August 25, 2007

Updated Items: Empowered Fire OpalMaul of the Redeemed CrusaderFei Fei Doggy TreatSmooth Leather BracersDoomfingerTraveler's BeltWhistle of the Ivory RaptorSwift Blue RaptorDraenei Holy WaterCloak of Draconic MightFiery Gland ; Mithril LockboxStark Blood GarnetNotched Deep PeridotBarbed Deep PeridotHonor Hold FavorLil' SmokyNordrassil GauntletsMug of Shimmer StoutNordrassil Wrath-KiltCold Forged BladeLightbringer GauntletsReaver of the InfinitesHammer of RevitalizationEarthshatter TunicMograine's MightMantle of DoanWillow PantsDalaran Wizard's RobeSilk ClothGressil, Dawn of RuinNordrassil HeadpieceWizard's BeltConjurer's ShoesScarlet WristguardsScarlet LeggingsScarlet BeltHerod's ShoulderGauntlets of DivinityRaging Berserker's HelmConjurer's RobeNecrotic WandAurora BracersPalomino BridleAcrobatic StaffWhite Stallion BridleSkyshatter GauntletsLonetree's CirclePattern: Runic Leather ShouldersLightbringer ChestguardLightbringer ShoulderguardsHelm of the Forgotten VanquisherLightbringer FaceguardWindreaperGluth's Missing CollarDevastationSwift Razzashi RaptorIcy Blue Mechanostrider Mod AWhite Mechanostrider Mod AGloves of the Vanquished ChampionDeath's StingMight of CenariusRing of the DreadnaughtNerubian SlavemakerPattern: Living Earth BindingsPattern: Bracers of Renewed LifeDiablo StoneZergling LeashManual of Revenge VIBroken Crude Throwing AxeSkyshatter HeadguardSkyshatter LegguardsClaw of the Frost WyrmRing of the EarthshattererStormrage's Talisman of SeethingPattern: Swiftstrike BracersTeal KodoGreen KodoPanda CollarHigh Warlord's SpellbladeFlimsy Female Undead MaskFlimsy Male Undead MaskFlimsy Male Tauren MaskFlimsy Female Tauren MaskFlimsy Male Orc MaskFlimsy Female Orc MaskFlimsy Male Troll MaskFlimsy Female Troll MaskFlimsy Male Human MaskFlimsy Female Human MaskFlimsy Male Nightelf MaskFlimsy Female Nightelf MaskFlimsy Female Dwarf MaskFlimsy Male Dwarf MaskFlimsy Female Gnome MaskFlimsy Male Gnome MaskWushoolay's PokerAlex's Test Beatdown StaffPrimal Hakkari AegisLifeblood AmuletVice GripsDarkmoon Card: HeroismWarder's ShortbowThe Hand of Antu'sulGreen Chain VestSunrise BracersNeophyte's MaceLynxskin GlovesDaylight CloakAcolyte's DaggerWarder's ShirtLookout's TunicLookout's PantsApprentice's BootsApprentice's PantsApprentice's RobeAcolyte's RobeNeophyte's RobeHoney BreadFaintly Glowing EyeTorn Wyrm ScaleSunstrider ShieldLynx CollarLightforged BladeSharp DaggerWarder's BootsWarder's PantsLookout's ShoesSunstrider MaceSunstrider BowSunstrider DaggerSunstrider SwordMoonsoul CrownJeweler's KitSoul HarvesterGreen Chain GauntletsConjurer's CloakScaled Leather BeltFortified ChainSuperior LeggingsRaider's CloakBandit BracersBandit BootsScraggy Leather VestScraggy Leather BootsUnkempt PantsTuxedo ShirtUnkempt GlovesUnkempt BeltWyrm SashGreen Chain BootsScraggy Leather GlovesScraggy Leather BracersUnkempt ShoesGreenweave SandalsOrange Mageweave ShirtScraggy Leather PantsScraggy Leather BeltUnkempt RobeUnkempt BracersShoddy Chain PantsUnkempt CloakGothic Plate GirdleDuskwoven AmiceGothic Plate HelmetThe LobotomizerCyclone GlovesMar'li's EyeMantle of the AvatarCowl of the AvatarHeavenly InspirationRighteous BootsDuskwoven CapeLavender Mageweave ShirtSimple Black DressRobes of TirisfalTalisman of ArathorEmbossed Plate ArmorFire RubySorcerer HatRenegade LeggingsArcher's BracersBandit GlovesSimple CapePhoenix-Wing CloakBloodvineNordrassil Wrath-MantleRift Stalker HelmMaster Dragonslayer's MedallionZandalarian Hero CharmFathomstoneThe Unstoppable ForceWarblade of the HakkariThe Eye of HakkarDrake Fang TalismanNeltharion's TearGloves of Rapid EvolutionLifegiving GemMind Quickening GemThree of ElementalsThree of WarlordsThree of BeastsDarkmoon Faire Prize TicketArathor Battle TabardBrigade LeggingsVoidheart LeggingsFenclaw LegguardsLesser Wizard OilFormula: Minor Wizard OilFormula: Minor Mana OilRuby Crown of RestorationFormula: Lesser Wizard OilTwilight Cultist CowlTwilight Cultist RobeTwilight Cultist MantleBrutal Earthstorm DiamondAdvisor's Gnarled StaffScrolls of Blinding LightRift Stalker LeggingsSkyforged Great AxeAlterac Valley Mark of HonorMar'li's TouchLegguards of the Fallen CrusaderCloak of ConsumptionCataclysm LegplatesCataclysm GauntletsCrystalforge LegguardsFrayed Tether of the DrownedHakkari Loa CloakHalberd of SmitingWarblade of the HakkariBloodsoaked LegplatesBounty of the HarvestDeathmantle HandguardsBobbing AppleSmashed PetalFrayed Tender VineSunstrider StaffSunstrider AxeSimple GrinderLynx ToothTattered PeltErona's PackageElemental Attuned BladeCold Forged HammerArathi Basin Mark of HonorWarsong Gulch Mark of HonorPumpkin BagBattle Tabard of the DefilersDefiler's TalismanZandalarian Hero BadgeNat Pagle's Broken ReelFang of VenoxisBloodsoaked PauldronsTouch of ChaosEssence GathererStyleen's Impeding ScarabRejuvenating GemDrake Talon PauldronsMaster Dragonslayer's RingBracers of Arcane AccuracyCrul'shorukh, Edge of ChaosLok'amir il RomathisStaff of the Shadow FlameHeartstrikerDragonfang BladeThe Immovable ObjectThree of PortalsLeggings of TirisfalCowl of TirisfalWorld BreakerNordrassil Life-MantleDestroyer GauntletsKael's Vial RemnantOrange Martial ShirtTuxedo JacketTuxedo PantsHood of the CorruptorCrystalforge ChestpieceDestroyer LegguardsBlack Mageweave BootsGloves of the CorruptorCataclysm Shoulderplates


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