Horrifying Terrorist Attacks on the U.S.

This is not game news, but is more important. I am putting this up here because many people are trying to figure out what is going on and this way we can share what we know. Here's what I know so far: - At about 8:45 a plane crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. 14 minutes later, andther plane crashed into the second tower. - Another plane crashed into the Pentagon soon after that. - A bomb went off at the State Department. - Both World Trade Center Towers have now completely collapsed, presumably killing everyone who was unable to evacuate in time, and also the firemen and police who were at the towers trying to help people evacuate. - Another plane has gone down somewhere in Western Pennsylvania. Possibly just a coincidence or possibly an attempt to hyjack it to another target. Words cannot express the horror.
Tags: General, News


Post Comment
The info on the fourth plane and stuff
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:28 PM Rating: Default
The fourth plane was hijacked from the Newark airport (its in New Jersey) It flew towards Cleveland, made a sharp U-turn, and headed back into pennslyvania and crashed into a mountain (or some other land mass) near pittsburg. It is kinda freaky that they would crash north, south, and west of jersey, but not in it... and i dont like that. and if you didnt hear bush's speach, he pretty much said that the head of the terrorists is going to be hunted down and killed and there will also be the crater formerly known as afganistan.
so be it
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:27 PM Rating: Default
first if they want war
then so be it
but let us reconcider the aid we have given
while letting those at home starve
as the man once said "dont bite the hand that feeds you"
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:22 PM Rating: Default
First off thank you for putting up this form and helping us in crack land to realize whats going on you are doing a great thing here and secondly this is one ogre sk that wants his moss to go bash them with. They just dont know what a united country as ticked off as we are will do to get it's vengance this forem is just proff of what we realy belive thanks agian for putting this up. alot of the things said here will eco in my ears for along time THIS IS WAR NOW
Enough is enough
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
Ive read messages and heard news about why we should and shouldnt declaire full out war to destroy those that might wish to harm this nation. Ive heard it said that all those in terrorist countries are not evil, they they are not to blame and should not be punished. And I can see where you are comming from.

But this is the truth...

These innocents have harbored and helped the terrorists, their friends, their families, their jobs. And last I heard it was a global sensus that those that help a criminal are also to blame. So the blame is cast and there is nothing that can be done. The last time this country had a grevious action committed on us we mobilized for World War 2 and ended it by vaporizing two cities of our enemies. So I ask you. Do you think that the 'innocents' matter anymore? Maybe those innocents should have done something before their countries declaired war on one of the most fiersom military forces to ever exist.

Remember... Desert Storm will only be a 'Police Action' compaired to what this nation will do to it's true enemies, and thats not counting NATOs assistance.

Tirulian Cloudspire, Guardian for the Sisterhood of Blood @ Rathe
RE: Enough is enough
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
Sweetness i love this post it says everything i have belived and in the end we will prevail and maybe just maybe by the time the dust settles and the smoke clears we may have a few new states to add to this great country but they may only be glass parking lots if this stuff does continue i do however hope this is really thought out and then we get a commitment from NATO.

Great Vengeance
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent

There's a passage I got memorized.
Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the
righteous man is beset on all sides
by the inequities of the selfish
and the tyranny of evil men.
Blessed is he who, in the name of
charity and good will, shepherds
the weak through the valley of the
darkness. For he is truly his
brother's keeper and the finder of
lost children.
***And I will strike down upon thee
with great vengeance and furious
anger those who attempt to poison
and destroy my brothers. And you
will know I am the Lord when I lay
my vengeance upon you."*** I been
sayin' that **** for years. And if
you ever heard it, it meant your
***. I never really questioned
what it meant. I thought it was
just a cold-blooded thing to say to
a ************ 'fore you popped a
cap in his ***. But I saw some
**** this mornin' made me think
twice. Now I'm thinkin', it could
mean you're the evil man. And I'm
the righteous man. And Mr. .45
here, he's the shepherd protecting
my righteous *** in the valley of
darkness. Or is could by you're
the righteous man and I'm the
shepherd and it's the world that's
evil and selfish. I'd like that.
But that **** ain't the truth. The
truth is you're the weak. And I'm
the tyranny of evil men. But I'm
tryin'. I'm tryin' real hard to be
a shepherd.

May the Military's path be guided true, and may
the might of the mission be 10 fold of that
brought down on the East Coast. Our Prayers are
with the Victims and the Avengers.

Oh and God Bless the Fire-Fighters.
Lets look at a bigger picture
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
You have this totally out of context and misquoted my friend.

This verse is part of a chapter in the bible that explains God's judgement of the Gentile (non-jewish in the old testament).

I would be a hypocrite if I didn't also recognize that our nation allows millions of children to be killed each year in abortion yet NO ONE says a thing. I know why they don't say a thing is b/c it's all done quiet.

Now something BIG happens everyone get patriotic. I am not saying what happened is right I have family in NYC what I am saying is stop being a hypocrite recognize that this nation has the blood of innocent children on it's hands.

If you are a true bible reader you would have also quoted that God won't stand for abortion and ultimatly he will cast his judgement down if no one will intercede in prayer. That's an old testament law and actually still applies if you read about Sodom and Babylon.

Thats where we come in we must pray that this nation will repent of it's sins against God himself. If you stand with abortion then you are openly rebelling against God therefor stating he is wrong which is impossible no matter how you look at it.

Now the people who did this terrible act of violence will pay one way or the other. Everyone has to die and justify what they have done while they were on the earth.

Please people hate solves nothing for what a man shall sew he shall also reap always.

I sew peace unto you all prayers go to the families and victims hopefully they did repent or Jesus saved most of them right in the second of there death.

Once again if you are offended by what I say I understand. I don't expect anyone too really get a grip on what I am saying but I hope you hear me out.
RE: Lets look at a bigger picture
# Sep 12 2001 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
Ok. I keep hearing arguements for "forgive and forget", and "a man shall sew he shall also reap always"

While I may be able to forgive, I will never forget. How long should we just stand and take it? As I see it, we have been letting things slide pretty long. The African Embassies, the USS Cole...have people already forgotten about those? I understand your sentiment, but its time to take a stand. Otherwise, this won't end.

As for your quote "a man shall sew he shall also reap always". Well, we're not the ones who hijacked 4 planes and blew up 3...well, 5 buildings now, up. I agree. A man shall sew he shall also reap.
RE: Lets look at a bigger picture
# Sep 12 2001 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
Obviously you've never seen Pulp Fiction. Perhaps it out of context for the bible, but taken from the movie it pretty much hits the mark.
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:11 PM Rating: Default
The Japanese attacked a military target in 1941 and killed 2400 and wounded a like number. We responded eventually with 2 atomic bombs.

This attack will most likely kill many more than at Pearl Harbor and was directed at a civilian installation which included a daycare center. My hope is that the eventual response to this dastardly attack will equal what the Japanese receieved. And like the President stated, not only the group responsible but the country that has harbored these villans.
RE: Remember
# Sep 12 2001 at 4:24 PM Rating: Default
It is out of contect to say that they bombed Pearl harbor and so we nuked them. I've seen this said in several forms today.

In fact, a great deal of time passed between these two events and the eventual dropping in nukes was done with great reluctance in orer to stop the further loss of American lives. Prior to the drop, we even warned them of our capabilities and asked them to not force us to use it.

The second bomb was also dropped with regret because even after the first they refused to believe it was possible and that it was a fluke event.

Now I'm no history buff, but I do know that you cannot directly correlate the bombes used to end the war with the attack that started it.

Our response to Pearl Harbor was our participation in WW2. The bombs dropped were used to END the war.

It is a better analogy to say that like Pearl Harbor, we are going to war in response to an attack on our nation's people. Only this time it is against a distributed, hidden enemy not a flag waving nation. Our resolve must be the same though for the road to resolution will be just as long.

Things will likely become darker before they begin to brighten.
RE: Remember
# Sep 12 2001 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
I AM A HISTORY BUFF. I can tell you that the two atomic bombs dropped in Japan has been a large debate mainly if it was neccessary to drop them. The war was ending and Japan knew it. There were even peace talks beginning, but the American president and government wanted a bit of revenge for Pearl Harbor and proceded to drop the bombs. This is where it gets sticky. Japan was out of oil and materials and pretty much finished, Our milatary could have easily dropped the Bomb on one of there last houses of Materials and or millatary installations and stopped them cold. But our military did not they instead dropped the first Bomb on a Methodist Church run by American missionaries, a totaly non millatary civillain target. The second bomb was even more disgusting in that our government dropped it on an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL . and to add insult to injury they made sure that when it was dropped that it woud be dropped while school was in seesion so that the maximum loss of childrens lives would be felt. This target was also nonmilatary. So are government declared acts of pure terroism in there decison to drop two Atomic warheads on two non milatary areas completely feeled with innocent lives and murdered thousands. People need to stop using this as a bassis for what we should to the terrosits today because what we did was far worse (we just used the fact that we were still at war to cover our guilt that wwe commited mass murder)
NZ is in shock too
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
I don't think anyone here in New Zealand can believe what has happened to our mighty allies over the pacific, everyone I know was and still is completely horrified by this tragedy, and it scares some of us, as nieve as it may sound, that these events can still take place in this day and age.

We are all truly saddened, and my condolences as well as all of NZ go to the families and friends of the victims.

May all free nations unite to defend our freedom and right to live.

Breela Spiritaria
25th Shaman
No Apoligizes
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
Americans should not have to apoligize for anything. We are upset, we are angry, and we want revenge. Everyone will have an opinion about who to kill and who not to take revenge, but as Americans, we need to stand united behind our President and trust that he will bring proper justice to those who killed our innocent citizens and protect our borders. Instead of getting angry that we will retaliate, how about focusing that emotion for the victims of this horrible act. Do not judge until you have been in the EXACT situation. And do not critcize those on the planes because you have no idea what was happening in the air. I have heard that they had no idea what was about to happen.

My heart goes out to all the victims, both on the planes and in the buildings. May God be with all of us as we watch America change drastically.

peal harbor
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
we had well over 10,000 people killed yester day and the attack on pearl harbor was only 2,000 deaths or somwhere around that i dont get why some of you are saying not to attack

No Apoligizes
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:58 PM Rating: Default
Americans should not have to apoligize for anything. We are upset, we are angry, and we want revenge. Everyone will have an opinion about who to kill and who not to take revenge, but as Americans, we need to stand united behind our President and trust that he will bring proper justice to those who killed our innocent citizens and protect our borders. Instead of getting angry that we will retaliate, how about focusing that emotion for the victims of this horrible act. Do not judge until you have been in the EXACT situation. And do not critcize those on the planes because you have no idea what was happening in the air. I have heard that they had no idea what was about to happen.

My heart goes out to all the victims, both on the planes and in the buildings. May God be with all of us as we watch America change drastically.

# Sep 12 2001 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
I just want to make it clear I dont mean I want the innocent people among the Islam or Arab peoples to suffer. The group that is responsible for the terrorist attacks is a minority in the Middle Eastern world. The people who stood in the streets and cheered did that because thats what all their lives they'be been told, "Americans are evil." They dont know any better. I want the government that is currently denying harboring the terrorist..Hasama Benladen(sp?) to suffer if indeed the rumors prove to be true and he is the source of the evil behind this.
Changed Forever...
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
I know that probably all of you have seen this stuff at TV. But some of us viewed the horror in true view. Just so you know, I am a freshman at Steven's Institute of Technology, and the campus is directly across the river from the WTC.

If you can just compare the horror of what you saw on TV, let me tell you that real life viewing was ten times that. Many students come from NY in my school, and they have families/friends that may have been killed or harmed. Nothing compares to hearing the explosion and watching the two towers fall down.

Considering that I'm only 18, I have never seen anything close to this, and I must say, that it was the most horrid thing I've ever seen. War is not just numbers, it's what I saw yesterday.

I just pray for those families who are changed forever, and if you can, please go to some religious gathering near you and attend a "prayer ceremony." It's the least you can do, even if you are not religious.
Blame the vermin ! not good people!
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
I think all Americans should take a deep breath, pause and remember that not ALL of the Islamic world is behind what-ever fanatical group that perpretrated this truly horrific act of evil! Many web sites in the Los Angeles area had to be taken down due to the hate mail traffic that they were receiving! We must remember that we are AMERICANS and we shall come together as a united group to hunt down these vermin! At the same time we must remember not to take out our justifiable wrath on innocent Islamic people in our country. Instead every effort must be made to hunt down the true criminals and not let them hide behind religion! Many Islamic leaders have already come forth and denounced this act as mass murder and the perpetrators as criminals of the lowest sort! I think we all need time to grieve over the losses of our brothers and sisters in New York and at the Pentagon and then move forward to capture and punish the criminals that caused this truly heinous crime! One other thing! to the countries that supply, train, or protect these terrorists; You are being put on notice that to do so make's you an enemy of the United States and you will be dealt with in the same fashion as the terrorists you protect!
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
IMO America needs to go in and do whatever is necisary to eradicate these types of individuals from this world. These people have proven time and again that they have absolutly no regard for american lives, and actually cheer at the anoucment of the tragedy.
I as we all should be, will keep America and those directly involved in this terrible chain of events in our prayers...lets just hope they find more survivors.
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
As the the stunned disbelief passed, I was replaced with a growing sadness at this despicable act those cowards commited. Today I as we begin to fully realize the extent of the casualites that will likely exceed 10k and perhaps approach 20-30 thousand people, I am filled with an unimaginable anger. If and when we find out who is responsible for this I hope they pay dearly for their crimes, and IF it happens that many peoples suspicions are correct and Afghanistan is actually harboring the terrorists, then may god help them, because I and I hope many others will demand their heads.
The phrase nuke em
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:36 PM Rating: Default
There are a lot of people who are getting grief for using the phrase nuke em! You must understand what we as a country are going through. We are venting, we are angry, we are tired and we feel helpless.

Yes, we do know we have to wait to find those resposible and those who helped either by supplying money or hiding places. Yes, we know what nuclear fall out is. Yes, we understand what "declare war" means.

Most of us do not mean...launch our nuclear ******* and destroy the earth. Some of us do want retaliation and want to launch bombs. The phrase nuke em in most cases may be applied to just bombing the crap out of them with none nuclear bombs. Or it could just be anger talking. Havn't you ever said I could kill you to someone who did you wrong? Did you actually go out and do it? Most of us didn't. If it comes to war we will use bombs be assured of that but nuclear weapons? At this time I don't think anyone is willing to take that step. Give us some time. The pain is still raw. Don't take every single word we say so litteral.

America is my country and I will protect it.
Your posts really are really scary.
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:21 PM Rating: Excellent
I have little more to say than what i did in a previous post ... just hope someone reads thinking ...

I just hope not a crazy person from my country flies a airship and crashes on your country .. i bet you will kill us all . Dont be as crazy , mad and blood hungry as those terrorist were .

A country is not guilty of the actions of a person , as a father is not guilty of what his child did ...
RE: Your posts really are really scary.
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
If a crazy person from your country, comes to our country under the guise of seeking a new life, hijacks a plane of inocent people, crashes it into a building killing 30,000 more inocents and your country is funding, harboring and encouraging this action you bet you will rue the day you extinguished those inocent lives. If evidence is found of the above a country is guilty of the actions of a person.

If the above is not the case in your country then you have absolutly nothing to worry about. We will probably only enter your country to offer aid, and a shoulder to grieve on in disaster cases. Why not try lending us a shoulder some time.

America is my home and I will protect it!
RE: Your posts really are really scary.
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
If a crazy person from your country, comes to our country under the guise of seeking a new life, hijacks a plane of inocent people, crashes it into a building killing 30,000 more inocents and your country is funding, harboring and encouraging this action you bet you will rue the day you extinguished those inocent lives. If evidence is found of the above a country is guilty of the actions of a person.

If the above is not the case in your country then you have absolutly nothing to worry about. We will probably only enter your country to offer aid, and a shoulder to grieve on in disaster cases. Why not try lending us a shoulder some time.

America is my home and I will protect it!
RE: Your posts really are really scary.
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:48 PM Rating: Default
If a crazy person from your country, comes to our country under the guise of seeking a new life, hijacks a plane of inocent people, crashes it into a building killing 30,000 more inocents and your country is funding, harboring and encouraging this action you bet you will rue the day you extinguished those inocent lives. If evidence is found of the above a country is gulty of the actions of a person.

If the above is not the case in your country then you have absolutly nothing to worry about. We will probably only enter your country to offer aid, and a shoulder to grieve on in disaster cases. Why not try lending us a shoulder some time.

America is my home and I will protect it!
America United
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:14 PM Rating: Good
Firt off I would like to say to Allakhazam that I read his commentary and am thankful we have Americans like him. What happened in New York and DC was an act of war. Thousands of people lost thier lives in an undeclared attack by some of the most evil people known in history. Now I say America stand strong, stand together, and stand proud for now we will show what America is made of. We have been hurt but our foundation still stands strong. When we find the person responsable for this (and all fingers are pointing to that ******* Osama Bin Dumbass) I say we destroy them and the country harboring them in anyway possible. America has had to please the world for so long and what do we get for it, thousand upon thousands of dead innocent people. I am thankful we have a man like Bush in the White House for he is not afraid to stand up against these people. He will do what he knows is right and nescasary to thrawt this evil and send a message to others that we will NOT tolerate these acts of war. Those that are responsable fear America for you have awoken a sleeping dragon and it is not happy...
My heart goes out
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:12 PM Rating: Default
My heart goes out to everone that has lost or not hear from family or friends that where in NYC and Washington. I hope that you hear from them soon. It saddens me that something so awful can happen in this world and that the peole who did it have no regard for human life. I have a sister that works in NY thankfully she is ok. I hope that everyone else will have the same outcome as me.
To care or not
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
Well, fundementalist have been screaming about things like this for years. "Look they are burning our flag and talking about how they are going to make USA pay..Silly people, they can't hurt us".
If you step on people toes, they get angry: USA have steped on many peoples toes.
Something like this was going to happen sooner or later...

One question: When thousands of civilians got butchered in some african civilwar, did you care?
RE: To care or not
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:09 PM Rating: Default
One question did the US butcher thousands of civilians because the phase civil war leads me to believe the butchered each other much like we did during our civil war. Please enlighten me on how we are resposible for the deaths of african civilians during their civil war.

America is my home and I will protect it!
RE: To care or not
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
I'm just saying that I care as much about butchering in some african civil war, as I do about 10k americans getting killed due to act of terrorism.
Question was: Did you care when 10k civilians died in an african civil war?
RE: To care or not
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm let me see did we care? Let me use several quotes from a post later on this thread by our canadian brother.

Did we care about "Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy" when there cities were in ruins?

Answer: yes it was "Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of these countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the
United States."

Did we care when "France was in danger of collapsing in 1956"?

Answer: Yes it was the "Americans who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris."

Did we care when "earthquakes hit distant cities"?

Answer: Yes it is the "United States that
hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American communities were flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped."

Did we care about several discouraged countries?

Answer: yes "The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped billions of dollars into discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans."

Did we care when the "railways of France, Germany and India were breaking Down through age,"?

Answer: Yes "It was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are still broke."

I have personally sent hundreds of dollars in food and clothing to almost every disaster area I have been alive for due to the fact that I can not give blood. Yes I care for those in need in other countries. Death is always a waste. However do you care more if someone killed your beloved sister or brother or if someone killed a person in a far away country? I feel for those who are victims in other countries but yesterday it was my brothers and sisters that were killed and MY heart that was torn apart.

America is my home and I will protect it!

Lots of thing...
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:11 PM Rating: Default
First thing i want to say, is that im REALY pissed off at the people in those planes that were 'jaked, those "terroris's" only had damn knifes, i would rather sacrifice myself on a knife to save THOUSANDS of people rather than let some idiot with a knife kill me and 1000+ others... im guessing, just speculation, but the crash in pitsburg area, the passengers might have revolted, good for them.
the next thing, im very sorry to say, there are going to be VERY few people come out of the rubble alive, if you were near the top of the towers when they came down, it would be similar to jumping off a building that high-dead, if you were at the bottem, you have a whole building on top of you-dead, the only major chance of survivors is if they were in the area of the collapse, but not in the building, im not saying that noone lived, just MUCH fewer than most people think....

im very sorry for the loss of life, and the ruined lives, i just hope we can pull through and win our little war

(read Revelations chapter 18 for a very interesting read about yesterday, im not religious, its just very similar)
RE: Lots of thing...
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:27 PM Rating: Default
Noone following the stories would believe that the hijackers announced "we're gonna use you to kill thousands", they just started killing the stweardesses one at a time until the pilots opened the cockpit, and even experts agree that the cockpits can be broken into relatively easy by anyone that knows how.

Of course pilots, faced with a hijacker that is killing stewardesses and being told that they just want to land outside the US, would go along, as they are instructed to do by the airlines, in order to prevent more deaths.

Not to mention that they estimate that there were 4 or 5 terrorists per plane.

Once this was accomplished they flew the planes into the buildings themsleves. Noone believes that the pilots did this. The pasangers would never have known until far too late.

Anger is understandable, but it is unfair to those that died on the planes to blame them for it when in all likelyhood they never knew the final destination.

Respect those that died horribly, don't blame them.
Sad era for us all
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
First of all I want to express my deepest sorrow upon that tragedy that occured in USA.

This is horrible and WE as human beings should ALL be concerned...

It's not a question of religion, it's not a question of politics, it's not a question of whether or not this thread should be posted here. All of that is IRRELEVANT!
As someone has said in another message we should think GLOBALLY! We as Humanbeings should make every effort to protect all that is sacred : human life, human rights, liberty of any kind, all those sentiments that we sometimes take for granted. They need to be enforced and protected everyday.

It is a big "cliché" but its a question of "good" and "evil"... and let's not blind ourselves, it's our job as citizens of this world, any governement has it's hidden agenda. It's up to each and everyone of us to make a difference.

The retaliation that might take place scares the hell out of me ... there should be revenge but I'm afraid things might get out of hand...

But what scares me even more is the reaction or lack of it from certain people....
We could be our best friend...
Up till now we have been our worst enemy...

As a race (globally speaking) we can do WONDERS

Shangel - Solusek Ro.
RE: Sad era for us all
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
im sorry am i hearing someone basically say forgive and forget?well you say there should be retaliation but are scard of the out come?NO we as a nation have been down roads like this and have come out victorious,as i am not one for neculear warfare im not gonna say nuke them,that would make us no better than them,but you have to remember that even w/o a casuality report we can still assume that more AMERICANS were killed yesterday than both AMERICANS and the opposing forces were killed in desert storm.You think about that think about what if your children had been in one of thoes buildings,mabey your mother or father,brother or sister,or mabey even some close friends and you stand and tell me that you wouldnt avenge their deaths
RE: Sad era for us all
# Sep 12 2001 at 3:00 PM Rating: Default
Well you are hearing wrong
I never said forgive and forget, far from it..
If you don't understand that, too bad for you and obviously you haven't understood one single thing I've said, it's scary.
I shall anyway elaborate on what I was referring to...

Retaliation should occured no doubt about that but how it will happen that's the delicate question. Lets not forget than there might be other "parties" not at all involved in this incident that could choose to get involved just for the heck of it...

There are crazy people everywhere.

Do not be as foolish as to think that it's just about the events of yesterday ... and that's why it could get out of hand and that's why I'm scared.

May you see the larger picture.


Shangel - Solusek Ro
RE: Sad era for us all
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
I read it , i hope people do READ and POST like you did : with a bit of mind reflection ... not just in fury and anger as most here are doing
Title was cut down
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:04 PM Rating: Decent
( Title was cut down , it was like this :

In a crisis the best you can do is to stop and think , not just react . )

Hope no mistakes are made just when reading the title line , read the post completely , may be it helps you to get a clearer conclussion
gireland on the terris thule server
# Sep 12 2001 at 2:03 PM Rating: Default
i am 13 but i am saddend beyond words but i haveread the posts the terrioists will be caught and justice excated but we must not allow nukelear war to become real *anyone play the game fallout 2?* i have that world may very well become our world if we allow nukelear war to become real but i hope it does not what the terroists did is unacppetable but they are suffering eternal damnation my feelins go out to all thoses in the wtc i just hope that all those whohave lost loved ones can learn to forgive in thefuture because rightnow all they can feel is saddness and anger just anger and saddness but nothing else
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