August 2, 2007

New Quests: Past Endeavors

New Mobs: Gray Kodo MountBrown Kodo Mount

Updated Items: Lightbringer LeggingsAvalanchion's Stony HideRing of Conflict SurvivalReins of the Tan Riding TalbukReins of the Cobalt Riding Talbuk ;  Reins of the White Riding TalbukLightbringer GreathelmWaistguard of Shackled SoulsRedeemed Soul CinchUnstable SapphireRedemption HandguardsUnstable AmethystEnchanted Illidari TabardChampion's Fire OpalRing of the DevouredBristleblitz StrikerGreen MechanostriderSignet of the Fallen DefenderAzuredeep ShardsGrasp of the Old GodScarab BroochLord Blackwood's BucklerRing of the UnlivingPendant of Forgotten NamesBlack Bark WristbandsBan'thok SashDragonbone WristguardsFiery Chain GirdleDarrowshire StrongguardVibrant Silk CapeFeralheart VestFeralheart KiltBeaming Fire OpalUnpainted MechanostriderSimone's Cultivating HammerSwift Zulian TigerSwift Razzashi RaptorNexus-Prince's Ring of BalanceBlack Qiraji Resonating CrystalHelm of the Forgotten VanquisherReins of the Tan War TalbukReins of the Silver War TalbukReins of the Cobalt War TalbukReins of the Silver Riding TalbukReins of the White Riding TalbukBlazefury MedallionTimeless ChrysoprasePolar BracersBroken Keen Throwing KnifeFlarecore WrapsGrasp of the Fallen EmperorLightbringer ChestpieceAngelista's TouchShadesteel SabotsThe Restrained Essence of SapphironHallowed LetterFeralheart CowlIcy Scale BracersBelt of the Dark BogLoatheb's ReflectionPotent Unstable DiamondUnstable TalasiteUnstable TopazUnstable PeridotSporeggar SmasherPattern: Girdle of InsightBlack TuxedoStormrage's Talisman of SeethingTabard of StormwindFiery RetributerVeiled PyrestoneGreat LionseyeRigid LionseyeStormy Empyrean SapphireFlashing Crimson SpinelDeathmist MaskIceblade HackerCloak of SuturingThundering Skyfire DiamondRelentless Earthstorm DiamondRuby Crown of RestorationBelt of Natural PowerCryptfiend Silk CloakTough Hunk of BreadThe Book of UrTabard of the HandSmooth DawnstoneWarmth of ForgivenessGirdle of the MentorTeebu's Blazing LongswordWraps of PurificationArcanite Steam-PistolBand of ReanimationWand of the Forgotten StarDazzling Seaspray EmeraldRadiant Seaspray EmeraldEnduring Seaspray EmeraldWicked PyrestoneRoyal Shadowsong AmethystGlowing Shadowsong AmethystInfused Shadowsong AmethystBalanced Shadowsong AmethystThick LionseyeGleaming LionseyeBrilliant LionseyeSparkling Empyrean SapphireSolid Empyrean SapphireSubtle Crimson SpinelBright Crimson SpinelRuned Crimson SpinelTeardrop Crimson SpinelBold Crimson SpinelJagged Seaspray EmeraldCataclysm ChestplateLuminous PyrestonePotent PyrestoneGlinting PyrestoneLibram of AvengementSerpent Spine LongbowStormrage LegguardsElemental Focus BandBreeches of AbsolutionGladiator's Lamellar HelmInscribed PyrestoneVirtuous SandalsRazor-Scale BattlecloakTalon of AzsharaTempest-Strider BootsVileblade of the BetrayerShifting CloakGladiator's Lamellar ShouldersGladiator's Lamellar LegguardsGladiator's Lamellar GauntletsMechanical DragonlingLibram of LightYellow Qiraji Resonating CrystalRoyal NightseyeBelt of Primal MajestyGreater Arcane ElixirDeathmantle ChestguardVambraces of EndingHeartrazorClaw of the PhoenixMaexxna's FangDestroyer GreavesEthereum Life-StaffPlagueheart ShoulderpadsNecklace of PurityDazzling ChrysopraseCryptstalker HeadpieceSwiftstrike BracersDestroyer ShoulderbladesDestroyer Battle-HelmKiss of the SpiderHand of Edward the OddStormrage BracersBrilliant DawnstoneGnomish Cloaking DeviceTouch of FrostRod of the Sun KingMindstorm WristbandsPlagueheart BindingsLord Sanguinar's ClaimVenomous TotemGlistening Fire OpalRecurve Long BowRigid DawnstoneGreen WindriderAnnihilatorGray KodoDeathmist BracersBrown Horse BridleEbon GryphonTempest of ChaosAshes of Al'arBarbed Deep PeridotReins of the Winterspring FrostsaberPulsing AmethystEye of DiminutionNight's EndHatchet of Sundered BoneCloak of the ScourgeBoots of Shackled SoulsHailstone BandGluth's Missing CollarRing of EntropyBeetle Scaled WristguardsWavefront NecklaceBand of the Ranger-GeneralSlayer's CrestHorn of the Red WolfCloak of ClarityGirdle of Elemental FuryBracers of Nimble ThoughtNotched Deep PeridotGreat Purple ElekkThe Eye of DivinityReins of the NightsaberReins of the FrostsaberBroken Sharp Throwing AxeSeal of the DamnedCloak of the NecropolisPendant of TitansPetrified ScarabThe Plague BearerFlayed Doomguard BeltTranslucent Spellthread NecklaceMendicant's SlippersLove FoolGuild CharterSoulguard GirdleMystic LionseyeSoulguard SlippersShroud of DominionDreadguard's ProtectorGolden GryphonEroded Mail ArmorImbued Unstable DiamondDreamwalker TunicSwiftsteel BracersFormula: Enchant Gloves - Superior AgilityUnstable CitrineFormula: Enchant Cloak - StealthHorn of the Brown WolfSadist's CollarHammer of the Twisting NetherHorn of the Timber WolfGlimmering Fire OpalSoulguard BracersDeathmist MantleDeathmist LeggingsDeathmist RobeSoulstringRed HawkstriderGreat Blue ElekkGray ElekkGreat Green ElekkMedical SuppliesReins of the Black War TigerSwift White RamSwift White MechanostriderWarglaive of Azzinoth (Right)Swiftheal WrapsBlack BattlestriderJom GabbarHigh Warlord's QuickbladeWarglaive of Azzinoth (Left)The Twin Blades of AzzinothCloak of the Demon StalkerBand of the Demon StalkerDemon Stalker PendantWhistle of the Mottled Red RaptorEarthshatter TunicReins of the Violet Netherwing DrakeRedemption LegguardsDreadnaught BreastplateRing of the EarthshattererPlagueheart RingFrostfire RingBonescythe RingRing of the DreadnaughtFrost RamBlack RamIcy Blue Mechanostrider Mod AWhite Mechanostrider Mod AWhistle of the Ivory RaptorDoomfingerCataclysm ChestpiecePauldrons of the AldorTotem of the Third WindEbonhold ShoulderpadsJusticar LeggingsGilded Thorium CloakCarving KnifeShattering DaggerPurpleheart WandFaintly Glowing EyeInitiate's BootsInitiate's PantsCrystalforge Pauldrons ;&n


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