Celebrate LOTRO's 5th Anniversary with ZAM!

To celebrate Lord of the Rings Online's 5th Anniversary, we're giving away PILES of prizes, including mounts, headsets, Turbine Points, a lifetime membership to LOTRO, and more!

Happy 5th Anniversary, Lord of the Rings Online! Turbine is celebrating LOTRO's anniversary today and, to celebrate, ZAM has joined in on the festivities! We've partnered up with Turbine to give away some fantastic prizes to all of our readers, so if winning free swag and celebrating Lord of the Rings Online is on your list of things you enjoy, then our big giveaway event will be right up your alley!

Enter our LOTRO Giveaway here!

First, be sure to enter in the ZAM giveaway by heading over to our contest page and entering your name. You'll be eligible to win 1000 Turbine Points, a Creative Labs HS-800 Headset, a lifetime membership for LOTRO, or even a SteelSeries Siberia V2 Headset. All you need to do is register for a free ZAM account, and then click "Enter Now!"

In addition to our giveaway, we will also be giving away a Lifetime Membership to LOTRO, a Mithril Edition of LOTROand 5000 Turbine Points. We'll be giving them away in a contest in the ZAM comments below! We're looking for two things from you (one sentence each):

Your first memory in LOTRO - A random draw will take place to award this winner 5000 Turbine points.

Your favorite memory in LOTRO - The top two entries will be awarded a Mithril Edition of LOTRO for the second place, with first place winning a Lifetime Membership to LOTRO.

The contest ends and prizes will be given out on Thursday, April 26, 2012 at 11:59 PM EST.

What's that? Feeling a little unlucky, or maybe suffering from LOTRO memory loss? Throughout today we'll also be giving away PAX EAST 2012 Perlino Horse Codes via Twitter. Just follow @ZAMOfficial or @Pwyff and fire us a tweet with the hashtag #zamlotro and we'll be randomly awarding out these Perlino Horse codes throughout the day! Good luck to everyone!


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Memories of LoTRO
# Apr 25 2012 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
First Memory: Running around in The Shire, being amazed at the details of the world, the Hobbitt homes, and being able to wander around places that were described in the books.

Favorite Memory: Being up in the Misty Mountains for the first time, and caught in a blizzard! It was the first time something like that had happened to me in a game, and I was amazed the included such a simple detail in a game.
first memory contest
# Apr 25 2012 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory: I remeber finsihing up the tutorial on my elf champion and setting foot in Celondim, my jaw dropped coz it was so nice there.

My favourite memory: When i was on my cappy in moria at lvl 55 in flaming deeps, kiting around 4 orcs, 2 worms and a hunt friend then picked them one by one. :)
Memories of LOTRO
# Apr 25 2012 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory is creating and deleting an Elf Guardian and Elf Loremaster before finally settling on an Elf Hunter for my first character -- you see, I really liked the name I'd picked out, I just had to find the right character to match it with.

My favorite memory is tough to pick, but would probably be the first time I set foot in Caras Galadhon -- out of all of LOTRO's beautiful locations, it is, in my opinion, the most enchanting.
# Apr 25 2012 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
My First Memory: Running around Celondim with just a feeling of wonder about being in middle-earth. I started looking for how to get to the Grey Havens. Wups.

My Favorite Memory: Finishing the long-run through the Great Barrows and appearing in Tom Bombadil's house, and this feeling of relief and warmth. Going from the tombs to that lovely home. And there was this light cheerful music. It was incredibly moving. I have had that feeling several times since... walking down into the valley of the elves in Rivendale, walking into Moria, walking out of Moria into the sunshine of the Drimil Dale, entering into Lothlorien and walking under the Mallorn trees.

# Apr 25 2012 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
First memory... exploring the shire, bag end and finding the party tree

Favourite memory... realizing that I know my way around Bree well enough to take shortcuts and give directions to lost adventurers :)
5 years have already passed.
# Apr 25 2012 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory in LOTRO was when i entered the character creator and i spent hours trying all the different class combinations and features.

My favorite memory was definitely when i first set foot in Thorin's Hall. I had never seen such a big city build entirely underground, and since then i have been fascinated by the dwarves and their culture.
LOTRO memories
# Apr 25 2012 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory in LOTRO, the first and only mmo I'm playing, is getting killed at lvl 1 in a spar by a lvl 2, because I thought of the sparing request that it is a way the other player want to chat with me; I was just standing there and got killed doing nothing.

My favourite memory is entering Moria for the first time and seeing the first settlement in the huge mines with the stairs running up in the background.
Favorite memory of LOTRO
# Apr 25 2012 at 7:06 AM Rating: Decent
My favorite LOTRO memory has to be the day my daughter and I decided to make the long and extremely perilous trek to RIVENDELL at LEVEL 20!!
# Apr 25 2012 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
My First Lotro memory is starting with a Warden and spending about 25 minutes in Archet wondering why I couldn't get the gambit to work....... (turns out I forgot to actually buy the skill :D)

My Favorite memory is going into into Angmar with a group to take out Bloodwing on my RK. After everyone else had died I proceeded to take out 3 drakes on my own (mind I was only around level 43).
First memory of LOTRO
# Apr 25 2012 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory was the excitement i felt when my first character received her first Lore-master pet, the Raven.
LotRO Contest
# Apr 25 2012 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
My first LOTRO memory is from way back in beta, where I started a dwarf Guardian and took him through the Ere Luin starter area; the snow, the dwarf ruins, and, especially, the fact that there was size-specific armour.

My favorite LOTRO memory is probably entering Moria for the first time and feeling like I had stepped into another world there under the mountains where anything could happen and years upon years of history lay before me.
# Apr 25 2012 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory is running on delivery quests in Shire. Hours of pies and letters. Even though as simple as any other classic delivery quest i found them very pleasant, allowing me to experience the atmosphere of all the Shire without bringing combat into it.

My favorite memory would be the chair train bug that people were going crazy with in Bree for a short while before it was fixed. One person was running around with tens or more people sitting on chairs, having each other on follow, making a very silly looking train of mostly inanimate people sitting in chairs, sliding on terrain. Had me and many other people laughing plenty.
# Apr 25 2012 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
My favorite memory in Lotro, must be when I got my first mount. I saw that is had HP and thought that I would have to get a new one if it lost all of its HP, I was really careful, and really did all I could so that it would not take any hits from any monsters. I realised my mistake later :)

My first memory in Lotro is being killed by the evil, high level boar in Archet...
# Apr 25 2012 at 4:15 AM Rating: Decent
First memory: After finishing the quest on the top of the Goblin ruins in Ered Luin, I jumped down, thus ending my chances for the Undying title at level 7.

Favourite memory: Defeating the Lieutenant of Dol Guldur for the first time.
My favorite memory...
# Apr 25 2012 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
My favorite memory to LotRo was the time I completed the Lieutenant and his Fell beast on challenge mode. I remember we had practiced a very very long time to get him down. At one evening, we had 2 attempts at it and both failed. Before we wanted to try the third attempt, most of us had to use a toilet break. Before anyone had the chance to leave his/her said, someone said: Nobody go to the toilet! I read in a magazine that people can achieve greater things when under pressure! We all had a laugh, but we decided to listen to him and we all remained in our seats, really wanted to go to the toilet. And he was right, we managed to defeat him for the first time and it was an heck of a ride! The adrenaline rushed through our bodies when the Lieutenant fell. Everyone started to scream and freak out. My mother thought I received good grades from school when she heard my reaction (those turned out to be a bit less… exciting :P) but she had to laugh as well when we explained it to her. From that day, I never had a similar feeling like that before, when the morale bar of the Lieutenant hit 0.
Favorite memory (early)
# Apr 25 2012 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
Just absorbing the atmosphere of the shire!
first memory
# Apr 25 2012 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
Sliding down the side of a mountain in Thorin's gate to try to avoid a bunch of at level or up level gobbies after seeing one of Elrond's twin son's for part of the initial quest for elves and dwarves. That was in 2007 when those quests were MUCH more difficult.
First memories
# Apr 25 2012 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
It was a fine day when Damper the Champion left Archet. Seeing the whole world for the very first time was an awesome sight. Being chased by lvl 7 bears, meeting Baugarch and thinking 'yeah, I can take him'.
And then I noticed that everyone spoke german in chat and realizing I picked the wrong server... But that didn't stop me, Damper still dwells there!
Favorite Memory in LOTRO
# Apr 25 2012 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
No doubts about this one. It was when my first character made it to the top of Weathertop. I remember a load of emotion as the story in the Fellowship of the Ring, which I had first read in fifth grade, came back to me all at once. I was overwhelmed with awe of the view of the Lone Lands from up there, filled with trepidation to the point of turning around and looking to make sure Ringwraiths weren't coming up behind me, and had a real sense of history as I recalled the words, "This was the great watchtower of Amon Sul."

I remember thinking, "What a game, to make me feel all of those things." I haven't been disappointed yet.
First Memory in LOTRO
# Apr 25 2012 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
The one that really sticks out is being in the Shire. The stars were shining and I was amazed at how much what I was seeing gelled with and even improved upon my imaginings.
# Apr 25 2012 at 12:50 AM Rating: Decent
First Memory: Logging into the game for the first time and being blown away by the atmosphere.

Favorite Memory: Seeing Undying pop up on my main character.
Lotro Contest
# Apr 25 2012 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
My first memory is when I've crossed Brandywine Bridge and have felt to the very first sounds of The Shire music. It was amazing! I was just wandering all around the place and listened to wonderful music.
My favourite memory is my first attempt to make a run through The Great Barrow with me friends. Ohhh, that was something.. We were equipped with awful gear (somebody was even wearing a grey items bought from vendors) and had level variety from 18 to 22. Of course, we didn't manage to go it through and wiped in the every corner of the instance. But, I'll remeber it all my life.
That is, that's my first and favourite memories about the game that I play nearly 4 years for now.
LOTRO Contest
# Apr 24 2012 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
First Memory - Designing my first character. I spent about an hour choosing her features and picking the perfect name

Favorite Memory - My first trip to Rivendell. I was too weak to make it there alone, and I didn't have a horse yet, so my higher level friends took me through the Trollshaws on foot. It was amazing to see the beautiful city come into view as we descended the mountain.
# Apr 24 2012 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
First memory: Starting in Celondim, and having my breath taken away by the beauty of the harbour.

Favourite memory: Running from a troll with a friend when we were both still level 20-somethings - my friend jumped into a lake to escape the troll, and I burst out laughing so hard at his utter horror when the troll jumped right in and started swimming after him!

Lotro memories
# Apr 24 2012 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
My first memory of Lotro was getting into the game and seeing the detail of the introduction for the Elves, during Beta.

My favorite memory would be of the suicide horses in beta, I spent forever watching people take a ride from Duillond to Celondim, ride off the cliff to their death next to the waterfall. Nice area to die though.
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