July 30, 2007

New Items: Band of the Eternal RestorerDeprecated Rogue's VestForor's Crate of Endless Resist Gear Storage

Updated Items: Plagueheart CircletPlagueheart Leggings ; Plagueheart RingPlagueheart RobeUntested Scorpid SampleShadow Hunter KnifeLight GuardPendant of TitansSilver Piffeny BandLynx ToothArcane Forged DirkTattered PeltFaintly Glowing EyeTorn Wyrm ScaleTainted Arcane SliverDreadnaught WaistguardRing of FaithBonescythe BreastplateMana Gathering StaffWraith FragmentSmashed PetalFrayed Tender VineSolanian's JournalScroll of Scourge MagicSolanian's Scrying OrbLarge ShieldBonescythe LegplatesBonescythe HelmetHammer of the Twisting NetherLunar Festival Fireworks PackSpire of TwilightAtiesh, Greatstaff of the GuardianWeather Beaten BucklerShoddy Chain GlovesWild RicecakeVersicolor TreatDestroyers' MantleMartin ThunderPattern: Flarecore WrapsSovereign Shadowsong AmethystDoomfingerDreamwalker TunicPattern: Swiftheal WrapsPattern: Bindings of Lightning ReflexesFeathered MantlePattern: Mantle of Nimble ThoughtRing of RedemptionSkullplate BracersLegguards of the VaultVigorsteel VambracesLight BowDream-Wing HelmTotem of SustainingWarp-Scarab BroochLawbringer BracersCircle's Stalwart HelmetRetainer's BladeEmbossed Leather GlovesWidowmakerRamstein's Lightning BoltsLynxskin GlovesBonecreeper StylusBands of SythBattleworn ClaymoreExtravagant Boots of MaliceMorning Glory DewRicochet BlunderbussSlippers of SerenitySandals of FaithQuick Strike RingVengeance WrapBand of SulfurasGazlowe's CharmBlade of the ArchmageJusticar GauntletsArachnidian FootpadsBloodwoven BootsIdol of the Avian HeartInitiate's BootsInitiate's PantsRitual SandalsBlazefuryTalvash's Gold RingRitual LeggingsCragfistsSul'thraze the LasherWindchaser AmiceFiery CloakWolf BracersStonecloth BindingsImpact ShotBracers of RecklessnessRing of Spell PowerBristlebark AmiceBristlebark BootsWarbringer GreavesBlacksteel Throwing DaggerStonecloth BeltOverlord's SpauldersLunatic's ChokerSanguine HandwrapsGirdle of the Endless PitMistscape SashStonevault ShivEthereal TalismanFire Crest BreastplateWatcher's MantleRitual CapeDal'Rend's Sacred ChargeSignet of ReposeDal'Rend's Tribal GuardianTalisman of True Treasure TrackingAlcor's SunrazorGrand Scepter of the Nexus-KingsNethervoid CloakBristlebark BindingsWound PoisonThe Burrower's ShellInitiate's ShirtMystic's CapeMystic's BeltElectrocutioner LegMedallion of the LightbearerWindchaser CloakRaincaller MantleArchimtiros' Ring of ReckoningAshkandi, Greatsword of the BrotherhoodBonescythe SabatonsGrubbis PawsCarapace Spine CrossbowAdventurer's Pith HelmetCombat CloakPagan CapeResilient MantleFrostfire SandalsGeomancer's CloakMerciless Gladiator's BonegrinderPagan ShoesShield of CondemnationUnearthed BandsBlessed Band of KaraborResilient CapField Plate ArmorBattle Chain GirdleProspector's WooliesAboriginal FootwrapsDarkmist BandsLookout's TunicHi-tech SupergunSkibi's PendantDarkspear ShoesMail Combat GauntletsInsignia CapCircle of Applied ForceMedallion of the AllianceChromatic BootsDokebi CordProspector's CloakSentry's ShoulderguardsZangar CapsStalking PantsRing of BindingHeavy Dark Iron RingMagnified Moon SpecsElementium Reinforced BulwarkMistscape CloakHunting CloakMinor RecombobulatorIronstriders of UrgencyBig Bad Wolf's PawWatcher's CapeGeneral's Chain GirdleAkuno's BladeCivinad RobesInsignia of the HordeBogslayer HelmThoriumweave CloakElemental RaimentWirt's Third LegWand of Biting ColdRedemption SpauldersVenomshroud MaskPridelord PauldronsWailing Nightbane PauldronsInsignia of the HordeBirchwood MaulAboriginal BandsAboriginal Shoulder PadsAncient Bone BowWeathered Cloth ArmorSun Cured VestExodar Bastard SwordJusticar HandguardsTabard of the HandFerocious Swift-KickersWillow BracersLight Throwing KnifeInsignia of the AllianceSpidersilk BootsInsignia of the AllianceInsignia of the AllianceInsignia of the AllianceBurnished GirdleEmbrace of the LycanNetherblade ShoulderpadsForgotten WrapsReforged Blade of HeroesGloves of Saintly BlessingsWhirlwind BracersGeneral's Leather BootsStyleen's Impeding ScarabAuchenai StaffFallen Apprentice's RobeNetherblade FacemaskMonolithic BowGirdle of Golem StrengthStrength of the TreantBand of the Great TortoiseDual Reinforced LeggingsTriprunner DungareesEngraved Cattleman's BuckleEngineer's Guild HeadpiecePetrolspill LeggingsEye of MagtheridonAcidic WalkersReticulated Bone GauntletsGalgann's FireblasterStoneweaver LeggingsSpirewind FetterNordic LongshankGloves of OldHorned Viking HelmetInsignia of the HordeFarstrider WildercloakOrnate Boots of the SanctifiedSaberclaw TalismanInsignia of the HordeShriveled HeartEmerald RipperBarbed Choker of DisciplineSpectral Band of InnervationSteelhawk CrossbowEssence of the MartyrStalker's War BandsGeneral's Silk CuffsHammer of the PenitentLightwarden's BandSeer's SignetVindicator's BrandGuile of KhoraaziEmberspur TalismanWeathered Mail TunicNetherblade GlovesMarshal's Plate BracersMarshal's Chain SabatonsInsignia of the HordeProspector's PadsSunfury Bow of the PhoenixMalchazeenWand of the NetherwingSoul-Wand of the AldorRing of a Thousand MarksPurified Draenic WaterTotem of the Astral WindsDrape of the Dark ReaversRapscallion BootsGarona's Signet RingStaff of Infinite MysteriesLibram of Souls RedeemedRibbon of SacrificeBlue Diamond WitchwandLegacyWolfslayer Sniper RifleShadow-Cloak of DalaranBoots of ValianceNethershard GirdleEdgewalker LongbootsBrooch of Unquenchable FurySignet of Unshakable Faith


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