Rumors Swirl on EQ2

In the recent EQ newsletter, Sony put in a puzzle that led to two websites: and (Congratulations to the gang at the safehouse for solving the riddle). Each site brings up an image and the Nektulos one mentions an announcement coming up in May. May is of course when E3 is held. This is the biggest gaming convention of the year, and game companies typically try to save their biggest announcements for the large group of press that comes to E3 each year. So what is Sony going to announce in May? It may be something like a single player game based upon Everquest, or the release of some new zones. However, do not be surprised if it is the launch of Everquest 2. I don't have any positive information on this and am really just speculating, but since they already announced the PS2 version of the game and the Planes of Power expansion, it seems logical that this is not related to either of them. Why make a teaser for something everyone already knows about? And they have never put this type of effort into announcing free content for the game. EQ2, however, would be a huge announcement. In addition, I have been told that the latest version of PC Gamer mentions EQ2 (I have not read it -- I'll try to track down a copy). Plus, Sony has had registered for quite a while. So the announcement Sony plans to make in May could well be that they are making EQ2. Or they could just be announcing another expansion or something related to the PS2 version of the game or even something completely unrelated to Everquest. We will be in Los Angeles for E3, so as soon as we find out more, we'll let you know. In the meantime, some of our visitors managed to piece together the murky pictures you see in the two sites.
  • Wailing Caves Full Image
  • Nektulos Full Image
  • Feel free to throw in your own thoughts about what this means. UPDATE (Again): Link already dead.


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    Voice your opinion.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 9:19 PM Rating: Default
    Not to say that EQ1 is going to end for sure....but I don't even want VI starting to think thats an option. Norrath is a world we've grown to love. Most of us seem to like it the way it is. All those who support keeping EQ1 active: Tell VI how you feel! How do you do that? Heres the answer.

    It's the petition to keep EQ1 up and running. Although I expect the board to be flamed. I ask of you not to do this. Those in support of EQ2 don't lower yourselves to the point of trashing the EQ1 petition board. It doesn't do much to forward your argument, nor does this petition wish to be an attack on EQ2 (yes, I'm aware the link says anti-EQ2...and I apologize for that. Although I don't wish to remake the board. This is NOT an AntiEQ2 movement). We simply want the old game to be preserved. Thank you for your cooperation.
    Frame rates and poor internet quality
    # Apr 25 2002 at 9:10 PM Rating: Default
    Hi, Jim Nesselroad here.
    When we went to kunark, the internet load on my rural dial-up got tougher. When we went to Luclin, the internet load became so difficult that I can't play there. If another person NPC or PC comes into view the framerate gets so slow that I can't possibly fight a battle. A spell in Luclin stalls my IP for seconds after. I have died as a newbie in Luclin so much due to the lags that I quit playing there.

    With the enhanced graphics the EQ 2 would probably be impossible for me to play. Hence, I am stuck in the old world until satellite digital connections become available.

    Anyone else notice internet difficulties with the newer graphics?
    RE: Frame rates and poor internet quality
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:00 PM Rating: Default
    I have a similar problem with Luclin, but I've always assumed it's my RAM, which is only 128. It's only super-annoying in Shar Vahl (I guess due to all the cat NPCs), the rest is at least playable. Ever think of RAM as a possible cause of your problem?
    RE: Frame rates and poor internet quality
    # Apr 26 2002 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
    Hi, Jim Nesselroad here.
    I've got 640 Mb RAM. GE Force2 video with highest ram on card.
    The problem as I see it is lock of DSL or cable connections. I can LAN 2 computers and play oldworld with my son at the came time (provided we don't zone at the same time which loses one of our connections). Lag can slow us down somewhat. If alot of spells are cast. we can be delayed quite a while. Now I am wondering if the delays are due to video performance and not my 31,000kbs connection?
    RE: Frame rates and poor internet quality
    # Apr 26 2002 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
    "LAGLIN" as Ive dubbed it, I think is really a bunch of poorly written graphics code. the only wah I can get around is to turn off every think go to top down camera mode and bring the clipplane in all the way.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
    Ok Eq1 will not fade away kids, and I dont think EQ2 will do as well as the Original has. From the sounds of it it pretty much the same as DAOC with a new name and face. Many people left EQ only to return from DAOC, so do really think Eq2 has a chance...IMO not really.

    On another matter WTF is wrong with you people, you flame eachother on these boards and what purpose does it have other than to prove how ignorant you really are. Grow up! If you have nothing of intrest to say then just dont say anything at all and keep your back woods, mom and pop reststop, mens room wall scratchings to yourselves for crying outloud. Oh was that a flame=p eeew me bad.
    RE: Eq
    # Apr 26 2002 at 10:28 AM Rating: Default
    You just flamed people. i though you did not think it was cool to flame people. hummmm.

    think, then speak you will look better :)
    RE: Eq
    # Apr 25 2002 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
    Oh and one more thing. Do you really think Soe would invest the money into another EQ exp this fall if they thought the game was going to just up and die. They know that Eq will continue to grow as it has with every new exp pack, each exp they put put=new players attracted which=$$$$.
    Wah bunch of crybabies
    # Apr 25 2002 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
    I just don't understand the mentality of people who feel the need to complain endlessly about change. Did you all really think EQ would go on forever? Did you think that they should let you transfer your old character to the new game? What fun would there be in exploring the new game if you were level 60 and little to no danger?

    And complaining about the higher system requirements? You have well over a year to save up to buy a new computer. I would GLADLY welcome a new game that has the graphics like those shown in the screenshots.

    I said it before, will say it again: if you don't like the idea of EQ2, DON'T PAY TO PLAY IT!

    Jeez, grow up ya little kids.
    RE: Wah bunch of crybabies
    # Apr 25 2002 at 9:03 PM Rating: Good
    EQ2 is not EQ. That much is simple to see. They are as other people have put it, kicking us who STILL enjoy the first EQ and haven't done all we want aside to make more money. As for graphics, it could be 2d for all I care if it just has stunning gameplay, hell I'd play it text only if it was a great game. VI has somehow gotten it into its head that graphics have to be uber and everyone has a uber computer to run it. Eq is a RPG, story first graphics last. If you want a game thats all looks and no substance well, its your money but when it effects those of us who still play and enjoy EQ we have a right to complain. Its our money we pay to play a game we enjoy, when its getting kicked aside for something like this mind-numbling stupid EQ2 we have a right to be angry. There is nothing childish in usin your voice and talking in any fashion about something like this.
    RE: Wah bunch of crybabies
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:12 PM Rating: Good
    Sorry, but I wouldn't call EQ a role-playing intensive game. All I see on it nowadays is stupid l33t-speak and twinks after nothing more than the best "phat lewt" they can get their hands on. The backstory of the world is very good, as is most of the npc dialog, and stuff like that. It's foolish to think that stuff can't be carried over into a sequel. It sounds to me like they are working on making the world more immersive. Dare I say more real. As someone who is at heart a roleplayer (you know, of the type that requires face to face interaction with real people), I can't see a problem there. The less EQ works like a traditional computer game, and the more it works like a truly interactive fantasy WORLD, the better it will be. Large aspects of the current game (such as tradeskills and all non-magic items) are completely useless at this point, and that's just retarded. The game has hit a plateau; I'd play EQ2 just to be able to go back to when EVERYONE was a "n00b". That's when the game was most fun. Ideally this sort of game should be fair, fun at all levels, and just maybe in the future I can feel like I'm in a fantasy world for a little while instead of just hanging around a bunch of silicon geek elves screaming "w00t, I ownz da phat l3wt!"

    from a slightly jaded eq player
    Dear lord...
    # Apr 25 2002 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
    OK peoples, ya'll can stop complaining as that guy said before. Everquest 1 is NOT going to die, so everyone stop having your little heart attacks. First of all, depending on how tight these requirements are, people may not be able to play EQ2. Secondly, I for 1 will not quit EQ. EQ1 and EQ2 are completely different games, and EQ2 is a LOT like Dark Ages of Camelot. People will play EQ2, some will like it, others will hate it and continue to play EQ1. Others, like myself, may actually play both. EQ2 may also attract other people who don't play EQ, and they may not like EQ2 but try EQ1 and like it. You never know, but EQ1 will definitely NOT die out!
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:50 PM Rating: Default
    OOps...I meant to say, "BTW, if anyone thinks the original eq ISNT going to fall by the wayside..your kidding yourself"

    Matul needs to proof-read his posts!
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
    It really gets my goat to see so many ppl whining and complaining about Everquest 2. Heck its gets me to see so many ppl complain about Everquest With Luclin. I don't see what everyon is complaining about. I mean, so many ppl I know already have multiple accounts on EQ, now that EQ2 is coming out they are complaining about the cost. Or the requirments. I mean has anyone seen the pics?? They are incredible. Absolutely beautiful. I for one will buy it, even if my system is not up to snuff. It will still play, maybe not as well as if I had an UBER system. I play the game cause I enjoy it. Sure its got problems, sure maybe it doesn't run as well on my machine as it does on others. For crying out loud ppl, its a year and a half or so away. If we are all still playing on the same computers, we have problems. Lets just be thankful that such a great game is going to be made better. I mean nobody whine and complained when ID was realising Q3A. Everyone just said, OHHH i gotta upgrade. So lets just look forward to it. ANd if you can't do that, at least keep playing EQ, cause its still a great game.
    Oh the bitter tragedy
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good

    Oh what joy for the uber if there is no one to admire their uberosity:)

    This will be very interesting, will they cling to the glory of yesterday when no one is left to witness it or start anew?

    This will be a horrible tragedy of a choice for many a troll living in their parents basement;)

    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:41 PM Rating: Default
    I started playing EQ about a year ago. I only have one char (36 mage). I have never had as much of an immersive experience, or as much fun with ANY other game (pc or otherwise).
    When I read about this I was beside myself. If anyone thinks EQ1 can/will survive with a sequel being out is sorely mistaken. I understand that games get "out of date" UPDATE IT THEN!! Dont put out a whole new game! You cant even transfer your character!?
    My question is this: What am I supposed to do after I spend a year of my life, not to mention money, playing this game..only for it to be "weeded out" during the next year(s) or so?? How can anyone just disregard, and shelf they're high lvl char?? Am I just supposed to forget all the fun, and time, and money I exhausted on this game, so Verant can lure in some more noob sheep to buy what they want us to play??
    Verant needs to revamp the ORIGINAL EQ...not come out with a seperate game thats only going to seal the fate of the original EQ!! I think the present EQ is fine. So, I guess I started playing "too late in the game". And now that my char is approaching lvl's a race against time to get my enjoyment out of it before all the servers are closed permanently??!!
    Verant is showing us that they are genuinely disinterested in the original EQ, and are looking to "put it out to pasture" so they can concentrate on their new baby..while the original EQ falls by the wayside.
    Am I the only person that is genuinely saddened by this?? Im not complaining about losing my eight lvl 60 chars, or my 3 horses..I just want to keep enjoying my present character, and continue to HAVE FUN...not be force-fed some new idea that does away (eventually) with the original.
    BTW...if anyone thinks the original is going to fall by the are only kidding yourself.
    Please, try to suppress your urges to purchase the new EQ, as it will ultimately seal the fate of the original EQ.

    A very, very concerned EQ addict 8P

    Matul Krug
    36 Mage <Prexian Rage>
    RE: EQ2
    # Apr 26 2002 at 1:03 AM Rating: Decent
    I agree 100% I have a year in and am only L38, I dont want to give up although I feel i might as well
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:41 PM Rating: Default
    A word to all of you, get a life. You all suck, if you had half a brain I swear all of you would be dangerous. Wah, my computer sucks, wah my video card can't handle it. Buy a new Damned computer. If you can't afford it, get a better job or a second one for a while. I buy a new computer every year, well i buy the components and build it. I buy new ones on credit, then part out the old one. Viola half my cost back. Then another year rolls around and i pay it off. If you don't like the idea of your lvl 50+ getting narfed then put some help into the eq emulator project. Then we can all play for free.

    Another thing, everyone complains about the service, how many of you have filed a complaint with the Better Business Buraeu? None of you. I did for the service and I did get a letter back saying they are going to investigate. You suck, your computer sucks, so get over it. EQ2 here is come.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 25 2002 at 5:57 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Maybe it is you who should get a life instead of complaining about people who voice their opinions. Sorry Slappy, but not everyone is as cool as you with all your credit cards and hoopla. Guess you never put it together that EQ players come in all sizes and shapes. Some of us might be teenagers, etc.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:37 PM Rating: Excellent
    EQ is not my life, I am glad for that, but there are people out there who make it their life, and it seems they are the ones doing most of the whining. Said that, to those that make the game their life look at it if it was real life:

    1. If you start hitting on a creature, wouldn’t you expect that he/she would start chasing after you and try to give you some of the same effect? And unless you can run faster then he/she can, don’t think you can try to get out of it apologizing.
    2. Do you really know what you want to do when you grow up? At 6 I wanted to be a policewoman. At 15 I wanted to be a ballet dancer. I am software engineer now...
    3. Considering the timeline, ATMs do not exist, so it makes more sense that you need to go from one bank to another with all your possessions. And yes try to carry 80kg of stuff by yourself from one place to another.
    4. Clothes and most objects, except Twinkies of course, don’t last forever. You wouldn’t wear the same underwear for 50 years straight would you?
    5. If you were 10 years old, unless you were born with Herculean strength, would you be expected to be able to use Ulysses’ bow?
    6. The economy in EQ1 is so bad that everyone is homeless! Wouldn’t be nice to have a fireplace to hang the head of Gorenaire and boast with everyone about your prowess in battle?

    Regardless of all, people should consider EQ1 and EQ2 two different games. More or less like Blizzard’s Warcraft and Diablo. Not an upgrade. As it has been said by many others already. It is easier to call it EQ2 based on the popularity of the game. It is good marketing strategy. Not to mention… is Verant holding a gun at you ordering to get the game?

    And about those people who whine about the upgrades... hey you are not forced to upgrade your system. I am running EQ on two different machines. One is a 500mhz, 128MB and Voodoo 8MB video card PC, and I have Luclin installed... what I don’t have installed is the new textures for the old areas and the skins and special effects. Fine, it is hard to walk around Luclin, but I only used for its spires… and why would you want to upgrade if you haven’t visited half of Norrath to begin with anyway? Your greed gives you the need to upgrade.

    No money to upgrade to game requirements? But less cigarettes if you smoke. Buy less beer if you drink. You don’t need to order out tonight, cook what you have in the credenza. Offer to take the garbage out and make your bed every day for money. Wash the dog or even help with the dishes. Get a summer job, if you don’t have one. And so on, and so on. If you start saving now by the time the game is out on the market you have enough to upgrade your machine to requirements.

    In my case, hey if I have time, I will gladly start anew in EQ2. At least, and I hope, not to see a level 5 whack a monster in three hits, when I am level 10 and I barely have taken the same monster to half life with my 4 hits.

    I have three level 60 characters and a bunch more 30 and up. I put so much time into them and ALL of them have all their skills maxed. They speak all languages, all possible (based on class and race) trade skills maxed. My fighter classes have 1hb, 2hb, 1hs, 2hs, piercing, and hands all maxed... etc etc... Even begging is maxed... And you know what? I will be so glad to give up all the time invested if I am saved from hearing all the people whine and beg. None of my char has been power-leveled and even more... I have never transfer stuff from one char to another. I started each char from scratch every time. The game has made people too cocky and power hungry. Every time I see some idiot showing off his/her uber armour to a poor hard working player I wish I could train him/her a 1000 times.

    And I am sorry, but wanting to transfer chars with all... the game is DIFFERENT! The rules are different! It is a game! Not your life! And only an immature imbecill would even consider that an option.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 25 2002 at 4:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) this sucks go away from EQ2 it sucks no one wants it its lame go away
    # Apr 25 2002 at 4:55 PM Rating: Default
    Everquest 2 is a very good only if :
    - yu can transfer yours characters in it with
    stuff lvl and pp.
    - you not lose your real life money. Yes after intensive marketing i just paid for 1 year extension and
    some friends have taken 2 years extension.
    What will happen if lot players leave EQ1.
    Will Sony give back the money?
    RE: Balsamo
    # Apr 25 2002 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
    202 posts
    Condiering that the scheduled release is one and a half years away, I'd say that even the people who bought two year subscriptions won't really be affected by EQ2. It will come out just in time for them to consider whether they want to renew their EQ1 subscription...
    Dyllwin Dalewalker
    Heirophant of the 100th Season
    What's up with all this GAY crap?!?
    # Apr 25 2002 at 4:38 PM Rating: Excellent
    68 posts
    I find it hard to consider the opinion of anyone who uses "gay" as a derogatory term. Those of you who do have no clue what you're talking about. Im sure all you future posters who refer to this post will prove me right. Perhaps this isn't the right forum for this, but you offend me, and I'm gonna let you know it. If I have to dump another $1500 bucks into my system just to avoid you whiny little teenage "Mommy I need your credit card number" brats, then so be it--I consider it money well spent. Bring on EQII!!!
    RE: What's up with all this GAY crap?!?
    # Apr 25 2002 at 6:40 PM Rating: Decent
    the problem with that is that there are many out there that have the habit of repeating what other say, without taking the time to really understand the meaning of the words, but just because they heard it say from another’s mouth. It is unfortunately a trend, nothing more then trying to fit in with the "cool" crowd. Nothing different than smoking because it makes you look cool and mature in front of your high-school friends. Sad isn’t it?

    I honestly don't think you should feel offended but you should put your hands on your head and start crying the way the human race is heading: Imbeciles are allowed to procreate! (A phrase my husband used when he wanted to have a second child. It was actually something of the sort: Honey, we need to have a second child! Imbeciles are allowed to procreate! We can’t let them outnumber us.)

    Said that:
    From the dictionary: Gay
    Definition 1. Of or in a happy, joyous mood; festive; merry; wonderful.
    Synonyms mirthful {mirth}, lighthearted , frolicsome , vivacious , effervescent , festive, merry , sprightly , lively, playful , spirited , cheerful , sunny , jolly , convivial , happy , joyful , bright , chipper1 , frivolous

    Definition 2. Bright or colorful.
    Synonyms bright, rich, vivid, brilliant, loud , multicolored , flamboyant , garish , showy

    Definition 3. Homosexual
    Synonyms homosexual, homoerotic {homoeroticism}

    Hmms based on the first two definitions I would actually say that the people who thought the “idea was gay” actually meant that they actually thought the idea was wonderful.
    RE: What's up with all this GAY crap?!?
    # Apr 25 2002 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
    The slang use of gay to mean stupid, dumb, etc. is supposed to be spelled ghey, just like the slang meaning of fat to mean cool or hip is phat for instance...
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 25 2002 at 6:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You gay *****. Why don't you go back to tossing your boyfriend's salad?
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 25 2002 at 4:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) your gay you ***
    People... get a clue.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 4:27 PM Rating: Excellent
    91 posts
    The release of EQ2 does NOT mean that OUR EQ (EQ1) will cease to exist.

    Instead, EQ2 AND EQ1 will be two separate games, run by separate VI staff and have separate teams devoted to content, customer service, etc.

    Think of EQ2 as just ANOTHER game VI is putting out like Star Wars Galaxies or EQ for the playstation or Pen & Paper EQ.

    EQ1 will continue to be supported and continue to run as long as there are enough people still playing and paying to make it worthwhile to keep up and running.

    RE: People... get a clue.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 5:37 PM Rating: Good
    Thank god there seems to be some people not panicing over an event that wont happen for 18 months. Yes as long as people pay to play everquest 1 they will be happy to bring it to you.No company is going to take a very succesfull money making venture and end it one second before they have to. I for one will be happy to try this game. I think it'll be interesting to see what this world we are playing in will look in the distant future. But if i don't like it i'll keep playing eq 1. If i like it i'll play eq 2( and most likely still be playing eq 1, and the ps2 version of eq as well.)
    Just one question honestly why was no one throwing fits over the ps2 version of eq? This is no different. just another version of this game.
    Single player (((
    # Apr 25 2002 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
    4 words. this idea is ****!
    # Apr 25 2002 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
    The poster right before me clearly proved me correct. " I think the idea is Gay " Man, I do not think a better statement could have come out of an EQ players mouth. Then all the crying about UBER and Lewt. Jeeze. There is nothing there except computer graphics. You are not UBER, You are a nothing, I run a level 60, a level 58 and a level 55. SO WHAT. It means nothing. I play this game for the fun of it, Not so I can pleasure myself to some Flamming Spear I looted off of a Fallen God. How about all the IDIOTS stay here in EQ1 and the rest of us go to EQ2. I would gladly start over to keep from playing the same game as 50% of the idiots posting on this thread
    # Apr 25 2002 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
    OMG.. I just read through this entire post. First reason was because I was on Vaction and knew nothing about the release of EQ2. Secondly because I knew we had a bunch of whinners in this game I didn't know just how deep the rabbit hole went. ***LISTEN**** If you love this game THEN DON"T QUIT FOR EQ2. If none of you quit then they will keep supporting EQ1 forever. Just be happy with what you have and they will gladly take your money. Just worry about yourself and stop crying so much. Verant makes a ton of cash off this game and they will not stop it as long as its making money. I cannot believe all the cursing over this issue.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Apr 25 2002 at 4:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Guys, please stick with EQ1, jut don't purchase EQ2, think about all the money andtime you put into EQ1, now you can't even transfer your character??!! omgz, that is ****** up. please, for me and all the other people with higher level characters and uber ******* guilds, don't switch to EQ2, it's not worth it, specially when you get uber again and they make EQ3. Not to mention that if you get SWEET equip on EQ2 it can BREAK! ******* gay. 57 monk - 52 warrior - 38 druid - 33 rogue
    I think the idea is gay...
    # Apr 25 2002 at 4:05 PM Rating: Default
    Guys, please stick with EQ1, jut don't purchase EQ2, think about all the money andtime you put into EQ1, now you can't even transfer your character??!! omgz, that is ****** up. please, for me and all the other people with higher level characters and uber ******* guilds, don't switch to EQ2, it's not worth it, specially when you get uber again and they make EQ3. Not to mention that if you get SWEET equip on EQ2 it can BREAK! ******* gay. 57 monk - 52 warrior
    I think the idea is gay...
    # Apr 25 2002 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
    Guys, please stick with EQ1, jut don't purchase EQ2, think about all the money andtime you put into EQ1, now you can't even transfer your character??!! omgz, that is ****** up. please, for me and all the other people with higher level characters and uber ******* guilds, don't switch to EQ2, it's not worth it, specially when you get uber again and they make EQ3. Not to mention that if you get SWEET equip on EQ2 it can BREAK! ******* gay.
    # Apr 25 2002 at 3:43 PM Rating: Excellent
    First let me say that after reading almost every post here I agree with one point or another in each of them.

    First Eq1: A company like Verant has mutiple teams working for them,(yes they need to hire more people into customer service) but the fact is I doubt that when EQ2 comes out, the people who only play EQ1 will feel a difference. People who make cars dont stop making parts for the 2001 models when they release a 2002 car. Why? because they can still make money off those cars, it would be a bad choice to do otherwise, so they dont. Verant will do the same thing. They will keep improving Eq1 untill there comes a time when it is no longer worth their time, and yes that time will come, but it wont be because of Eq2, in the long run it will be, all new players will lean towards Eq2, but one day EQ1 will get old....It will happen to all of you no matter how much you love it, the camps will have been done, there is no better armor and all the classes have been played, then you quit.

    Second EQ2. In addressing the last point on EQ1, EQ2 has to change while at the same time holding true to being Everquest. Same world for the most part, same places to see the same feeling of awe when you log in for your first time, but, it will be different, Verant knows that the game can only hold your attention for so long, yes leveling will be different, items will be different, but at least you wont feel like you are starting over in EQ1 and doing all the crap work at lower levels. It will be new, it will be fun. The concept of decay and recommened levels is and issue which i will not even touch because that goes back to twinking and in the world of everquest, thats like getting in a debate with the Pope discussing if there really is a God, no one wins.

    Third The Specs: Yes this game is goning to be very high end graphics, by todays standards, I mean it looks like Myst 3 almost, Todays top of the line computers will be required to play it, fact is Verant again is not stupid,(even though some of you belive that they are) they know when they are going to release the game and when the time comes the specs will fall right in line with the norm for games of the time. What you dont think that if they released Quake 4 in October of next year that it's specs would be less then that of EQ2, get real, fact is computer systems are getting better and falling in price, when I bought my brand new P1 60 mghz 500meg computer back in the day it was top of the line, TOP of the line, it cost me near 5 grand. Today you can grab a new P4 1.6 gz 40g hard drive with 512 with a GF4 for anly 1.5 grand. My point is that prices are going down, top of the line systems cost less and less every month. Yes i understand that not everyone can go out and buy a new computer, its not just everquest that is pushing the specs up on stuff everything is, so one day you will have to anyways.

    Fourth Release:Also Verant has yet to annouce this game nor anything anout it, yes i trust the information on the site to be true but the fact is its not true till I hear it from Verant's own mouth.

    Fifth Tards: Now all you tards out there who are bashing the hell out of this yet to be released game get a god damn life. If you can make just an uber game go do it if not shut the hell up, Verant made a great game the first time and you are all hooked on it, what makes you think that they cant do it twice? Afraid of change afraid of starting over? Maybe its the fact that they have new people, true they could ***** it up, but the fact is they most likely wont the new people will need the support of the players, they will try to impress you, their jobs depend on it. So when you all release you game and it is just soooooooo cool and only req a 486 to play it but looks better than anything ever seen, let me know ill play till then, grow up. Verant is god when it comes to EQ the world needs to evolve, would you rather them choose to change EQ1 like they will do it to Eq2 just so you can keep the name the same?(Btw that post about being offended if they called it EQ2, hey try going out sometime into the real world if "EQ" means so much to you)

    Ok there is my two cp just tired of reading all you bashing something that i doubt any of you could come close to creating.

    Oh and the last thing Yes i play everquest

    RE: Reality
    # Apr 25 2002 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
    "People who make cars dont stop making parts for the 2001 models when they release a 2002 car. Why? because they can still make money off those cars, it would be a bad choice to do otherwise, so they don't."

    That's not entirely true. Car companies, by law, must make parts for cars for 12 years. Cars generally are expected to last a long time, and there are laws in place to force auto manufacturers to make replacement parts for cars so that people aren't forced to move to the newest years model. Game companies aren't bound by laws like that. I don't know what kinds of plans SOE/VI have for EQ1 but if they felt like it wouldn't be financially wise to continue supporting EQ1, they can (and probably will) drop it as quickly and quietly as possible.
    Whiners or Not
    # Apr 25 2002 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
    I have been playing EQ for 3 years and never hunted a lot of places and killed a lot of things.

    In those 3 years I have reacjed 54 with my Main and have many other classses on many other serversand it would seem Impossable to get Bored.

    The Econonmy and other things that you say are broke already and will only get worse are only Broke Because there are Players that find it ammusing to Reck the economy on a server, Hence camping the Ac for weeks at a time to MQ the Jboots and farm other items. These things could be easily fixed By not allowing MQing to exsist as we all know with certain item that Verant has fixed so far (no Not Nerfed) you can not use till reach a certain lvl. Certain creatures cant be killed if you are above a certain lvl. This was done to stop farming and open the camps to lower lvls.

    Verant could fix EQ so it a challenge to all lvls. as for evolution If you look at Films and company that have tryed to to have open second and third generations only to find that all tho the first made 50 million the second and third did not even cover the cost and soon failed and closed. Verant had fixed EQ with loot codes in stoneburnt and max lvl versus Creature and items that will only work when you reach a certain lvl. They then caved on these changes when the higher lvls whined Because they could not farm from these zones.

    EQ could be coded to Make any changes they wish, It is just more porfitable for them to start over form scratch. So as most of the people that Made EQ what it is Today By supporting the game and Verant are left by the wayside. I Dont believe there is this Great Player Base out there that Sony and Eq missed on the first try. After all why do you think they switch tyhe server screens from Population to up, To many players on a server and they didnt want you to know they were overloaded at peak times. So the player base is still here.

    How did the New legend series go?? Did tens of thousands of players rush to those servers. I do not think so. Go to the different servers at peak time and do /w all 60 this that or the other thing.

    Eq made Verant their Millions each month and Defined (and still does) the MMORPG. I believe that EQ will be around a very long time as many people put their money as well as their time into EQ does ot make us Geeks >yes some! Most it just makes us happy with the game. I do not believe that the Major Player base will start all over again at another game even if it was EQ2, if this were the Case DAoC would have all the EQ players.

    If EQ2 does come along and they take EQ down I wish Verant and all you Players the Best of Luck keeping it going!!

    EQ is still the Best MMORP game there is everyone that leaves to try others comes back because the others lack something
    Higher system requirements
    # Apr 25 2002 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
    WTF!!..What are you think Variant?!?!Don't you relize that the main problem with EQ now compaired to other games out there is that your system requirements are too high for the average joe! When Luclin came out I upgraded almost everything on my puter spenting darn near $700 to do so. Take a good look at the amount of people who never bought the expansion because of this and all of those people are not going to upgrade just to continue playing your game especailly when new games like Shadowbane and Warcraft are comming out with games that look and so much better than EQ and will run on lesser systems. Big clue Clue DAoC runs smooth as heck on a pentium 400 with just 256meg of ram and a 16 megs video card. Eq2 may be a good idea in a lot of aspects but think long and hard about the system requirements because your gonna have to charge like 40 bucks a month to make up for the loss of players. Stop acting like spending all this money doesn't effect us. I for one will goto Shadowbane and take the 30 or so people from work I got playing EQ with me.

    Prizaril Thornarrow
    (Half-elf Ranger of the 43rd season)
    Kroim Runcarver
    (Dwarf paladin of the 32nd cycle)
    Kenderwood Treewittle
    (Halfling Ranger of the 20th season)
    # Apr 25 2002 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
    Sounds dumb. I won't buy into it.
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