September 26, 2007
New Items: Shadowprowler's Chestguard ; Formula: Enchant Cloak - Subtlety ; Merciless Gladiator's Redoubt ;
New Mobs: Kraxx ; Krixx
Updated Items: Unstable Talasite ; Unstable Sapphire ; Unstable Topaz ; Perfume Bottle ; Sprite Darter Egg ; Boots of Displacement ; Brown Rabbit Crate ; Pattern: Bracers of Nimble Thought ; Gamemaster Hood ; Love Token ; Broken Balanced Throwing Dagger ; Cloak of Flames ; Belt of the Dark Bog ; Mechanical Chicken ; Captured Flame ; Cologne Bottle ; Nether Ray Cage ; Elekk Training Collar ; Turtle Box ; Zeppit's Crystal ; Helm of the Forgotten Conqueror ; Helm of the Forgotten Vanquisher ; Tranquil Mechanical Yeti ; Brown Snake ; Black Kingsnake ; Egbert's Egg ; Cockroach ; Stormrage's Talisman of Seething ; Ancona Chicken ; Cat Carrier (Orange Tabby) ; Cat Carrier (Cornish Rex) ; Cat Carrier (Bombay) ; Broken Crude Throwing Axe ; Broken Heavy Throwing Dagger ; Prairie Dog Whistle ; Bonecaster's Shroud ; ; Direwing Legguards ; Warden's Arrow ; Steam Pump Part ; Detention Strap ; Schematic: Cogspinner Goggles ; Engineering Gloves ; Segmented Breastplate ; Nether Vortex ; Pattern: Black Silk Pack ; Sporeling Claw ; Rainbow Girdle ; Charm of the Shifting Sands ; Shadowmoon Cleaver ; Ramstein's Lightning Bolts ; Bonelink Epaulets ; Mistyreed Gloves ; Purpleheart Wand ; Elven Chain Boots ; Green Leather Bracers ; Stellaris ; Earthslag Shoulders ; Earthwarden ; Green Iron Boots ; Elunarian Cloak ; Astralaan Pants ; Hydra-fang Necklace ; Blood Knight Gauntlets ; Shadowcraft Boots ; Shadowcraft Cap ; Devout Gloves ; Black Water Hammer ; Fel Iron Chain Tunic ; Warbringer Shoulderguards ; Three of Elementals ; Four of Beasts ; Bayeaux Shield ; Figurine - Talasite Owl ; Crow Wing Reaper ; Schematic: Adamantite Scope ; Chief Brigadier Leggings ; Blazeguard ; Adamantite Plate Gloves ; Adamantite Dagger ; Chain of Glowing Tendrils ; Grim Slippers ; Impenetrable Cloak ; Stonerender Gauntlets ; Telescopic Sharprifle ; Incanter's Cowl ; Boulderfist Armor ; Tender Crocolisk Meat ; Bogslayer Sabatons ; Moonstruck Bands ; Robe of Hateful Echoes ; Totem of Rage ; Sunspring Carp ; Abacus of Violent Odds ; Raptor's End ; Ta'Kierthan Songblade ; Arcanium Signet Bands ; Imperial Red Mantle ; Totem of the Thunderhead ; Helm of the Mountain ; Irondrake Faceguard ; Warmaul Greaves ; Girdle of the Gale Storm ; Codex: Prayer of Fortitude II ; Verek's Leash ; Nightfall Gloves ; Sunstrider Sword ; Regal Star ; Feltooth Eviscerator ; Pattern: Living Leggings ; Gearforge Girdle ; Timewarden's Leggings ; Boots of Courage Unending ; X-52 Pilot's Leggings ; Imperial Cloak ; Dementia Hood ; Totem of the Maelstrom ; Formula: Enchant Weapon - Minor Beastslayer ; Bloodfist Girdle ; Boulderfist Legplates ; Bloodscale Bracers ; Darkcrest Gauntlets ; Pillager's Leggings ; Der'izu Chestpiece ; Telaari Longblade ; Talonguard Helmet ; Der'izu Bracer ; Recipe: Elixir of Ogre's Strength ; Guardian Talisman ; Vestments of the Atal'ai Prophet ; Bonechewer Spikegloves ; Trickster's Bindings ; Wrathtide Longbow ; Pathfinder Pants ; Eldr'naan Pants ; Laughing Skull Tunic ; Scorpion Sting ; Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet ; Crusader's Pauldrons ; Vanadium Loop ; Eye of Adaegus ; Shortsword of Vengeance ; Living Leggings ; Destiny ; Nethershade Boots ; Consortium Cloak of the Quick ; Lord's Breastplate ; Cloak of Healing Rays ; Lykul Bloodbands ; Pattern: Fine Leather Boots ; Princely Reign Leggings ; Crimson Silk Belt ; Rod of the Sleepwalker ; Royal Tribunal Cloak ; Eldr'naan Gloves ; Hearty Cenarion Cincture ; Warbringer Chestguard ; Glorious War-Axe ; Reaver's Sickle ; Assassins' Short Blade ; Deflecting Tower ; Ancient Bone Bow ; Hurricane ; Hakkari Shroud ; Ambusher's Cloak ; Darkmist Boots ; Duskwoven Gloves ; Saltstone Sabatons ; Surger's Hand Wraps ; Valorous Chestguard ; Cindercloth Robe ; Masterwork Cape ; Cenarion Thicket Legplates ; Preserver's Cudgel ; Lord's Cape ; Harold's Rejuvenating Broach ; Runetotem's Mantle ; Ranger-General's Chestguard ; Tiny Crimson Whelpling ; Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample ; Conjured Croissant ; Drakefist Hammer ; Bloodband Bracers ; Ashyen's Gift ; Bloody Fang ; Undercity Reservist's Cap ; Valanos' Longbow ; Talonguard Greaves ; Clefthoof Ribs ; Insignia of the Horde ; Percussion Shotgun ; Scarab of Displacement ; Outlander's Gloves ; Shadowcast Tunic ; Warp Engineer's Prismatic Chain ; Grimlok's Tribal Vestments ; Sang'thraze the Deflector ; Orange Martial Shirt ; Greenleaf Handwraps ; Delicate Green Poncho ; Terokkar Tablet of Vim ; Crystal Breeze Mantle ; Boots of the Shifting Nightmare ; Lightbringer Gauntlets ; Azerothian Longbow ; Wraps of Purification ; Belt of One-Hundred Deaths ; Seven of Portals ; Seared Mail Girdle ; Everwarm Handwraps ; Zorbin's Water Resistant Hat ; Bracers of Ten Storms ; Shadowcraft Gloves ; Shadowcraft Spaulders ; Pattern: Devilsaur Leggings ; Ironhide Pauldrons ; Peerless Cloak ; Devilsaur Leather ; Rageclaw Chestguard ; Trickster's Handwraps ; Solstice Staff ; Furious Falchion ; Devilsaur Leggings ; Exalted Armsplints ; High Chief's Legguards ; Jade Deflector ; Symbolic Legplates ; Bloodlust Epaulets ; Keeper's Woolies ; Bonecaster's Belt ; Vital Tunic ; Windrunner Legguards ; Battlecaller Gauntlets ; Eaglehorn Long Bow ; Arctic Ring ; Obsidian Band ; Treetop Leggings ; Brigade Pauldrons ; Rock Golem Bulwark ; Emberplate Armguards ; Grim Boots ; Wrath Infused Gauntlets ; Councillor's Cloak ; Warmonger's Pauldrons ; Warmonger's Buckler ; Ivycloth Robe ; Agamaggan's Quill ; Duro Footgear ; Heavy Earthforged Breastplate ; Shoulderpads of the Stranger ; Ring of Lethality ; Fathomstone ; Arcane Staff ; Mail Combat Spaulders ; Abyssal Cloth Pants ; Crimson Snake ; Red Moth Egg ; Aurora Robe ; Smooth Fur ; Idol of the Crescent Goddess ; Miniwing ; Wraith Scythe ; Demon Howl Wristguards ; Brighthelm of Justice ; Staff of the Ruins ; Hammer of the Vesper ; Band of Vile Aggression ; Ornate Legguards ; Thorium Lockbox ; Vashj's Vial Remnant ; Rat Cage ; Piglet's Collar ; Pendant of Thawing ; Pale Moon Cloak ; Talisman of Tenacity ; Eldr'naan Shoulderpads ; Brackclaw ; Lucid Dream Bracers ; The Saga of Terokk ; Band of Elemental Spirits ;
New Mobs: Kraxx ; Krixx
Updated Items: Unstable Talasite ; Unstable Sapphire ; Unstable Topaz ; Perfume Bottle ; Sprite Darter Egg ; Boots of Displacement ; Brown Rabbit Crate ; Pattern: Bracers of Nimble Thought ; Gamemaster Hood ; Love Token ; Broken Balanced Throwing Dagger ; Cloak of Flames ; Belt of the Dark Bog ; Mechanical Chicken ; Captured Flame ; Cologne Bottle ; Nether Ray Cage ; Elekk Training Collar ; Turtle Box ; Zeppit's Crystal ; Helm of the Forgotten Conqueror ; Helm of the Forgotten Vanquisher ; Tranquil Mechanical Yeti ; Brown Snake ; Black Kingsnake ; Egbert's Egg ; Cockroach ; Stormrage's Talisman of Seething ; Ancona Chicken ; Cat Carrier (Orange Tabby) ; Cat Carrier (Cornish Rex) ; Cat Carrier (Bombay) ; Broken Crude Throwing Axe ; Broken Heavy Throwing Dagger ; Prairie Dog Whistle ; Bonecaster's Shroud ; ; Direwing Legguards ; Warden's Arrow ; Steam Pump Part ; Detention Strap ; Schematic: Cogspinner Goggles ; Engineering Gloves ; Segmented Breastplate ; Nether Vortex ; Pattern: Black Silk Pack ; Sporeling Claw ; Rainbow Girdle ; Charm of the Shifting Sands ; Shadowmoon Cleaver ; Ramstein's Lightning Bolts ; Bonelink Epaulets ; Mistyreed Gloves ; Purpleheart Wand ; Elven Chain Boots ; Green Leather Bracers ; Stellaris ; Earthslag Shoulders ; Earthwarden ; Green Iron Boots ; Elunarian Cloak ; Astralaan Pants ; Hydra-fang Necklace ; Blood Knight Gauntlets ; Shadowcraft Boots ; Shadowcraft Cap ; Devout Gloves ; Black Water Hammer ; Fel Iron Chain Tunic ; Warbringer Shoulderguards ; Three of Elementals ; Four of Beasts ; Bayeaux Shield ; Figurine - Talasite Owl ; Crow Wing Reaper ; Schematic: Adamantite Scope ; Chief Brigadier Leggings ; Blazeguard ; Adamantite Plate Gloves ; Adamantite Dagger ; Chain of Glowing Tendrils ; Grim Slippers ; Impenetrable Cloak ; Stonerender Gauntlets ; Telescopic Sharprifle ; Incanter's Cowl ; Boulderfist Armor ; Tender Crocolisk Meat ; Bogslayer Sabatons ; Moonstruck Bands ; Robe of Hateful Echoes ; Totem of Rage ; Sunspring Carp ; Abacus of Violent Odds ; Raptor's End ; Ta'Kierthan Songblade ; Arcanium Signet Bands ; Imperial Red Mantle ; Totem of the Thunderhead ; Helm of the Mountain ; Irondrake Faceguard ; Warmaul Greaves ; Girdle of the Gale Storm ; Codex: Prayer of Fortitude II ; Verek's Leash ; Nightfall Gloves ; Sunstrider Sword ; Regal Star ; Feltooth Eviscerator ; Pattern: Living Leggings ; Gearforge Girdle ; Timewarden's Leggings ; Boots of Courage Unending ; X-52 Pilot's Leggings ; Imperial Cloak ; Dementia Hood ; Totem of the Maelstrom ; Formula: Enchant Weapon - Minor Beastslayer ; Bloodfist Girdle ; Boulderfist Legplates ; Bloodscale Bracers ; Darkcrest Gauntlets ; Pillager's Leggings ; Der'izu Chestpiece ; Telaari Longblade ; Talonguard Helmet ; Der'izu Bracer ; Recipe: Elixir of Ogre's Strength ; Guardian Talisman ; Vestments of the Atal'ai Prophet ; Bonechewer Spikegloves ; Trickster's Bindings ; Wrathtide Longbow ; Pathfinder Pants ; Eldr'naan Pants ; Laughing Skull Tunic ; Scorpion Sting ; Spyglass of the Hidden Fleet ; Crusader's Pauldrons ; Vanadium Loop ; Eye of Adaegus ; Shortsword of Vengeance ; Living Leggings ; Destiny ; Nethershade Boots ; Consortium Cloak of the Quick ; Lord's Breastplate ; Cloak of Healing Rays ; Lykul Bloodbands ; Pattern: Fine Leather Boots ; Princely Reign Leggings ; Crimson Silk Belt ; Rod of the Sleepwalker ; Royal Tribunal Cloak ; Eldr'naan Gloves ; Hearty Cenarion Cincture ; Warbringer Chestguard ; Glorious War-Axe ; Reaver's Sickle ; Assassins' Short Blade ; Deflecting Tower ; Ancient Bone Bow ; Hurricane ; Hakkari Shroud ; Ambusher's Cloak ; Darkmist Boots ; Duskwoven Gloves ; Saltstone Sabatons ; Surger's Hand Wraps ; Valorous Chestguard ; Cindercloth Robe ; Masterwork Cape ; Cenarion Thicket Legplates ; Preserver's Cudgel ; Lord's Cape ; Harold's Rejuvenating Broach ; Runetotem's Mantle ; Ranger-General's Chestguard ; Tiny Crimson Whelpling ; Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample ; Conjured Croissant ; Drakefist Hammer ; Bloodband Bracers ; Ashyen's Gift ; Bloody Fang ; Undercity Reservist's Cap ; Valanos' Longbow ; Talonguard Greaves ; Clefthoof Ribs ; Insignia of the Horde ; Percussion Shotgun ; Scarab of Displacement ; Outlander's Gloves ; Shadowcast Tunic ; Warp Engineer's Prismatic Chain ; Grimlok's Tribal Vestments ; Sang'thraze the Deflector ; Orange Martial Shirt ; Greenleaf Handwraps ; Delicate Green Poncho ; Terokkar Tablet of Vim ; Crystal Breeze Mantle ; Boots of the Shifting Nightmare ; Lightbringer Gauntlets ; Azerothian Longbow ; Wraps of Purification ; Belt of One-Hundred Deaths ; Seven of Portals ; Seared Mail Girdle ; Everwarm Handwraps ; Zorbin's Water Resistant Hat ; Bracers of Ten Storms ; Shadowcraft Gloves ; Shadowcraft Spaulders ; Pattern: Devilsaur Leggings ; Ironhide Pauldrons ; Peerless Cloak ; Devilsaur Leather ; Rageclaw Chestguard ; Trickster's Handwraps ; Solstice Staff ; Furious Falchion ; Devilsaur Leggings ; Exalted Armsplints ; High Chief's Legguards ; Jade Deflector ; Symbolic Legplates ; Bloodlust Epaulets ; Keeper's Woolies ; Bonecaster's Belt ; Vital Tunic ; Windrunner Legguards ; Battlecaller Gauntlets ; Eaglehorn Long Bow ; Arctic Ring ; Obsidian Band ; Treetop Leggings ; Brigade Pauldrons ; Rock Golem Bulwark ; Emberplate Armguards ; Grim Boots ; Wrath Infused Gauntlets ; Councillor's Cloak ; Warmonger's Pauldrons ; Warmonger's Buckler ; Ivycloth Robe ; Agamaggan's Quill ; Duro Footgear ; Heavy Earthforged Breastplate ; Shoulderpads of the Stranger ; Ring of Lethality ; Fathomstone ; Arcane Staff ; Mail Combat Spaulders ; Abyssal Cloth Pants ; Crimson Snake ; Red Moth Egg ; Aurora Robe ; Smooth Fur ; Idol of the Crescent Goddess ; Miniwing ; Wraith Scythe ; Demon Howl Wristguards ; Brighthelm of Justice ; Staff of the Ruins ; Hammer of the Vesper ; Band of Vile Aggression ; Ornate Legguards ; Thorium Lockbox ; Vashj's Vial Remnant ; Rat Cage ; Piglet's Collar ; Pendant of Thawing ; Pale Moon Cloak ; Talisman of Tenacity ; Eldr'naan Shoulderpads ; Brackclaw ; Lucid Dream Bracers ; The Saga of Terokk ; Band of Elemental Spirits ;
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