ShirtLight Silk RobePikeman ShieldTapered PantsWolfskin BracersCracked BillGuild TabardSmall Leather CollarCrude Throwing AxeMilitia Hammer


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