To fix "no 3d device" click on yer start menu button, go to "run", type in dxdiag. when the window comes up, go to display. Make sure your 3d accelerations are enabled. As far as I know, this is the best way to enable your 3d hardware. Another way is right click on yer desktop to bring up display properties. Click the "settings" tab, click "advanced" then click the performance tab. If you have a supported vid card, max out the hardware acceleration slider. One of these should ( I damn near wana say it WILL) fix the "no 3d device found" IF all yer driver are up to date and have a supported card. I have tried 3 different unsupported vid cards pre SoL and using this, I have not had any vid problems at all.
Godspeed and hunt safe
Rollah Hoober
High Planes Ambassadors
The Gameless
Edited, Tue Dec 4 21:55:04 2001
Patcher Woes
Let me express what many of you are feeling right now:
Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty!
OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it.
Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.