September 17, 2007

Updated Items: Protector's BandZandalarian Hero CharmWarblade of the HakkariLegionnaire's BandDryad's Wrist BindingsForest Stalker's BracersLorekeeper's StaffOutrunner's Bow ; Protector's SwordLegionnaire's SwordSentinel's MedallionScout's MedallionCaretaker's CapeBattle Healer's CloakAdvisor's RingAdvisor's RingLegionnaire's BandLegionnaire's BandWarsong Battle TabardStyleen's Impeding ScarabRejuvenating GemNeltharion's TearCloak of the Brood LordCloak of ConsumptionSoul Corrupter's NecklaceBattle Healer's CloakLorekeeper's RingSilverwing Battle TabardAgamand Family DaggerLorekeeper's StaffDrake Fang TalismanLookout's ShoesElegant Silver RingLynxskin GlovesWyrm SashEngraved Truesilver RingScraggy Leather GlovesHeavy Golden Necklace of BattleSun Cured VestAmulet of the MoonSouthsea Head BucketSunrise BracersBraided Copper RingSunstrider DaggerCold Forged HammerSharp DaggerBarbaric Iron CollarRing of Twilight ShadowsBlazing Citrine RingLookout's PantsSun Cured BracersArcane Forged DirkWell Watcher GlovesGreen Chain VestDaylight CloakWarder's ShirtMana Gathering StaffArcane Forged MaceSunstrider BowMinor Wizard OilGolden Dragon RingSentinel's MedallionStriding PantsGreen Chain BootsSun Cured GlovesSun Cured BeltScraggy Leather BeltVigorous BracersScraggy Leather PantsUnkempt CloakUnkempt BeltCircle of Applied ForcePrestor's Talisman of ConniveryAshjre'thul, Crossbow of SmitingWarder's ShortbowUnadorned Chain VestApprentice's BootsApprentice's PantsApprentice's RobeFaintly Glowing EyeSmashed PetalFrayed Tender VineLynx ToothTattered PeltLynx CollarJin'do's Evil EyeUnadorned Chain BracersLarge ShieldLight GuardTorn Wyrm ScaleLorekeeper's StaffShoddy Chain BootsShoddy Chain PantsMaster Dragonslayer's MedallionScrolls of Blinding LightGreen Chain GauntletsBattered ShieldShoddy Chain BracersShoddy Chain BeltScraggy Leather VestScraggy Leather BootsUnkempt RobeShoddy Chain VestThe Eye of HakkarThe All-Seeing Eye of ZuldazarTalisman of ArathorOutrunner's BowGladiator's PummelerMindtear BandGreen Dragonskin CloakSentinel's BladeProtector's SwordLorekeeper's RingCaretaker's CapeTwilight Cultist RobeArathor Battle TabardWoestaveSageclawRenataki's Charm of TrickeryMar'li's EyeArlokk's GraspZulian Tigerhide CloakZanzil's BandHalberd of SmitingWarblade of the HakkariFang of the FacelessKezan's Unstoppable TaintHero's BrandProtector's SwordSentinel's BladeSentinel's BladeSentinel's BladeCaretaker's CapeCaretaker's CapeProtector's BandAmulet of the DarkmoonCloak of FiremawPendant of the Fallen DragonClaw of the Black DrakeClaw of ChromaggusDragonfang BladeEmerald Eye BracerOnslaught ChestguardAzure Watch RobesAcolyte's RobeLesser Arcanum of VoracityIridescent Fire OpalAugmented Chain LeggingsPolished Scale LeggingsLesser Arcanum of VoracityLesser Arcanum of VoracityLesser Arcanum of VoracityLesser Arcanum of VoracityPolished Scale BeltLoosely Threaded BeltMoldy Leather BracersSmooth Leather BeltCrested BucklerZandalarian Hero MedallionLaminated Scale BracersSix of PortalsArchimtiros' Ring of ReckoningShoddy Chain GlovesScraggy Leather BracersUnkempt PantsUnadorned Chain LeggingsUnadorned Chain GlovesUnadorned Chain BootsUnadorned Chain BeltWarder's BootsWarder's PantsArcane Forged ShortswordMandokir's StingMaelstrom's WrathZandalarian Shadow Mastery TalismanRage of MugambaSix of BeastsMetal BucklerBattle Worn HandguardsMoldy Leather ArmorLaminated Scale BootsHeavy PaviseKite ShieldAugmented Chain GlovesAugmented Chain BracersAugmented Chain BeltAugmented Chain VestPolished Scale VestWavefront NecklaceGurubashi HelmArlokk's Hoodoo StickFang of VenoxisThekal's GraspEssence GathererOrb of the DarkmoonFive of ElementalsAce of BeastsTwilight Cultist Ring of LordshipWindshear CapeHammer of Bestial FuryBloodlord's DefenderDragonbreath Hand CannonPlans: Golden Scale GauntletsDeflecting TowerVirtuous SandalsOnslaught GreathelmSmooth Leather BootsTrance StoneShadow Panther Hide BeltMindfangLegionnaire's SwordFlame DeflectorEye of SulfurasLeggings of the Forgotten ProtectorJagged ChrysopraseZulian SlicerJewel of KajaroCloak of Draconic MightLil' SmokyShadow CircuitStiff ShortbowArcane Forged AxePristine Enchanted South Seas KelpLollipopArchbishop's SlippersHigh Warlord's Battle MaceSplintered TuskPrimitive MantleWorn MaceShroud of Pure ThoughtMurmur's EssenceKalithresh's TridentUnused Axe of the ExecutionerEarthshatter BootsFrayed BracersFlimsy Chain GlovesBent Large ShieldBattered BucklerFrayed RobeRagged CloakRing of the EarthshattererEarthshatter WristguardsEarthshatter HandguardsEarthshatter SpauldersEarthshatter TunicEarthshatter GirdleHigh Warlord's SpellbladeDragonheart NecklaceRing of the DevouredRuined PeltBlood Elf CommunicationEarthshatter HeadpieceDecrypted LetterMuddy NoteWormscale BlockerGrunt's CardRing of the UnlivingOrcish Orphan WhistleWail of the BansheeEbonsteel SpauldersPet BomblingRing of RedemptionRhok'delar, Longbow of the Ancient Keepers DEPAdvisor's RingCauldron of Major Frost ProtectionBindings of the WindseekerEarthshatter LegguardsDesecrated WaistguardDesecrated LegplatesDesecrated LegguardsDesecrated LeggingsLarge Red Rocket ClusterLarge Green Rocket ClusterLarge Blue Rocket ClusterDesign: Stormy Empyrean SapphireMidnight ChestguardLeggings of EternityUnmarred Vision of VoodressStormrage Signet RingZhar'doom, Greatstaff of the DevourerMantle of the TempestTotem of Ancestral Guidance


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