Treasures of Aht Urhgan Pics!

Some pics of landscape and the new job.. something called Blue Mage..??? *WARNING FOR DIAL USERS* These pics are BIG!


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# Sep 30 2005 at 9:33 AM Rating: Decent
Square-Enix released the official blue-mage description:

"Employing the legendary arts of Aht Urhgan, these formidable fighter-mages
employ elegantly curved blades for close combat, while decimating their
enemies from afar with fell magic mastered from their opponents."
# Sep 30 2005 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
I rencently quit this game to play Starwars Galaxies...And now something that looks very cool comes...Maybe i'll go back to it some time...Why did the expanion caome out after I quit?!?!?!WHY!?!?
Mirror, Mirror?
# Sep 30 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
122 posts
Arabian style armor...dammit, I don't care what it is, it just got added to my "Jobs I need AF for"

If you want the Arabian flavor of the month, you've also gotta lvl Bard and grab the Sha'ir set. I do believe that set is said to originate from the same area as the Blue Mage's AF. Same for the Barone set.

On that same note, has anyone else had the thought that the other nations of Vana'diel, y'know, the ones outside of Bastok/San d'Oria/Windurst/Jeuno/Outlands, would ever be potential expansion areas? There's definately plenty of clues in the game already of "The Eastern Empire" (most definately Japanese in it's aesthetics, considering all that comes from it), and we also have a western nation/continent, as evidenced from the Brave set for Beastmasters (based on that, it would make sense that it's probably something along the lines of a Native American-style nation). The new expansion definately has an Arabian flair to it, so this, along with Rise of the Zilart, pretty much sets a precedent for other nation's themes (the core nations of Vana'diel, imo, tend to represent mideval England, industral age America, and a rural village in Africa).

In other words, has anyone else seen the similarities between Vana'diel and Earth, as far as themes go?
Mirror, Mirror?
# Sep 30 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
122 posts
Arabian style armor...dammit, I don't care what it is, it just got added to my "Jobs I need AF for"

If you want the Arabian flavor of the month, you've also gotta lvl Bard and grab the Sha'ir set. I do believe that set is said to originate from the same area as the Blue Mage's AF. Same for the Barone set.

On that same note, has anyone else had the thought that the other nations of Vana'diel, y'know, the ones outside of Bastok/San d'Oria/Windurst/Jeuno/Outlands, would ever be potential expansion areas? There's definately plenty of clues in the game already of "The Eastern Empire" (most definately Japanese in it's aesthetics, considering all that comes from it), and we also have a western nation/continent, as evidenced from the Brave set for Beastmasters (based on that, it would make sense that it's probably something along the lines of a Native American-style nation). The new expansion definately has an Arabian flair to it, so this, along with Rise of the Zilart, pretty much sets a precedent for other nation's themes (the core nations of Vana'diel, imo, tend to represent mideval England, industral age America, and a rural village in Africa).

In other words, has anyone else seen the similarities between Vana'diel and Earth, as far as themes go?
Geting There
# Sep 30 2005 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
219 posts
I think one have to go throught tenshodo to get to the new area. I seem to remember a NPC saying there was a pathway down to a dock in the shop
# Sep 30 2005 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
For those that say the Taru in the picture had just fnished casting by his arm positions; who's to say they wont include a new animation for the abilities?
RE: Magic..
# Sep 30 2005 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
1,391 posts
If you watch the video (it's on it's pretty obvious the taru is using a JA or spell.
Blue Mage
# Sep 30 2005 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
A few questions. When is it do out? What about recipes for armor? What mobs will drop what types of armor.
Let's see how many players decide to try it the first week it's out too. Close to 50% maybe will be out there as "Blue Mage", and then start complaining they can't get a party invite because there are too many with the same job.
new city?
# Sep 30 2005 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
697 posts
I'm hoping that the new city will be a 4th nation...a new starting city. Who's with me?!
Blue Mages
# Sep 30 2005 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
I am assuming that things will be hard for Blue Mages to gain an enemies ability. I see a few things that would probably need to happen. Many of the abilities will probably not be AOE, so the player would have to get hate and keep it long enough for the enemy to do the ability on said person. This would mean a blue mage would need to sub war to voke, but I can already see that would not be the best party sub... sooo...

I can see alot of people jumping on the bandwagon, but I probably won't be one of those. I remember a time in EQ when Frogloks came out as a new race and the world was innundated with the buggers for the first week or so.
RE: Blue Mages
# Sep 30 2005 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
*Wonder's why they arn't showing the blue's with a weapon*
# Sep 30 2005 at 7:52 AM Rating: Default
yeah, this has to be a job where the mobs abilities can be learned with each lvl.

but ud have to actually fight the mob enough times in order to learn its ability. so if you wanna learn 1k needles you wont learn it until about 65-70+ when you can solo and have friends to help out.

but anyway thad be sweet as hell to learn 1k needles and that dahmel cure move thats Aoe thats be awseome but i think this would cost tp instead of mp becuase its not a spell its a ability so in order to use those PWNing moves we will need.

simple moves 30tp
simple but harder hitting moves 60tp
hard hiting moves100
very hard hiting 150
very nice dmg hiting moves 200
Devastating attack moves- 300tp (I.e 1k needles, cure move by dhanels, sickle slash)

with a little editing this could be come a very nice job
RE: wow
# Sep 30 2005 at 8:56 AM Rating: Decent
Hehe just think about that carrot move with the bunny :D

hehe so cute^^
RE: wow
# Sep 30 2005 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
585 posts
Maybe there will be quests for some of the moves, sorta like with the SMN elemental spirits- instead of having the move used on you, you have to kill a certain monster, and get the 'drop' from it to learn it's ability- sorta like the cook thing in IX 'eating' his enemies.
get over blue mage already, what about Geomancer
# Sep 30 2005 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
i am a rdm i can see why other rdms would complain. not saying in am. personally i think there are too many of us running around on asura anyway. i would like to say for the longest on this site and many. people have been pleading for blue mage. now it seems like all jobs/people are crying its gonna take over there job. i can see this. i, however, am not worried. i will say this, a lot of people will band wagon to this job. i am a lil worried that while i use my main job, rdm, that getting a pt will be harder. my solution in the past is be the leader and make the pt around you. anyway g.l. to all that wants to run to blue mage or quit the job they have worked hard at. lets just see what happens to the job. personally i havent seen anyway say it but i, even as a rdm, would love to see the geomancer job from tactics to come into ffxi. between the ground type, weather or a mix imagine the debuff abilities while specializing in axe,g.axes, sword, hammers and possibly daggers. but mostly axes and hammers... like in fft. i know in tactics a lot of stuff effected the efficency of the damage of axes/hammer (scoprion tail, mace....)
RE: get over blue mage already, what about Geomanc
# Sep 30 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
506 posts
RDM won't be harmed by the appearance of BLU. One word: Refresh.
RE: get over blue mage already, what about Geomanc
# Sep 30 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Default
to be honest, this doesn't really threaten any other mage jobs.
BLM will still have the MOST powerful dmg dealing spells (unless SE is just stupid)
RDM will still have a near-monopoly on refresh (with BRD) in addition to the most powerful debuffs -- who cares if another kind of mage can use a sword?
and WHM is never going to be challenged as healer (RDM or BRD can heal and have main healed in my PTs, but not as well)
SMN is SMN...nothing challenges that...BLU are never going to be able to summon Fenrir
BRD still has AoE and a Refresh effect

Blue mage
# Sep 30 2005 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
Blue mage will be the most attcking of all the mages.
I believe the blue mage learns his ability by recieving special moves casted by the enemy. For low level moves the recast time will be low like 30 sec to a min and for high level moves learnt the recast timer wil be around 15 min. Moves will also take up MP, the more powerful the move the MP used. I also believe the blue mages 2 hour will be similar to RDM chainspell, where the blue mage can keep casting the most powerful moves with no recast timer. I dont think scrolls will be used.
can't wait
# Sep 30 2005 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
72 posts
i cant wait to see a pic of a galka in that af
HNM magic?
# Sep 30 2005 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
What about big magic from hnm, i would like meteor from KB, dragon breath or avatars magic(the one of the avatar prime you cant use on smn) should be crazy cool, can't wait to see by my own eyes
stop moaning
# Sep 30 2005 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
lol ******** cos of peeps using wars maybe they just like the job and as 4 jumping on the bandwagon thing what the hell is that all about ur basically saying ne1 who says a job suck but then decides to stick with it is just copying u lol what u expect if u pay attention there isnt enough jobs 4 every single person who plays the game to hav a different 1 so instead of ******** how bout u help those new wars out like i do with new drg's im always glad to help if i can maybe u should try it givs u a warm feeling inside.

As 4 the blue mage i think its gona b pretty kool but i cant grasp what abbilities its gona hav u look at the pics and it just looks like a rdm with a diff name.
Damm Galka MP =(
# Sep 30 2005 at 5:59 AM Rating: Default
I know that galkas can be decent mages even with the crappy mp but I don't think galka characters are gonna be all hyped up about a Blue Mage. Hope they introduce some new low-level MP boosting gear with the expansion since the price tag on Astrals are rediculous. If you ever wanna borrow gear send a /tell to Loclavien. d(-.^)
I'm glad...
# Sep 30 2005 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
As a Warrior who started off in the days of 'what are you picking when you get to 30' and scoffed at when I told them I was sticking with this job...and then saw the SAME people a year or more WAR's post 50...and seeing an INSANELY ANNOYING flood of new, noobish War's hitting the streets of Jeuno when any War past 50 used to be very rare...I mean...I just want to ***** slap these MORONS who keep jumping on the bandwagon just because they realize...hey...War actually kicks ***...

coming from that perspective...I am VERY glad to hear about Blue Mage. Because it is something that everyone and their sister is going to jump on, and maybe, just maybe, people will stop grasping at a job they dont even know how to play right just because they saw it rock a mob on higher lvls...and cling to a new job instead. FINALLY we might see a crapload of BLUE MAGES...and no more freaking war's popping up all over the place. I swear, it's in infestation, especially in the last year and especially since the Rng nerf. And they all think they should only be /Nin and only use axes...complete morons.
RE: I'm glad...
# Oct 02 2005 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
How do you think we mnks feel. When i decided to take mnk all the way i searched a wopping 15 75mnks on Kujata now there are more monks than you can shake a stick at because high level ppl are talking about bone parties and Chi Blast on gods. Either way i think this job might be cool and maybe if it is as much like rdm as ppl think it will be then it won't be so *@$& hard to get a rdm to join party. (there never seems to be one looking) Maybe make it a lil easier for us non mage types to get parties instead of waiting 3 hours with 5 ppl looking for a refresher. One other thing pirate seems to be a lot like thf so in everyones mind what would a pirate do that would be any diff than a war or thf. Lastly i think a good idea for a new job would be a mix of Alchemist and Engineer(Mustadio from FFT) where you stay back and heal the pty with skill made potions and such and inflict status with a gun with tp. Not nearly as strong as rng shots but things that inflict blind bind paralyze and such status'. Either way think it over ppl.
I knew it.. I friggin' knew it..
# Sep 30 2005 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
They were obviously listening to our POL chats.
Even when we had no idea about a new expansion, we were talking about the other FF jobs.
I wouldn't be suprised if Pirate comes out next.
SE are always watching me.. watching..

Pirate Ninja ahoy.
2 Hour - [Keelhaul][Yes, please.][You can have this.]
Can't wait..
# Sep 30 2005 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent

These landscapes look so much better than the mundane-ness of Tavnazia...

This is looking good, very good.

Rate up for SE.
Very Cool
# Sep 30 2005 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
Well they have peeked my interest. I am hoping I can sub brd with the blu. Might be cool. All those monster effects and 2 songs.
RE: Very Cool
# Sep 30 2005 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
155 posts
if you sub bard you can only have 1 song effect on you.
# Sep 30 2005 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
4,327 posts
This looks really good! I cant wait to see what its like!
# Sep 30 2005 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
after recently playing Prince of Persia - Sands of Time... I think I should make the following posits :

Blue mage specific weapons, probably Scimitar type heavily curved blades, in dagger, sword and great sword class, (HASSAN CHOP !)

Additional effect of said weapons, when equipped with a 'ammo' (a sand, a powder, some sort of consumable, perhaps in an hourglass/tank, like batteries and pumps)is 'Secret Leech', learn the power of your foes by engaging them in combat, each parry, strike and dodge teaches you thier ways and hence the ways in which they can be defeated Every successful attack gives you a hidden skill-up for that class of creatures attacks.

So you spend big gil on buying ammo, to learn from a new mob class but un-equip your sand when you fight something you've fought before so as not to waste it.

The strategic angle is kewl... need an earth attack, fight an earth based mob... need a fire attack, fight a fire based mob...

Combine with NIN... very kewl

Use NIN debuff magics, hit with stolen mob attack = quick toasted enemies.

Methinks Blue/Ninja will be a very kewl character class. Given the sort of lithe wiry sorts of stereotypes for both the Arabian 'Alladin' figures and that of the Ninja... it makes sense.

I think perhaps the only hedfugg will be organising and managing all those skills/attacks. To my way of thinking it may simply be organised by element. Each attack/buff/whatever has an elemental base. Instead of 'enfeebling magic', 'enhancing magic' etc, you simply have it categorised by element and as you skill up in each element you get access to higher and higher levels of attacks/buffs within that element.

Powering those attacks I think will be TP, not MP. Most of the mob attacks seem to be TP based so it stands to reason that thats what you would use. You suck your abilities from the non-sentient beasties, not the beastmen.

This makes Blue mages combat mages, not backfield artillery. My guess is they make them supremely agile and evasive, rather than tanks. They smell like DD's to me, unless they sub NIN for an adlib shadow based tanking system.

What really interests me is which main/sub combos will work best.

BLU/NIN - kewl perhaps
BLU/WAR - eh... dont think so
BLU/RDM - maybe
BLU/PLD - waste of time
BLU/BST - hmmm may indeed be kewl
BLU/THF - {evasion bonus}, {sneak attack},{can I have it ?}{yes please}
BLU/WHM - meh...
BLU/BLM - KILL ! {death} glass cannon-itis in its ultimate form
BLU/MNK - prolly alright but not brill
BLU/RNG - eh... nope
BLU/SAM - now... imagine...all that TP to play with and elemental attacks to throw, may be cool

I haven't bothered with the reverse combinations, (BLU sub), thinking about them makes it pretty obvious which ones may work well and which wont.

All in all... a cool expansion job.
RE: blu-kewl
# Sep 30 2005 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
DRG/BLU very interesting............
RE: blu-kewl
# Sep 30 2005 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
3,653 posts

Powering those attacks I think will be TP, not MP.

I think they are definitely magic, the taru in the screenshots has just fnished casting ^^.
# Sep 30 2005 at 3:42 AM Rating: Decent
111 posts
As a straight out RDM (which tends to be a pickpocketing THF on day off) I am heavily worried about this job replacing RDM. With all the monster abilities they can enfeeble, cure and DD as well as RDM, BRD and perhaps even WHM or BLM. Even though they (hopely) wont learn any refreshing abilities I think it will be a harsh struggle between RDM and BLU for PT invites.
Still, I am going to try the job, I think that RDM/BLU can make a very nasty combo, maybe even a become a straightout DD melee job instead of hanging back with the mages (though I always draw my sword when i get a chance, usually I hit 2 out of 3 attacks.)
Another few suggestion on abilities for BLU
Bomb: Explosion
Bat: Evasion Down
Tiger: Claw Cyclone
Treant: Pinecone Bomb
Mandragora: Scream
Beetle: That +eva move
Antlion: Trap
Bull: TP down/disease move
# Sep 30 2005 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
778 posts
Arabian style armor...dammit, I don't care what it is, it just got added to my "Jobs I need AF for" along with Drg(finished) Pld(in progress) War(started) and Rdm(slowly in progress).
TP? nah
# Sep 30 2005 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
awesome. i thought they would implement more than one additional job class though like alchemist ; ;.... still, this should bring some fun and excitement to the game...especially ballista lol...

also, i doubt the abilities will use TP. all blue magic in previous FF games has used MP, and that works well in this case too. weaponskills have always used TP. its still kinda strange that these blue mages are unarmed when classical blue mages could use swords and other weapons though....

Edited, Fri Sep 30 03:18:19 2005
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