Lost Dungeons of Norrath NDA Lifted

Here's the post from the official site: "As of September 4th, the Non-Disclosure Agreement for the Lost Dungeons of Norrath Beta is no longer in effect, except that a beta participant's confidentiality obligation shall continue with respect to information concerning the beta program and all feedback and comments (whether from the participant, any other participant or from SOE employees)." So I'll open this thread up for the LDoN beta participants to give their impressions of the expansion and also answer any questions the rest may have. Please post away.


Post Comment
# Sep 06 2003 at 8:31 AM Rating: Default
If what I am reading in this thread is true, I'm very disappointed in verant. I was excited at the prospect of rogue being desireable in a group. Apparently, sony has given casters the ability to open locks and sense/disarm traps. These three skills are something the rogue class was promised at the inception of Everquest. As my fellow rogues know that didn't come to fruition. The skills are basically unused. Until LDON that is. Now I am reading that once again rogues are getting the shaft. Sad really. I pulled my rogue out of retirement and starting working on my skills in preparation for LDON. I've always had problems finding a group with my rogue, and it looks to remain that way.

Now all the people who say stop whining. I ask you this- How would you feel if they handed a class defining ability to a large number of classes in the game. Ok give all melee/hybrids track. Rangers would be up in arms. Give all int casters clarity and mezzes. Give all casters CH. Watch how different it'll be for clerics who are looking for groups. Suddenly you don't have anything to offer that someone else doesn't.

Let's face if hide/sneak isn't something that is going to get you a group. And while backstab definately helps generate alot of DPS, it seems people forgo rogues for another tank who can take hits in case of problems.
RE: Rogues...
# Sep 06 2003 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Hm, well....as a cleric, i got pretty farking tired of being used as a rezbot. I would try to get a group to go do something, and repeatedly got told we have a shaman/druid, we dont need you. Then they would send me a tell to come and rez them. Feh. I would also get snarked for not having my clicky stick [nobody seemed to want to get a bunch together to help me smackdown Ixiblat...let alone finish the rest of my epic...] AND get snarked at for only being 54 and not avong the 96% rez [but they didnt NEED me to group with them...so my only other real option being soloing undead in trakanon and emerald jungle to grind xp...]

Whinging? Yup. Dealing with it? Yup. I solo undead. I duo with a friends druid and get a little XP when he is able to be in game. I group with total strangers and get killed regularly [i really prefer grouping with people I have hunted with, but left my guild due to politics...now nobody I used to group with will group with me. They wanted a compliant litle rezbot...and I am not a rezbot.]

Now all the people who say stop whining. I ask you this- How would you feel if they handed a class defining ability to a large number of classes in the game. Ok give all melee/hybrids track. Rangers would be up in arms. Give all int casters clarity and mezzes. Give all casters CH. Watch how different it'll be for clerics who are looking for groups. Suddenly you don't have anything to offer that someone else doesn't.
RE: Rogues...
# Sep 06 2003 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
Think about this anon, if rogues were the ONLY people who could open chests how frustrating would that be? If you can't get a rogue you're screwed because you can't sense traps or anything. Get over yourself, and start thinking about the rest of the group. Just think what it would be like if only one class could slow, mez, or root? We'd have a mess on our hands. I play an enchanter and My job is basically crowd control and buffing. If we can't get a shaman guess what else I get to do? Slow. If the group doesn't have me, but has a beastlord or shaman they still get mana regen and haste. We back each other up, but its always best to have the class specifically disigned for the job. Yes, bards can mez, but wouldn't you rather have an enchanter do it? And if an enchanter could blow some mana opening a box or a door with a spell, believe me, I'd rather have a rogue with me to do it than sit down, waste time, mem spell, cast, sit down, re-mem group needed spell, then get ready to move. If you really think its that hard to get in a group, start your own, or stay in places where you are in Demand, like Sebillis.
RE: Rogues...
# Sep 06 2003 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with both sides of this argument. An easy compromise would be to leave sensing and disarming traps to rogues, but unlocking the chests could be a spell. Similarly to melees bashing chests open (which seems to have been removed), if you want to open a chest without a rogue, you pay the price. Makes them desirable, but not required. A bit late to say something now, though... :)
RE: Rogues...
# Sep 06 2003 at 5:47 PM Rating: Good
now, chests spawn as mobs that you cannot cast spells on. break them open by hitting them a few times (they dont have much hp at all) hitting them sets off traps.. few if any locks, and just giving unlock spells to casters wouldn't help much, as they would still end up setting off traps. in some areas/types of quests, you need someone who can disarm traps, and it is always a good thing. rogues will be disarmers of choice, and a great choice for dps, as always. why? rogue disarm takes no mana (IE you maintain your dps while doing it) and doesn't take a spell gem.
RE: Rogues...
# Sep 06 2003 at 11:33 AM Rating: Good
casters can sense traps, but their spells take mana. MORE MANA = MORE DPS MORE DPS = CRITICAL IN LDON, also ROGUES = DPS DPS = CRITICAL IN LDON
RE: Rogues...
# Sep 06 2003 at 11:15 AM Rating: Default
Here's how it goes, You will want a rogue. The only classes that can sense and disarm are bard/rogue same for picklock, there were no locks implimented last time I played. A wizard cannot sense a trap, if you do not have someone to sense/disarm you can bash the chests/vases etc. You will probably die if you are of high level. There aren't group wipe traps for most lower levels 20-40 becuase most people at that level are still learning things, and it would simply not be fair to take a level 20 guy who bought EQ and leveled on his own (GASP!) and blow him and his group up. Whereas at 65, you should be thinking of these things. There is an "inpect" feature that will tell you a bit about it, and point out that "there's a chunk missing from the side" and whatnot, but nothing more. Bash Container+high level=wipe.
RE: Rogues...
# Sep 06 2003 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
also.. unless you are in an all warrior group, traps won't wipe you.
# Sep 06 2003 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
my question is this. Will the upgrade system allow epics to be augmented to bring them up to par with other class weapons that now make epics nearly undesirable, I worked hard on my epic and it sits in my bank.
RE: epics
# Sep 06 2003 at 11:33 AM Rating: Excellent
no. epics are upgradeable, but they won't become the weapon of choice again.
RE: epics
# Sep 07 2003 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
Not entirely true, the magician epic is a summoned weapon, which does not have augmentation slots.
RE: epics
# Sep 07 2003 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
No. The magician epic will be upgradeably. They have said they are changing both the mage epic, and the warrior epic to be upgradeable.
# Sep 06 2003 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
Hello i have a question that i havent seen asked yet, how will the point system work? i heard a few people mention "points upon completion" what does this mean? what are they for? =) thanks for anwsering
RE: Points
# Sep 06 2003 at 11:35 AM Rating: Excellent
Points upon completion very depending on level and difficulty. Hard adventures generate 1.5 times or so the amount of points that normal adventures do. A level 30 normal adventure for instance will generate 3 points, a 30 hard 5 points, a 65 normal 51 points, and a 65 hard 76 points. The more points you have in any one theme, the greater the rewards available from the wayfarers will be.
RE: Points
# Sep 07 2003 at 6:15 AM Rating: Good
what are the rewards? EXP? items? Skill points? thanks for your first reply =) you have been very helpful
RE: Points
# Sep 06 2003 at 6:59 AM Rating: Default
2 points per person per completion of a dungeon - points are stackable I believe in the sense that you can continue building points upon the completion of future dungeons.
how much dmg from mobs in 60 - 65 dungeons?
# Sep 06 2003 at 3:05 AM Rating: Excellent
104 posts
What is the DMG output of mobs in a 65 LDoN dungeon like? Does the output increase on the harder setting or are there just more mobs to deal with? Do many of the mobs mitigate slows? I am trying to get an idea on what I should add to my normal 4 person group to do these dungeons as safely as we can. Will non conventional groups be Viable in most cases? IE not the typical tank, slower, crowd control , cleric , dps squad. groups like pet class groups and such.

just felt this needed to be asked since the difference in power between 2 lvl 65 chars can be huge depending on AAs and gear

Edited, Sat Sep 6 04:13:59 2003
RE: how much dmg from mobs in 60 - 65 dungeons?
# Sep 06 2003 at 11:38 AM Rating: Excellent
they have changed since the last poster tried last. On normal mobs hit around 700, few quad, few if any mitigate slow or enrage. Normal bosses hit about 1k-1.1k. Hard mobs quad 900-1k, enrage, mitigate, rampage, and all that fun stuff! hard bosses quad 1.3k-1.4k. All beastlord groups are amazing -- they finish way faster than conventional groups. Same but lesser extent with all mage groups etc.
RE: how much dmg from mobs in 60 - 65 dungeons?
# Sep 06 2003 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
and some bosses, Lord Drigo in the guk one, perma root the MT. most of the regular mobs in the 65 normal dungeons were hitting me around 3 to 400 with maybee a max at 700. all in all they die very quickly and have alot of exp per mob, or at least they did the last time i played.
RE: how much dmg from mobs in 60 - 65 dungeons?
# Sep 06 2003 at 12:32 PM Rating: Excellent
one of the reasons they have so much xp per mob atm -- they haven't figured out how to code it so you get xp when the adventure is won yet. all in all, when they do, the xp is supposed to be the same, but only if you win the adventure.
RE: how much dmg from mobs in 60 - 65 dungeons?
# Sep 06 2003 at 10:18 AM Rating: Default
For a common mob, around 300-350 is typical.
I never could get to the boss on the assassinate missions.
# Sep 05 2003 at 11:27 PM Rating: Excellent
I hear alot about traps. But what are the traps. I mean, what happens if you set off the trap, do you die, just get hurt, or what?

RE: Traps
# Sep 05 2003 at 11:32 PM Rating: Excellent
depending on the level of the dungeon and your luck they can vary. some will even ch your entire group when set off! others that I have seen include the 500 hp a tick dot
some others include very minor traps that do about 9 points of damage when they go off, spawn 3 mobs, and such.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 05 2003 at 11:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) EQ proudly announced that this expansion will have ZERO solo content, "a minimum group size of 4". Bad trend for those of us who prefer to solo or partner. I have all previous expansions and will no doubt be getting future ones... this one may not make the shopping list at all.
RE: No Sale
# Sep 06 2003 at 8:47 AM Rating: Excellent
Yes, excellent, you aren't forced to buy an expansion if it doesn't pertain to your way of playing. We get the point, its been made several times already. Its better than being forced to buy an expansion although you won't be using 99% of it.

Also, its not anti solo'er. The people who are willing to group will have plenty to do, so that leaves other zones open to soloers.

Also, each dungeon requires significant resources in hardware. How many players are in the dungeon adds little to the overhead of running the dungeon. So, they said that they can run approximately 11,000 simultaneous dungeons. If the group size is 6, that services 66,000 simultaneous players. If its soloers, that is 11,000 players. The closer they are to 66,000, the better.

Also, you have ot look realistically at the solo'er population. Not the people who like to solo - the people who solo exculively. They will never join a group. If they do join a group, at least sometimes, then this expansion is viable. So, its only the people who solo exclusively who could complain. That should be a very small part of the population; given this is a multi-player game. Certainly, nothing at all in the marketing would have you believe otherwise.

But, if you still insist that you will never ever ever have a friend or two, ever, or even want to look for one, then yes, this expansion may not be for you. Save yourself the $25.

Clear enough? Or do you need a puppet show?
RE: No Sale
# Sep 05 2003 at 11:25 PM Rating: Excellent
get this expansion and play with it some. if you still prefer duoing after that, pay a couple of people 50 plat each to gate out after you enter the dungeon. many soloers prefer to solo because of the extended time needed for a group, but this expansion will change that.
RE: No Sale
# Sep 06 2003 at 3:42 AM Rating: Good
104 posts
another option would be to go in with a total of 4 who want to duo or solo and agree to each go your own way in the dungeon(provided they arent too linear). if people abuse the current system soe will likely make dungeons time out faster if there are fewer people than 4 in the group. each instance of a dungeaon takes resources at sony so it isnt realistic for each necro or beastlord to have their own private dungeon unfortunately.

Edited, Sat Sep 6 04:31:52 2003
RE: No Sale
# Sep 06 2003 at 11:40 AM Rating: Excellent
Not viable. dungeons are too linear. They have instance servers set up to host 40-50 thousand dungeons atm, that enough for 160-300 thousand people. Not that many people will be in LDoN dungeons, and if it is viable to have all dungeons exist for half an hour after everyone has left them, then its very viable for that to happen... of course the soloers will have some problems with the amount of mobs per pull, and will likely give up after a while.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 05 2003 at 10:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) So basicly Necros and Bstlords are becoming out dated..They are the best solo classes. I kinda think that sucks.
# Sep 05 2003 at 10:48 PM Rating: Good
How are necromancers and beastlords becoming 'outdated'? with the time limits, for higher level adventures, beastlords and necromancers will be snapped up quickly for groups. They can solo well, in part because they have wonderful dps. dps is critical in LDoN
edit: offtopic completely, but you know whats nice? seeing your posting karma jump .21 in a day.

Edited, Sat Sep 6 02:12:22 2003
# Sep 06 2003 at 12:07 AM Rating: Default
Why does everybody say necros and beastlords are the best solo classes? You guys have obviously never seen a bard go to town... and the higher in level we get the better we are. I personally can maintain a swarm of about 8... Can a beastlord or a necro get up 8? Anyway this post is out of place. on to my question...

What happens in the event of an LD/group wipe out? and if I complete a dungeon but others in my group have not what dungeoon will we be sent to?
# Sep 06 2003 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
Bards are great soloing cuz its manaless and other stuff, but from the posts ive read, you get alot from a pull, and if u trying to solo with bard by some chance, u have to kite in a dungeon. This brings up a question, can u get speed enhancements in a dungeon? Im guessing it would be close to impossible for a bard to solo in one of the dungeons.
# Sep 06 2003 at 4:03 AM Rating: Default
Why does everybody say necros and beastlords are the best solo classes? You guys have obviously never seen a bard go to town... and the higher in level we get the better we are. I personally can maintain a swarm of about 8... Can a beastlord or a necro get up 8? Anyway this post is out of place. on to my question...

Bards the best soloers? HA!

Druids can kite 12 if they have a big enough mana pool.

Necros could kill 16 in the time it takes a bard to swarm kite 8. Necros can solo summoning mobs and undead that are unfearable are usually easily soloed by a necro when the same mob would make paste out of the bard.

Not only that but bards are dangerous. Worse then droods. A bard kite is uncontrolled and bards care little for who they run over.

Sorry, but necro's wear the solo crown, bards are merely pretenders.

LDoN is the first expansion to exclude a large portion of their player base. It is a major misstep by the always incompetant SoE. There is no good reason that they are excluding soloers and small groups. The two reasons they are doing this is that they are stupid enough to think they can tell players how to play and the other is that they are cheap. They are going to find out the cost of their arragonce and tightfistedness is greater then actually making the expansion for all players.
# Sep 06 2003 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
sorry, but i'm forced to disagree...well, i agree up to level 61, but past that bards are the best...welcome to the land of AE kiting...(the reason you can only have 10 mobs trained in HoH now) ....a bard can kite 10 mobs in HoH in 20 minutes for a total of 50% an aa per kite...not to mention in the elemental planes this skyrockets as there isn't such a limitation :)
# Sep 06 2003 at 12:19 AM Rating: Excellent
If someone goes ld, and they relog within 30 minutes of the pass/fail of the adventure, they will reappear where they went LD in the dungeon. otherwise, they will pop out by the enterance of the dungeon. If there is a group wipe, you can zonein as long as it is within 30 minutes of pass/fail of the adventure. It is even possible to complete the adventure after a full group wipe, but given the time you will lose CRing, not likely. After 30 minutes of pass/fail, anyone in the dungeon, and all PC corpses will pop out to the enterance of the dungeon. Having prieviously completed a dungeon does not affect what dungeon you will get the next time you visit the same wayfarers camp -- but with the number of dungeons available per theme, it is unlikely you will get the same one twice in a row. If someone goes ld, but their group completes the dungeon, the next time they log it will be counted as a success and they will recieve adventure points for it.
# Sep 06 2003 at 12:50 AM Rating: Good
Nice thanks... I am Remember reading that if a player goes ld there is no way to replace them while in zone is this still correct? It would suck to lose a cc tank or healer and not be able to replace them.
# Sep 06 2003 at 12:52 AM Rating: Excellent
yep.. you can always zone out and get another cleric, leave the adventure, and get another one though.
# Sep 06 2003 at 12:58 AM Rating: Excellent
That brings another question... how do you zone out? Click a stone pop style? or is there zone line to run through?
# Sep 06 2003 at 1:01 AM Rating: Excellent
It depends on the specific dungeon. Some zones are clicky stone type things, some are clicky portals, some are walk-thru portals, and some are plain old fashioned zone lines.
# Sep 06 2003 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks man i'll be off now... Can't wait to try this stuff out for meself...

Sing us a song your the bardic man sing us a song tonight... we're all in the mood for a melody and you got us swingin with might.
Augement levels
# Sep 05 2003 at 9:33 PM Rating: Good
What I am afraid of is getting into LDoN and finding out all the new stuff is nearly exclusive for characters of 50+ levels. The screenshots I have seen so far are not relaxing this single fear for this update. Is the augements (and other things if you care to mention) all level 50+ in power or do the lower level characters (say 20+) get to get there hands into this expansion's goodies ? TIA.
RE: Augement levels
# Sep 05 2003 at 9:50 PM Rating: Excellent
stuff for everyone 20+. 30 adventures generally drop + 2 stat augments. +2 stats * 21 I think possible slots is a very good improvement. the reason why so many screenshots appear to be 65+ is twofold... First, higher level people generally play more, and are more likely to be on when a beta opening is announced, or have friends sign them up etc. second, for those lower levels who do get in, there is a command on the beta server to turn them in to 65, which is a new experience for them.
edit : look at my screen shots.. the one with froakus in it is a level 30 testing group. Froakus is a dev, Rubies and Swog were press people

Edited, Fri Sep 5 22:49:44 2003
RE: Augement levels
# Sep 07 2003 at 10:23 AM Rating: Default
Enough information for me (original poster to the Augment level thread). I hope this turns out as well as I am hearing it will.
RE: Augement levels
# Sep 05 2003 at 9:53 PM Rating: Decent
and you have to remember the zone changes depending on the lvl of the group... so if you have a group of lvl 20's then lvl 20 stuff will drop
RE: Augement levels
# Sep 05 2003 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
I did adventures from lvl 20 to 65. All different and a lot of fun. A must have if you enjoy grouping with friends. Only bad thing is you have to be grouped. If you solo a lot, you are out of luck.
RE: Augement levels
# Sep 08 2003 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
508 posts
No, if you solo exclusively, you are out of luck. If you group at least sometimes, you can go to LDoN dungeons.
# Sep 05 2003 at 9:30 PM Rating: Default
I just cant wait hehehe
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 05 2003 at 8:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Whatevar
# Sep 05 2003 at 7:08 PM Rating: Excellent
this is a link containing maps to all LDoN zones. thanks to nytrous for putting them together -- they are right except for a few minor alterations.
# Sep 06 2003 at 4:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Latest update September 6th 2003 1:43am PST

map database is updated regularly.. 1-3 times a day

Some screenshots I took:

Edited, Sat Sep 6 05:00:50 2003
more pics
# Sep 05 2003 at 6:38 PM Rating: Excellent
more pics.
-- various LDoN stuff,hosted thanks to illia
EDIT: editing in my prieviously posted pics too
http://www2.freepichosting.com/Images/44591/6.jpg http://www2.freepichosting.com/Images/44591/5.jpg

Edited, Sat Sep 6 02:21:27 2003
RE: more pics
# Sep 08 2003 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
That Mistmoore screeny looks nice and creepy. Gonna love going there Saturday nights while listening to Twilight Zone (old TV episodes are on the radio now, very nostalgic).
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 08 2003 at 3:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Malus Imperium is in pot on Tholuxe palles. formally known as kupo flux. and before that intrepid
RE: more pics
# Sep 05 2003 at 11:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Sorry for being off-topic, but I really like the ui skin you are using in these screenshots, especially the player info window.
Where can I get a copy?
RE: more pics
# Sep 05 2003 at 11:04 PM Rating: Excellent
its a mix match of UI parts from eqinterface.com... I don't recall where I got it from originally, and don't have a host for it atm, but leave your email here if you want it and I will send you a copy.
EDIT: or just send me an email at uiskin@kevin-gorman.com

Edited, Sat Sep 6 00:08:11 2003
Once it is all over
# Sep 05 2003 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
Ok, if the events are timed, can you stay in zone once you have completed whatever task you were supposed to complete? I'd like to be able to explore everything, kill all mobs etc. Also, what would happen if the same group were to go right back into the same zone immediately? Would everything be the same as it was before or is it random based on the level of your party?
RE: Once it is all over
# Sep 05 2003 at 6:10 PM Rating: Excellent
You can stay in the dungeon for up to 30 minutes after you pass or fail. The chance of getting the same dungeon is very low -- even within a theme, there are many different dungeons.
Deaths? Songs? Augments?
# Sep 05 2003 at 6:00 PM Rating: Excellent
Ok, a bunch of questions. I enjoy seeing new places, but when I die in one of the many new places I hope to travel to once the expansion comes out (and yes I WILL die there. It's almost a given) how will I get my body? What if, say, the entire group gets wiped? If you try to go back into the dungeon, isnt it a new form of that dungeon, where your body won't exist? Also, all this junk about spells spells spells. Who cares about spells, tell me about the new bard songs. And finally, do augments change the name of the item, like their equivalent in Final Fantasy X do? If the item name stays the same it will sure be a pain when it comes to shopping in the bazaar.

-Auridan, 45 ALMOST 46 Songweaver of Tunare
RE: Deaths? Songs? Augments?
# Sep 05 2003 at 6:09 PM Rating: Default
If the item name stays the same it will sure be a pain when it comes to shopping in the bazaar.

Every screen shot of an augmentation that I've seen shows them as No Drop.
Putting an Augment in a tradeable item makes that item No Drop.

So... Can't sell an augmented item.
Won't mess the bazaar up too much.
RE: Deaths? Songs? Augments?
# Sep 05 2003 at 6:11 PM Rating: Excellent
no, it does not geofrey. if the item was droppable, the item will remain droppable.
RE: Deaths? Songs? Augments?
# Sep 06 2003 at 6:56 AM Rating: Default
Sorry you are wrong on that - go to castersrealm where they did an interview with an SOE exec. on LDoN - he states plainly droppable items that recieve augments will become no-drop after the augmentation.
RE: Deaths? Songs? Augments?
# Sep 06 2003 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
I don't particularly care what you read. I base my posts on what I have seen in the beta, and what I have asked devs. He likely had no idea what he was talking about, or it was an old interview and they changed it afterwards.
RE: Deaths? Songs? Augments?
# Sep 06 2003 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
so far i have yet to see an item become NO DROP after augmenting it. I dont know if they intend to change it after LDoN goes live, i certainly hope not.
I like the fact that items can be imbued and retain their droppable status. You can use Solvent potions to remove augments from slots if you no to replace them with a stronger augment at some point.
RE: Deaths? Songs? Augments?
# Sep 05 2003 at 6:09 PM Rating: Excellent
augments change the name of the item to Item Name (Augmented.) If you die, and the dungeon is destroyed, your corpse pops out by the enterance. The dungeon is destroyed about half an hour after you pass/fail, so you really will want to run back in the dungeon and get it yourself most of the time. CRs are easy because there are no respawns. Not sure on bard songs.

Edited, Fri Sep 5 18:58:49 2003
RE: Deaths? Songs? Augments?
# Sep 06 2003 at 5:46 AM Rating: Good
no respawns? thats really cool and more realistic ( even tho its a fantasy game and nothing is realistic lol ) but its very cool thnk you for informing me =)
group vs raid
# Sep 05 2003 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
sorry this question may have already been asked, but is there raid content in LDoN at all? i know its single group focused, but i was just wondering if the high end stuff is still raid.

P.S. i personally dont like things that require raids just because i can never raid at conveinant times for anyone else, so to hear that raiding has been excluded from this expansion, would make me feel like i can actually do something in this game again. i would love it
RE: group vs raid
# Sep 05 2003 at 5:01 PM Rating: Excellent
there is raiding. some of the boss mobs are very nasty, quad 2.5k and have aoe 8 hit rampage.
# Sep 05 2003 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
What kind of XP/AAXP gains have you been seeing per 90 minute session?
# Sep 05 2003 at 4:41 PM Rating: Excellent
on normal, around an aa a dungeon.. keep in mind, most dungeons dont take 90 minutes.
# Sep 05 2003 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
508 posts
There is no guarrantee that beta exp will be anything like the exp when the game goes live. Its not uncommon to raise exp during testing, since the test period is relatively small. Same goes for loot drops.
# Sep 05 2003 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
... while certainly possible, I find it unlikely that they would totally change the levels of xp that they calibrated in beta, unless something drastic happens (IE all xp in the game is doubled or halved)
# Sep 08 2003 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
508 posts
Its easy for them to scale loot drops and exp. Very easy. How do I know? Because I play on normal test server as well. The dungeon plays very differently form day to day, sometimes the loot drops are far better while testing than they are a day later when the change goes live.

Secondly, you are assuming that all they are testing is that the dungeon plays like it will when it goes live. That is incorrect, they test for changes they just made (so they need ot quickly get a few of those items into the game), or they may test for how flexible their design is.

All you have to do is look at every other beta test, and what people said about it during beta, and then find that the loot drops/exp changed radically after it goes live. Most people call it a "nerf" when production doesn't play like a test environment. It isn't, since the test environment is inherently in a state of flux.

Maybe the loot drops and exp are the same. But, to assume tha tis the case is rather silly. All you can really say is how it was during beta testing; you really have no idea if the (global) zone exp modifier changes the day before it goes live.
# Sep 05 2003 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
When i skimmed through the messages i didnt see this question posed, or maybe i missed it, i dont know, but how is the loot in the dungeons?
RE: Loot?
# Sep 05 2003 at 3:53 PM Rating: Excellent
over all.. pretty nice. here is a link to a scepter that dropped in a normal 65.
# Sep 05 2003 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
"This is BS...steal a rogues abilities. its already hard enough to get a damn group"

Even though I have a Druid, I still agree. Those skills should be Rouge/bard only. It's just more fair, and makes a rouge a lot more useful.
RE: Agreed!
# Sep 05 2003 at 3:46 PM Rating: Excellent
Rogues = DPS. DPS = critical in LDoN. The ability to disarm traps is also fairly critical in LDoN however, we do NOT need another class added to the holy trinity (tank, slower, cleric.) this will not hurt a rogue's ability to get a group at all, it will just mean you can do an adventure without a rogue.
RE: Agreed!
# Sep 06 2003 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
10 posts
the Holy Trinity refers to Warrior, Enchanter, Cleric... that trinity has been broken for while now, play/sk are often better tanks outside of raid content and shamans slow just as well, with less danger then a chanter... for that matter Druids 5k ch is just as good as clerics for all but Tier4 groups. While there are obviously times when CC is a must and when DPS is a must.. but you still need these 3 classes to make a high end group work unless your planing on lots of downtime.
A better statment would be (tank, slower, CHer)
RE: Agreed!
# Sep 06 2003 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
druids don't have a 5k ch, they have a 3k ch that isnt particularly mana efficient. The original holy trinity refered to warrior ench and cleric yes, but it is basically retained in tank/shaman-ench/cleric.
About the 7 lvl limit for grouping...
# Sep 05 2003 at 3:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Who is this in relation to? The person that initiates the quest or the highest level person in the party? If a 58th lvl character iniates the adventure, can characters lvls 51-65 join them? Or if you have a 65th lvl character in the party, are you only able to scale down to 58th no matter who starts the adventure?

Mashadahr Bryteforge
60 Crusader
Solusek Ro
RE: About the 7 lvl limit for grouping...
# Sep 10 2003 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
People were saying it was actually a 9 level difference last night. We only tried a 10 level difference, which did not work. (62nd shammy and 52nd pally)
RE: About the 7 lvl limit for grouping...
# Sep 05 2003 at 3:44 PM Rating: Excellent
I am actually not sure... I believe it is to the highest/lowest in group (IE if a 57 is leading it, a 64 joins in, then no one lower than 57 could join)
Augment item
# Sep 05 2003 at 3:00 PM Rating: Default
After you augment an item, what happens when you try to trade it away, does it become no drop?
RE: Augment item
# Sep 05 2003 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
assuming it was not no drop to begin with, the item will remain droppable, and that augment will stay with the item.
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 06 2003 at 7:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) As in another post,an augmented item becomes no-drop as soon as it is augmented.The augmentation can be removed with a solvent( the augmentation is destroyed in the process but no harm to the augmented item ) and the item again reverts back to its droppable state.
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 05 2003 at 2:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) This freaking blows. I'm a dedicated solo player. No one wants a wizard in there group as it is. That means im **** out of luck so i might as well cancle my preorder.
RE: This sucks
# Sep 05 2003 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
I'm not trying to be snide here, but how can you be surprised by this? All of the literature, previews and tidbits of info were quite clear that this was a group oriented dynamic dungeon module. Some of the time-oriented comments seem quite valid, but these things are tunable over time and if the evolution of this game has shown anything over the years, it's that things do get adjusted - for good or ill - eventually.

I'm looking forward to zones with no rediculously out-of-level chars farming parts and equipment, but then again, I find soloing mind-numbingly dull so maybe I'm just strange.
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 05 2003 at 4:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I understand that your not being sinical. It just, well damn near the entire time if played this game its all been solo. I really like the game. But it is even more clear now to me that if you are a wizard or a SK no one is interested in grouping with you. At least on my server. I mean, I see other wizards and SK telling me that there are plenty of people grouping with SK and wizards in the planes... Well guess what soloing to 46 takes for ever now that C3 is 45 restricted. And the exp penalty for a Human wizard is the worst in the game. Maybe its me. But just once i'd like to see an expansion come out that had atleast one thing in it i liked,could get without a raid, and wasnt made for the end game peeps that have lost the
RE: This sucks
# Sep 09 2003 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I love having SK's and Wizards in my group. In a matter of fact... I look for a wizard to help with DPS output. A good SK can pull and has very nice DPS also.

The point is that EQ is being designed more for grouping instead of soloing. I do not see this changing or the designers doing anything for those that solo.

The fact is that EQ is a roleplaying game. We ALL make decisions on race, class, and skills. We also choose how we will "play" that character. This includes if we will solo, group, or both.

Please do not flame SOE and the way they design the game. You made the choices, not them.

If I read your post correctly you are a member of Vigilant Order on the Povar server. Guildmates are there to group with. I would be looking for another guild if they could not invite me to group.

Good luck and I hope things get better.

Bhur Gcairde
The Tribunal
RE: This sucks
# Sep 08 2003 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
"the exp penalty for a Human wizard is the worst in the game"

What exp penalty? Humans get no race penalty and class penalties were removed long ago with the class ones only affecting hybrids.
RE: This sucks
# Sep 05 2003 at 4:50 PM Rating: Excellent
508 posts
Sorry, think you are missing the point. This expansion adds reasons for people to group up. Wizards and SK are completely viable classes in the dungeons.

There will be more grouping because of this expansion; more opportunity to group. Why? Because people can hang out in specific areas (the Wayfarer camps), which is where all grouping will happen. Group gets together, they need one or two more people, there you are. You join, they can head out to the adventure right away.

During beta my RL wife said "You know, I was always afraid of making up a group, getting things going. With this system, its so easy and you have a clear purpose, and now making a group has become fun".

Also - the group lasts for only an hour and a half or so. Everyone is clear on that form the start, thats why you are all standing about. Everyone says "yes, I am good to go for an hour of play time", and off you go! Most complaints about grouping seems to be with people coming and going, groups falling apart. LDoN focuses that into a specific time period.
RE: This sucks
# Sep 06 2003 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
I agree... I can see peeps just hanging by the Quest Givers to get groups. And I really think it gives a new reason to group with a Rogue. Everyone will want a skilled Rogue in LDoN!
RE: This sucks
# Sep 06 2003 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
your wife should do a TV commercial hehe good stuff =) i cant wait for LDoN is launch date still tuesday like people are saying?
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 05 2003 at 1:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) So trolls get screwed again, not having a hometown, but Im sure the @#$%#@$ frogs have it nice, having a hometown with hallways BIG ENOUGH to walk through...Cmon SOE give grobb back to it rightful owners already
# Sep 05 2003 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default
I just wonder how well a 2 man raid will go. MY and my friend are all the time doing druid/bard raids in places, will it be possible to do this?
RE: hmm
# Sep 05 2003 at 1:39 PM Rating: Excellent
not possible, min of 18 people to request a raid. If you got in with 2 people by some fluke, you would wipe on the first pull.
RE: hmm
# Sep 06 2003 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default
Minimum 18 people for a raid,4 for a group adventure.Average time in dungeon is 1 hour from what I've seen.
RE: hmm
# Sep 06 2003 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default
Minimum 18 people for a raid,4 for a group adventure.Average time in dungeon is 1 hour from what I've seen.
# Sep 05 2003 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
Is the avid soloer able to use these dungeons or do they all require a group of some sort?
RE: solo?
# Sep 05 2003 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
You must have 4 people in a group to initiate the adventure.
RE: solo?
# Sep 05 2003 at 1:35 PM Rating: Good
all require a group. When it goes live I expect there will be people that sit near the camps and "/ooc for 20 plat will join your group once we get in gate out", but even then these will be very hard to solo for the most part.
adventurers stone
# Sep 05 2003 at 12:51 PM Rating: Excellent
forgot to add this in my last post, and my edit button isnt working. after you go through some dialogue in your hometown (or RM/karana if you are kos at home) and some at any adventurers camp, you get an "adventurers stone" to augment your charm. Once you have it you can port around the camps simply by saying the name of another camp near a magus. can add stats when you get a lot of adventure points also.
http://www2.freepichosting.com/Images/44591/6.jpg http://www2.freepichosting.com/Images/44591/5.jpg

also.. anyone know how to send maps to eqatlas? cant find the link, but its likely right in front of me. have a compilation of maps of ldon zones -- not all by me, but I cannot find the original source now.

Edited, Fri Sep 5 13:57:17 2003
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