SOE Begins Restoration of Services

UPDATE, May 14, 7:15p.m. EDT: SOE has slowly begun restoration of their services.

SOE - Restoration Announcement
SOE - Welcome Back Program
SOE - Recent Updates

SAN DIEGO, May 14, 2011 - Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE) announced today that restoration of its game services will begin today. The phased restoration will include the return of nearly all of SOE's portfolio of online games, the reinstatement of SOE's game forums and websites, and added functionality to require players to reset their passwords.

For details on the hacker attack that has kept SOE down since May 2 and compromised the personal information of players, check out SOE's brief FAQ and all of our previous coverage. See this article for the May 12th news on the "Make Good" program details.

During the downtime you are welcome to join us in ZAM's IRC chat. Feldon of EQ2Wire also has set up a ZAM IRC java applet that you can use.

Game-specific May 11th updates:

EverQuest: Players with an active house will be credited one month of upkeep costs and the inactive period will be extended from 90 to 150 days.

EverQuest II: All houses requiring rent will have one month added free to help offset any costs incurred during this outage.

Free Realms: The Free Realms birthday event and the New Member Bonus Bonanza will be extended to give everyone a chance to participate in them. Don’t worry about your farms; they’ll be taken care of too!

Star Wars Galaxies: All Galactic Civil War point decay has been suspended and inactive citizen removal time temporarily increased by 14 days. Item and vendor expiration timers have also been increased by 14 days.

Vanguard: One day for each day lost will be added to every player's Upkeep Bank to help offset any costs incurred during this outage.


Post Comment
# May 11 2011 at 9:53 PM Rating: Default
you got to be kidding, I pay for a game I cant play and I get free upkeep on a house I dont want LOL ***** me SOE ***** me.
# May 11 2011 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
Laleena: likely they will just credit to the next month. Its not worth fighting imo, cause its not like after 12 years they are gonna just spontaneously start listening. ) Anyway, if your staying with eq2 it works out in the end. If it bothers you or your leaving you can always dispute the charge.
# May 11 2011 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
Deathnaught wrote:
Laleena: likely they will just credit to the next month. Its not worth fighting imo, cause its not like after 12 years they are gonna just spontaneously start listening. ) Anyway, if your staying with eq2 it works out in the end. If it bothers you or your leaving you can always dispute the charge.

You may be right. And yes, I am staying. I've tried a lot of other games since they have been down and I just can't seem to get into them like I do Everquest :P.

Thanks Deathnaught for answering.
Rift alternative
# May 11 2011 at 9:32 PM Rating: Default
Yes, Rifts is shaping up to be an awesome game. They actually listen to their player base, have 0 lag (even with TONS of essentially PQ's all over the place), runs smooth, looks beautiful, etc. Also, MOBS of folks are swarming to it now, I wonder where from lol. Oh, and they put in a free trial now.
Rift alternative
# May 11 2011 at 9:39 PM Rating: Good
21 posts
Yeah Rift is ok. But you can only get to lvl 15 and it doesn't take very long to get that. Then what ya gonna do when your free trial ends? You can keep creating toons to get them to lvl 15, but that seems a bit boring to me.
Rift alternative
# May 12 2011 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
Not sure what you talking about. It is lelvel 50. My first and only toon I started lst week is level 18. It is easy dumbed down MMO game. It is fun regardless when you play with people you know, old guild mates, ex GFs, ex FFs.
Rift alternative
# May 12 2011 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah Rift is ok. But you can only get to lvl 15 and it doesn't take very long to get that. Then what ya gonna do when your free trial ends? You can keep creating toons to get them to lvl 15, but that seems a bit boring to me.
<--- thats kind of the reason to buy it ..duh its not a free to play game and if you want to try to max out a char in a 7day free trial go to wow.. Rift will not be free ever I hope it keeps cheap gamers out for other gamers that like to take their money and spend it on a game well worth paying for. graphics, gameplay, no lag and the people in the game make it worth paying for, something I wont do for soe games again considering their crappy CS and graphics are so so nothing great kind of reminds me of old playstation game graphics they just need to retire the old and let the new ones take their rightful place. they were good in their time I thought so to ..back in 03
Rift alternative
# May 12 2011 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
What a waste of money.
Question on free time
# May 11 2011 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
Hello everyone :) I play Everquest II and I have a question on the free month we'll be getting when the servers are back up, please. If someone pays for their Everquest subcription on May 3rd (which I believe is the same day the servers went down) and the servers come back up around May 31st, they have already paid for a month correct? But that month they didn't get to play. So, when they get back to Everquest II and they receive a free month, it's not really free because they already paid for a month they didn't get to play. They actually just received thier money back is all. Please correct me if I'm wrong on this. I don't expect anything free from Sony. I just want to make sure they aren't calling something free when actually it's just a refund.

Thanks in advance for you input.

(Antonia Bayle)

Edited, May 11th 2011 11:30pm by Laleena
Question on free time
# May 11 2011 at 10:43 PM Rating: Good

It is my understanding that SOE will be giving everyone 1 free month PLUS one day for every day that the servers are down. If that is indeed the case, then you will get the days back, but the question remains 'when will you get the free month?'. There are several different ways SOE can handle this question. We just have to wait and see which one of those way it turns out to be.
# May 11 2011 at 9:29 PM Rating: Default
WOW, there is no end to the amount of crap you guys will cover for SOE. They took 100 million people, many of whom had been loyal customers for over a decade, and told us all we mean nothing to them. When you sign up an account with SOE they ask for personal information. In expecting you to provide that information in order to get the service, they have a good faith responsibility to at the LEAST follow best practices in securing your data. 'Best Practices', for those of you not in the know, are like being 'up to code' in building. It doesnt mean you will always be covered, it just means your not being terribly negligent or unforgivably incompetent. SOE was GROSSLY, no, OUTRAGEOUSLY negligent as it turns out, and essentially handed your and my data to anyone who wanted to peek. The kind of simple security measures they could have taken, like updating server software, having a more secure configuration, etc, would take little to no money, and hardly anymore time to setup than the corner-cutting way they did things. Every person in Sony who has ever even seen their network security setup should be fired immediately, and we should make a website just for them so that no other company has the misfortune of hiring these bums. This, as if you werent aware, comes immediately following one of (imo) the most fun, and most bugged, expansions ever, in any game. SOE, you out did microsoft, congrats. If this was a launch, the game would fail like vanguard.

It boggles my mind how some of you people not only hang in there abuse after abuse, but actually summon up the energy to defend SOE in what can only be described as Stockholm-riddled rhetoric. Your bruised and bloody, and yet SOE is 'not the bad guy'. SOE shares EVERY bit of responsibility for this with the actual thieves. When you accept private information in order to provide a service, it is your responsibility to make all reasonable efforts to secure that information or warn your clients that it will be broadcast to the masses. The privacy policy states that they will not share your private information, and I would argue that having no security measured in place is akin to sharing the data.
# May 12 2011 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
131 posts
woot , another expert.

Please post the final reports of the FBI , security firms , and or SoE itself into the ACTUAL security status before using rumor and hearsay to convict.

The court of public opinion may be easy to play with , but the least you can do is have facts before deciding anyone is guilty of anything. The ONLY facts you have thus far is SOE got hacked. And your outrage at the ACTUAL criminals is.....?
# May 12 2011 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
To say Sony is not responsible is saying the United States is responsible for the terrorists who attacked them on 9/11...oh wait, yeah, thats what liberals are doing now. Amazingly, this same line of defense is defending Sony. In the end, it is 100% Sony's fault and it gets old having Sony employee hacks come on here.
# May 12 2011 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
first off , NOONE IS EVER 100% RESPONSIBLE FOR A CRIME WHEN THEY ARE THE VICTIM! What , your Jerry Springer?

Second , I dont work for and never have worked for SOE or Sony.

Third , your lack of common sense and common decency is not my fault.

The HACKERS committed the crime. Doesn't matter if SOE rolled out a red carpet with a cookie trail and a sign saying OPEN DOORS. The CRIMINALS did the crime.

SOE may or may not be at fault for not doing due diligence , but that investigation is not concluded , and thus far there is only hearsay and rumor. Convicting anyone on that is folly in the extreme.

The misguided court of public opinion has destroyed people and business whom later were found to not be at any fault... but thier lives and businesses still destroyed thanks to people willing to convict on.... nothing.

No matter what your OPINION is , there are NO FACTS to base it on as of yet , and therefore your statements like
In the end, it is 100% Sony's fault and it gets old having Sony employee hacks come on here.

are not only based on bad/false information but show a small mind not willing to look past your immediate anger to the FACTS of any given situation.
# May 12 2011 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Rifting is cool!
# May 11 2011 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really enjoying a break from the level quest/exp grind by doing Rifts in Rift.

Imagine a zone where everything is going fine, but a tear opens in the zone and additional mobs start gating in. It's pretty cool and really good exp.

Also, I'm really down with this "Role" thing. Picture this: Instead of rolling a specific subclass of Warrior (i.e warr, pally, sk), you choose a general class of "warrior". Then you have three configurations, one where you are a tank, one where you are DPS and one where you are a tank. In Rift, you can choose back and forth between these specializations.

I'm having fun with it, even as an EQ player since 1999.
when up and running
# May 11 2011 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
All i want is my dam J5 merc tank to be fixed and running the way it did before the 12 year anniversary glitch, and dam it i want my MTV.
when up and running
# May 12 2011 at 12:57 AM Rating: Decent
7 posts
Well, there's a way around that although it's not always convenient. The merc starts walking if it's not on passive when you aggro something, so if you put it on passive before you pull it will run. It's not ideal, but it leads to considerably less intense headaches.
Anger that EQ is down, lack of fulfilling updates & bad Sony
# May 11 2011 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
I agree with the composed people who understand reality.

I have had an account since EQ started and have played on and off since then depending on what has been going on in RL. As of the last 6 months I have played more hours than I work in my fulltime job. Does it make me angry that it is still down all this time, no. I miss it being online because the people I play with are cool and it something I really enjoy doing. This only proves what a good game it is. I would bet that Sony wants to get it as soon as they can.

Do I actually care what the updates says besides "great news the servers are up, go play", not at all because that does not get the servers online any faster. Each day I check to see if they are up. It takes only a few minutes and it is no different than when the servers were online. If I do not get it log on for a few hours after they come up who really cares, I will just be glad they are up.

Sony does not owe me anything besides what I have paid and I will appreciate the free month. With the amount of time I have been playing lately I would say that EQ costs me less than 10 cents an hour to play for each of my accounts. Even when I was not playing as much 15 dollars a month is still a bargain for something that you can interactive with and is as entertaining as EQ. Personally, I am glad it has lasted this long.

For those complaining about the breech of our user data, first, we do not have all the facts yet so any assertion on where the blame should go is premature. Fact, the people that stole the data are the most to blame. Perhaps it will be found that Sony could have been more secure, time will tell this and I would guess that the government will place even more regulations on this. Mass breech of personal data is not a new thing and is only going to get worse. We want all the convenience of services online (one click away), want to pay nothing for it and then when something bad happens we want to point the finger at everyone but ourselves. We have turned into the take no personal responsibility society. No one made any of us play these games. If we did not play any of Sony's game then our information would not have been taken directly from them. Most of the information that they have stated was released can be found in public record, stolen when you go out to eat, from your mailbox, etc.

As a company gets bigger they can do some great things but the negative side is they become unwieldy so it is not surprising they have these issues. In addition, you can find greed at every level from the big corporation all the way down to the individual.

Now are the servers up yet?, LOL =)
Wah wah wah!
# May 11 2011 at 8:24 PM Rating: Good
I have been reading these boards for over a week now and I can no longer hold my tongue. I was on vacation when this all took place and came home to the patcher could not connect. Either you will wait till things are back up and running or you will not. If not, give your stuff away and quit EQ and log off of these message boards and be gone with you. Those of you who have chosen to keep in good humor I commend you. Like the: give me your stuff or I can't find my way past my front door because my map doesn't show beyond that. My baking skill is to low to try baking cookies succesfully! That's funny stuff and staying in good humor. Me? I'll wait untill Sony says they are out of bussiness or they have things resolved and get things back up and running. In the mean time, find something else to do, check back frequently (we know how things here will just pop back up before you know it). The less we distract SOE from concentrating on matters at hand the more they can concentrate on getting things fixed sooner. As far as lawsuits? Good luck with that. As far as notifications? when something has changed I'm sure the notifications will change. Otherwise what is the point of repeating the same thing day after to gratify all you time stamp mongers. Like the one post says, " I predict?" untill otherwise notified the prediction remains the same daily. I'll be back later to read more and perhaps say more. Lol
Wah wah wah!
# May 11 2011 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
You should have hold your tongue. You are whining about whiner. Much ado nothing. It shows your limited brain capacity that can only process certain information and fail to comprehend.
Wah wah wah!
# May 11 2011 at 9:01 PM Rating: Default
so in other words people have no right to the open that Sony blundered the handling of this and still continues to blunder the handling of this issue?
Well... excusssse me! but frankly your little tongue lashing maybe should be kept to yourself in a nation that believe in freedom of speeh.. you said your peace, now you can shut up and let others have theirs.
# May 11 2011 at 7:11 PM Rating: Default
SOE CS and Marketing can't be handling this worse if they tried. They are not communicating with their client base in any proper way. They are not offering any means to protect your identity (such as a free subscription to an identity theft program --ps that is the standard practice now). Basically they are alienating their client base in just about every way possible. After playing for over 10 years I can say I will be joining the class action lawsuit and I will be cancelling my account along with any purchases from sony. SOE people talk and can communicate. You should try it before you sign your final epitaph.
# May 11 2011 at 8:06 PM Rating: Good
Good luck jumping on that band-wagon. All that will do is make money for Lawyers. Will do nothing for you!
Sony Fulfills Its Obligation To Shareholders
# May 11 2011 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
I have only this to say: It's what corporations do; they are unaccountable private tyrannies that we have zero control or influence over. Go ahead now, start calling me a Marxist or some other four-letter word for your amusement. I'm not here to argue. I'm just making an analysis of their behavior. Based on this, no one should at all be surprised by the way we're being treated. They're fulfilling their function, which is to maximize profits. What happens in the process of achieving that goal is of no consequence if they can get away with it. Love it or hate it, it is what it is.
Staring into my Crystal Ball
# May 11 2011 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
17 posts
UPDATE, June 15, 5:14 p.m. EDT: According to Facebook, "We thank everyone for their continued patience as work continues on SOE services. They will not be up today, June 15th, but we are working as quickly as possible to resolve this."
Ho hum
# May 11 2011 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
For years ive looked/hoped for a game with a mixture of Star Wars Jedi Knight and X-wing alliance/X-wing vs Tie Fighter and finally found it 4.5yrs ago with Star Wars Galaxies.

Now ive had to resort back to playing X-wing Alliance and KOTOR to get my space combat and ground combat fixes lol

Now the free time is ok but would like to see a free (no trade) pick any TCG loot card :) (but doubt it will happen)

Pls come back up soon my house is getting too tidy and am edging toward repainting rooms AAAHHHHHH!!!
# May 11 2011 at 6:25 PM Rating: Default
Well Obviously some players dont work and sit around waiting for this crap to end and I feel for you. Make sure SOE is not charging you for a service they cant seem to provide muchless even properly keeping you informed. Let this lack of information decide if SOE is where you want to pay for playtime. I am a very patient person, but have already giving up, the first couple days was hard but im finding much better things to do with my offwork time now, and as for SOE they can go **** UP A ROPE and will not get another red penny from me. Its not that they got hacked and need to reinforce their servers/site, but the way they treat customers that has done it for me.

Thank you SOE
A Short Guide
# May 11 2011 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Many of SOE's customers here are acting unreasonable. Many aren't though. I am completely fine with SOE keeping the EQ and other online game servers offline as long as they feel it's needed. However, I've written a short guide for SOE on how to best keep their **reasonable* customers less unhappy in the meantime.

(NOTE: Almost all of the customers including myself will be unhappy about the current situation to some degree. The unreasonable customers will be as unhappy as they are going to be no matter how good or bad of a job SOE does of keeping us informed. The reasonable ones however would be less unhappy and much more understanding of the situation if SOE would just fulfill some basic, logical responsibilities for a service provider in their position.)

A Guide on How to Keep Your Reasonable Customers Reasonably Informed:

1. If you must keep offline the gaming services you are selling, then what is the next best thing?

2. Think about your customers...while the service is offline, are they the type of people who will be actively checking the forums and various online sites everyday to see if the servers are back up? Yes.

3. If so, you should consider how to make the wait and transfer of information to them as easy and structured as possible. You do not want them to have to check online more than once a day for updates. You want them to feel confident that they will know they can check once a day for current info. How to best accomplish this?

Do the following:

- If you have no clue how long the servers will be down, then structure your updates to the customers so that the customers only have to check the website and forums for updates once a day at most.

- If you know the servers will be down for any minimum amount of time, make that minimum amount of time known as soon as possible in the daily update.

- For example...

"We at SOE will provide an update everyday at 10am eastern time with the following information, if known: whether the server will be up today, whether the server even has a chance at being up today tomorrow and this week, whether we know the minimum amount of time the servers will be down, whether we even have a rough ballpark guess, and last when we think we will know the minimum amount of time the servers will be down."

Update that information everyday as the information is made known to you.

4. Now you have shown your customers respect and are treating them as if you actually understand them for a change.
A Short Guide
# May 12 2011 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
JBonesJ wrote:
Many of SOE's customers here are acting unreasonable. Many aren't though. I am completely fine with SOE keeping the EQ and other online game servers offline as long as they feel it's needed. However, I've written a short guide for SOE on how to best keep their **reasonable* customers less unhappy in the meantime.

(NOTE: Almost all of the customers including myself will be unhappy about the current situation to some degree. The unreasonable customers will be as unhappy as they are going to be no matter how good or bad of a job SOE does of keeping us informed. The reasonable ones however would be less unhappy and much more understanding of the situation if SOE would just fulfill some basic, logical responsibilities for a service provider in their position.)

A Guide on How to Keep Your Reasonable Customers Reasonably Informed:

1. If you must keep offline the gaming services you are selling, then what is the next best thing?

2. Think about your customers...while the service is offline, are they the type of people who will be actively checking the forums and various online sites everyday to see if the servers are back up? Yes.

3. If so, you should consider how to make the wait and transfer of information to them as easy and structured as possible. You do not want them to have to check online more than once a day for updates. You want them to feel confident that they will know they can check once a day for current info. How to best accomplish this?

Do the following:

- If you have no clue how long the servers will be down, then structure your updates to the customers so that the customers only have to check the website and forums for updates once a day at most.

- If you know the servers will be down for any minimum amount of time, make that minimum amount of time known as soon as possible in the daily update.

- For example...

"We at SOE will provide an update everyday at 10am eastern time with the following information, if known: whether the server will be up today, whether the server even has a chance at being up today tomorrow and this week, whether we know the minimum amount of time the servers will be down, whether we even have a rough ballpark guess, and last when we think we will know the minimum amount of time the servers will be down."

Update that information everyday as the information is made known to you.

4. Now you have shown your customers respect and are treating them as if you actually understand them for a change.

Interesting ideas, except for the simple fact that the investigation is out of SOE control - 3rd party security consultants and the FBI are involed in an attempt to obtain evidence enough to apprehend and successfully prosecute the terrorist/thieves that instigated this breakin, the minute the services come back up it telegraphs a indictation to the scum that all parties involved have decided that the information is secured, the hole is patched and they have enough information to have the local authorities break the doors down and put them in handcuffs.

What do you want them to do - post a message every 20 minutes so you can get a warm fuzzy feeling that they are keeping you "informed"? what exactly do you want them to tell you - besides holding your hand and supplying some form of counselling to the addicts to the game?

The only set information that is required - the FBI and anti-terrorist ivestigators hold a new confrence stating that local authorities have arrested the terrorists in question and they have been taken to the closest maximum security federal prision awaiting trial and incarceration - that is the only update that is required. If this incidents falls under the anti-terrorist act as had been insinuated - the amount of information that can be released is limited and under control of the law enforcement agencies that are involved.

Bottom line this is not a case of "hacking" - quit insulting the original definition of a hacker, this is terrorism and the perpetratores are nothing but thieves that need to be prosecuted under the current laws, if it turns out the SFB people are outside the borders of the US, then it will get a lot more complicate given the simple fact that the laws are not the same across country borderies. some countries treat the terrorists as national heros

Edited, May 12th 2011 7:24am by eq2ctplayer
A Short Guide
# May 12 2011 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Either you replied to my post by accident, or you confused my post with a bunch of the other ones. I didn't say anything about the hackers. I fully understand and support that SOE needs to keep the servers down as long as they need to. I made this perfectly clear in my post.

I don't want updates every 20 minutes. My entire post was about how this isn't what I want. Read it again for your answers. 90% of your attacks against my post are about things I didn't even mention, and of the things I did mention, you completely misread what I wrote.
dear god...
# May 11 2011 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
they announce an impending announcement of a bonus rather than an estimation? I don't want my money back, I want to get my evercrack fix! Then again, PSO-2 is on it's way...
# May 11 2011 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
Does anyone know the names of the individual(s) at Sony who are in charge of Cutomer Relations?

Seems to me that that individual needs to be replaced.
# May 11 2011 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I don't remember their names but I think these are the guys.
# May 11 2011 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
OK, I've just let the days go by without saying too much of anything (expect to the real A-hole posters that want to bring a political climate to this issue). But are you F*CKING kidding me...the most recent update from SONY is as of May 4. Hey SONY, you do realize that today is ONE WHOLE WEEK since your latest update!

I don't have any illusions that SONY is paying attention to the posts that are going on here, but this is a place to vent, and so be it. However, I'm giving them until the end of the weekend to have things back up and running or I shall take my business else where. Now, do I think that SONY will miss my $15/month - not in the least, but with a few hundred thousand players deciding that being treated like **** isn't a good thing, perhaps the mass exit from EQ/Sony products will make it through the heads of the Boards.

I cannot believe for one second that this HUGE Corp. has a 6th grader running their PR, but the way things look from a customers end (no updates for a week on their own site) makes it look as though that is exactly who/what they hired to run this campaign! HOLY SH*T!!!
# May 11 2011 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
3 posts
Well Keep your pants on ... Word is (on msnbc I believe said )they wont be up till the 31st at the earliest , guess it really bad
# May 11 2011 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
SoE has been providing updates via Twitter and their Facebook page. I agree that they should update their main page as well.

The sad thing is they post the same update crap every day.
# May 11 2011 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
I just read on "CNET UK" that "Anonymous" was hacked by one of their own. Hacked was their < and .net Communications sites> publishing names and IP addresses of users online. I followed the link to this but didn't understand it. Just thought it was interesting enough to pass on.
Stupid Move Sony<Smart Move Rift
# May 11 2011 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
What a convenient time for rift to offer a 7-day free trial.....someone is paying attention over there and you can bet that when eq2 comes back up they will have lost enough casual players to finally move it's popularity status in the video game market to below games like ddo...
CC help
# May 11 2011 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
As for Credit cards, they did get hacked.... it happens NOT the end of the world.... you should be smart and use giftcards/paytoplay/reloadable CC on the net anyway! you HAVE to look after your own SAFETY ON THE NET! if you expect a company to do it for you, your a moron! Company's DO and will try very hard to protect your info..... but nothing is fullproof and if you think there is YOUR A MORON!
CC help
# May 11 2011 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
344 posts
I think the danger is not so much that they will use your credit card, but that they might start new credit cards in your name that you wouldnt find out about until its too late.
CC help
# May 11 2011 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
710 posts
They would need SSN to start one - if they have my SSN they got it from somewhere other than PSN/SOE and if they got that, they had all my other info anyways.
Hail SOE
# May 11 2011 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Hail SOE!
"Greetings Insignificant Customer"

What News?

"Would you like [canned news], [excuses], [phoney ETA's] or [self-generated testimonials]?"

Canned News.

"Our servers will not be up today. We are working around the clock to resolve this issue and the servers will be up [soon]"

How soon?

"We are working around the clock to resolve this issue and our servers will be up soon"
Hail SOE
# May 11 2011 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
haha! Love it
OMG cryathon!
# May 11 2011 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
Look people my account got charged the 24th of of last month... so my next bill would be may 24th...... but since there giving 30 days free it's june 24th plus w/e days the server are down..... there not ripping anyone off by charging you! unless u play 24/7 your paying for a service your not using! i mean come on people pay for insurance there whole life and never see a dime, because nothing bad happens......... what about the US government taking SS out of your check? us young people are never gonna see it, so in essence your paying for a service you won't get! if your mad at sony for downtime, lack of communication FINE! but don't say there ripping you off by charging you YOU SOUND STUPID!
OMG cryathon!
# May 11 2011 at 5:12 PM Rating: Decent
I would hope folks would try to cancel their credit cards before trying to cancel their accounts. Without the new card information, you will not be charged.

Edited, May 11th 2011 7:13pm by pmgalvin
I can see the FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# May 11 2011 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
I just realized I can see the future.............

UPDATE, May 11, 5:33 p.m. EDT: According to Facebook, "We thank everyone for their continued patience as work continues on SOE services. They will not be up today, May 11th, but we are working as quickly as possible to resolve this."

I will let you all know if I start seeing anything past the next 24 hours
Dances : gainus pass me my bow
Gainus : which one is it?
Dances : the one that says bad *************
# May 11 2011 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
we wannma know so every customer can log in exactly the very same time, can soe handle that?
# May 11 2011 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
94 posts
we wannma know so every customer can log in exactly the very same time, can soe handle that?

If all SOE users logged in?
The network admins would be like... Huh? Dude, all the users just logged in. Really? All users logged sure?

Playstation on the other hand...Probably not.

As much as I love my MMO, lets try to be a little realistic. There are a lot of us, just not as many as there once was. The console has taken over in ease of use for consumer, game programmer and production company. I still remember when EA Sport's Fight Night Third Round never released to PC...after playing boxing games on the computer since the comm64 days.
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