September 21, 2007

Updated Items: Formula: Enchant Cloak - DodgeThe Eye of DivinityFormula: Enchant Gloves - Healing PowerRing of the UnlivingTreat BagBloodvine GogglesHead of Nefarian ; Head of NefarianWarglaive of Azzinoth (Right)The Twin Blades of AzzinothRed Sack of GemsCharged Scale of OnyxiaFlarecore LeggingsAcolyte's DaggerCitrine Pendant of Golden HealingJade Pendant of BlastingCitrine Ring of Rapid HealingThe Jade EyeBlazing Citrine RingGolden Dragon RingPendant of the Agate ShieldBarbaric Iron CollarSolid Bronze RingBraided Copper RingAcolyte's RobeMoonsoul CrownHeavy Golden Necklace of BattleAmulet of the MoonRing of Twilight ShadowsRing of Silver MightHeavy Silver RingGloom BandInlaid Malachite RingSimple Pearl RingElegant Silver RingAlterac Valley Mark of HonorDark RuneJin'do's Bag of WhammiesZin'rokh, Destroyer of WorldsBloodvineMaster Dragonslayer's RingPure Elementium BandBoots of the Shadow FlameCloak of the Brood LordPrestor's Talisman of ConniveryMaster Dragonslayer's OrbBand of SulfurasOnslaught GirdleGrand Marshal's Hand CannonGrand Marshal's DirkGrand Marshal's RepeaterGrand Marshal's BullseyeGrand Marshal's SundererPerdition's BladeChoker of the Fire LordSpecter's BladeArena VambracesGhoul Skin LeggingsHeavy Leather BallAnathemaEz-Thro Dynamite IIGoblin Jumper Cables XLElemental FluxDoomhide GauntletsLarval AcidShifting CloakHide of the WildMaster Sergeant's InsigniaSergeant's CapeSergeant's CapeOnyxia Tooth PendantCore Marksman RifleImbued VialShadowskin GlovesField Repair Bot 74ASergeant Major's Plate WristguardsCrown of the Ogre KingBrightly Glowing StoneMaster Sergeant's InsigniaHeavy Iron KnucklesWicked Moonstone RingGrand Marshal's Left Hand BladeSergeant Major's Silk CuffsSergeant Major's Chain ArmguardsElixir of Greater Water BreathingGrand Marshal's GlaiveGrand Marshal's Battle HammerGrand Marshal's AegisMooncloth RobeSergeant Major's Leather ArmsplintsGrand Marshal's ClaymoreGrand Marshal's StaveGrand Marshal's PunisherGrand Marshal's Right Hand BladeGrand Marshal's HandaxeAlliance Battle StandardSergeant Major's Dragonhide ArmsplintsSergeant Major's Chain ArmguardsMaster Sergeant's InsigniaGreen Dragonscale GauntletsBlack Whelp TunicPuissant CapeJin'do's HexxerBlood Tiger ShouldersDimensional Ripper - EverlookCrown of DestructionDimly Opalescent RingHyper-Radiant Flame ReflectorGyrofreeze Ice ReflectorBracers of ProsperityChromatic CloakBelt of the ArchmageRoyal Seal of AlexisRuby Crown of RestorationBronze SettingSpitfire BracersBloodvine LeggingsMight of the TimbermawBloodvine BootsBloodvine VestFelcloth GlovesSimple GrinderDelicate Copper WireJeweler's KitGauntlets of the Shining LightDreamscale BreastplateTherazane's LinkArchimtiros' Ring of ReckoningWisdom of the TimbermawNecromantic BandTempestria's Frozen NecklaceThe Eye of ShadowUltra-Flash Shadow ReflectorTruesilver TransformerGrimy Metal BootsMongoose BootsSergeant Major's Silk CuffsSergeant Major's Plate WristguardsTempest TalismanDrape of BenedictionRuned Stygian BootsMithril FiligreeTrance StoneRuned Stygian LeggingsSpitfire GauntletsSpitfire BreastplateBlue Dragonscale LeggingsMageblood PotionPrimal Batskin GlovesHarpy Hide QuiverIce Threaded ArrowSayge's Fortune #14Snake Burst FireworkDense DynamiteBlack LodestonePowerful Seaforium ChargeLeggings of DestructionSergeant Major's Leather ArmsplintsCore FragmentInferno GlovesCondensed Mana FragmentBiznicks 247x128 AccurascopeCrescent KeyForce Reactive DiskRuned Stygian BeltLasher RootThorium Headed ArrowMantle of the TimbermawWizard OilArgent BootsDawn TreadersSwift Yellow MechanostriderSwift White MechanostriderSwift Green MechanostriderCracked Egg ShellsMajor Troll's Blood PotionGnomish Alarm-O-BotJasper IdolSandstalker GauntletsScum Covered BagSandstalker BracersSealed Azure BagUnmelting Ice GirdlePrimal Batskin BracersMooncloth GlovesCore Armor KitNightmare BladeBloodvine LensHigh Test Eternium Fishing LineGurubashi Mojo MadnessBlood Tiger BreastplatePrimal Batskin JerkinMolten BeltCorehound BeltChromatic GauntletsFlarecore RobeEssence of the Pure FlameWorld EnlargerFlarecore WrapsOgre TanninEskhandar's PeltVenomous TotemSwift Flight BracersChromatic Mantle of the DawnPattern: Argent BootsPlans: Gloves of the DawnArgent ShouldersFormula: Enchant Bracer - HealingFormula: Enchant Bracer - Mana RegenerationFormula: Powerful Anti-VenomPattern: Dawn TreadersPattern: Argent ShouldersPattern: Golden Mantle of the DawnGolden Mantle of the DawnPlans: Girdle of the DawnAnimist's CaressDeteriorating Plate BeltTimbermaw BrawlersGirdle of InsightBelt of Tiny HeadsCoral Band of the RevivedOnyxia Hide BackpackSandstalker BreastplateHippogryph HatchlingSerrated PetalOozing BagMajor RecombobulatorGordok Ogre SuitMalicious AxeBattleforge GauntletsBlack BattlestriderGordok Shackle KeyFormula: Enchant Gloves - Superior AgilityBanana CharmFrost VialKey to the ArcatrazThorium OrePattern: Flameheart VestDemon Warding TotemEnchanter's SatchelMining SackImbued LeafStonewoodPlaguebloomFirewing SignetNetherbloomChunk o' BasiliskExplorer's Walking StickRagveilEternium RodAdamantite RodRestorative MaceGleaming Golden DraeniteFenclaw FistsGem PouchGloves of Delusional PowerDragon FingerPattern: Flamescale LeggingsHelmet of the Steadfast ChampionRecipe: Flask of Chromatic ResistanceIllidari ShoulderpadsPattern: Blastguard BeltPattern: Blastguard BootsPattern: Blastguard PantsPattern: Flamescale BeltPattern: Flamescale BootsPattern: Golden SpellthreadGlyph of Shadow WardingPattern: Silver SpellthreadDesign: Potent Flame SpessariteDesign: Gleaming Golden DraeniteCenarion Thicket JerkinPattern: Vindicator's Armor KitDesign: Felsteel BoarDesign: Pendant of Shadow's EndDesign: Pendant of ThawingFigurine - Felsteel BoarRecipe: Elixir of Major Shadow PowerPlans: Flamebane BreastplatePlans: Flamebane Gloves


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