Patcher Woes

Let me express what many of you are feeling right now: Arrrrrrrrrgh! Let me in! Let me in! I want my Kitty! *breathe* OK. According to Sony, they are aware of the problems and are working on them, including bringing on more patching servers. Why they didn't think of this before, since this is almost identical to what happened at the original release is beyond me, but I'm sure they want you to play their game as much as you want to play it. Feel free to use this forum to try to help each other get into the game or to just console each other while you wait.


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# Dec 04 2001 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
Once I get past the little Windows patch progam (wth IS that, anyway?) and get to the real Patcher, I download a few files and then get ground to a halt.

Hit cancel. Hit download. Hit cancel. Hit download. Shut down. Double-click on EverQuest icon. Windows patch program. Nothing. Cancel progam. Delete from task process (win2000). Double-click on EverQuest icon. Windows patch program. Patch program. Download more files. Grind to a halt...

That's how I've spent the last three hours. Seems I have most files, but keep getting stuck on global5_chr.s3d...

btw - Go to if you're having problems connecting with the patch server... That got me a bit further in this adventure...

Let me help you
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default
Can anyone say Dark Ages of Camelot?
This is BS!
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default

Why couldn't the people at SOE put up a few mirror sites so that their main network was not bombarded with people trying to patch all at once?

Am I the only person who doesn't have his head stuck up his *** and think this is a reasonable idea? Why didn't it occur to someone that 300k people patching all at once might create some problems?

I can deal with the twelve hour delay from when they promised to go live. I can deal with messed up shipping schedules and all that. I can even deal with the BUGGY new patch program that apparently has memory leaks, can't remove itself properly from the environment, and hogs almost all the cpu cycles, but surely someone must have seen this coming... there is no excuse!!!!
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default
When I press the EQ icon on my desktop, a box with a windows symbol next to it shows up, and its called patcher. It goes a few blue bars then stops and goes away, and nothin happens.. this happenin to eveyone else ehhe? am i all good?
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default
OMG I finally got in after 6 hours of clicking and cntrl/alt/ to see if i can actually get onto my server...
FUc l <
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default
i was playing EQ and then i got LD tyhen i tried to get back on there, then the ptach crap came up and i couldn't play anymore
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:34 PM Rating: Default
Sarcasm ON

Ah well... nice to have a 1GBit line from work and not get even 1Bit from sony..

Sarcasm OFF

Now where's that LART

# Dec 04 2001 at 10:34 PM Rating: Default
i have install DX8 is working for last 2 day and now i am back to **** not working thing again
WTF give us the patch "i dont mind waiting for my epension for another one or two week
wed-5-12-01.......11:25 am in australia and i am still waiting for it to work.
did someone said the patch we down load got virus ?true? argg i am geting even more argro
now this is so stupit .......if i am holding my epic weapon right now i would stick this up your ***
VERANT .....from lvl55 warrior take this u dumb *** #

Getting to work a little help
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:34 PM Rating: Default
Ah haha ... got it to work all you have to do is double click the EQ link and then it will send a error message then simply log off windows and open it back up... it worked for me and my friend and now you can download the patch ... good luck ... Char: Xvjoesph
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default
i have install DX8 is working for last 2 day and now i am back to **** not working thing again
WTF give us the patch "i dont mind waiting for my epension for another one or two week
wed-5-12-01.......11:25 am in australia and i am still waiting for it to work.
did someone said the patch we down load got virus ?true? argg i am geting even more argro
now this is so stupit .......if i am holding my epic weapon right now i would stick this up your ***
VERANT .....from lvl55 warrior take this u dumb *** #

Local File IO Error
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default
Anyone else getting a Local File IO Error when they patch?
RE: Local File IO Error
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
Me to i got it to What the ***?
RE: Local File IO Error
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:37 PM Rating: Default
yup.... tells me to check if i have enough space (duh.. only 17G free) and write access (admin on system...)

and yes, my patcher stopped over and over... and i have restarted again and again to see if anything helps...

RE: Local File IO Error
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:37 PM Rating: Default
yeah , i got it like 3 or 4 times...why are we getting that prob ???
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default
Verant had the chance to hit a homerun with the release of SoL.

Instead they were hit by a pitch and tripped on the way to first.

Now my computer runs sooo slow I cannot type this post.

I spent $300 for this?!!

Zatx Woopyoax
41 Iksar Shaman
Norrath Fellowship
Quellious Server
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default
I just got the patch to work and it said i have to go and BUY A SONY COMPUTER also
U are not alone :(((
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default

I SIT ALL NIGHT INFRONT OF THE DAMNED MONITOR AND NOTHING WORKS HERE - GRRRRRR and now i have to go to work with red eyes, no sleep and i am f...... angry.- THX
Greetings- form Europe/Austria

U are not alone :(((
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default

I SIT ALL NIGHT INFRONT OF THE DAMNED MONITOR AND NOTHING WORKS HERE - GRRRRRR and now i have to go to work with red eyes, no sleep and i am f...... angry.- THX
Greetings- form Europe/Austria

got it to work
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
Yea i got it to work. got in saw some friends. Talked to them about stuff. BAM i try to zone and i freeze. Not only does it take for freakin ever to log INTO a zone. you cant zone into another zone. i have 384 ram gforce 2 athalon 1.1gz processor so i doubt its my *under powered* pc. Im thinking i may just set back to older graphics so i can get my addict needs in
I was here
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default
I am really tired! i drooled al over the key word cuz i freaken fell asleep!

# Dec 04 2001 at 10:32 PM Rating: Default
Verant can eat my personal POO POO ! ! ! ! !
Hours for nothing
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:32 PM Rating: Default
Checking for update files, please wait...

...... 4 hours later

Checking for update files, please wait...

^^Whales are big mammals no big deal^^
to high characters
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:32 PM Rating: Default
this will be good all of us low characters will have time to check out the whole world. it will be great i am just if vellious and now there wont be anyone there well maybe not velious but all the other places in the old everquest will all be open and ready to pick.
EQ is annoying...
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default
Man EQ is really startin to bug me...first on my old comp it constantly hardlocks, now on my new one i get costant error 1017' this , where absolutely noone can even log on...

seriously tho...good luck allye who actually can play...
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default
I can understand to a point but it still is a pain when one of the two in my house can get on and have been playing for hours and I get stuck not.. Somebody up there hates me LOL

druid lvl18
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
Now That I have you attention , This is what I think . I think everbody should just stop downloading because their probably just going to update more file as we are speaking so its probably just a waste of time for now and also if we all stop downloading then it might make things go faster because if everbody is downloading all at once it will probably slow down the servers they are trying to fix.

Thanks its just a thought good luck
LERIN:Newbie Erudite magi hoping to learn from the greats. Thanks
# Dec 04 2001 at 10:31 PM Rating: Default
We got the same prob so STOP hining because I think we have already established how stupid *&%^*&$% idiots that Verant is. We all need to come togather like a big EQ family!

*everyone huddles up by the campfie and sings Cumbaya*
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