October 19, 2007

New Items: Deprecated Light Winter BootsSturdy Male Tauren MaskCrystal Infused Bandage

New Quests: Free at Last!

Updated Items: Mithril Band of the UnscarredThe Twin Blades of AzzinothCharged Scale of OnyxiaMartin ThunderHammer of the NaaruEssence of Fire ; Neophyte's RobeVoid SphereHollow Wing BoneDreamwalker GirdleBear FlankLeggings of the Plague HunterLava CoreVerimonde's Last ResortWraps of Precise FlightBand of DevastationTalisman of the Sun KingEarring of Soulful MeditationEnchanted LeatherMurloc CostumeBlood of the MountainDark Iron BarCrypt Fiend PartsAxe of the Nexus-KingsGolden GryphonRuned Fel Iron RodKaylari ShouldersTalon of Al'arPerpetual Purple FireworkShroud of AbsolutionDecaying Leather BracersSupply BagShoulderpads of AbsolutionBear JawHood of AbsolutionHandguards of AbsolutionSwift Purple GryphonSwift Green GryphonSwift Blue GryphonDecaying Leather BootsLeggings of AbsolutionCosmic InfuserStaff of DisintegrationInfinity BladeGreen Qiraji Resonating CrystalBastion of LightAntonidas's Aegis of Rapt ConcentrationReins of the Silver War TalbukGloves of the DawnDreamwalker HandguardsDreamwalker BootsBow-stitched LeggingsBoots of Oceanic FuryClutch of AndrosBlood of InnocentsFaceplate of the ImpenetrableBand of ResolutionPrismatic SphereMail of Fevered PursuitSmooth Leather BootsCataclysm's EdgeSanctified Leather HelmNecklace of SanctuaryLeggings of the Forgotten VanquisherBoneshredder WristguardsMok'Nathal Mask of BattleVerdant SpherePyrestoneLeggings of the Forgotten ProtectorWyrmfury PauldronsPlans: Sulfuron HammerRed Rocket ClusterDreamwalker HeadpieceDreamwalker LegguardsDreamwalker TunicRound BucklerIllusionary RodEldr'naan BootOutlaw SabreAncestral RobeSleeping RobesLoose Chain CloakDarkmist BootsSavage Gladiator GripsDark Whisper BladeDragonstalker's SpauldersNetherwind RobesBreastplate of WrathLegplates of WrathElementium Reinforced BulwarkStaff of DominanceDragonstalker's GauntletsNetherwind BindingsBracers of Arcane AccuracyStormrage BracersStriker's MarkBracers of Ten StormsBindings of TranscendenceBloodfang GlovesBloodfang HoodChromatic CloakBracelets of WrathBelt of Ten StormsBlastershot LauncherGauntlets of WrathBoots of TranscendenceStormrage ChestguardPauldrons of MightStormrage CoverArcanist CrownArcanist RobesArathi Basin Mark of HonorMar'li's TouchRingo's Blizzard BootsEssence GathererCircle of Applied ForceStormrage HandguardsArcanist GlovesWaistband of WrathJudgement BreastplateJudgement SabatonsJudgement GauntletsGauntlets of Ten StormsHelmet of Ten StormsEpaulets of Ten StormsDragonstalker's BreastplateDragonstalker's HelmLegplates of Ten StormsMalistar's DefenderSabatons of WrathNemesis BootsNemesis GlovesWill of ArlokkBloodfang ChestpieceCore Hound ToothJudgement SpauldersRobes of TranscendenceBloodfang PantsStormrage BeltStormrage BootsHelm of WrathFang of the FacelessPants of ProphecyPolished Ironwood CrossbowStormrage LegguardsHalo of TranscendenceNetherwind MantleNetherwind PantsNetherwind CrownNetherwind BootsNetherwind BeltRing of Spell PowerNemesis SkullcapNemesis BeltBrutality BladeSulfuron HammerRed Dragonscale ProtectorStormrage PauldronsAlterac Valley Mark of HonorBattle Tabard of the DefilersZin'rokh, Destroyer of WorldsOverlord's EmbraceWindtalker's WristguardsWarsong Battle TabardOnslaught GirdleHide of the WildCore Marksman RifleBlizzard StationeryAzuresong MagebladeSymbol of DivinityJudgement CrownDragonstalker's LegguardsDragonstalker's BeltDragonstalker's BracersNetherwind GlovesArcanist BeltArcanist BootsRoyal DanguiBiznicks 247x128 AccurascopeFlimsy Female Gnome MaskDark Green Wedding HanbokGirdle of Fallen StarsFlimsy Male Undead MaskFlimsy Female Orc MaskBanshee FingerFlask of the TitansFlimsy Male Human MaskFlimsy Female Dwarf MaskBarbarous BladeFlimsy Female Undead MaskFlimsy Male Tauren MaskFlimsy Female Tauren MaskFlimsy Male Orc MaskFlimsy Male Troll MaskFlimsy Female Troll MaskFlimsy Female Human MaskFlimsy Male Nightelf MaskFlimsy Female Nightelf MaskFlimsy Male Dwarf MaskFlimsy Male Gnome MaskSkeleton KeyWarsong Gulch Mark of HonorBloodfang BootsTempest-Strider BootsJeklik's CrusherNetherbaneRed Havoc BootsFire-Cord of the MagusHeartrazorArcane RuneElegant DressStyleen's Impeding ScarabElemental FluxSabatons of the FlamewalkerBlackfathom WarbandsHakkari Loa CloakAncient Bone BowBlack Planar EdgeBloodseekerChoker of the Fire LordBreastplate of KingsJudgement BindingsBelt of TranscendenceHandguards of TranscendenceRipped Ogre LoinclothLynxskin GlovesLookout's ShoesFrightalonThe NeedlerLookout's PantsApprentice's BootsSharp DaggerWarder's ShortbowApprentice's PantsApprentice's RobeUnkempt ShoesUnkempt CloakCho'Rush's BladeAxe of the Gronn LordsDraconic MaulBloodfang BracersBloodfang BeltSolid Empyrean SapphireBelt of One-Hundred DeathsBonescraperEthereum Life-StaffClaw of the PhoenixBoots of Pure ThoughtNethercleft Leg ArmorRedeemed Soul CinchDoombringerIceblade HackerDragonfang BladeChromatic BootsElementium Threaded CloakArchimtiros' Ring of ReckoningScrolls of Blinding LightLifegiving GemMind Quickening GemNightfallPauldrons of WrathBreastplate of Ten StormsSash of MercyCobra-Lash BootsTrue-Aim Stalker BandsSkullforge ReaverWristguards of True FlightSash of Whispered SecretsBarovian Family SwordStar-Strider BootsMirah's SongOrb of the DarkmoonHammer of the Grand CrusaderArcanist BindingsTaut Dragonhide BeltYellow Rose FireworkGolden Skeleton KeySilver Skeleton KeySoul-Strider Boots


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