Legacy of the Ykesha Announced

Today began as any other post patch day for Everquest users. They fired up their PCs, logged into the patch program, and watched as they began to download the changes implimented the night before. But instead they found something else. Word of the newest Everquest expansion was released According to the patch message, the new expansion, entitled Legacy of the Ykesha will feature all the expected bonuses from a new release, new spells, new zones, new monsters and quests, as well as a few surprises such as extended bank space and a new item slot, "charms". However, all of that pales in comparison to the two shocking announcements regarding this expansion. First, this will be Everquest's first downloadable expansion, requiring no hardcopy cds, fully accessed through their own servers. Second, many of the rumors on the web have been confirmed, a new playable race will be added. For the first time Everquest players will be able to control Frogloks, not just kill them en mass. Frogloks will be the third playable race added after the original release. Iksars were made available in the first expansion, Ruins of Kunark, and the cat people of the Vah Shir first made their appearance as Player Characters in Shadows of Luclin. Legacy of the Ykesha has an expected "live" date of February 24th, 2003 and will have a preorder cost of $17.95 to activate the expansion on release. There was more to this patch but, really, who cares right? We all know what the big story was. But for convenience, the entire patch message is related below. Stay tuned for more patch related mayhem, and news of the newest frogtastic expansion as it becomes available. FROOOAAAAKKK
January 15, 2003 3:00 am ------------------------------ *** Announcing The Legacy of Ykesha *** The Legacy of Ykesha will be the first download-only extension for EverQuest. This product will not be available in stores. This extension will include some great new gameplay features, as well as new zones for characters ranging from level 35 up to level 60. Legacy of Ykesha Features include: A new playable race: Frogloks Enhanced Looking For Group Tool New Cartography System New Magic Item slot: Charms Armor Dyes Dozens of new creatures Expanded bank capacity New zones New spells For more information, please visit www.legacyofykesha.com *** Patch Information *** ** Gameplay/Features ** - With our last patch and the patch today, we've significantly reduced the amount of bandwidth that EverQuest needs to use, even in large raid or extremely-crowded-zone situations. - Fixed a problem with tints not properly updating when armor is removed. - Fixed a bug with character faces displaying incorrectly to other players when you zone in after them. - Fixed resurrection timer that was counting down against the 3 hour limit when player was not logged in. - Corrected a problem with health and movement updates being delayed. ** Spells ** - NPCs will now notice Druid and Shaman Percentage Heal spells in a manner similar to traditional healing spells. - Removed the chance for slow spells to be reversed from the 17 NPCs that had this ability. - Fixed a bug that was preventing Curses, Diseases, and Poisons from being removed. - Raised all recast times below 2.25 seconds up to 2.25 seconds. This is a change in the spell data as the first part of a two-part change needed to correct the "Recast time not met" problem. More information is available at the Developer's Corner at www.everquest.com. ** Alternate Advancement/Special Abilities ** - The range on the Bard Ability "Boastful Bellow" has been increased slightly. - Fixed a bug with Harm Touch that was not allowing it to increase the standard amount per level over level 60. ** User Interface ** - Fixed a bug with effects in the Songs window. They were not getting removed on the client when the bard was dispelled. - Introduced new Story window. The purpose of this window is to provide story updates in a readily available location. ALT-N toggles the window. You can select to have the window pop up when new story elements are added if you wish. - Item Links are once again creatable from Items and from other Item Links. Please do not attempt to "mine" the servers for undiscovered items. Links now have a built-in mechanism to prevent those who would go on fishing expeditions by sending up many bad links in an attempt to discover new items. These invalid links are logged, as are the accounts of those who create them. - Added an optional confirmation box before spending AA points. To turn on this confirmation box, please check the Options window. ** Miscellaneous ** - Sage Quests in Plane of Knowledge have been fixed. - The event to fight Bertoxxulous in the Crypt of Decay will reset 4 to 6 hours after the event is failed. It will respawn normally if the event is won. ** New/Changed Interface Files ** - EQUI_StoryWnd.xml (actually added with the Jan. 9th patch) - EQUI_OptionsWnd.xml


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# Jan 15 2003 at 4:44 PM Rating: Default
Just wondering if anyone else is haveing problems logging on after this patch?
New Patch
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
Due to downtime of servers, I have been able to read a little about new patch. Here is what I believe to be true....

1. Frogloc's are going to be good, and followers of mith marr

2. One site had the availability of the Frogloc's today.

3. Haven't seen anything that would make a ninja class available.

4. Looks like there will be a staged intro to all the new features. Maybe to make a series of small patches rather than one huge one.

5. The new upgrade can be done through the log in server.

6. Must upgrade each account as in every other upgrade.

Hope this helps.

Edited, Wed Jan 15 16:09:00 2003
You are not stuck to one computer...
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:30 PM Rating: Default
Even though you have to download it dose not mean you are stuck to only one computer. When you purchase in online it will flag your account and when you go to a different computer and install EQ you will just patch normal but really long for the Ykesha files.
Major Server Problems?
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
The whole internet is slow... Sony servers having problems post-patch... and I can't even go to their site to pre-order this expansion! (which I am ready to do right now)

<stares up wondering if there's a full moon out there>
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:24 PM Rating: Decent
in witch team will the froglok be? im on VZ, so it's human(eru/hum/vahs/barb)+ELF(wdelf/helf/1/2elf)+Peck(dwarf/hlfg/gnome) against Dark(DE/Ogr/troll/iskar).... so where do the froglok go in the equation? humman got the last new race, peck and elf have no relation with froglok, troll seems there "brother", so will dark get the froglok??? if we do, ***** verant we still have no TRACKER, very fun to kos all a zone to find a small quest mob.... should of let the BST get track instead of there new crack(but the troll crack so good), help us out a bit... really a big handicapt to all the dark team not having trackers.... for all those on other server, plz ignore this postin cause ur all xteaming! =P

Edited, Wed Jan 15 15:58:23 2003
RE: team???
# Jan 15 2003 at 6:32 PM Rating: Decent
In the origins of the Froglok as told by Glupurp Stoneskipper it is said that the Northmen joined with the Froglok armies and thus was created an alliance of Froglok and Man.
That said, it also said somewhere that this is the first short race to have Shamans. The Darkies got Iksar, the human's got Vahseer or what ever the cat people are called. I'm betting on a teams server alliance between Frogloks and pecks, they seem to meet the qualifications and would help even things back out.
My guess is that an alliance with man is simply implying that they are a good race.

Edited, Wed Jan 15 18:07:37 2003
RE: team???
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
I assume shorties cause, well, they're short.

Worshippers of Marr would NEVER be on the "evil" team.

Of course this now gives the shorties access to shamans....
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
why do have to wait the whole stupid day to download. Are the frogluck going to be darkie or lightie? or alliance of their own like iskar use to be?
RE: Ykesha
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
im pretty sure they are lighties.
rumors about NINJA??
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:00 PM Rating: Default
i heard of a rumor that a new playable class comes out with the new expansion or later...
someone told me it was supposed to be something like a supreme monk or someting called ninja..
did someone just have a few too many drinks or where does this rumor come from???

Whitewiddow Sensemillia
Enchanter of the 41st circle
RE: rumors about NINJA??
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
300 posts
I'm betting someone was toking a little too hard on the peace pipe.
RE: rumors about NINJA??
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
Confirmed classes are:


(yes a race that can be both a shaman and a cleric)

No announcement on a new class.

I'll be posting another article soon, till then check out www.legacyofykesha.com
money, downloads and outtages
# Jan 15 2003 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
1) Servers are down for an emergency patch, its why you can't connect.

2) I dont think that you'll be required to play on the computer you downloaded. Burn the whole directory to a CD and sneakerware it over to the other computer, that should prevent the nasty need for downloads.

3) I see nothing really wrong with charging for an expansion. If you don't want the additionally content, dont buy it, nothings forcing you really....
# Jan 15 2003 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
Do we have to pay for this to work, or just download it? Edit: ok well the person who posted 3 minutes before me answered my question=(

Edited, Wed Jan 15 15:22:33 2003
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 15 2003 at 3:45 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) nother way verent can part me with my hard earned cash..now we got to pay for or updates too..Its getting to expensive to play this game.Get a grip you FAT CATS.driving around in there porches.iI hope u guys like the cars and houses we are buying for you
RE: heh
# Jan 15 2003 at 7:34 PM Rating: Excellent
1st, you are not required to buy the expantion.
2nd the would not have porches to drive(those would be attacched to your house and have no controls to move) I think what you mean to say is Porsche =P
error 1001
# Jan 15 2003 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
After i downloaded the patch, i tried to log on, but it gave me an error 1001. Could not find connection to server or somethin. I've tried several times to log on but i can't. Are EQ servers down or somehing?
# Jan 15 2003 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
what if you use more then one computer to play from.. does the system allow for multi accounts accros multi computers or am i stuck playing account on a certain computer now?
Server Flood
# Jan 15 2003 at 3:14 PM Rating: Default
Anyoen else having trouble getting connection to login server, and when you do it's to congested to log in? (Hope you don't mind this posted here) I can't wait to be A Froglok. lol
Download of Ykesha
# Jan 15 2003 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
2 posts
Any chance this download (likely to be quite large) will be available from an FTP or web site so those of us that still are stuck playing via modem (yes we DO exist!) can maybe get the download from a faster (work) connection??
RE: Download of Ykesha
# Jan 15 2003 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
No news on an external dedicated site for the expansion download as of yet. However I noticed that when patching the game this morning I was given the option to download some of the expansion files.

I assume this is how things will be handled for those on a modem. Rather then downloading a very large batch of files on one day, it will be added to your computer piece by piece, five minutes here, ten minutes there.

Of course if you have no desire to play the expansion you can refuse to download.
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