16 Years of EverQuest: All Access Giveaway

We have 16 membership codes to give away to 16 lucky winners--enter now!

The giveaway has ended!

Winners will be contacted and announced by 11:59pm PT on Thursday, March 26th.

Happy Birthday to EverQuest! We've teamed up with Daybreak Games to give away 30 days worth of All Access membership to 16 lucky people! Continue after the jump for all the details.

Obligatory Information

  • No purchase necessary, but you need to register for a free account with ZAM if you haven't yet
  • We don't care which country you live in, anyone can redeem the code
  • The contest begins whenever this article goes live on Monday, March 16, 2015 and ends at 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, March 24, 2015
  • There are sixteen (16) codes for thirty (30) days of All Access membership, so there will be sixteen (16) individual winners
  • One entry per person
  • ZAM staff and their immediate family are not eligible. Sorry, hubby!
  • Daybreak employees and their immediate family are not eligible. Sorry, Roshen!

How to Enter

  • Log in to your ZAM account (registering is free!)
  • Post a comment as a response to this article telling us something you love about EverQuest. A favorite zone, a cherished memory, a funny story—whatever you want to share!
  • Deadline for entries is 11:59pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, March 24, 2015

How We Choose

  • Valid entries will be entered into a random blind drawing
  • The winners will be announced by 11:59pm Pacific Time on Thursday, March 26, 2015
  • The code and redemption instructions will be sent via private message on ZAM
  • ZAM and Daybreak are not responsible for an unredeemed or lost code

There's all our mumbo-jumbo... good luck!



Ann "Cyliena" Hosler, Managing Editor


Post Comment
# Mar 17 2015 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
I've never played this game. Does this count then? I mean 30days free to try one of the 1st MMOs. Could be fun.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
Favorite Memory of EQ
# Mar 17 2015 at 5:28 AM Rating: Good
136 posts
God I love this game, I have been playing faithfully since I was introduced to it during Beta. I still remember my first character when the game went live. I had so many great memories those first few weeks of playing him before I decided to test a different character out. But I will never forget that 1 night that made me both jump and scream. My first character on Xegony was a Gnome Warrior named Drachnor. I loved Drachnor and on that first day I created him I got so many people questioning why I would make a Gnome warrior. Being the first Gnome warrior the lack of competition was amazing. My first few fights were great but then I was killed by a small gnome decaying skeleton. He had a huge sword so after zerg tactics and about 5 deaths I finnaly killed him. He had a Rusty 2 hand sword. I had put all my skill points into 1 hand weapons So I had my friend who was a necro to hold onto my stuff and I deleted the character and remade him with the same name. I lost the 1 level I had gotten but I wanted to use my skill points differently. And it paid off, It was amazing the amount of damage I could do. Before long I was level 5 and holding the Kobold camp by myself. Other players saw what I was doing and were following me like a puppy wanting to know how I was doing so much damage. The next day there were tons of Gnome warrior running around. But back to the story at hand. That night that made me both jump and scream as well as made sure I would never leave the game was the day I discovered Feddi. Some people may not know but in Steamfont there is an NPC named Feddi Dooger. He appears at night and typically is around the trees halfway between windmills and the dragon skeleton. I was happily killing kobolds trying to get some more backpacks and had just noticed out the corner of my screen this gnome standing near a tree. I didnt think anything of it as there were people running around. Next thing I know I turn around my screen and right in front of my face is this gnome and he kills me in 1 hit. I screamed as it happened it scared me so bad. I was not expecting to see face to face that character and at first I thought I had gotten killed by another player, that was untill I went to get my body and he again killed me. It wasnt untill daylight happened in game that I got my body back. It took days to actually go explore at night for fear that I would be killed by him after that. I was sweating everytime I was killing things and it became dark in game. Things eventually started to calm down but then of course I met the Mino Hero.. and then Meldrath.. but thats another story.
Favorite Memory in EQ
# Mar 17 2015 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
I guess for a funny story I'd have to go with something my Necro did. This was way back when we got around by running or finding someone nice enough to port us somewhere.

Mind you I hadn't played my Necro in a while but I decided to take her out one day and after deciding I wanted to go to Dragon Necropolis. I used my DMF and made my way all the up to Sirens Grotto. I went through the zone to Western Wastes and than continued on to the valley where Dragon Necropolis was.

As I came up to the valley I ran right off because I had DMF on. Well I forgot I lost my DMF back in the previous zone. I fell for 20K and thought what the heck happened there. So I get ready again head all the way and smack down to the frozen ground I went. So now this has happened twice I decided to put a petition in. As I finished the petition I got ready for the long run again and just when I made it before the valley I remembered that my DMF dropped in the previous zone.

Well besides me laughing hysterically so were my friends because they kept saying what are you doing. In laughing I thought oh no I put a petition in for this so I went and amended it but couldn't help think what the GM at the other end of that thought and if they thought it was a funny as the rest of us thought it was.
A post few will read
# Mar 17 2015 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
309 posts
Personally, I like the complaining that people do but really my favourite thing is the sense of entitlement everyone has.

Seriously, though, for me, the biggest thing in EQ was free transfers to Firiona Vie. For me personally, that saved Everquest. They're getting too "No Trade" happy, though. No reason the Brell's aug should be no trade. Let the market be free =)
WudanNEXT.com - Zek is alive !!
# Mar 17 2015 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
Not being able to zone over and kill someone because your on 56k and your buddy is on LAN chasing him down already!!

Rallos Zek!!
# Mar 17 2015 at 12:21 AM Rating: Good
69 posts
I was a guide from 00 to 03. I loved being a CS guide. There were weeks I spent more time guiding than playing. One memory is at the three hour end of a one hour shift I got lots of tells about a player named "Ihadsex Withyourmother". That is NOT what his actual name was. It was late and I was tired. Procedure required me to contact him, explain the naming rules, ask what he would like for his new name and then change it. And of course deal with the abuse he would heap upon me. So I took a shortcut. Went invis, visited him to verify the bad name then changed it to Daisy. Gated back to Sunset Home and camped for the night. I never heard any feedback over it. I would have loved to hear his explanation to his guild over the sudden name change. Or even more his petition/conversation with a GM trying to get his old name back.

One very rewarding shift involved a petition about a RL suicide threat. Talking the player down while waiting for a GM to log on (other guides on at the time were using other channels to contact one) and seeing a positive resolution to the issue.
Back in the day...
# Mar 16 2015 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
Oh EQ, I can't believe I started playing you back in 2000 (yep missed the first year). I still have my first main character too, he's a Wood Elf Bard. I'll never forget how my sister and brother-in-law would group and explore this world. I had a whip that did 6 dmg and I thought I was bad ***. EQ invaded my life and even my dreams like the nightmare that I was my bard and being chased by hill giant, hehe. That's not a strange as my sister dreaming that she was casting buffs on her husband before he left for work. Still enjoy playing this game even after all these years.
# Mar 16 2015 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
12 posts
my favorite thing about everquest has always been logging in and getting ready for a raid and the excitement involved in raiding. People are going to get something out of it that you can only get from having a large number or real people joining together in effort to better eachothers characters and experience the game at its toughest. The thrill of beating a new encounter, of hoping THIS WEEK that drop you really wanted is in the chest, of bumping up another number in the rankings, of now being able to go solo some old content you could not before you had raid gear. Theres an energy and rush that goes with raiding that is intoxicating.
Final turn in for the Mage epic
# Mar 16 2015 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
My best memory is the day that I did the final turn in for the magician epic. I was level 59 who was born on 10 oct 2000. My RL friend (cleric) went to plane of air with me.. we didnt even know how to find the turn in NPC.. As a non-raid magician, i bought the crown for 50k pp and that was a huge sum of money when I bought it.. my friend was like "what happens if the quest is bugged..." It was the thing I was most proud of in my online adventure with this game and I wouldn't trade my time or the friends I met along the way to make that happen.. Phredrick, Roben, Zerawetile, Lillriona and many others.. thank you for the memories!!! Months spent in South Karana hunting Quillimane and Many months in Burning woods..
Thanks for the memories, and the chance to make new ones
# Mar 16 2015 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
I'm recently back to Everquest after a 13 year hiatus. Life, school, growing up had to happen. I'm so thrilled to be back! No other mmorpg has ever held my interest and adoration for as long as this game has.

I hope that some day the old zones become popular again. It saddens my heart to see my beloved Kelethin such a ghost town. I love the original music, I love the vibe and the players are such a great community....

Thanks for doing what you do, and keeping Everquest alive, Daybreak. And thanks to all the folks at ZAM for making my EQ experience so much richer. It's a beautiful community, both here and in Norrath, and I'm proud to be a part of it again. =)

30 day access giveaway EQ
# Mar 16 2015 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
No matter what games come and go Everquest has been my mainstay since the end of 1999 theres just something about this game that pulls me back in when i slip away.
# Mar 16 2015 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
14 posts
i started playing over 7 years ago and as a solo player i always have something i can do on eq. i have 3 accts and sometimes bot some of the quests or ha that are available. i have even found some old content hidden quests that are not listed on zam. always an adventure and exciting when something like that happens.
My first toon over level 8
# Mar 16 2015 at 10:11 PM Rating: Default
68 posts
I made a human warrior named Anaken. I was brand new to EQ and thus had only made a couple human female and dark elf toons to see what the game was like and to run around and just explore the newbie towns. I didn't even care for video games let alone this "fantasy" game on the computer. I am not even a star wars fan but I was just messing around, not being serious at all. Anaken which I purposely misspelled, was just my first venture into playing past the newbie towns. This warrior couldn't see, he couldn't fight, and I didn't know what taunt was or how to train it. I just remember getting him to 24 and someone had given me a sword of skyfire and some other newbie stuff which was amazing to me at the time. They warned me not to use it past the weapons proc level though since it created agro on everything around you once it reached that point, It was a crazy time of fast paced learning and looting. Bag space was always at a premium! I was fighting sarnaks at the fort in ill omen and my group was getting very annoyed with me. They asked me if I had trained taunt yet and I had no idea what it was or that it was so important for tanks. Of course you had to run back to your guild trainer to get new skills back then as you remember. I didn't even realize what a tank was or that I was one. Oh the old days, I also ran him from Freeport to Qeynos through West Commonlands, Kithicore forest, Xorbb (don't fall off that ledge!) and what seemed like all the Karanas. I had no sow, no night vision no nothing! That was a death-defying run I still remember to this day. Oh boy do I wish I had a lightstone with me too now that I think back on it.

I went on to make a rogue, being a dark elf people kept asking me why I made a dark elf when there was a "mask" I could get. My reply was dark elves were awesome and why would you want to play a human when it's a fantasy game on the internet. I was a bit jaded from the greif from dying so much and lack of night vision I had on my warrior plus I had no idea about illusions yet. I had never seen anything like dark elves, blue skin, a cool city in the mountain full of ugly ogres and trolls as well, being able to steal stuff and hide/sneak around with mostly nothing to fear, what more could you ask for!? I think this is when I decided playing the "evil" side/role of EQ was for me! I ended up quitting him at 48 and moving to another server to start anew with real life pals who also played. That's when I fell in love with Iksars and my new Monk! After consulting with my buddies for a good day or two the whole FD thing sparked my interest, it wasn't sneak/hide but it seemed like it could keep me alive just as well, I was hooked.

The old models are still my favorite because they had a unique way of swimming, sitting and FD'ing. The new Iksar sit/swim just like everyone else, I'd like to see some development in the new luclin models as to different races dances and gestures sorta like other MMO's out there did. Maybe someday they'll re-work stuff and make the emotes more interesting for the new models. I'll never forget those kind gestures and a certain rogue on TT named Gruthar? I just love thinking about those learning days. Being a newb in EQ was the best because no one expected you to be amazing, we were all learning and experiencing new stuff together. The times were simpler too, no augments to worry about, no AA's just xp and gear! Let's not forget soloing with bind wound and working on brewing so we could get drunk! Oh those Minotaur Hero Brew combines! #carpal tunnel. I think that's the draw of the progression servers, a hint of nostalgia for the old ways and the old days. Nowadays I play an Iksar Beastlord and a drakkin mage alt sometimes. I always dreamed of being able to solo on my monk and I had a ton of clicky buffs in my ******** pants from PoG for stamina, Stave of shielding for a good solo buff etc. I never got a fungi but I dreamed about it! Later on when I could solo VT I got me the nice chain graphic one to have as a trophy.

When Beastlords came out, it was like a dream come true even though I was mad for a bit because it was new and I was already level 70 on my monk. I did a bunch of crying and hating on them but eventually said O.K. I'll try it since I don't want to make a shammy I can just play BST since they are a monk/shm in one. Besides, I couldn't get a group anymore since bards had become proficient in pulling and BST could slow so they were very popular. I still have the monk to this day but I wouldn't change my EQ experience for the world. The things I did, the classes I played have all shaped my interests and choices in what to play next. I have made many friends and stayed interested in EQ for many years. Thanks for keeping this great game going, and thanks to Zam for making a site I still visit for my quest/item needs after my own 13+ years of playing off and on.
Let's get lost, I know the way.. I've been there before.. ;)
16 Years of EverQuest: All Access Giveaway
# Mar 16 2015 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
3 posts
I started playing EQ in 2000.. I was playing with some rl friends of mine, I was the puller. At some point someone said "OOM". I had no idea what that meant so I said... INC... we all died :( .. Had a long run back to get our bodies. Alot of great memories in EQ... Hope for many more

all access give away
# Mar 16 2015 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
when this game first came out my husband played almost everyday. we would argue because he was always online playing EQ. until one day I decided to join him and try it out. I got my own computer and my own account. Loved it from the beginning. So 12 years later I still love this game and my husband and I play EQ every chance we can.
# Mar 16 2015 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
My friend "Philbert" first talked to me about this game when it came out and I didn't believe how much fun it would be playing it. It was a whole new idea of playing role playing games. I started playing a long while later in 2000 after all the stories I've heard. All of the little adventures I've had in the game led me to new RL friends. This was the first game I didn't have to "finish", but instead hanging out in EC tunnel and chatting with friends was all wanted to do in game, the quests were fun and the lore was interesting too, in comparing other MMORPG's I've played afterwards. I recently came back to EQ and it's still a great game! My old toon name was Jiggaman (later required to change my name because it was offensive, lol), now Averyus on Cazic Thule.
16 Years of EverQuest: All Access Giveaway
# Mar 16 2015 at 8:13 PM Rating: Decent
Some of my favorite memories of playing Everquest are progressing through the Planes of Power expansion. Getting a chance to take the battle to the gods' home field, and still thinking we were going to make it out alive. Top experience is the first time one beats the Plane of Time raid. Re-encountering all the gods you fought to get here, all building off the last, and then the feeling of accomplishment after actually succeeding. Such a wonderfully fun expansion to play through, top to bottom.
coneecting with friends
# Mar 16 2015 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
The best part about the game is the time I get to spend with my friends who live quite far away from me now! its like a weekly poker match where we get together and shoot the...!
# Mar 16 2015 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
i remember long ago holding the camp for jboots. between myself my wife and a couple friends we held that spawn for 48 hours. that was of course a very very long time ago
# Mar 16 2015 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
2 posts
Way back when, players were able to assume the form of npc's and control them in some low level zones. I loved playing a rat in West Freeport and attacking the new level 1 or 2 toons and chasing them around the zone. Had to stay away from the gates though. To the guards, rats were rats.
thank heavens EQ is still around
# Mar 16 2015 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
the humor of a greenie freeport guard attacking me. the lovely soothing music while browsing shops. the sound and vastness of the ocean of tears. that cool breeze slipping through my mind as a real life summer breeze drifted through my window at the same time. laughing maniacally when someone shouted "HELP!" and you had no idea where they were

in 1999, when i was massively addicted to EQ, i made a trip to the mall. did some browsing, bought some clothes, the usual things you might do in such a place. when i was done, i figured i'd just gate out of there. yes, it seriously occurred to me. when i realized that i couldn't actually do this, i kinda just stood there for a few seconds with probably a rather interesting look on my face. i must've been out of mana, or perhaps out of my mind

in 2000, i was in lower guk camping the ritualist. i summoned a pet…in those days, you couldn’t control enchanter pets. i didn’t see it as much of an issue on that ledge, as i'd tested it and was doing just fine for an hour. then for whatever reason, dumb invisible man decides to fall off the edge like an amateur trapeeze artist. i immediately went invisible to remove him, back when that still happened

things seemed just fine. i went about my camping and called forth another pet. five minutes later, a roaring train came around the corner and i had six frogs pummeling me. they ran all the way through the dungeon, apparently taking the scenic route. they chewed up my new pet and i was stunning and single mezzing all these froggies repeatedly, while trying to get off a gate inbetween. unfortunately, i didn’t have a mass mesmerize spell memorized, due to the ease of the camp. this struggle went on for about five minutes, and i kept getting closer and closer to pulling it off…but alas, i was a squished elf in the end

the only person i knew who could ressurect me wasn’t responding. i couldn’t locate any convenient clerics online. i was so livid that i was screaming obscenities and i could feel the knots in my back and shoulder muscles harden. that was the only time i ever reacted like that. ah, those addicted days when your world came crashing down over something an incident like this

i've played the game since launch, sometimes on and off...but i always come back at some point. it's inevitable for me <3
Ysse, Dark Elf Enchantress since 1999
16 Years of EverQuest: All Access Giveaway
# Mar 16 2015 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
I really like playing with players from other countries. I always find it incredible that I can be playing a game with people from around the world.
Long time memory
# Mar 16 2015 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
When starting out, my first character was an Erudite Shadowknight. This was long before the mapping system went live, and even EQAtlas was an incomplete resource. It took me more than a hour to get to the elevator, and I still had no clue how to get it to work. I was hailing everything, not knowing what to say, again long before the clues on what to say, and I had a skeleton guard targeted, well I accidentally hit the auto-attack and didn't last long. I got out of town, but still took more than 6 levels to get back in.
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