August 26, 2007

New Items: Rune Edge

New Mobs: Riding Wyvern (Nagrand PvP Event)

Updated Items: Native SashGrunt's CapeGauntlets of the Sun-KingNightsky RobeCrystal Band of ValorRighteous SpauldersMedallion of the HordeTopaz-Studded BattlegripsMyrmidon's SignetBent Large ShieldHoned StilettoNorthern Shortsword ; Tigerseye BandShimmering GlovesNightsky TrousersGlimmering Mail BracersScouting CloakTanned Leather BracersIron Skull SwordSkettis Curved BladeExquisite FlambergeGrunt's AnkleWrapsUnyielding FootwrapsPatchwork PantsFrayed GlovesSkull Splitting CrossbowSorcerer BraceletsSoul-Eater's HandwrapsIvycloth SashFlecked Raptor ScaleIvycloth PantsFeral CloakIvycloth BootsRaider's LegguardsRaider's ChestpiecePagan CapeAboriginal RobeFighter BroadswordTruesilver Healing RingAssassins' Silent CrossbowPrimal WrapsPrimal LeggingsHurricaneEmblazoned CloakJaedenis DaggerBindings of ElementsSilver-thread CloakOverlord's LegplatesAbjurer's PantsRevenant GauntletsResilient BandsLady Alizabeth's PendantLight Chain BracersLight Chain LeggingsFine Leather GlovesLesser Magic WandThundering GreathelmWatcher's CinchHeavy Runed CloakNightstalker DaggerKhorium BarCoarse ThreadDefault StationeryHearthstoneRough Stone StatueWorn DaggerDwarven MagestaffCommon White ShirtTotem of the MaelstromMageweave ClothDark Silk ShirtEnchanter's CowlChestguard of the Dark StalkerDesolation RodBlizzard StationeryBraided Copper RingBeaststalker's BindingsDarkmist HandguardsApprentice's ShirtFrayed RobeGazlowe's CharmRiver Pride ChokerGiantslayer BracersSpectral Band of InnervationVambraces of CourageNecklace of Bloodied FeathersValentine's Day StationeryStaff of Infinite MysteriesTundra NecklaceArcher's CloakShadow-Cloak of DalaranHeavy Copper RingWoven Copper RingUmbral WandGrizzly JerkinGarona's Signet RingZierhut's Lost TreadsLibram of Souls RedeemedBoots of ForetellingBands of Nefarious DeedsMindbender LoopBarbed Choker of DisciplineChoker of Bloodied FeathersTest StationeryGreen Silken ShouldersThe Bringer of DeathThe OathkeeperFrayed BracersWhite Linen ShirtGold BarGloves of FerocityBattleworn HammerProspector's WooliesAuction StationeryShadowcraft BeltDevout BracersRighteous BootsMagister's BeltMagister's GlovesVengeance of the IllidariSquire's ShirtNeophyte's ShirtBent StaffWorn ShortswordWarmonger's CloakBand of the Great TortoiseGlyphed CloakWarbringer GauntletsInitiate's ShirtResilient CapeVoidheart GlovesMalefic Mask of the ShadowsNathrezim MindbladeThe DecapitatorPendant of the Violet EyeShriveled HeartSaberclaw TalismanTirisfal Wand of AscendancyBlack Swashbuckler's ShirtRibbon of SacrificeEdgewalker LongbootsBrooch of Unquenchable FuryMoroes' Lucky Pocket WatchWorgen Claw NecklaceGloves of Dexterous ManipulationWhirlwind BracersHarbinger BandsTotem of the PlainsTrousers of OblivionChestplate of A'dalRing of Twilight ShadowsJeweler's KitThug ShirtUther's StrengthRitssyn's Lost PendantTotem of the VoidAssault BandRubellite RingGryphon CloakAcolyte's ShirtAugmented Chain HelmBrawler's HarnessRagged Leather BootsSiege BowArcher's CapDeckhand's ShirtCabalist BracersRigid MoccasinsGrips of DeftnessMining PickThallium ChokerBronze BarCopper BarHuntsman's BeltWool ClothBlade Dancer's WristguardsAugmented Chain LeggingsAugmented Chain VestAugmented Chain GlovesAugmented Chain BracersAugmented Chain BeltCommon Gray ShirtAdept's BandPrimitive MantleRefreshing Spring WaterMoss AgateTrapper's ShirtBracers of ValorValanos' LongbowSylvan CloakBristlebark BindingsBristlebark BeltProspector's BootsVoidheart MantleMystic's BraceletsWar KnifeBirchwood MaulStaunch HammerSturdy QuarterstaffSevering AxeGaea's CloakBelt of Divine InspirationFarstrider WildercloakAdornment of Stolen SoulsWatcher's BootsPagan BandsFetish of the FallenEarthsoul LeggingsBracers of the White StagCrude Throwing AxeCoalScreaming DaggerMitts of the TreemenderDragonscale WandLeggings of the Sacred CrestCloak of RevivalRing of Living StoneCrazy Cenarion CloakBrackwater ShieldPrecision BowCeremonial Leather LoinclothTribal VestShort Bastard SwordHeavy Recurve BowGossamer TunicLookout's TunicMild SpicesLightforge BeltWildheart BeltFlimsy Chain BracersFlimsy Chain BootsBeaststalker's GlovesLinen ClothBullovaWalking StickStilettoWooden MalletGladiusLight Chain BootsLight Chain ArmorCoral BeadsCuirboulli BootsWar Paint GlovesLiving RootFlawless WandLupine CordAmani TomahawkAurora BootsWicked Chain CloakScraggy Leather VestThe Dreamer's ShoulderpadsPatched CapePatchwork CloakFrayed CloakRagged Leather BeltRagged Leather GlovesRagged Leather PantsFeral GlovesRobust CloakRigid CapeMeadow RingLong StaffProtector PadsChainmail ArmorChainmail PantsTanned Leather PantsLumberjack AxeShadow WandAzora's WillSigil of ShaffarBattleworn Leather GlovesThe GunbladeIdol of the ClawSash of Silent BladesBrawler's PantsThug BootsTough JerkyBelt of ValorLightforge BracersRugged Leather PantsPolished Scale BracersWarp-Scarab BroochGauntlets of Martial PerfectionSmall Glimmering Shard


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