There's a Rate Hike Coming

Hang onto your wallets. This was just posted at this link on the main Everquest site. EverQuest price increase 03/25/2002 Due to the increased costs of running the EverQuest game service, we will be increasing our subscription rates in April. Effective April 25, the new monthly subscription rate will be $12.95/month. We will continue to offer discounts from the new rate plan on multi-month subscriptions. You don’t have to do a thing; you will automatically be migrated to the new billing structure under your current subscription plan when your current subscription plan expires. New EverQuest rates as of April 25, 2002: $12.95 per Month $35.85 for 3 Months $65.70 for 6 Months HOWEVER, for a limited time only (from April 10 through April 24, 2002), you may extend your current subscription for an additional 12 or 24 months by signing up for the new EQ 12 or 24 month plan – and reap great savings off of the new rates: Extend for 12 months for $109 US – and get a 30% discount off of the new monthly rates! Extend for 24 months for $190 US – and get a 39% discount off of the new monthly rates! Now is the time to lock in these rates, so don’t miss out. All pricing plans (except for the 12 and 24 month extension plans) are recurring, meaning you will continue to be billed at the appropriate interval, until you cancel your subscription. Note that purchasers of the full game will receive their free month of game play after supplying valid billing information. If you cancel your subscription during the free month, no charges will be made to your credit card. New York State and Texas residents will be charged sales tax. All subscription fees will appear on your credit card statement under the heading "SOE*EverQuest". Please note: The subscription charges are in addition to the cost of the game. You will need to purchase a copy of the game from a retail store or online at the Station Store. The price of the game will vary depending upon the store.


Post Comment
Now that I've read all the messages
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:25 PM Rating: Default
It seems like everyone else has posted an opinion so here is mine.....3 dollars is nothing. For the last three years (for some people) all of us took for granted the fact that through inflation, a slightly down market and that we all knew that sony/verant had an absolute corner on the market and the only thing we had to pay for were the new expansions? They could have started raising prices a long time ago and didn't. A slight raise is alright especially if it might come along with an improved customer service (I'm not saying it will but it would be nice). Have any of you complainers realized that the cost increase is less than a coffee from Starbucks? For thoes of you who do not like it, I for one do not want to hear you complain. For the rest of us, drink one less cup of Joe and I'll see y'all on, happy hunting.

Gudar Thanyou
RE: Now that I've read all the messages
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
Only 3 bucks?...guess your not smart enough to see that as a 30% increase
RE: Now that I've read all the messages
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
30% ? . ..guess your not smart enough to see that as a $3.00 increase
For $3 more...
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:24 PM Rating: Default
Liberal Conspiracy
Amusingly, Alan said recently on the Dev. boards that the reason why charging everyone an extra couple of bucks for the same frills (maps, guild maint., etc) as the Legends server wasn't going to happen was that they weren't convinced everyone would pay an extra couple of bucks. Now, apparently, they're convinced that we'll pay an extra $3.00/mth and get nothing in return other than what we've always been getting. It's always so much fun to be lied to. I've posted to the Dev boards to this effect, as I'm sure others have, but we all know the chances of it being responded to.

Sure there's additional overhead, but VI has been trumpeting all the new accounts they've been getting in. Running a server means diminishing overhead per new user. Running servers for 400,000 people is not twice as expensive as running servers for 200,000 yet they're getting in twice as much money when 400,000 people subscribe. Hey, it's America and they're allowed to charge whatever the market will bear, but their party line "we need the money to continue to support the overhead" is a joke.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
RE: For $3 more...
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent

each expansion means more servers added to the server farm, for every "server" we see at the login screen there are a couple dozen actual servers, Like i said below they have over 1200 servers in their farm now. YES there is increased overhead.

Now, double the subscribers and what happens. .. you need twice the bandwidth! ... there is increased overhead.

Now where do you put all these computers? no not in Alan Vancouvering's basement, you pay for them in a server farm, more servers with each expansion, more space needed, more cost. ... there is increased overhead.

I wonder what the electricity costs to run all that, especially being down in California, the great capitalist state that feels it shouldnt have to pay for the electricity it bought from British Columbia on the open market (the great american way) because it cost a lot that day. The electricity bill will go up a lot more when we pull the electrical plug over how we are being screwed on the softwood lumber tariffs.
cheap bastards with a big expensive pc
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:21 PM Rating: Good
You don't want to pay 12.95 don't play

nuff said
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
You don't want to pay 12.95 don't play

nuff said
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:19 PM Rating: Default
Do you all think this could have something to do with losing all the customers who were on Windows95. I mean, out of 400,000 plus people there had to be a decent number that they lost. Spread that out over the course of a year and pass that cost onto others and it could account for your $3 a month. And then it just becomes a bonus when those users finally get new systems and come back.
RE: Win95?
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone still running win95, especially on a gaming computer has got to shake themselves silly.

Its been 7 years, surely you have a friend with win98 you could "borrow" for an afternoon.

No sympathy here.
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:17 PM Rating: Default
The 65.70 for 6 months is only an extra dollar a month.. cut out the 20 minute phone call once a month and you can afford it =)
Push me back to reality, Sony....
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
First there was Shadows of Luclin, requiring an investment of well over a $1000.00 in new hardware just to run the game in its new incarnation, since my system met the old hardware standards easily, but not the new recommendations.
I still haven't taken that leap yet, so no moon trips for me.
Then the recommendation that a DSL or cable ISP is the only way to really get connected into the spite of what people who have these hookups are saying in the general chat as we all wait to get fitted back ingame. So there's another chunk of money just to amuse myself.
Now for the same level of "service" I have to pay $3.00 a month more. No, it won't make me quit the game, but when PoP goes live, and I need a Gig of memory, a dedicated hard-drive, and a 2.2 Ghz pentium IV processor to experience the improved EQ, Real Life is going to ask "What the heck are you doing? You've got bills to pay. It's just a game, man. Get a grip."

Or I may just whimper and pay up to get my escapist fix.......I'll have to wait and see.....
Customer Service Should be King
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
I have only been Playing for 4 or 5 months. So I dont know the whole legacy of EQ. I don't mind paying an extra 3 dollars a month but I want something for that money. I can tolerate many thing with computer games, poor connection,bugs, and poor gameplay, It happens fix it and move on. What I cant abide is paying money to get blown off by some in game GM who is flippant when you ask for help. I almost quit when I saw the Legends advertisment for "Improved online support". Bottom line is its a great game but customer services is King. They need some thiers is horrible.
# Mar 25 2002 at 6:59 PM Rating: Default
What I would like to know is will they be either refunding or comp'ing us for all this down time? they want us to pay $13.00 a month and we can't even play when we should be able to. Sure they need to do some emergancy patching and what-not but today is a little upsetting, raising rates and can't even get in! Im not freaking out about the extra 3 bucks but for gawd sake we can't even play.
RE: >:-(
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
good luck on that still tryin to get credit or a refund from when they triple charge me in january.
Not surprised
# Mar 25 2002 at 6:53 PM Rating: Good
All the new games coming out are charging this, it doesnt surprise me. Im sure that as teh game expands tehy need to add more employees and that means more money is needed. Besides, not like they raised it to above what other games are charging. With the recent changes made to everquest I do not doubt that they will keep increasing the amount of service offered to the customers as well. People will complain, will people leave? Im sure there are few peopel who were only playing cause the game was cheaper than the others coming out, maybe they might, but I wont. Not for soemthing like this. My isp raised prices a while back and I didnt leave, maybe im just an idiot. But if i enjoy somehting an extra 3 dollars amonth isnt all that bad.
# Mar 25 2002 at 6:34 PM Rating: Default
This info about the cost going up is being distributed while you cant even log in to play the game.

Makes them look real good I'd say. ;)
Simple market economics
# Mar 25 2002 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
Ultimatly, the only thing that any business cares about is the bottom line. Sony, like anyone else, wants to bring in the most money for their shareholders as they possibly can. If they can raise the price without loosing any customers, then they are going to do that. If they can raise their prices, loose a few customers (which will reduce costs) but still increase revenues then they will take that.

Complaining is going to do very little unless a significant number of people complain and back up their complaints with requests to cancel their accounts as of April 1. I know that both of my accounts will still be active.

I know that I'm happier paying US$9.89 than paying US$12.95, but for the time that I spend in the game it's still a value. I think that if the price was US$12.95 from day one, there would probably still be as many people playing the game. The system requirements change on Dec 4, 2001 which eliminated Windows 95 as a viable play platform is more of an issue than a monthly price increase. It's going to take many months of the $3 increase to equal the costs required to upgrade from the old (beta to Luclin) system requirements to the new (after Luclin, even without the Luclin expansion) requirements.

What I find very interesting about this announcement is the offer of a 24 month prepaid plan. This almost seems to be a survey from Sony to see how many people actually plan on sticking with Everquest for another two years. There's a lot of work required to fix some of the game mechanics problems, and someone who is willing to prepay for two years must have a lot of faith that these problems can be fixed.

Kydaan Leafspirit
52 Pathfinder, Clan Darkfire

Edited, Mon Mar 25 18:33:33 2002
Guess its time to go shopping.
# Mar 25 2002 at 6:30 PM Rating: Excellent
28 posts
Well, the only reason I havnt tried DAoC and AO is because EQ was cheaper. I have friends that play both, and have good and bad things to say about both, but I never wanted to try the others if I had to pay more for them than EQ. Well, now I dont. EQ is more expensive.
RE: Guess its time to go shopping.
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:00 PM Rating: Default
this is exactly how I feel as well when AO and DAOC came out I thought this was way to much and there fore did not play and now a game I'm 3 years vested in wants to extort 3 more dollars a month out of me and the service is getting worse and worse. I find the fact that they are giving only 1 month notification appalling as well. but I have to say with as bad as EQ has been IE I have sent in 10+ bug reports since last patch. it is deffinately time to look at some other games
# Mar 25 2002 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
While I'm never pleased about having to pay more for something (trust me, I'm a real cheapskate when I can get away with it) this doesn't peturb me too much. I seem to recall Anarchy Online's fees were always at this price, so raising the bar to match a rival game is perhaps expected, if not wanted. And as other people have said, they've witnessed that some people are, well, stupid enough to pay 40 bucks a month for something... I doubt many are gonna quit because of 3 more to the usual price.

I could kick, I could scream, I could complain, but hey, its 3 dollars more. Still not a big hit in the pocket. HOWEVER... if they continue to keep throwing bugs, unexplained problems, low-budget GM events (I know I wasn't the only guy at LOIO when Cazic Thule arrived who wondered if Godboy hadn't gone LD) at me and continue to hike up the cost, I'll be seeing what other games have to offer me instead.
RE: Hmm
# Mar 25 2002 at 6:27 PM Rating: Decent
I thought I'd just tack on a little more here. Hell, if you can be bothered to read the above, you can be bothered to read on :-)

I love this game. I've played it for a long time, put alot of work into my character (I have a couple of alts, but don't really play em. Davien is my main throug and through). Some of the stuff that Verant throws out is simply fantastic. I was positively wowed by the view of Hollowshade Moor upon emerging from Paludal. I've had great fun at the Halloween events, getting some very nice gear.


For all the good stuff they toss out, there are alot of problems. Many people complain that they simply make more expansions to make more money (and I'll give em that) and that they ignore old problems. I've also seen people say that there are two teams, one for new content, one for fixes. Looking at what little knowledge I have of other companies and games developement in general, the latter seems more likely. It just looks to me that perhaps greater focus on customer support, GM staffing, bug fixes and zone rennovations would be far more appreciated than a new expansion every half a year. Especially considering its the former we're really paying for with our monthly fees - the cost of the expansion is primarily chucked in with the cost of buying it in store, or whatever. At least that's how I'd reason it. If Verant really wants to keep charging us more, I'd like to see that payment have some visible effect on the game, even if its something as simple as logging in and being able to walk around without finding a bug, a broken area, or a downed quest for more than five minutes.
Due to...
# Mar 25 2002 at 6:08 PM Rating: Default
Do to the fact that we now realize we can charge whatever the hell we want, thanks to the release of the Legends Server, and you shmucks will still pay it. We are forced to follow in the footsteps of Microsoft and the American Government, and raise our rates without any justification, just to make more money, even though we haven't improved our customer service, because we truly believe, the costomer does not come first.

Thank you for you money.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 25 2002 at 7:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The raise in price has NOTHING to do with legends. Now while it is a game made for people to make money and not for some spoiled little brat to get his uber stick of smacking and have fun. Heres some little something you should look into, all the other mmorpgs coming out charge 12.95. Why? Becuase they can? Yes and because of the costs to run a game. Im sure that they need more staffing and all to deal with the ever growing game. People will complain. Its obvious cause you are pathetic little idiots who wine if someone doesnt shove food down your throat for you. You make me sick how you just whine and cry. Business is business. They dont raise prices to ***** you, or becuase they have no reason for doing so. If the reason is to make more money.. then oh well. Thats there reason. I mean sure Sony should pay for this out of their won pockets, I mean why should we be provided with a service but then have to pay for it?
RE: Due to...
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
Liberal Conspiracy
Capitalism is composed to of two parts: What the company will charge for a good or service and how the consumer will respond. It's completely within the consumer's rights to "whine" all they please when they are not satisified with what the company provides or to eventually cease to purchase from the company. Complaint is how people express their opinion of a company to others and it's in the company's best interests to to either keep such negative comment to a minimum through improving their service or to simply insulate themselves against it. Thus the wheels of commerce grind on.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
<big sigh>
# Mar 25 2002 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
Why am I not surprised to see this happening... poor service, alot of down time, excuses why this is not working and that is not working instead of fixing the problems... still love this game and will continue to play it... but wish they would fix the problems before raising prices and adding more expansions.

Frenzywolf Snowstalker
52 Wanderer of Tunare
# Mar 25 2002 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
I actually was thinking something about them raising monthly fees, and here we go.

In an article in PC Gamer that interviewed someone from the EQ developer pantheon, they said that they logically should have been charging more than they were per month, due to costs of server maintenance, staffing, etc.

I apologize if this point has already been made below. Figured I'd throw in my 2cp, but wasn't up to the challenge of wading through the expansive pages of text.
hmm Verant suck now
# Mar 25 2002 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
to much rais mony like ledgens i have a 60 war the server is great but to many low level GM Evnets. i am goin abck to old server much better than more frinds and such il say ledgens is best for 35 to 50 and way to exspensive
# Mar 25 2002 at 5:47 PM Rating: Default
Just wondering if SOE is saying there is so many more players that pay their 10dollars a month and had to buy the game to begin with, why should you need to charge everyone more? The cost of new players should not outweigh the cost of the GM having to accompany them. And speaking of expansions, yes they are nice but you have to pay another dollar amount to upgrade. You know everyone gets their wallets out and pays the 15 to 20dollars for the upgrade. That should pay the programers. Lets see 20 times 400000 players is.... 8000000 dollars. Maybe my math is wrong. Granted I will continue to play and 3 dollars is nothing but my new 2300 dollar computer to play Luclin was a little hit in the pocket. Thank you. *takes a bow*
market research
# Mar 25 2002 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
I will agree that the legends server was really nothing more than market research. They were not sure how a rate hike would be received. They tried a questionaire at the login, then they offered an experimental server with increased services. It is all market research and what did they find? That we will pay more and not quit the game.


Rild Numenorean
Rate Hike
# Mar 25 2002 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not happy with the price raise, but still $12.95 a month For the amount of time I spend on everquest is very inexpensive Entertainment.
RE: Rate Hike
# Mar 25 2002 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
I totally agree. I believe the amount we pay for the month is cheap for the time I put in for a week. I do also agree I don't want to pay more either.
# Mar 25 2002 at 5:43 PM Rating: Excellent
Its obvious what the increased costs are.

Each "server" actually consists of something like 27 computers, in a recent interview in PCGamer magazine, they stated that they have over 1200 computers running in the EQ server farm.

. .. Add an expansion pack, and you must add more computers to each "server" as each computer only runs a few zones, meaning more space needed at the server farm, more utility costs, and more bandwidth cost for each world, - more cost supported by each of us.

That same interview states that if Verant had actually made a real business plan for creating EQ, they never would have written a line of code, They had no idea it would cost as much as it did to put the game online, and that they know now that they should have charged more right from the start.

Three years later, with 3 expansions behind us, and that much more hardware supporting each of us, I'm not at all surprised that they finally have to up the bill to maintain their profit margins, they are a business, they must make a profit.

So, add up how many hours you play in one month ... lets say its a conservative one hour a day on average . .. and that works out to a mere 10 cents extra per hour of play, and i bet most of you play more than that.

Now look at how much you probably spent so that you could run Shadows of Luclin smoothly in all its glory and again compare that to the small monthly rate increase. ... miniscule.

Quit your whining, if you dont like it go to another game and let me enjoy the extra bandwidth once you are gone.

Have a nice day!
RE: shadddupppp
# Mar 25 2002 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
uhhh, if running a MMPORPG is such a bad deal, why is Verant creating Star Wars? I would appriciate better development info (not PR spin for the new Planes). Things like what are the top 5 issues that ARE being actually addressed by Verant/Sony?. Paying 12.95 a month is still better than shelling out $50 about every 2 months for a new computer game. I'm in.
Sure wished they'd get more login servers.
Really wish they'd improve the graphics, globally.
Stop adding to the mix, before the existing mix is fixed and solid.
RE: shadddupppp
# Mar 25 2002 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
I didnt say it was a bad deal, just that they didnt know what they were getting themselves into. Now they know, Now they know how to set up the next MMORPG ... star wars

And I agree, I was buying one or two new games a month before EQ, now i just subscribe to EQ, saves me a lot of money.
Will accept that if...
# Mar 25 2002 at 5:36 PM Rating: Default
k i would accept the 3 bucks if they'd change their service, but i don't think they will decrease downtimes, hire more staff (really need more gm's, waiting over 1h for a simple task is annoying) or work on their server ping... currently i am trying to log in, no downtime is schedueled, my connection is oki, yet i cant play... why, verant?
# Mar 25 2002 at 5:35 PM Rating: Default
I chose eq over other games because it was cheaper and had simpler hardware requirements. The hardware requirements were just plain false and now it isn't even cheaper any more. Add $3 to the $5 recently tacked on by my isp and its just getting too expensive to play on line anymore.
give them a chance
# Mar 25 2002 at 5:33 PM Rating: Good
I'm sad to hear that I'll have to spend more money to play, but it's no big shocker to me. I mean come on, they've gone 3 years without upping their prices, not to bad in my book. And as some people posted above, don't forget that there are a lot of other online games that still have higher monthly fees even after the new rates take effect.
They have made a TON of in game changes in the last year alone. Whether you feel they were good or bad, thats your opinion. But they are at least trying to constantly improve the existing game.
People, give it a chance. I've been playing since just after EQ First came out. Last week I started a new char. It's awesome, Things have changed so much since my char was a newbie.
As far as their customer support goes; the way I think of it is this. We have to remember that they are hundreds of thousands of people playing this game. Now picture yourself getting hundreds of questions per day. Give them some time folks.
ok now, I've said my piece. I'll check back next week to see how much people have flamed me. (But just remember, while you are here flaming me, I'll be having fun playing EQ)
RE: give them a chance
# Mar 25 2002 at 6:06 PM Rating: Default
This isn't actually the first price increase we've endured. Although it is the first time they've required us to shell out more dough for less.

They've been effectively increasing the "price" we pay every time they do something like

1 - terminate 1-800 technical support which was done almost as soon as they launched the game
2 - drastically cut the GM staff about two years ago (a few posts said they cut 50% or more of their staff)
3 - cut in-game support hours and stopped most dynamic events (dynamic events were supposedly turned over to guides to run, but the guides had a very hard time getting approval to run them, or so I've been told)
4 - cut the guide staff and would not allow new guides for almost a year
5 - almost completely stopped free technical support by telephone (except for very limited support for hardware issues)
6 - stopped GM support for in-game problems or server end technical problems through the chat interface. GMs and guides that are in chat will no longer even try to contact a server GM. They tell you to email your server GM.

Basically they've cut support and staff multiple times. The Legends server is offensive to me because the service they advertise on that server is less than what was originally advertised for ALL servers.

By SOE's own press releases they have over 430,000 paying customers. That's $4M + per month gross. $50 million per year. Bandwidth and server costs are a small fraction of that. you would be surprised how small.

Salaries are almost always the single biggest portion of their annual expense, and they are the easiest to control by firing people. NDAs are used to prevent folks from talking about conditions of their employment or termination (see the history of AOLs customer service for examples).

There has been some increase in in-game support. A few dynamic events here-and-there. They only happened to make it seem a little easier to accept the Legends server and this price increase. It isn't going to last.

What's going to happen is either another price increase in a few months OR they will start reducing the number of servers. They might do both sooner than I expect.

Ultimately, they will increase the number of Legends servers and discontinue all other servers. Why? Star Wars Galaxies is why. When SWG comes out EQ will lose over half it's paying customers and most won't be back.

SOE has a history of doing this... Just look at Tanarus... The details are different but the same thing is going to happen.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 25 2002 at 5:42 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ps. I work For Verant
RE: give them a chance
# Mar 25 2002 at 5:47 PM Rating: Default
The above poster is not the same person as who he replied to, notice the different scores.

Why do you all hide behind the anonymous name? have some guts and put a name with it so that it means something.

Edited, Mon Mar 25 17:56:07 2002
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