October 6, 2007

Updated Items: Jom GabbarBelt of Divine GuidanceSpire of TwilightHarbinger of DoomSwift Brown SteedMark of the ChampionArachnidian BranchRecruit's PantsSpineshatterWarmth of ForgivenessGreen Wedding HanbokLord Blackwood's Buckler ;  Sapphiron's Left EyeTabard of StormwindDigested Hand of PowerEternal RodElunarian SphereMalignant FootguardsBelt of the Dark BogFlarecore WrapsRed Skeletal WarhorseFlimsy Male Undead MaskFlimsy Male Tauren MaskFlimsy Female Tauren MaskFlimsy Male Orc MaskFlimsy Female Orc MaskFlimsy Male Troll MaskFlimsy Female Troll MaskFlimsy Male Human MaskFlimsy Female Human MaskFlimsy Male Nightelf MaskFlimsy Female Nightelf MaskFlimsy Female Dwarf MaskFlimsy Male Dwarf MaskTeal KodoFlimsy Female Gnome MaskFlimsy Male Gnome MaskBarrier ShieldRing of the EarthshattererFrostfire RingFlimsy Female Undead MaskIcy Blue Mechanostrider Mod AWhite Mechanostrider Mod AWhistle of the Turquoise RaptorAstral GuardWhistle of the Mottled Red RaptorArgent DefenderTrapper's ShirtNarain's TurbanWinterhoof Cleansing TotemWork ShirtRoyal Qiraji BeltHammer of Righteous MightRed Defias MaskWristguards of Elemental FuryDrudge BootsOverlord's EmbraceTabard of the Scarlet CrusadePalomino BridleWhite Stallion BridlePauldrons of the Forgotten ConquerorLeggings of the Forgotten ProtectorLeggings of the Forgotten ConquerorChestguard of the Forgotten ProtectorChestguard of the Forgotten VanquisherChestguard of the Forgotten ConquerorHorn of the Red WolfWristguards of CastigationNarain's RobeHorn of the Arctic WolfBlack TuxedoBlack War Steed BridleThe Unbreakable WillOrca-Hide BootsPattern: Spellfire BagPattern: Spellfire BeltFiery CloakLurker's GraspMag'har TabardEmblazoned BucklerPillar of FerocityFiltered Draenic WaterThug BootsRavager's BandsHeavy Leaden Collection PhialBoots of the VanguardPattern: Spellfire GlovesGirdle of Lordaeron's FallenAshtongue Talisman of InsightTrident of the Outcast TribeIronbite ShellThe Maelstrom's FuryHeavy Bronze LockboxFire-Cord of the MagusPurified Draenic WaterGirdle of the InvulnerablePenelope's RoseMerciless Gladiator's Linked ArmorMagma Tempered BootsNight's EndShadesteel BracersShadesteel SabotsShadesteel GirdlePattern: SpellclothPattern: Spellfire RobeStillwater BootsDiamond HammerBattleforge GirdleWarden's ArrowWindshear BootsSuperior BootsForest Leather ChestpieceCadet BootsScout's ArrowSilver-thread SashForester's AxeDrakewing BandsLambent Scale GlovesDragonheart FlameshieldShadow Council OrbVeteran's Wyrmhide BootsCommander's CrestGladiator's Chain ArmorNightfall WristguardsEverlasting Underspore FrondFortified SpauldersDisciple's SteinSpellbinder OrbWarrior's CloakCloak of EntropyBoots of the Crimson HawkBattleforge ArmorBelt of the GuardianSpellbreaker's BucklerWild SteelbloomMerciless Gladiator's Scaled ChestpieceAshtongue Talisman of VisionBright CloakMerciless Gladiator's Lamellar ShouldersBuccaneer's VestFire WandBattleforge LegguardsDreamseeker DandelionBoots of the ProtectorDefender TunicMerciless Gladiator's Ornamented GlovesNetherfury CapeNotched ShortswordVeteran's Ornamented BeltGlimmering Mail BracersRidge CleaverBright MantleDecapitating SwordLaughing Skull OrbOgri'la TabardBelt of Gale ForceTriptych Shield of the AncientsEmbroidered Cape of MysteriesReins of the White Riding TalbukReins of the Cobalt Riding TalbukReins of the White War TalbukReins of the Tan Riding TalbukReins of the Silver Riding TalbukReins of the Silver War TalbukReins of the Cobalt War TalbukReins of the Tan War TalbukMooncleaverLambent Scale BreastplateStylish Green ShirtKaraborian TalismanWindcaller's OrbBurnt Leather VestFeathered ArrowAdamantite ShellsTower ShieldPattern: Hillman's BeltFormula: Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser SpiritMooncloth BagPattern: Gray Woolen RobeGlimmering CloakThe Seal of DanzalarShort Bastard SwordLovely Red DressThrallmar TabardWindtalker's WristguardsGlider's GreavesGladiator's Left RipperGladiator's Right RipperMekeda's GiftBands of the BenevolentBelt of DepravityEaglecrest WarbootsRanger HatBelt of BlastingSpore-Soaked VaneerHeart of AgamagganBattleforge ShieldBands of the Celestial ArcherSturdy QuarterstaffAmber HoopLambent Scale PauldronsBlack Felsteel BracersThe Fel BarrierArchmage OrbMagician's MantleMalefic GirdleRhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient KeepersShield of Impenetrable DarknessBoots of Oceanic FuryDriving GlovesSpectreclesBloodmoonHonor Hold TabardDraenei Crystal RodFormula: Enchant Bracer - Minor SpiritSlavehandler RodBleeding EyeRanger BowLower City TabardWhite Traditional HanbokThermaplugg's Central CoreThug ShirtNetherwing Sorceror's CharmSash of Arcane VisionsBoots of the PiousGladiator's Wyrmhide HelmCrystalweave CapePattern: Red Linen RobeTerror Pit GirdlePattern: Heavy Woolen CloakGrand Marshal's BarricadeTempest-Strider BootsEarthen Netherscale BootsFestive Black Pant SuitLurker's BeltGorehowlOssirian's BindingJewel of Infinite PossibilitiesWhite Tuxedo ShirtCrest of SupremacyGladiator's Wyrmhide TunicShard-bound BracersBattering HammerWave-Song GirdlePetrified Lichen GuardPauldrons of the Fallen ChampionLeggings of the Vanquished ChampionBandit JerkinLeggings of the Fallen ChampionScroll of Spirit IIForest Leather BeltHelm of the Fallen ChampionGloves of the Fallen ChampionChestguard of the Fallen ChampionPauldrons of the Vanquished ChampionOlaf's All Purpose ShieldHelm of the Vanquished ChampionGloves of the Vanquished ChampionChestguard of the Vanquished ChampionSimple DressFathomstoneBright Yellow ShirtHeartrazorSage's BootsBattleforge ShoulderguardsShimmering RobeHortus' Seal of BrillianceSkyfire Hawk-BowBloodsail BootsMerciless Gladiator's Ornamented SpauldersDeathwing Brood CloakCenarion Expedition TabardCrimson Girdle of the IndomitableSuperior TunicSuperior BeltGlider's BootsSpellfire BeltBracers of the White StagBelt of the TrackerBolt of Linen ClothWarrior'


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