October 7, 2007

New Items: Ancient Draenei Manuscript, Chapter 3Felfire Diemetradon EyeThick Stain Resistant GlovesFarahlon Lasher CuttingTalbuk Horn SampleDeathskitter's FangTuurem ArtifactEnraged Earthen SoulzzOLDMighty Blood GarnetEnraged Fiery SoulGrimbooze's Secret RecipeSparkling Falling StarMystic Bladestone ;   Drillmaster Zurok's OrdersDelicate Fire RubyBrilliant BladestoneGreat BladestoneRigid BladestoneBrian's Bryanite of Extended Cost CopyingFossil Oil

Updated Items: Earth SaptaRitual Salve ;  Head of NefarianSilver RodBroken Balanced Throwing DaggerBroken Weighted Throwing AxeTiger Hide BootsSimple ShoesEngineer's CloakPrimal WrapsBrawnhide ArmorBuckled BootsFeral CloakRobust ShouldersDokebi BracersSpiked ClubSpellbinder BracersTin BarSpringpaw Hide LeggingsRuned Copper PantsRuned Copper GauntletsBurnt Leather BracersShort Bastard SwordCopper Chain BeltLoose Chain BootsLaminated Recurve BowHornwood Recurve BowBattered Leather PantsMedium QuiverRectangular ShieldPriest's MaceWorn Mail BracersWorn Mail BootsLeggings of the FangResilience of the ScourgeDesign: Khorium Band of ShadowsObserver's ShieldDreadguard's ProtectorChromatic Mantle of the DawnFrost Mantle of the DawnFortitude of the ScourgeMight of the ScourgeShackle KeyPower of the ScourgeDesign: Khorium Band of LeavesHailstone BandBarrier ShieldDalson Cabinet KeyArcanum of FocusArcanum of RapidityNekrogg's KeyLord Blackwood's BucklerGordok Inner Door KeyGordok Courtyard KeyRing of RedemptionRing of the EarthshattererShadow Mantle of the DawnArcane Mantle of the DawnAstral GuardArgent DefenderLesser Arcanum of VoracityLesser Arcanum of VoracityLesser Arcanum of VoracityLesser Arcanum of VoracityJoseph's KeyLesser Arcanum of RuminationShackle KeyElunarian SphereFel Iron OreSteel BarMithril OreSilk ClothAdamantite ScopeWushoolay's Charm of SpiritsLesser Arcanum of VoracityLesser Arcanum of TenacityEternal RodWristguards of CastigationWarden's ArrowShield of CondemnationShaffar's Stasis Chamber KeyTrapper's ShirtShadow GuardIce GuardHelm of the Forgotten VanquisherKey to Salem's ChestGreater Scarab Coffer KeyScarab Coffer KeyScepter of Interminable FocusHazza'rah's Charm of MagicCozzle's KeyCloak of FlamesVirtuous RobeVirtuous MantleFang of VashjBelt of HeroismCataclysm HeadguardVirtuous BeltSorcerer's BindingsDark CloakTouch of ChaosIntricately Runed ShieldNordrassil Life-KiltNordrassil HeadguardCataclysm ShoulderplatesCataclysm GauntletsCataclysm LegguardsWings of the AvatarLeggings of the AvatarBreeches of the AvatarCowl of the AvatarGloves of the AvatarVestments of the AvatarRift Stalker MantleRift Stalker HelmRift Stalker GauntletsCrystalforge GlovesCrystalforge ChestpieceDestroyer GreathelmDestroyer HandguardsSoul-Strider BootsOrca-Hide BootsWorld BreakerLibram of Absolute TruthGrove-Bands of RemulosBoots of Natural GraceBelt of the Long RoadWildfury GreatstaffWand of Biting ColdNordrassil Wrath-MantleCataclysm LegplatesCataclysm GlovesHood of the AvatarHuge Venom SacEssence GathererRift Stalker LeggingsRed Dragonscale ProtectorPanther Hide SackJusticar ChestpieceRobes of the IncarnateBenedictionCrystalheart Pulse-StaffGilded Thorium CloakNethercleft Leg ArmorEarthen Netherscale BootsRejuvenating GemMaster Dragonslayer's RingDarkmoon Card: Twisting NetherGnomeregan Auto-Blocker 600Ring of Unyielding ForceLight-Touched Stole of AltruismWrathtide LongbowBand of EternityViolet SignetSearing SunbladeGirdle of the Tidal CallBoots of the ProtectorShattered Halls KeyAzure-Shield of ColdarraTree-Mender's BeltBracers of the HuntSash of Arcane VisionsEaglecrest WarbootsRoasted QuailAntlers of MalorneGloves of MalorneJusticar ShoulderplatesJusticar CrownJusticar GauntletsJusticar ShoulderguardsJusticar LegguardsJusticar FaceguardCyclone War-KiltCyclone HelmCyclone ChestguardCyclone KiltCyclone HauberkWarbringer ChestguardTalisman of Ephemeral PowerChoker of the Fire LordWristguards of True FlightSash of Whispered SecretsWoestaveClefthide Leg ArmorMind Quickening GemThe Immovable ObjectHeavy Armor KitFlint and TinderSimple WoodTotem of RageFool's BaneBig Bad Wolf's PawDespairOnyxia Tooth PendantBlazeguardIdol of Feral ShadowsBoots of AvoidanceHigh Warlord's Shield WallCoalCourier's WrapsHand of EternityAdamantite PowderStonescale EelGizlock's Hypertech BucklerTeroconeKaz'rogal's Hardened HeartRigid DawnstoneLibram of FervorTotem of SustainingKing's Square Postbox KeySmall Flame SacWraps of PurificationVirtuous GlovesCloak of Healing RaysManaweave CloakGreen Holiday ShirtWild QuillvineVirtuous BracersNightseyeGaea's EmbraceDemonic FigurineBlessed Adamantite BracersReservoir KeySapphiron's Left EyeTouch of InspirationDirgeSoul HarvesterMarbled BucklerSeedcloud BucklerAccurate SlugsYellow Power CrystalCrescent StaffCommander's CrestStylish Green ShirtHeavy Cord BracersWhite Linen RobeFaol's Signet of CleansingBand of the VigilantMote of WaterEverlasting Underspore FrondBlackflight ArrowLibram of ZealShadow Council OrbInventor's League RingStranglethorn SeedAegis of StormwindBlackskull ShieldAshwood SeedRune of TeleportationLightweight BootsVeiled GripsDirt-trodden BootsIronwood SeedHornbeam SeedAshtongue Talisman of InsightLibram of the Eternal RestCloak of the NecropolisIron BarOnyxia Hide BackpackSha'tari Anchorite's CloakNight's EndTotem of the ThunderheadBattered Leather Boots


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