EQ 2 Now Official!!

It's now official. Sony has finally acknowledged the release of Everquest 2. Here's the press release: SAN DIEGO, CA – May 2, 2002 – Continuing on the success of the original EverQuest® and in line with its tradition of consistently providing new and exciting content, Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE), a worldwide leader in massively multiplayer online gaming, today announced it is developing EverQuest® II. Scheduled to launch in Winter 2003, EverQuest II adds significant improvements over the first, widely popular, iteration. EverQuest II uses a completely new, cutting-edge 3D engine developed in-house with a host of technological features allowing the development team to generate an unparalleled visually stunning 3D world. Other features include the ability to own real estate, ride horses, command ships, and experience all-new enhanced spells, quests and events. EverQuest II returns to the culturally diverse world of Norrath in the future of the original EverQuest, with the sheer size and graphical detail greater than ever seen before. “It’s no secret that we have seen phenomenal success with EverQuest,” said John Smedley, sr. vice president and COO, Sony Online Entertainment. “With these improvements to an already great game, we are not only investing in our growing online community, but also pushing the boundaries of what the next generation of role-playing games aspire to be. EverQuest II is the successful embodiment of better technology, player feedback and our desire to build an online global community.” Larger in scope than its predecessor, EverQuest II will be able to host hundreds of thousands of simultaneous users from all over the world. And, due to increased localization features including real-time translation in English, French, German, Japanese and Korean, as well as localized servers in select countries, players from every corner of the earth will be able to explore familiar areas and new, undiscovered territories of Norrath. With innovative in-game creatures, weapons and items EverQuest II promises something new for all subscribers. “EverQuest II is truly an amazing experience,” said Andrew Sites, producer, Sony Online Entertainment. “The vastness of the world, the increasingly deep storyline and the continuity of the online community make EverQuest II an unparalleled game.” Key features and improvements include:
  • A brand new 3D engine which takes full advantage of a wide variety of recent technological advances in 3D hardware/software such as per pixel lighting, dynamic environment mapping, and a fully programmable surface shader system
  • ·
  • More intuitive gameplay features appeal to both new and seasoned players
  • New branching class structure that players define as they advance through the game
  • Vast world of Norrath revisits familiar locations and introduces a variety of newly discovered areas in the Age of Destiny, a time period in the future of the original EverQuest.
  • Increased character customization capabilities allow players to customize characters’ faces, hair, and body types to create truly unique avatars
  • Deeper character development offering pacing options that cater to game players new to the role-playing genre as well as experienced role-players
  • Non-confrontational means of character advancement that including a completely new tradesman character class
  • Rideable mounts and vehicles to own and control, including horses and boats, make traversing the massive world of Norrath faster than before
  • Norrathian real estate for players to call their own
  • All-new tradeskill/crafting system
  • Completely new and tactically rich combat, spell and skill systems
  • A completely revised and enhanced quest system
  • Dynamic world environment shaped by player events
  • EverQuest II is due to ship Winter 2003. For more information please visit www.everquest.com. Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE), the online gaming division of Sony Pictures Digital Entertainment, is a worldwide leader in massively multiplayer online gaming that creates, develops and provides online entertainment for the personal computer, console, wireless, and online markets. With more than 13 million registered users, SOE’s award-winning website, The Station ® (www.station.com) hosts a variety of entertaining games and player communities spanning numerous genres. In addition to blockbuster hits EverQuest® and Jeopardy! Online, SOE has an array of cutting-edge online games in development such as PlanetSide™, Star Wars® Galaxies™, EverQuest® II, and the world’s premier online-only console game for the PlayStation®2, EverQuest® Online Adventures™. They included some screen shots, so here they are:
  • Befallen
  • Orc Shaman
  • Comments

    Post Comment
    #Anonymous, Posted: May 01 2002 at 11:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) on another note a blacksmith might have something that he can do, hire some (npc of Pc) and have them protect his goods, go out to a dungeon zone thing and repair items, of course you should always keep a dagger handy if you do accidently destroy, ruin, damage it. that is if the rate of items being destroyed will be fast, also the Gms and certain quests might have weapons that dont ruin and the tradeskills people may be able to enchant the items endurance for a level like <increase weapon endurance for a level 1 to 10> and up and your tradkeskill person wil level as his profits go up and skill goes up, like banking system, like rambling, like food, like computer, need sleep have school in like 5 hours, need to rez that ladies son who killed himself because of depression and blames it on everquest....ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ....WOW PAMELA ANDERSON!!!......WHAT.....you want to ...with me.... ( . Y . ) lol anyway i probably wont get back to alakazaam
    # May 01 2002 at 11:45 PM Rating: Default
    stupid computer......
    Nameless server (account expired getting one after i buy Lod)
    awsome to an extent...
    # May 01 2002 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
    i think that this game will be real good, of course like alot of mmorpg's it will probably have ALOT of problems, but varent is good at fixing problems and usually do it quickly, also the owning your own land will be awsome, weapon decay wont be much of a drawback, because you can just have a tradeskill person repair it and it probably wont be expensive and also there might be a thingy where they make it like a trade scree, sorta like<repair for $$$pp> and when you hit trade they repair it and you pay them, sorta like trading, that would be cool, and also the destroy items, get slight bonuses will be a real good way of getting rid of all of that stuff that is just a waste of time, east commonlands with over 100 people selling extremely huigh level stuff that will be just as effective almost with a low level character. also you level faster, it is suppose to take about 30 minutes to get to level 6(the first class you choose which is fighter, mage, preist, rogue, and something else, then at level 15 you get to customize again which probably wont take too long, and then at 30 again you custamize and if they get those patches that will allow you to reach level 200 then at level 100 you probably get another choice of class, another strong point is a necromancer can get a sword until level 6 whoot!
    hehe anyway i like the banking also, but i am pretty sure they will ***** up on a couple of things because thats what gaming people do, always,

    :Nameless server (account expired, getting one soon after i buy Lod)
    awsome to an extent...
    # May 01 2002 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
    i think that this game will be real good, of course like alot of mmorpg's it will probably have ALOT of problems, but varent is good at fixing problems and usually do it quickly, also the owning your own land will be awsome, weapon decay wont be much of a drawback, because you can just have a tradeskill person repair it and it probably wont be expensive and also there might be a thingy where they make it like a trade scree, sorta like<repair for $$$pp> and when you hit trade they repair it and you pay them, sorta like trading, that would be cool, and also the destroy items, get slight bonuses will be a real good way of getting rid of all of that stuff that is just a waste of time, east commonlands with over 100 people selling extremely huigh level stuff that will be just as effective almost with a low level character. also you level faster, it is suppose to take about 30 minutes to get to level 6(the first class you choose which is fighter, mage, preist, rogue, and something else, then at level 15 you get to customize again which probably wont take too long, and then at 30 again you custamize and if they get those patches that will allow you to reach level 200 then at level 100 you probably get another choice of class, another strong point is a necromancer can get a sword until level 6 whoot!
    hehe anyway i like the banking also, but i am pretty sure they will ***** up on a couple of things because thats what gaming people do, always,

    :Nameless server (account expired, getting one soon after i buy Lod)
    Decay is not BAD!!!
    # May 01 2002 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
    For all you that think decay is bad and that decay has ruined other games, you are mistaken. In DAoC decay was hardly a factor. I had several characters on different servers that ranged from lvl 25 up to 50 and I never had anything decay on me. I always ended up upgrading long before decay was an issue. Due to the fast rate of leveling I would sell off my current items and upgrade every level or two. Several times i had to repair an item but never lost anything.

    Other factors will make this game GOOD or BAD but I think decay is not one of them. All decay will do is prevent twinking, in someways that is good but also bad. A lot of people twink but they almost need to. Leveling in Eq can be slow and that ruins the gaming experience for some.(who wants to spend all day camping the same spot) So twinking aloud people to level faster, thus keeping the excitement in the game.

    But from what i have read and heard leveling (from quests and killing)will occur at a higher rate and help keep the players motivated to play. I guess thats why they are going to increase the lvl cap, fatser leveling will require higher cap. There is also a rumor about levels as high as 200, which wil be need if leveling is faster.

    BAH!!! now I'm rambling on....

    # May 01 2002 at 10:45 PM Rating: Default
    Im hoping that the weapon/armor decay will have something to do with thwarting ebayer/PA sellers finally. Nothings more depressing than seeing some Ebay twing walking around with better weapons and armor than you simply because he has the "funds" to buy it. Not to mention the negative effect it has on server economy.

    On another note, wonder if char transfers will be allowed from EQ to EQII?
    EQ2...Same guy as before
    # May 01 2002 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
    To all of you complaining about EQ1...

    Shut up. I cannot understand as to why anyone in the right mind would not go to EQ2. It sounds more fun. You can make a name for yourself instead in EQ1 you have to fight over epics, guild politics, and trying to get to level 60 which is the biggest waste of my time I have ever seen.

    To me getting to level 100 sounds a lot better than taking god knows how long to get to level 60. I mean WTF. Half the zones are completely new, and the ones that are still around have been redone also.

    In EQ1 you get to level to 60, get your epic (if your lucky), raid for 12 hours at a time to get "crap" loot in a dungeon that is so frigin hard it ain't funny, take months to get good armor which will get outdated with the next expansion. Another note on level 60, after you reach level 60 you get stick a thumb up your @ss and watch your bank account sky rocket with nothing to buy. OH and um **** *** graphics with gay character models...I mean wood elf males with boobs....ohhhh k

    In EQ2 you get to level to 100...quicker win/win situation here, if they are in the right mind they will thow epics out the damn door...All they cause it problems and then they suck after an expansion or two, you do not have to dungeon crawl in either your choice, it could take months to get good armor in this one too we will have to find out, and when your bank account gets fat as hell...start your own guild, strip club, duel hall...whatever your building you do what you want. Personally I will make a paladin guild hall to help with Marr in defeating the Dark Elves and Freeports Shadow Knights. Stats do not mean a damn thing by the way so it does not matter which race you pick...role play away for all players are created equal.

    The point is EQ1 could not get any worse than it already is with Luclin mobs being too hard to beat to get crappy loot. Take a look at the Fires of Heaven guild taking out the emporer in Ssraza Temple...for 70+ people all level 60....they got two items that sucked major *** for the difficulty. The code from 1997 is so old that it cannot handle luclin...I would imagine that the speed of EQ2 with 2003 systems will be faster with the same priced systems in 2003/2004. You will get tired of EQ1...you canot play the damn thing for 10 years there has got to be something new that kicks *** and EQ2 looks like it will take the title.
    RE: EQ2...Same guy as before
    # May 02 2002 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
    Shut Up, you whine too much.
    Not impressed.
    # May 01 2002 at 10:28 PM Rating: Default
    Unfortunately, Sony is using 'flashy' graphics to lure in the mainstream gamer, which should be an immediate turnoff to any roleplayer. I am definately not impressed so far, and have no plans whatsoever to purchase the S.S. Everquest 2, if it can even make it out of the harbor.
    RE: Not impressed.
    # May 03 2002 at 10:58 AM Rating: Default
    "I am definately not impressed so far"

    with a game that won't be out for 18 months. that's funny. you haven't enough information about it make any conclusions.
    # May 01 2002 at 10:14 PM Rating: Default
    This is going to be an awesome game. It looks sweet with the smooth graphics. If you read up on the weapon system it only breaks if you have enough knowledge...the only time it will break is if you are level 10 weilding a level 75 weapon.

    I like how they do the classes too. I can make a tradesmen to keep all my equipment for a mule, I can build my own guild house...you cannot beat that. I can have guards to protect my guildhouse along with make NPC's to do quests that reward items from the guildbank. It is truly the rolplaying person's dream.

    On another note...in 2003 do you realize the requirements for this thing will be so outdated it is not funny...by then tons more people will have cable access, 3gig processors or better, GeForce3 will be replaced with GeForce5 or better. The "uber" rigs of today will be dirt cheap (relatively speaking) compared to their prices now.

    If this is what it is hyped up to be....

    It will be the best massive multiplayer online game to date and more than likely will be for a very LONG time. It is basically taking Brian McQuaids vision and souping it up with current technology which by 2003 will be outdated...and might I add it is December 2003 so you might as well say it is 2004.

    Three words: "Can't ******* wait"
    # May 01 2002 at 9:56 PM Rating: Default
    One sentence.
    "Realism is not always fun, or preferable, why are you here if you want real?"
    maybe... maybe
    # May 01 2002 at 9:54 PM Rating: Default
    Did anyone else notice how the transient equipment system was NOT listed in the "official" word on Allakhazam? I pray to god that means it won't exist in EQ, because that one issue destroys the equipment system. Frankly, the ENTIRE drive of EQ is rooted in the equipment system =p. Equipment to kill big things, big things to get equipment, level up to get equipment to kill big things to get equipment. No matter where you look in the cycle, equipment is there. Transience in that system destroys it. Are you gonna quest for 50 hours for an epic if it can be destroyed? Ok so you can "repair" it, well do you TRUST anyone enough to give your EPIC to them to be repaired. Well if you repair it yourself, then there is NO DIFFERENCE because the player economy relies on personal repairing....
    RE: maybe... maybe
    # May 01 2002 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
    Well, I believe that the system might be set up like that of Dark Age of Camalot. In DAoC there are npc smiths that will repair items for a fee; that feee will depend on the level of the item and wether or not it is magic. The longer you go without repairing an item the faster it will start to decay, if you keep it in good repair it will last quite a long time.

    Still i am not sure exactly what EQ2 will do but this is one idea.

    RE: maybe... maybe
    # May 02 2002 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
    Oh no not a new engine, more frustrations, more adjustments. Will they finish fixing EQ1 before they release EQ2? The only reason i'm still playing is because i put so much time into it i dont want to quit. If we cant transfer our caracters I'll finaly be able to quit EQ.
    RE: maybe... maybe
    # May 03 2002 at 11:00 AM Rating: Default
    "The only reason i'm still playing is because i put so much time into it i dont want to quit"

    i believe they call people like you 'Loser.'
    what about the supplements?
    # May 01 2002 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
    One of my concerns is about the rumor about Kunark,Velious and Luclin somehow going away. If they somehow explain away 2 continents and an orbiting celestrial body, that means all of us are out about $100.00 and a whole lot of time and effort wasted.

    Just something else to think about,

    Bertoxxulous server
    RE: what about the supplements?
    # May 01 2002 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
    From what i understand this will be a whole new game not an upgrade of the current EQ system. So there will be no loss of Kunark and Luclin characters becuase they will have never existed.


    RE: what about the supplements?
    # May 02 2002 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
    Easy enough to explain the loss of two contients and the moon since this is in the future.

    Luclin moved back into its far orbit - putting it out of range of Norrath once again.

    The dragons got serious and with Veeshan's help drove everybody out of Kunark and Velious
    - i.e. that's why the iksar's will now be wandering Norrath.
    Rotting loot will be the bane of EQ2
    # May 01 2002 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
    Imagine getting an item like some NToV loot only to have it rot or break in a few weeks....I know about 30 people who Left DAoC and came back to EQ the chief reason was the rotting/breaking loot..OH and don't expect there to be any BETA testing...Verant found out that players are more than willing to PAY to beta test a game (SoL)And DO expect to have to upgrade your PC yet again. The resolution on those posted pictures was so high that the render time on a machine that can run EQ today would be unrealistic for game play. I saw the recommended requirements list....don't believe it for a minute. I see requirments more like a P4 1.5 1 gig ram Geforce 4. Now keep in mind this is 1.5 years away so those items should be less expensive than they are now, but do you really want to have to upgrade again so soon??
    On weapon decay...
    # May 01 2002 at 9:22 PM Rating: Excellent
    Any open-ended virtual economy that does not provide for the decay and loss of items will always overflow. This is also related to uncontrolled cash inflation, since a society of millionaires has no incentive to try and sell off their collections of expensive crap if they don't have to pay taxes on them. Insufficient item decay equals powerful item inflation equals player power inflation, and you eventually have a situation where most of your content becomes a joke, as your entire playerbase is outfitted in top of the line stuff handed down by hoarding patrons. Naturally, they'll still hoard the stuff they don't even use, taxing your server and your patience.

    The sort of item decay people think (and whine) about most is the decay of weapons, armor, and other battle gear. Realism provides us with yet another good reference. The day after a battle, a soldier who had survived more or less in one piece was spending most of the next day fixing his stuff. Battles are hard on equipment. It only stands to reason that armor and weapons have limited lifespans, and you can only grind down a sword blade (the only way to keep its edge) so many times before you have a piece of wire with a handle. Weapons with wooden handles are cheap, but they get snapped more frequently than all-metal ones, and the best way to keep your spear functional is to sharpen the head again (if there's enough metal there) and fit it onto a new shaft. This, of course, requires a crafting model robust enough to allow for multiple components (get the shaft from a woodworker and a spearhead from the smith).

    Shields are a special case. Shields are always mishandled in fantasy RPG's, unless you happen to playing GURPS with every little impossible to find variant rule in the book. Shields were considered disposable items. A typical shield was made primarily of layered wood, edged with metal to absorb chops to its sides, and maybe reinforced with bands, though this made them cumbersome. The proper use of a shield was as an angled deflector to shove kinetic energy to the side, or (if you were feeling lucky) you might try to catch an incoming swing on the metal bands to catch or break an enemy's weapon. Regardless, you can only punish a shield for so long, and they were generally discarded after one battle. The all-metal shield model so popular in fantasy imagery would be too damn heavy to lug around on the field, let alone carried on a mountain trek. A buckler might be made primarily of metal, but bucklers are exceptionally small and require great skill to use effectively, and still aren't indestructible.

    In any case, it is to the advantage of the game world to allow for the destruction and loss of anything. Items can be assigned hit points and similar ratings, and (if your engine really rocks) variable damage types. A fireball might recrystalize a piece of steel, but say goodbye to that apron. Things may be repairable to a degree, but every time you patch something up, you weaken it. Eventually, you need to outfit yourself again, discarding your ruined gear, and helping the economy along in the process.

    Sometimes you have to think of the "bigger picture"
    #Anonymous, Posted: May 02 2002 at 6:06 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Games have absolutely nothing to do with reality. Your ridiculous opinion has been noted and disregarded as worthless.
    RE: On weapon decay...
    # May 03 2002 at 11:23 AM Rating: Default
    games like EQ demand a certain level of reality, so games do have something to do with reality. otherwise, it'd all be like some big Dadaist experiment (or, for those who don't know what Dadaism is, think of Gogo Dodo's Wackyland in Tiny Toons).

    therefore, i have just disproven your initial statement, rendering your opinion ridiculous and worthless. and frankly, little boy, i don't see where Miriamele has expressed an opinion, only statements of fact and explanation of simple economic theory.

    bye bye, thanks for playing. come back when you have something to add to the discussion instead of dismissively insulting someone.

    on topic: Miriamele is right. real world economic models apply to EQ too. think about that as you're having trouble selling that UberItem of the Gods for the price you want.
    RE: On weapon decay...
    # May 02 2002 at 5:06 AM Rating: Excellent
    I'll give you the open end economy causes problems points and that yeah, after a battle warriors spent most of their times repairing their weaponry/armor.

    I don't know about you, but I like games to be fun. Battle is fun, but repairing your stuff for 9 hours afterwords is not something I would enjoy.
    As many people have said, realism isn't always fun...that's why we have video games. I guess some people could have fun with it. Some enjoy EQ1 trade skills somehow, I don't know how. Never touch that filthy stuff myself except when it was unavoidable for quests such as Coldain Rings/Shawls and then it was pure tedium and annoyance. I'd bet the majority of the player base has similar feelings towards that.

    I would not object to a property tax style thing to balance out the economy a bit in EQ2 or a bank fees for protection of goods (even in EQ1 that wouldn't bother me much), but decaying items just isn't fun. It reminds you too frequently how frail your own mortality is.

    Edited, Thu May 2 05:59:40 2002
    RE: On weapon decay...
    # May 01 2002 at 10:52 PM Rating: Default
    Items don't need to decay. This is where I disagree. I dont need to spend my time running to master tailors all day.

    Muds are a classic example where tons of people which had to solve the same problem came up with good solutions which players enjoyed. After all player enjoyment is the goal of the game.

    The most common was:
    - Server restarts (1-7 days), items wipped
    - 'charging' to keep items when you log off (upkeep), banking surcharge

    Not practical for EQ so apply another common approach.
    - Trade in items for a 'bonus'

    Twinking still exists in muds but players look at the bonus vs the cash in game or damage their character does. If the bonus is good enough they will trade in the items vs sell it on the economy.

    Examples of practical bonuses:
    - Guild based. Guilds compete by turning in items for 'points' in a guild race. The guild race leader gives EVERY MEMBER of the guild a bonus to something important. For instance if it was the cleric guild in the lead, all clerics may get 20% extra exp on resses. Something which is undeniably an asset to every member of the guild. The problem is that lower levels don't contribute as much since their items are worth less.

    - Individual rewards. Turn in 10k in items rewarded with a writ which you can turn in, and an npc will buff you and return the writ.

    - Group based rewards. Gnomish 'conversion'. Don't loot the item, consume the corpse and gain bonuses such as regen, haste, etc. You can not 'look' at the corpse. The bonuses should be better for named vs common monsters and obviously based on the level of the corpse.

    You can STRUCTURE a reward system players value which encourages them to turn in items which the earning player no longer values. At the same time you don't force players to spend hours repairing items.

    Repairing items works in the real world because repair time is very infrequent. If we had to repair our cars every week, we'd not drive them. If this is some excuse for making tradeskills useful then they should seek elsewhere. Although you can make it so tradeskill equipment breaks overtime, it is not necessary. The shortage of useful tradeskill items in eq was due to the fact the skills are not useful, or the useful items require guilds to make. It is impractical to think a (singular) person can gain 250 tailoring necessary for velius/luclin items.
    RE: On weapon decay...
    # May 02 2002 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
    Some nice ideas but I don't see how that is any answer to the decay issue. Decay will only be a big problem to twinks...higher decay rate for wielding higher lvl weaps and armor. New weapons at each level(or every few levels) through buying or questing will make the decay factor nill. The new quest system will be made up of long and short quests and will provide suitable equipment for your current level. You get new equipment and sell the old before it decays. Or if you like the stat bonus on an item, then keep it and repair it till it decays.
    But I am sure that decay will occur at a slow rate and will have more of an affect on items that take dmg due to melee; thus a ring or necklace will last longer than a shield or sword.

    I guess what I am saying is trading in items would be cool, but why not sell unwanted items to npcs and use the coin to upgrade or save.

    RE: On weapon decay...
    # May 02 2002 at 3:53 PM Rating: Default
    Two things:
    1. Item decay
    If you are a trader, you love item decay because it means a constant influx of people that need your services.


    If you are a person which relies on items which decay you are unhappy. After every few play sessions you will need repairs, which means you have to find a trader.


    Traders can help "many" players, so there cant be as many traders since their wares are all going to be roughly the same. Be it repair or item, 1 trader can sell to everyone. And if only the traders are happy about item decay, then the rest of the population gets the shaft or at the very least a time sink.

    Real world items decay, but the time it takes for an item to decay is huge. If you had to reinstall your windows os every 10 days you may not even bother turning on your computer. We are paying to have fun, and repairing equipment is a chore not fun.

    Gaining new items every few levels is NOT good. Typically they structure it so there is a very programmer friendly algorithm (aka DAoC) for item acquisition.

    Leather -> Ringmail -> Chain -> Scalemale -> Plate -> Adamantium -> etc.

    Each level merits slightly better stats. THIS IS STUPID from a player standpoint. It puts in arbitrary level limits where you need to get upgraded equipment because the game is designed for you to have it. It also means if you have some sort of indirect way of killing monsters (kiting/root+nuking etc) you don't even need equipment.

    Hey what do I know, they may solve all problems and it may be perfect. But given what quality work I have seen from the EQ team before I doubt it.

    2. Twinking
    I don't think of twinking as a problem.

    I view it as an evolution and substitute for lack of in game changes. EQ has the same content largely it had for 3 years in the old world. And most players more than likely have 2 or more characters. If you couldn't twink you'd be forced to do the same stages of evolution of your characters everytime you started anew. Same rusty weapons, same giant snake fang, same dragoon dirk etc. If twinking was a huge huge issue you'd have seen a dramatic change from players which used to 'rely' on others no longer needing others. Besides a very few melee with fungi tunics that isn't the case. It still takes far to long to regenerate life, and regardless of how uber your equipment is you still take damage, just less.

    Twinking benifits all classes equally AND promotes trade in the market place.
    RE: On weapon decay...
    # May 02 2002 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
    Where did everyone get the idea that item decay totally destroys an item. There are many games that have item decay but items aren't totally destroyed (can't remember any off the top of my head, its too early in the morning). And anyway, the word decay refers to the slow damaging of a thing, not the downright destruction.
    Char Transfers?
    # May 01 2002 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
    Hmm, I've got a 59, soon to be 60 cleric on EQ1. If we have to start over on EQ2 completely, then I'm thinking I won't be hitting EQ2 right away. Just invested too much time in my chars on the origional. That was the reason I didn't switch to DAOC. Liked it better from what I saw, actually. But play a 14th lvl healer on DAOC, or my 56th(at the time) cleric on EQ? I think a lot of other peops are gonna face the same issue. Don't want to scrap what we've already spent a long time making.
    RE: Char Transfers?
    # May 03 2002 at 11:25 AM Rating: Default
    then you're one of those people who are in it for the money, power and loot and not the roleplaying game aspect of the roleplaying game.
    # May 01 2002 at 8:20 PM Rating: Default
    This is a copy of every mmorpg evermade. they get the weapon decay and graphics from Daoc. Some other stuff from Ultima online and Shadow bane. This game does sound pretty cool but i do not like that they r taking away some zones and also making weapon decay
    #Anonymous, Posted: May 01 2002 at 8:19 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wow, this is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.
    RE: suck
    # May 04 2002 at 4:24 AM Rating: Default
    He has a point NINJAS are totally SWEET
    RE: suck
    # May 04 2002 at 4:23 AM Rating: Default
    He has a point tho NINJAs are totally SWEET
    RE: suck
    # May 03 2002 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
    "The only people who like weapon decay are people who suck... "

    way to support your argument! you will change many minds with it. unless i counter and say 'The only people who dislike weapon decay are people who blow!'

    you don't know how the weapon decay system will work, do ya? then you can't rightly make a judgement on whether it's the 'stupidest thing' you've ever seen.
    some real info
    # May 01 2002 at 7:32 PM Rating: Default
    for you ppl who complain about weapon decay are dumb. first of all in RL, things decay, hate to burst your bubble, second, there are people to repair them. So, if they have weapon decay, you will most likely be able to repair whatever it is. Second, the screen shots, they're real, the grapichs in the game are going to be sweet. Also, no they are not going to transfer "toons" over, which is better. Second they are making the lvling a bit faster, so you dont have to be addicted to the game to have fun (i.e: Everquest #1). Also i believe they are making time consuming quests and non-time connsuming quests, for those of us who play an hour a night, to 8+ hours a day. if you play on EQ1, i sugguest you move to EQ2 when the time comes, i know i will be. If any on-line game will top EQ in the near future, it will be this one. one last thing, new "char" races', i do hope they add something like goblins, frogliks, etc. oh almost forgot, know how all the flying creatures on EQ hover at the same highth? well rumor has it that they will start off almost as specs in the sky and such, as to be more realistic. thats all i have for now.
    "Rathe Nation" (The Rathe Server)

    PS: for anyone here who likes warcraft, sometime in the near (2yr.) future or so, they will be bring about "World of Warcraft" the RPG of warcraft, the screen shots look sweet, keep your eyes out!
    RE: some real info
    # May 01 2002 at 11:01 PM Rating: Default
    The decay rate of real life items is very slow. In order to implement their goal of making traders useful the will need a constant influx of items needing to be renewed/replaced/repaired.

    Players don't really WANT to repair. It ends up being a requirement and a time sink.

    If all items decay how would you feel about a 40 hour camp for an item which lasts only 5 hours of play?

    Granted they haven't specifically mentioned that items will become useless over time (unrepairable) and maybe they won't. But my assumption is they will, or they will level restrict every npc dropped item. Either way they want items to leave the economy and not be handed down to the player market.
    RE: some real info
    # May 03 2002 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
    "If all items decay how would you feel about a 40 hour camp for an item which lasts only 5 hours of play?"

    that's a terrible argument. may as well said "camp for an item that lasts only 5 minutes!" it's a fallacious argument.

    Its good
    # May 01 2002 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
    I bet all you people with 5 or more 50+ characters will have to put the same amount of time into eq2 just to get to level 70ish, im guessing that the 80+ levels will be incredibly difficult to get, there probably wont be a level 100 for about a year after the release, im excited to get a fresh start, i can already see how this game will be much better than EQ, i think it will be much more realistic, and i dont just mean the graphics

    iguanous pimp lizzy sk
    tribunal server

    "like woah"
    # May 01 2002 at 7:02 PM Rating: Default
    ok when they say "winter 2003" im assuming they mean november/december... or do they mean january/february ? ?
    RE: Release
    # May 01 2002 at 8:43 PM Rating: Default
    "ok when they say "winter 2003" im assuming they mean november/december... or do they mean january/february ? ?"

    Put it this way, It will probably end up that it will be released in Nov/Dec in time for christmas, but it won't be finished or even playable until Jan/ Feb.
    # May 01 2002 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
    Hopefully they will open up new player characters, Hopefully some monsters turn PC's I think playing as a type of Orc, aviak, gnoll, Kobald, goblin ect, would really rock, and maybe shissar too :)
    EQ2 What!
    # May 01 2002 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
    Sounds loike Ultima Online to me. Your own house, Your own Boat, Your own horse. YUP UO all over again, and every 5 levels or so you have to find better gear. Yup I a, like others, if that is the point I will not spend the money to buy EQ2, I just keep playing EQ if I can.

    El Cidco has spoken
    RE: EQ2 What!
    # May 01 2002 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
    I think its more likely that they are trying to create something totally new and incorporating the good parts of old ideas with new ways of implementation. UO was not total crap. And it does not sound like you HAVE to own a house, so who cares if some folks have the option. I am worried about local banks though. That is one piece of reality I am happy to leave in RL. I want to explore!

    Also, nobody has said it, but I am willing to bet that they roll Kunark and Vellious back out as expansions again with a few extra zones as the game progresses. Just a thought.

    And finally, before you rant too much against the game, check out the upgrade on the Orc Shaman via the link.

    Edited, Wed May 1 22:12:11 2002
    #Anonymous, Posted: May 01 2002 at 6:41 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) NO NO NO NO NO NO NO this is lame i want alot of toons in EQ not EQ 2 its stupied i will try it so i can be first like when EQ first came out so i can do things first and get to 100 first but its stil stupied no one really wants it i want theym to fix EQ not make another game with bugs
    # May 01 2002 at 6:35 PM Rating: Default
    i get the feeling these pix are just "concept art" and the actual graphix anent gonna be as good...
    # May 01 2002 at 6:17 PM Rating: Good
    The pictures do look nice but i think VI is gonna fudge it up again ... if they still don't have success in the first 1 how the hell do the expect to get it right in the 2nd one????
    #Anonymous, Posted: May 01 2002 at 6:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Umm are you a moron?
    RE: Pictures
    # May 01 2002 at 7:24 PM Rating: Good
    There are several factors which lead to the number of players online. The biggest one is the fact players aren't willing to quit and lose time invested. If you spent a year building a character, it is very hard to hang it up and just quit. ADDICTION. EQ isn't drawing in as many new players because word of mouth is it is a waste of time and the content/expansions aren't any good. Ask players if they think raid zones in Luclin are good. Ask players if they think that the game is 'dynamic'. Just because they slap a '2' on it doesn't mean it will be successful.

    The features they are touting as 'great' additions are widly viewed as crap in other games.

    - DAoC, AC have 'level restricted' items and it is widly viewed as a drawback. While it makes content and tradeskills more viable it makes all items less valuable. Additionally it makes content always relavent, if a player can't equip anything but a rusty sword, then a rusty sword is useful. It also leads to 'caster envy' because naked casters end up being more efficent since their spells are handed to them while equipment based have to find everything anew every few levels.

    - Character evolution spread across levels is a feature of most skill point based games, UO and AC are great examples. How many players would start a new character off if it was a clone of the first character they played. If it takes you 30 levels before you even see what is interesting in a class you won't see as many new classes.

    Twinking was the SAVING GRACE of EQ.
    - Content rarely changes, but the items available to players do. An orc pawn is and will always be in west freeport because the developers don't understand 'dynamic'. And since most players replay to level more characters the lack of change is a HUGE annoyance, twinking at the very least allows you to see change in a character vs being a level 60 with a level 5 wielding rusty dagger.

    Rethink what they are offering besides pretty graphics and how you play EQ. If you are a one character player that only does the content once then you may enjoy the heck out of it. If you are a player which has all 8 slots filled about the 2nd or 3rd character you do in EQ2 doing the same content over and over and over again will probably force you to rethink playing.
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