October 1, 2007
Updated Items: Frostfire Ring ; Zulian Hacker ; The High Chief's Key ; Plans: Barbaric Iron Breastplate ; Skullstone Hammer ; Silixiz's Tower Key ; Tome of Tranquilizing Shot ; Tigule's Harpoon ; Defias Tower Key ; Console Key ; Great Gray Kodo ; Jaedenfire Gloves of Annihilation ; Buccaneer's Cord ; Reins of the Purple Netherwing Drake ; Dreadguard's Protector ; Lightbringer Legguards ; Lightbringer Shoulderbraces ; Blacklight Bracer ; Lightbringer War-Helm ; Lightbringer Gauntlets ; Lightbringer Greaves ; Lightbringer Chestguard ; Treant's Bane ; Energetic Rod ; Frost Ram ; Waveslicer ; Bloodvine Goggles ; Corehound Belt ; Longjaw Mud Snapper ; Phoenix-fire Band ; Mystic Crystal ; Taelan's Hammer ; Letter Sealed by Sylvanas ; Dalson Cabinet Key ; Dalson Outhouse Key ; Bloodvine Lens ; Thaumaturgy Vessel Lockbox ; Deathmist Mask ; Cho'Rush's Blade ; Knight-Captain's Mail Legguards ; Knight-Captain's Mail Hauberk ; Knight-Lieutenant's Mail Greaves ; Buzzard Beak ; Reins of the Violet Netherwing Drake ; Warleader's Shield ; Gordok Inner Door Key ; Gordok Courtyard Key ; Ribbly's Bandolier ; Vessel of Dragon's Blood ; Black Ram ; Plans: Ornate Mithril Shoulder ; Plans: Ornate Mithril Gloves ; Plans: Ornate Mithril Pants ; Recruit's Pants ; Thin Cloth Bracers ; Thin Cloth Armor ; Bent Staff ; Milli's Shield ; Elixir of Minor Defense ; Stormfury Totem ; Gauntlets of Ogre Strength ; Ashes of Al'ar ; Recruit's Robe ; Imperial Leather Pants ; Medallion of the Horde ; Warbringer Breastplate ; Fumper ; Wushoolay's Charm of Spirits ; Exorcist's Scaled Helm ; Molten Earth Kilt ; Insignia Cloak ; Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Shadow Resistance ; Plans: Barbaric Iron Helm ; Decaying Leather Gloves ; Key to Salem's Chest ; Resonating Skull ; Archaic Defender ; Horn of the Arctic Wolf ; Horn of the Red Wolf ; Flimsy Female Human Mask ; Mag'hari Ritualist's Horns ; Quel'Thalas Registry ; Draenei Fishing Net ; Lasher Sample ; Red Snapper ; Tree Disguise Kit ; Hollowed Out Tree ; Stillpine Furbolg Language Primer ; Withered Lasher Root ; Broken Vine ; Nautical Compass ; Pile of Leaves ; Ancient Relic ; Skittering Crawler Meat ; Nautical Map ; Corrupted Flower ; Azure Snapdragon Bulb ; Root Trapper Vine ; Neutralizing Agent ; Heavy Throwing Dagger ; Weighted Throwing Axe ; Sharp Throwing Axe ; Aquadynamic Fish Attractor ; Raw Slitherskin Mackerel ; Small Barnacled Clam ; Battle Tested Blade ; Knitted Bracers ; Knitted Belt ; Patchwork Bracers ; Beatstick ; Scroll of Protection ; Bolt of Woolen Cloth ; Rust-covered Blunderbuss ; Loose Chain Vest ; Loose Chain Belt ; Sharpened Letter Opener ; Rough Leather Belt ; Rough Leather Bracers ; Patchwork Gloves ; Worn Leather Belt ; Rough Leather Pants ; Rough Leather Gloves ; Knitted Gloves ; Rough Leather Vest ; Rough Leather Boots ; Knitted Tunic ; Knitted Pants ; Knitted Sandals ; Frayed Pants ; Shiny Seashell ; Small Shield ; Mercenary Sword ; Cracked Ravager Claw ; Cracked Ravager Carapace ; Mercenary Greatsword ; Sand Pear ; Ravager Cage Key ; Exodar Crossbow ; Exodar Shortsword ; Exodar Dagger ; Exodar Bastard Sword ; Empty Draenei Supply Pouch ; Torn Moth Wing ; Broken Antenna ; Moongraze Buck Hide ; Enriched Lasher Root ; Fine Aged Cheddar ; Broken Antler ; Bundle of Vials ; Broken Ravager Carapace ; Mercenary Stiletto ; Bent Antenna ; Weathered Cloth Armor ; Vial of Moth Blood ; Old Elekk Prod ; Elekk Handler's Blade ; Inoculating Crystal ; Exodar Staff ; Pattern: Netherweave Robe ; 2 Stone Sledgehammer ; Wooden Stock ; Salvaged Leather Belt ; Moongraze Hide Boots ; Rune Thread ; Flint and Tinder ; Salt ; Tough Hunk of Bread ; Heavy Stock ; Brown Leather Satchel ; Heavy Brown Bag ; Small Brown Pouch ; Simple Wood ; Default Stationery ; Purple Dye ; Yellow Dye ; Gray Dye ; Light Throwing Knife ; Crystal Vial ; Essence of Agony ; Silken Thread ; Blizzard Stationery ; Dust of Deterioration ; Recruit's Shirt ; Keen Throwing Knife ; Balanced Throwing Dagger ; Morning Glory Dew ; Coal ; Soothing Spices ; Lethargy Root ; Heavy Silken Thread ; Imbued Vial ; Frayed Belt ; Strong Flux ; Leaded Vial ; Empty Vial ; Frayed Bracers ; Test Stationery ; Chipped Bear Tooth ; Solid Shot ; Razor Arrow ; Essence of Pain ; Maiden's Anguish ; Dust of Decay ; Mining Pick ; Weak Flux ; Bright Baubles ; Bleach ; Hot Spices ; Mild Spices ; Flimsy Chain Vest ; Flimsy Chain Pants ; Flimsy Chain Gloves ; Flimsy Chain Cloak ; Flimsy Chain Bracers ; Flimsy Chain Boots ; Flimsy Chain Belt ; Valentine's Day Stationery ; Red Dye ; Steamed Mandu ; Wild Ricecake ; Fine Thread ; Coarse Thread ; Heavy Shot ; Stemleaf Bracers ; Sharp Arrow ; Rough Arrow ; Laminated Recurve Bow ; Hornwood Recurve Bow ; Worn Shortbow ; Large Club ; Shortsword ; Cracked Leather Pants ; Small Egg ; Black Dye ; Tarnished Chain Gloves ; Tarnished Chain Bracers ; Tarnished Chain Leggings ; Tarnished Chain Belt ; Tarnished Chain Vest ; Worn Dagger ; Cracked Leather Gloves ; Cracked Leather Bracers ; Cracked Leather Boots ; Heavy Crossbow ; Club ; Cracked Leather Belt ; Skinning Knife ; Large Round Shield ; Cracked Leather Vest ; Hearthstone ; Nightcrawlers ; Darnassian Bleu ; Heaven Peach ; Versicolor Treat ; Bean Soup ; Medium Quiver ; Sweet Nectar ; Light Crossbow ; Copper Rod ; Guild Tabard ; Moonberry Juice ; Blue Dye ; Fishing Pole ; Deathweed ; Blacksmith Hammer ; Auction Stationery ; Blackened Leather Belt ; Frayed Robe ; Frayed Gloves ; Frayed Cloak ; Ragged Cloak ; Ragged Leather Bracers ; Ragged Leather Belt ; Ragged Leather Gloves ; Ragged Leather Boots ; Ragged Leather Pants ; Ragged Leather Vest ; Small Quiver ; Archery Training Gloves ; Tigerseye ; Malachite ; Lumberjack Axe ; Radish Kimchi ; Cabbage Kimchi ; Flash Powder ; Elekk Rider's Mail ;
Tags: Updates, WorldofWarcraft