September 2, 2007

Updated Items: A Stack of LettersA Letter to Grelin WhitebeardNori's MugDurnan's Scalding MornbrewBalanced Throwing DaggerImperial Red ScepterEmitter Spare PartAzure Silk BeltJadeBarbecued Buzzard WingMoser's Magnificent Muffin ; Stygian Bone AmuletSacred CandleRobes of the Royal CrownAbyssal CrestBlack Mageweave VestGhostshard TalismanTazan's SatchelRaptor EggMagical Crawdad BoxMr. PinchyStandard Issue Flare GunMartin ThunderBeads of Ogre MightSack of SpoilsRobes of InsightInscribed BucklerOrders From AkamaTazan's KeyArakkoa Hunter's SuppliesAldor Leggings of PuissanceFormula: Enchant Weapon - UnholyBloodwoven RodIronhide CloakSparkleshell BreastplateSolstice StaffThaumaturgist StaffPotent BeltCutthroat's BootsSilksand WrapsStonecloth BindingsBonecaster's BootsArachnidian CapeGaea's CircletBloodwoven MaskBloodwoven CloakDarkmist BootsDarkmist ArmorSmolderweb's EyeBriarwood ReedBottled Nethergon VaporBouquet of Scarlet BegoniasBroad Bladed KnifePattern: Boots of the Crimson HawkHematite LinkJacinth CircleClayridge HelmTeroconeFel Strength ElixirChestguard of IlluminationMadman's BladeFathom-Helm of the DeepsWarmonger's BeltImbued Plate HelmetEmerald PauldronsEmerald SabatonsBrighthelm of JusticePhantasmal HeaddressNature-Stitched KiltNordrassil Wrath-MantleNordrassil Wrath-KiltNordrassil HeadpieceFiltered Draenic WaterGreater Inscription of the OrbEnforcer's ChainMote of LifeNexus-ClawCeremonial CoverGreater Inscription of the BladeJusticar BreastplateGreater Inscription of the OracleGreater Inscription of the KnightAlabaster Plate PauldronsSuper Healing PotionImperial Red CircletScroll of Strength VRaven-Heart HeaddressDervish GlovesForeman's SashFormula: Enchant Weapon - Minor BeastslayerBlackened Leather BeltOshu'gun Crystal Powder SampleSedai's RingTerokkar AxeDampscale Basilisk EyeArakkoa FeatherSalvaged Leather BeltDemonslayer's WristguardsPendant of WitheringElixir of Major FirepowerDazzling Deep PeridotSuper Mana PotionFadeleafPrimal ShadowDeep PeridotCanvas BracersMote of FireZweihanderFlambergeFenclaw WaistbandUrchin's PantsDark Runner BootsGlowing Leather BracersHellfire War SpearWrathfin LegguardsWrathfin HelmetDestructo-BladeModani War-ShieldShattered Hand SabatonsIronspine GlovesBonechewer SpikeglovesElementalist LeggingsDragonhawk ShoulderguardsDragonhawk HatAstralaan BootStaff of HorrorsSwashbuckler's LeggingsMystical BootsOrnate CloakWanderer's GlovesDwarven Cloth BritchesMystical LeggingsRecruit's BootsRecruit's PantsPraetorian's LegguardsGronnstalker's SpauldersRagged John's Neverending CupJaggal ClamRageclaw BracersCouncillor's RobesPurified Draenic WaterOshu'gun Crystal Powder SampleDense War StaffEroded Mail PantsHelm of Soothing CurrentsHardened Leather ShoulderpadsWildhammer Flare GunMilitia BucklerElegant GlovesMystical RobeHigh Councillor's MantleStonecutting GlaiveAmethyst War StaffBoots of the Endless MoorFiery RetributerGri'lek's GrinderOverlord's EmbraceCold Forged BladeWarglaive of Azzinoth (Right)StoneshatterBlack War KodoBlack BattlestriderBlack War Steed BridleTeal KodoGreen KodoFrost RamBlack RamIcy Blue Mechanostrider Mod AWhite Mechanostrider Mod AAshbringerRecipe: Fel Strength ElixirJannok's RoseCorroded MaceSoulseekerWristguards of CastigationRunesword of the RedIdol of HealthRing of the EarthshattererThe Jaw BreakerHammer of RevitalizationWristguards of Elemental FuryGlaive of the DefenderThick Leather ShoulderpadsJasper LinkBottled Nethergon EnergyGem of Trapped InnocentsLoatheb's ReflectionHailstone BandThe CastigatorTherazane's LinkWarbringer HandguardsVoidheart RobeWristguards of StabilityTeeth of GruulTraveler's BackpackEredar Wand of ObliterationThe DecapitatorThunderfury, Blessed Blade of the WindseekerMooncloth BagGiantstalker's BreastplateCincture of WillLegacyDreamwalker TunicWarbringer GreathelmHellreaverShadowrend LongbladeBrute Cloak of the Ogre-MagiIdol of the MoonKing's DefenderShining Chain of the AfterworldTirisfal Wand of AscendancyGilded Thorium CloakRoyal Cloak of Arathi KingsBoots of ForetellingWhirlwind BracersBracers of the White StagThunderBlack Felsteel BracersTotem of the VoidJourneyman's BackpackVeteran's Band of SalvationBlade of NecromancyWarbringer LegguardsMok'Nathal WildercloakWraps of PurificationDespairFireguardSethekk Oracle CloakAirman's Ribbon of GallantryArgent AvengerCryptfiend Silk CloakCloak of Woven EnergyMoonglade ShouldersSerpentskin LeggingsLesser Mana PotionEmpty VialArcanist BootsDrudge BootsCataclysm HandgripsCloak of ImpulsivenessEye of FlameAzuresong MagebladeCloak of the Shrouded MistsAquamarineLarge Bore BlunderbussManasurge PendantIdol of FerocityResplendent GuardianBlood Knight TabardCopper BarCenarion Herb BagGiantstalker's BracersArcanist GlovesArcanist MantleDarkmoon Card: VengeanceWildheart GlovesArcanite BarNightwalker ArmorTabard of StormwindTotem of the PlainsBlessed Book of NagrandBishop's CloakRing of Cryptic DreamsAdamantine Chain of the UnbrokenViolet SignetBreeches of the AvatarDeathmantle ShoulderpadsDeathmantle HandguardsTalon of AzsharaBoots of Effortless StrikingBearded AxeJulie's DaggerGirdle of the Righteous PathGnomeregan Auto-Blocker 600Strange DustCommander's CrestHi-Impact Mithril SlugsFarstrider Defender's CloakEssence of the MartyrArchery Training GlovesCorehound BootsCorpse HarvesterNetherweave Bag


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