August 7, 2007

New Items: Loomus's Poker

Updated Items: Heavy Copper MaulEskhandar's CollarDirewing LegguardsPlans: Mighty Iron HammerCrown of DestructionEmpty Leaden Collection Phial ; Curved Raptor TalonSpiked DaggerStout War StaffFull Leaden Collection PhialPerdition's BladeSchematic: Sniper ScopeTough Leather ShoulderpadsFire Hardened CoifCrusader's ShieldClout MaceThe Lost Kris of ZeddOnslaught ShoulderguardsSlayer's ShoulderpadsScale of OnyxiaRecipe: Jungle StewLaminated Scale ShoulderpadsLaminated Scale CircletFine LongswordPattern: Swiftstrike ShouldersRing of BindingTwill PantsNecropile MantleCat Carrier (Silver Tabby)Fist-sized SpinneretMighty Iron HammerWarosh's MojoCraftsman's MonocleGnoam SprecklesprocketSlayer's HandguardsSlayer's HelmFlimsy Male Orc MaskFlimsy Male Troll MaskFlimsy Female Dwarf MaskFlimsy Female Gnome MaskFlimsy Male Gnome MaskMar'li's TouchBlack War RamBlack BattlestriderAshbringerEmpyrean SapphireThe Macho Gnome's ArrowSeaspray EmeraldRadiant SpenceriteTome of the LightbringerShadowmoon Destroyer's DrapePauldrons of the Forgotten ProtectorPauldrons of the Forgotten VanquisherPauldrons of the Forgotten ConquerorLeggings of the Forgotten ProtectorLeggings of the Forgotten VanquisherLeggings of the Forgotten ConquerorHelm of the Forgotten ProtectorChestguard of the Forgotten ProtectorChestguard of the Forgotten VanquisherChestguard of the Forgotten ConquerorSlayer's LegguardsSlayer's ChestguardOnslaught LegguardsOnslaught ChestguardOnslaught Battle-HelmEaster DressPlans: Goblin Rocket BootsBlack TuxedoFormula: Enchant Boots - Minor StaminaFormula: Imbue Cloak - ProtectionSchematic: Craftsman's MonocleGrimoire of DoomStormrage's Talisman of SeethingCodex of Renew XGrimoire of Shadow Bolt XRed Defias MaskNarain's TurbanWristguards of Elemental FuryWristguards of CastigationDrudge BootsTablet of Healing Wave XFestive Black Pant SuitPrimitive KiltChromatically Tempered SwordSnowblind ShoesRoyal DanguiIdol of the White StagCursed Vision of SargerasEverlasting Underspore FrondStark Blood GarnetMark of ThrallmarDestructive Skyfire DiamondGlacial WristsRedemption HeadpieceFurious ShacklesAntonidas's Aegis of Rapt ConcentrationAir TotemRegal TanzaniteRed Winter HatJungle NecklaceNexus-Prince's Ring of BalanceHibernation CrystalGrimoire of Anguish (Rank 3)Grimoire of Anguish (Rank 2)Grimoire of Anguish (Rank 1)Grimoire of Suffering (Rank 6)Grimoire of Torment (Rank 6)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 2)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 5)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 6)Grimoire of Devour Magic (Rank 5)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 7)Grimoire of ParanoiaGrimoire of Tainted Blood (Rank 3)Grimoire of Devour Magic (Rank 4)Grimoire of Devour Magic (Rank 3)Grimoire of Devour Magic (Rank 2)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 6)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 4)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 3)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 2)Grimoire of Suffering (Rank 4)Grimoire of Suffering (Rank 2)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 6)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 3)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 6)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 4)Grimoire of Torment (Rank 2)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 5)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 1)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 3)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 4)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 2)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 3)Grimoire of Spell Lock (Rank 2)Grimoire of Spell Lock (Rank 1)Grimoire of Tainted Blood (Rank 4)Grimoire of Tainted Blood (Rank 2)Grimoire of Tainted Blood (Rank 1)Grimoire of Lesser InvisibilityGrimoire of SeductionGrimoire of Soothing Kiss (Rank 4)Grimoire of Soothing Kiss (Rank 3)Grimoire of Soothing Kiss (Rank 2)Grimoire of Soothing Kiss (Rank 1)Grimoire of Lash of Pain (Rank 5)Grimoire of Suffering (Rank 3)Grimoire of Suffering (Rank 1)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 5)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 4)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 2)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 1)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 5)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 2)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 1)Grimoire of Torment (Rank 5)Grimoire of Torment (Rank 4)Grimoire of Torment (Rank 3)Grimoire of Phase ShiftGrimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 4)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 3)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 2)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 5)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 4)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 1)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 7)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 3)Acolyte's RobeGrimoire of Demonic FrenzyGrimoire of Intercept (Rank 3)Grimoire of AvoidanceIdol of RejuvenationGrimoire of Cleave (Rank 3)Grimoire of Cleave (Rank 1)Grimoire of Intercept (Rank 2)Grimoire of Intercept (Rank 1)White Traditional HanbokGrimoire of Cleave (Rank 2)Lovely Purple DressGrimoire of Soothing Kiss (Rank 5)Grimoire of Consume Shadows (Rank 7)Grimoire of Tainted Blood (Rank 5)Grimoire of Devour Magic (Rank 6)Grimoire of Sacrifice (Rank 7)Grimoire of Torment (Rank 7)Grimoire of Fire Shield (Rank 6)Grimoire of Blood Pact (Rank 6)Grimoire of Firebolt (Rank 8)Boots of HeroismBelt of HeroismCracked Egg ShellsCharger's BeltUnkempt CloakLookout's ShoesUnkempt ShoesElegant DressPlans: Gauntlets of the Iron TowerPlans: Golden Scale ShouldersWarder's BootsWarder's PantsRivenspikeApprentice's RobeTrapper's BootsTrapper's PantsRipped Ogre LoinclothTattered Cloth BeltUnadorned Chain BracersSharp DaggerScraggy Leather BracersTattered Cloth GlovesScraggy Leather BeltTattered Cloth BootsTattered Cloth VestBrawler's BootsThug PantsTattered Cloth BracersDuron's ReportTwill ShoulderpadsNovice's RobeSoul BreakerDreadnaught HelmetPlans: Golden Scale BootsNeophyte's RobeBlack HawkstriderNeophyte's MaceDon Rodrigo's HeartBreastplate of WrathDreadnaught WaistguardBulwark of AzzinothDreadnaught GauntletsRobe of the MaleficDazzling ChrysopraseCord of The Five ThundersRed Traditional HanbokRing of RedemptionRedemption GirdleRedemption LegguardsBreastplate of HeroismVirtuous MantleSpectreclesScraggy Leather GlovesAncient Sinew Wrapped LaminaGray KodoDreamwalker SpauldersWarosh's ScrollSpaulders of HeroismPattern: Frostweave GlovesTimeless ShellPlans: Greater Rune of ShieldingSmall ShieldDreadnaught LegplatesGreen Wedding HanbokFestive Blue Pant SuitPurple Dinner SuitTorch of the DamnedPlans: Gloves of the DawnPlans: Girdle of the DawnRockfury BracersThunderheart GlovesSkyshatter PauldronsSkyshatter PantsSoulstringFestive Teal Pant SuitCrystalforge ShoulderbracesRed Dinner SuitBloodsail BootsBloodsail PantsVenomous TotemDemonforkSkyshatter LeggingsSkyshatter ChestguardCloak of the Fallen GodBracers of Nimble ThoughtDeathmist SandalsRuned Crimson SpinelHailstone Band


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