August 30, 2007
Updated Items: Thug Boots ; Test Stationery ; Hearthstone ; Recruit's Shirt ; Valentine's Day Stationery ; Rough Arrow ; Thug Shirt ; Worn Dagger ; Small Red Pouch ; Flash Powder ; Crude Throwing Axe ; Refreshing Spring Water ; Thug Pants ; Auction Stationery ; Battleworn Claymore ; Driftwood Branch ; Recruit's Pants ; Recruit's Boots ; Battered Shield ; Mantle of Darkness ; Onslaught Battle-Helm ; Warder's Boots ; Warder's Pants ; Spiked Wooden Plank ; Seaspray Bracers ; Cow King's Hide ; Robes of Servitude ; Wildstaff ; Onslaught Gauntlets ; General's Satin Gloves ; Warlord's Satin Mantle ; Grizzly Gloves ; Bloodforged Legplates ; Lionheart Helm ; Emberplate Armguards ; Windrager's Coils ; Merciless Gladiator's Linked Gauntlets ; Sha'ni's Ring ; Swift Purple Hawkstrider ; Purple Hawkstrider ; Weather Beaten Buckler ; Defiler's Lamellar Greaves ; Small Green Dagger ; Onslaught Breastplate ; Onslaught Shoulderblades ; Dim Torch ; Royal Gown ; Jinxed Hoodoo Skin ; Zum'rah's Vexing Cane ; Charred Leather Tunic ; Oscillating Power Hammer ; Arena Bracers ; Stoneweaver Leggings ; Ghost Mushroom ; Nightscape Boots ; Vindicator's Cloak ; Wildvine ; Flask of Mojo ; Truesilver Champion ; Expedition Repeater ; Jerkin of the Untamed Spirit ; Explorers' League Commendation ; Aegis of the Scarlet Commander ; Gemshard Heart ; Dunewind Sash ; Falcon's Hook ; Champion's Gauntlets ; Gossamer Cape ; Changuk Smasher ; Silkstream Cuffs ; Bear Shawl ; Runecloth ; Blackened Leather Belt ; Broken Choker ; Blight Leather Gloves ; Archery Training Gloves ; Clefthoof Hide Mask ; Rod of Sorrow ; Vibrant Plume ; Pendant of Myzrael ; Silver-plated Shotgun ; Ironheel Boots ; Thick Leather ; Golden Sansam ; Goldthorn ; Stranglekelp ; Dreamfoil ; Decapitating Sword ; The Silencer ; Skibi's Pendant ; Scorpashi Wristbands ; Ring of Defense ; Ironheart Chain ; Enchanted Leather ; Hunting Pants ; Loose Chain Gloves ; Natasha's Choker ; Old Blunderbuss ; White Spider Meat ; Gut Ripper ; Anvilmar Knife ; Slitherscale Boots ; Anvilmar Hammer ; Cold Iron Pick ; Worn Cloak ; Dragonclaw Ring ; Shadow Silk ; Atal'ai Leggings ; Onslaught Greaves ; Lumberjack Axe ; Raider's Shoulderpads ; Overlord's Legplates ; Mighty Cloak ; Ornate Cloak ; Wanderer's Shoulders ; Rugged Trapper's Pants ; Worn Axe ; Monk's Staff ; Mishandled Recurve Bow ; Bloodpike ; Brutish Boots ; Gnoll War Harness ; Arena Wristguards ; Thistlewood Dagger ; Ceremonial Leather Harness ; Pattern: Heavy Woolen Cloak ; Heavy Woolen Cloak ; Hunting Rifle ; Mithril Coif ; Training Sword ; Thorium Belt ; Champion's Bracers ; Captain's Shoulderguards ; Giant Egg ; Canopy Leggings ; Wanderer's Hat ; Darkmantle Bracers ; Bookmaker's Scepter ; Pioneer Gloves ; Daring Dirk ; Mystic's Shoulder Pads ; Inscribed Leather Spaulders ; Earthforged Leggings ; Cross-stitched Bracers ; Rock Maul ; Evergrove Ranger's Cloak ; Big Stick ; Box Shield ; Darkmoon Special Reserve ; Circle of Banishing ; Captured Flame ; Lordrec Helmet ; Shaarde the Lesser ; Wolfrider's Dagger ; Plans: Copper Chain Vest ; Cryptbone Staff ; Green Garden Tea ; Farstrider's Bracers ; Brocade Bracers ; Scroll of Stamina III ; Stemleaf Bracers ; Small Ammo Pouch ; Darkmoon Ring ; Bottled Winterspring Water ; Horn Ring ; Prospector's Cloak ; Venomshroud Mantle ; Viny Gloves ; Royal Amice ; R.O.I.D.S. ; Gizzard Gum ; Cerebral Cortex Compound ; Arcane Pads ; Imperial Red Sash ; Myrmidon's Defender ; Ornate Mithril Boots ; Efflorescent Robe ; Infantry Belt ; Anvilmar Sledge ; Thistlewood Blade ; Draped Cloak ; Tracking Boots ; Thistlewood Staff ; Enchanted Mageweave Pouch ; Shoddy Blunderbuss ; Anvilmar Hand Axe ; Tough Leather Bracers ; Rawhide Pants ; Linked Chain Pants ; Linked Chain Cloak ; Linked Chain Boots ; Thistlewood Maul ; Shiny Seashell ; Tough Wolf Meat ; Rugged Trapper's Boots ; Farstrider's Longbow ; Explosive Sheep ; Troll Tribal Necklace ; Mind's Eye ; Tarantula Silk Sash ; Fizzy Faire Drink ; Cheap Beer ; Diablo Stone ; Panda Collar ; Sylvan Shortbow ; Sadist's Collar ; Gryphon Egg ; Plans: Hardened Iron Shortsword ; Healing Herb ; Etched Rune ; Fel Moss ; Webwood Venom Sac ; Kravel's Crate ; Broken Wine Bottle ; Watch Master's Cloak ; Destruction Holo-gogs ; Pitted Gold Band ; Breath of Wind ; Broken Balanced Throwing Dagger ; Etched Sigil ; Banana Charm ; Spicy Beefstick ; Fake Mistletoe ; Lurky's Egg ; Spiced Beef Jerky ; Winna's Kitten Carrier ; Borak's Lockbox ; Disgusting Oozeling ; Elekk Training Collar ; Deadman Dagger ; Essence of Air ; Red Mageweave Gloves ; Deadman Blade ; Formula: Enchant Cloak - Subtlety ; Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility ; Formula: Enchant Gloves - Healing Power ; Formula: Enchant Gloves - Fire Power ; Formula: Enchant Gloves - Frost Power ; Formula: Enchant Gloves - Shadow Power ; Formula: Enchant Gloves - Threat ; Thick Black Claw ; Bloodshot Spider Eye ; Formula: Enchant Weapon - Healing Power ; Formula: Enchant Weapon - Spell Power ; Formula: Enchant Gloves - Greater Strength ; Formula: Enchant Shield - Superior Spirit ; Formula: Enchant Bracer - Greater Intellect ; Crystalforge Breastplate ; Design: Radiant Seaspray Emerald ; Yellow Rose Firework ; Formula: Enchant Cloak - Greater Shadow Resistance ; Aquamarine Signet ; Citrine Ring of Rapid Healing ; Engraved Truesilver Ring ; The Jade Eye ; Golden Dragon Ring ; Barbaric Iron Collar ; Solid Bronze Ring ; Braided Copper Ring ; Warder's Shirt ; Lookout's Tunic ; Design: Amulet of the Moon ; Moonsoul Crown ; Heavy Golden Necklace of Battle ; Amulet of the Moon ; Ring of Twilight Shadows ; Ring of Silver Might ; Heavy Silver Ring ; Simple Grinder ; Gloom Band ; Inlaid Malachite Ring ; Simple Pearl Ring ; Elegant Silver Ring ; Jeweler's Kit ; Southsea Mojo Boots ; Arathor Battle Tabard ; Mandokir's Sting ; Nat Pagle's Broken Reel ; Overlord's Crimson Band ; Touch of Chaos ; The Eye of Hakkar ; Silverwing Battle Tabard ; Drake Fang Talisman ; Seven of Portals ; Seven of Elementals ;
Tags: Updates, WorldofWarcraft