October 17, 2007
Updated Items: Medallion of Karabor ; Ebonsteel Spaulders ; Icy Scale Bracers ; Icy Scale Breastplate ; Gladiator's Quickblade ; Vindicator's Cloak ; Narain's Robe ; Netherweave Cloth ; Old Blunderbuss ; Rugged Trapper's Shirt ; Worn Axe ; Merciless Gladiator's Right Ripper ; Merciless Gladiator's Left Ripper ; Rugged Trapper's Pants ; Rugged Trapper's Boots
Updated Quests: Unfinished Business ; Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher ; Krastinov's Bag of Horrors ; All Along the Watchtowers ; A Plague Upon Thee ; Target: Writhing Haunt ; Savage Flora ; Set Them Ablaze! ; The True Masters ; Alas, Andorhal ; Defenders of Darrowshire ; Scouring the Desert ; Rise and Be Recognized ; Hurley Blackbreath ; Dragonkin Menace ; Broodling Essence ; FIFTY! YEP! ; Plagued Hatchlings ; The Archivist ; Barov Family Fortune ; Gor'tesh the Brute Lord ; Skeletal Fragments ; A Supernatural Device ; Houses of the Holy ; Unfinished Business ; Unfinished Business ; Wanted - Deathclasp, Terror of the Sands ; Stepping Up Security ; The Twilight Lexicon ; Noggle's Last Hope ; Bolstering Our Defenses ; Bonescythe Digs ; Cryptstalker Armor Doesn't Make Itself... ; Secret Communication ; They Call Me "The Rooster" ; The Spirits of Southwind ; Are We There, Yeti? ; Overmaster Pyron ; Ribbly Screwspigot ; Dark Iron Legacy ; Attunement to the Core ; Troubled Spirits of Kel'Theril ; The Twilight Mystery ; Deadly Desert Venom ; Luck Be With You ; The Stones That Bind Us ; The Heart of the Mountain ; Strange Sources ; Threat of the Winterfall ; Enraged Wildkin ; Sister Pamela ; Kharan's Tale ; Chillwind Horns ; Kharan Mighthammer ; Scholomance ; Felnok Steelspring ; The Last Barov ; Araj's Scarab ; The Key to Scholomance ; The True Masters ; The True Masters ; The True Masters ; The True Masters ; The True Masters ; The Blightcaller Cometh ; Enraged Wildkin ; Blackhand's Command ; Mother's Milk ; En-Ay-Es-Tee-Why ; Lethtendris's Web ; Marshal Windsor ; Binding the Dreadnaught ; The Elemental Equation ; A Plague Upon Thee ; A Plague Upon Thee ; Dearest Natalia ; Into The Maw of Madness ; Mission Accomplished! ; Order Must Be Restored ; The Eastern Plagues ; Return to Chillwind Camp ; Target: Gahrron's Withering ; Return to Chillwind Camp ; The Bearer of Bad News ; The Great Fras Siabi ; The Flesh Does Not Lie ; Hameya's Plea ; Kibler's Exotic Pets ; Extinguish the Firegut ; Zaeldarr the Outcast ; Doomrigger's Clasp ; Bijou's Belongings ; The Darkmoon Faire ; A Tale of Sorrow ; Put Her Down ; The Fate of the Kingdom ; Marauders of Darrowshire ; Establishing New Outposts ; The Mark of the Lightbringer ; A Crumpled Up Note ; Fire Plume Forged ; That's Asking A Lot ; The Final Tablets ; Magecraft ; Larion and Muigin ; The Scent of Lar'korwi ; Magic Dust ; Cenarion Aid ; Jammal'an the Prophet ; Summoning Shadra ; The Darkstone Tablet ; A Bijou for Zanza ; Delivery to Archmage Xylem ; Jes'rimon's Payment to Jediga ; Xylem's Payment to Jediga ; Magatha's Payment to Jediga ; A Reliquary of Purity ; Bone-Bladed Weapons ; Delivery to Jes'rimon ; Delivery to Andron Gant ; Delivery to Magatha ; A Donation of Mageweave ; Araj's Scarab ; Shy-Rotam ; Abyssal Contacts ; Vyral the Vile ; Urok Doomhowl ; The Rise of the Machines ; Lost Thunderbrew Recipe ; Wild Guardians ; Alien Ecology ; Roll the Bones ; Shizzle's Flyer ; Beware of Pterrordax ; Expedition Salvation ; Lost! ; The Mighty U'cha ; The Bait for Lar'korwi ; Chasing A-Me 01 ; The Darkmoon Faire ; Un-Life's Little Annoyances ; The Love Potion ; Noggle's Lost Satchel ; Saving Sharpbeak ; Petty Squabbles ; Dukes of the Council ; The Perfect Poison ; Seal of Ascension ; Heroes of Darrowshire ; Winterfall Ritual Totem
Updated Mobs: Verifonix ; Illidan Stormrage
Updated Quests: Unfinished Business ; Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher ; Krastinov's Bag of Horrors ; All Along the Watchtowers ; A Plague Upon Thee ; Target: Writhing Haunt ; Savage Flora ; Set Them Ablaze! ; The True Masters ; Alas, Andorhal ; Defenders of Darrowshire ; Scouring the Desert ; Rise and Be Recognized ; Hurley Blackbreath ; Dragonkin Menace ; Broodling Essence ; FIFTY! YEP! ; Plagued Hatchlings ; The Archivist ; Barov Family Fortune ; Gor'tesh the Brute Lord ; Skeletal Fragments ; A Supernatural Device ; Houses of the Holy ; Unfinished Business ; Unfinished Business ; Wanted - Deathclasp, Terror of the Sands ; Stepping Up Security ; The Twilight Lexicon ; Noggle's Last Hope ; Bolstering Our Defenses ; Bonescythe Digs ; Cryptstalker Armor Doesn't Make Itself... ; Secret Communication ; They Call Me "The Rooster" ; The Spirits of Southwind ; Are We There, Yeti? ; Overmaster Pyron ; Ribbly Screwspigot ; Dark Iron Legacy ; Attunement to the Core ; Troubled Spirits of Kel'Theril ; The Twilight Mystery ; Deadly Desert Venom ; Luck Be With You ; The Stones That Bind Us ; The Heart of the Mountain ; Strange Sources ; Threat of the Winterfall ; Enraged Wildkin ; Sister Pamela ; Kharan's Tale ; Chillwind Horns ; Kharan Mighthammer ; Scholomance ; Felnok Steelspring ; The Last Barov ; Araj's Scarab ; The Key to Scholomance ; The True Masters ; The True Masters ; The True Masters ; The True Masters ; The True Masters ; The Blightcaller Cometh ; Enraged Wildkin ; Blackhand's Command ; Mother's Milk ; En-Ay-Es-Tee-Why ; Lethtendris's Web ; Marshal Windsor ; Binding the Dreadnaught ; The Elemental Equation ; A Plague Upon Thee ; A Plague Upon Thee ; Dearest Natalia ; Into The Maw of Madness ; Mission Accomplished! ; Order Must Be Restored ; The Eastern Plagues ; Return to Chillwind Camp ; Target: Gahrron's Withering ; Return to Chillwind Camp ; The Bearer of Bad News ; The Great Fras Siabi ; The Flesh Does Not Lie ; Hameya's Plea ; Kibler's Exotic Pets ; Extinguish the Firegut ; Zaeldarr the Outcast ; Doomrigger's Clasp ; Bijou's Belongings ; The Darkmoon Faire ; A Tale of Sorrow ; Put Her Down ; The Fate of the Kingdom ; Marauders of Darrowshire ; Establishing New Outposts ; The Mark of the Lightbringer ; A Crumpled Up Note ; Fire Plume Forged ; That's Asking A Lot ; The Final Tablets ; Magecraft ; Larion and Muigin ; The Scent of Lar'korwi ; Magic Dust ; Cenarion Aid ; Jammal'an the Prophet ; Summoning Shadra ; The Darkstone Tablet ; A Bijou for Zanza ; Delivery to Archmage Xylem ; Jes'rimon's Payment to Jediga ; Xylem's Payment to Jediga ; Magatha's Payment to Jediga ; A Reliquary of Purity ; Bone-Bladed Weapons ; Delivery to Jes'rimon ; Delivery to Andron Gant ; Delivery to Magatha ; A Donation of Mageweave ; Araj's Scarab ; Shy-Rotam ; Abyssal Contacts ; Vyral the Vile ; Urok Doomhowl ; The Rise of the Machines ; Lost Thunderbrew Recipe ; Wild Guardians ; Alien Ecology ; Roll the Bones ; Shizzle's Flyer ; Beware of Pterrordax ; Expedition Salvation ; Lost! ; The Mighty U'cha ; The Bait for Lar'korwi ; Chasing A-Me 01 ; The Darkmoon Faire ; Un-Life's Little Annoyances ; The Love Potion ; Noggle's Lost Satchel ; Saving Sharpbeak ; Petty Squabbles ; Dukes of the Council ; The Perfect Poison ; Seal of Ascension ; Heroes of Darrowshire ; Winterfall Ritual Totem
Updated Mobs: Verifonix ; Illidan Stormrage
Tags: Updates, WorldofWarcraft