September 14, 2007

Updated Items: Grimoire of Suffering (Rank 1)Twitching AntennaMalignant FootguardsBroken Small Throwing KnifeGladiator's Satin LeggingsGladiator's War EdgeBanana CharmGladiator's Satin RobeGladiator's Plate ChestpieceFeeble SwordElixir of Lion's Strength ;  Light QuiverElemental Attuned BladeHazza'rah's Charm of MagicAncient Bone BowGreater Astral EssenceGladiator's ShankerCowl of DefianceGladiator's ShivGladiator's Heavy CrossbowGladiator's Dragonhide SpauldersGladiator's Satin MantleGladiator's Satin HoodWorn AxeGladiator's Dragonhide HelmGladiator's BonegrinderBroken Deadly Throwing AxeScraggy Leather GlovesSquire's PantsThe Lion Horn of StormwindBand of the Ranger-GeneralCoral Band of the RevivedGladiator's Felweave HandguardsWarbringer GreavesWarbringer GauntletsWarbringer Battle-HelmBelt of the Dark BogDefiler's Mail GreavesDeathguard's CloakCloak of ConsumptionArchimtiros' Ring of ReckoningMindstorm WristbandsRing of Endless CoilsAncestral Ring of ConquestDeathmantle ChestguardNordrassil HandgripsNordrassil ChestplateFathomstoneCrystalforge GlovesFrayed Tether of the DrownedMallet of the TidesTotem of the MaelstromWildfury GreatstaffThe Nexus KeyWand of the Forgotten StarWarbringer ShoulderplatesPhoenix-Wing CloakTimelapse ShardWarbringer BreastplateHead of OnyxiaSilent FangCoarse Sharpening StoneNether VortexSoul Corrupter's NecklaceStormragerSkullforge ReaverBalanced Throwing DaggerReinforced Linen CapeGreater Healing PotionLesser Healing PotionMighty Rage PotionHazza'rah's Charm of DestructionKilt of ElementsWhite Mechanostrider Mod AReins of the Swift MistsaberReins of the Striped FrostsaberSilverwing Talisman of MeritPattern: Wizardweave RobeRat CageEgbert's EggCask of ScalderHoodoo HexBroken Balanced Throwing DaggerSmall ShieldLifelike Mechanical ToadRed Linen SashFine Leather GlovesPanda CollarSigil of StromExorcist's Dreadweave HoodBlue Murloc EggSmolderweb CarrierMagical Crawdad BoxHippogryph HatchlingZergling LeashMarauder's BracersNether Ray CageBlack KingsnakeStonecutting GlaiveSolstice StaffSoldier's LeggingsConqueror's GauntletsDreamer's BeltFrostweave PantsLunar CrescentTiny Crimson WhelplingPiglet's CollarOrb of the Soul-EaterCaptured FireflyParrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw)Stormrage CoverFormula: Enchant Gloves - Superior AgilityA Jubling's Tiny HomeEternal ChestguardWinna's Kitten CarrierLord's GauntletsBloodlust BroochRabbit Crate (Snowshoe)Netherwhelp's CollarLurky's EggWorg CarrierSprite Darter EggBloodsail Admiral's HatParrot Cage (Cockatiel)Diablo StoneMechanical ChickenDisgusting OozelingBlue Dragonhawk HatchlingGreat Horned OwlSleepy WillyTurtle BoxCat Carrier (Silver Tabby)Cat Carrier (Cornish Rex)Cat Carrier (White Kitten)Ancona ChickenHuman Orphan WhistleBlue Moth EggTree Frog BoxBrown SnakeWhite Moth EggTiny Emerald WhelplingCat Carrier (Black Tabby)Cat Carrier (Orange Tabby)Mechanical Squirrel BoxParrot Cage (Senegal)Red Dragonhawk HatchlingDark WhelplingYellow Moth EggCat Carrier (Bombay)Hawk OwlPrairie Dog WhistleSilver Dragonhawk HatchlingGolden Dragonhawk HatchlingZeppit's CrystalMiniwingChicken EggWood Frog BoxParrot Cage (Green Wing Macaw)Cat Carrier (Siamese)Captured FlameBrown Rabbit CrateMana WyrmlingCockroachCrimson SnakeRed Moth EggTranquil Mechanical Yeti

Updated Quests: ScholomanceProving GroundsCapture a MineBarov Family FortuneThe Corruption of the JadefireDeadwood of the NorthForces of JaedenarCollection of the Corrupt WaterVerifying the CorruptionThe Everlook ReportFurther CorruptionThe Sunken TemplePurified!Ancient SpiritThe Reason for the SeasonTreats for Greatfather WinterSuper StickySkeletal FragmentsFinding the SourceCarrion GrubbageA Donation of WoolThe Darkmoon FaireCleansed Water Returns to FelwoodThreat of the WinterfallSeeking Spiritual AidFelbound AncientsDousing the Flames of ProtectionCenarion AidLost!A Little Slime Goes a Long WayThe Sovereign ImperativeThe Good StuffDwarven JusticeCleansing FelwoodKharan MighthammerThe New SpringsGor'tesh the Brute LordThe True MastersThe True MastersThe True MastersThe Smoldering Ruins of ThaurissanSpeak to NafienSaving SharpbeakThe Stones That Bind UsStrange SourcesThe True MastersThe True MastersPetty SquabblesThe True MastersAlterac Valley GraveyardsThe Battle of AlteracTowers and BunkersA Tale of SorrowMarshal WindsorExtinguish the FiregutFIFTY! YEP!A Donation of WoolCryptstalker Armor Doesn't Make Itself...Establishing New OutpostsBonescythe DigsSalve via HuntingThey Call Me "The Rooster"Savage FloraA Little Slime Goes a Long WayThe Ruins of Kel'TherilTo Winterspring!A Final BlowAll Along the WatchtowersCorruption of Earth and SeedFlute of XavaricAlas, AndorhalEnraged WildkinTrouble in Winterspring!Speak to SalfaThe Azure KeyTarget: Felstone FieldDeadwood Ritual TotemBinding the DreadnaughtThe Elemental EquationJammal'an the ProphetArcane RunesThe Smoldering Ruins of ThaurissanDefenders of DarrowshireThe Sunken TempleEnraged WildkinDearest NataliaA Humble OfferingExpedition SalvationDark Iron LegacyBeware of PterrordaxSister PamelaWinterfall ActivityThe First and the LastHonor the DeadFlint ShadowmoreThe New FrontierFeathermoon StrongholdDark Iron LegacyOgre Head On A Stick = PartyAttunement to the CoreThe New FrontierDuke Nicholas ZverenhoffRagnar ThunderbrewOvermaster PyronRise and Be RecognizedDragonkin MenaceHaze of EvilRibbly ScrewspigotHurley BlackbreathThe Heart of the MountainFallen Sky LordsTaking Back SilithusRabine SaturnaAlien EcologyMuigin and LarionA Plague Upon TheeChasing A-Me 01Winterfall Ritual TotemThe Final PieceWords of the High ChiefHigh Chief WinterfallWinterfall RunnersToxic HorrorsMystery GooFalling to CorruptionWinterfall FirewaterThe Eastern PlaguesThe Mark of the LightbringerPamela's DollA Donation of MageweaveMagecraftShizzle's FlyerEnraged WildkinMessage in a BottleSalve via GatheringEnraged WildkinHonored Amongst the GuardA Strange Red KeyBijou's BelongingsCelebrating Good TimesSeed of LifeReturn to Chillwind CampTroubled Spirits of Kel'TherilSet Them Ablaze!The Mighty U'chaKrastinov's Bag of HorrorsA Donation of SilkRoll the BonesA Donation of SilkSeal of AscensionPassing the BurdenJob Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk VillageBetrayedBetrayedWanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her MinionsSeeping CorruptionThe Videre ElixirMagic DustUrok DoomhowlHameya's PleaThe Love PotionOf Forgotten MemoriesDeep Ocean, Vast SeaThe Flesh Does Not LieThe Great Fras SiabiMother's MilkThe Family and the Fishing PoleBlood of MorphazThe Last BarovFor The Horde!The Enchanted GladeHow Big a Threat?For Love EternalThe Cliffspring RiverCrown of the EarthWashed AshoreWashed AshoreThundris WindweaverHow Big a Threat?The Tower of AlthalaxxTools of the HighborneThe Red CrystalBashal'AranGrove of the AncientsTeldrassilCleansing of the InfectedCave MushroomsThe Stone CircleWild GuardiansIn Defense of FrostwolfThe Fall of Ameth'AranIt's a Secret to EverybodyUrsal the MaulerThe God HakkarCrown of the EarthLarion and MuiginTears of the MoonPlagued LandsBashal'AranBuzzbox 411Sathrah's SacrificeBuzzbox 323Bashal'AranUncle CarlinAuntie MarleneThe Rethban GauntletThe ShieldsmithScarlet DiversionsThe New FrontierInto the DepthsSecret of the CircleVolcanic ActivitySummoning ShadraReturn to Chillwind CampTarget: Gahrron's WitheringMission Accomplished!Salve via SkinningThe Essence of EranikusDragonscale LeatherworkingTarget: Writhing HauntA Donation of WoolReturn to Chillwind CampA Donation of WoolA Donation of SilkTrial at the Field of GiantsSpeak with Thun'grimA Donation of WoolWhen I Grow Up...

Updated Mobs: Dark Keeper VorfalkVanquished TentacleRotfangTheldrenSlaagGordunni SoulreaperLazy PeonTortured Protectorate VanguardThun'grim Firegaze


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