Darkmoon Faire Philadelphia
No, not the traveling fair that moves between Elwynn, Mulgore and Shattrath. The Darkmoon Faire being referred to is the tournament convention held for the World of Warcraft tradeable card game. Players from around the country (and beyond) gathered in the Philadelphia Convention Center to enjoy three days of card-playing madness.
Even though Friday's highlight tournament, the "Gadgetzan Challenge," (sealed deck) ended up spilling into Saturday and had to be worked around the main event, ultimately most players were far more interested in the Dream Machine contest, which saw Brian Durkin's Ona Skyshot deck emerge victorious over Eric Topham's Ozzatl. Even Azuarc got in on the action, winning the final event of the day in a private server leveling contest to take home a Spectral Tiger loot card.
The WoW TCG is manufactured by Upper Deck Entertainment, and sneak previews of the third expansion will be held around the world on November 17-18, making it a decent time to jump into the game anew or for the first time.
Even though Friday's highlight tournament, the "Gadgetzan Challenge," (sealed deck) ended up spilling into Saturday and had to be worked around the main event, ultimately most players were far more interested in the Dream Machine contest, which saw Brian Durkin's Ona Skyshot deck emerge victorious over Eric Topham's Ozzatl. Even Azuarc got in on the action, winning the final event of the day in a private server leveling contest to take home a Spectral Tiger loot card.
The WoW TCG is manufactured by Upper Deck Entertainment, and sneak previews of the third expansion will be held around the world on November 17-18, making it a decent time to jump into the game anew or for the first time.
Tags: News, WorldofWarcraft