Everquest Blamed for Suicide

In a lawsuit apparantly about to be filed against SOE, Everquest is being blamed for the suicide of a 21 year old Hudson, Wisconsin man. The article on this is poorly researched, completely stereotyped, and written almost entirely from the perspective of the plaintiff. However, it is relevant and may be of interest to some people, so I figured I would provide the link here. You can read the Milwaukee Journal article at this link.


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Truth of happiness
# Apr 10 2002 at 10:48 PM Rating: Excellent
To tell you the truth it sounds like this fellow had a life that wasn't the best it could have been, and it wasn't his fault. The truth is he most likely would have killed himself if he had found EQ or not. I personally think that someone that depressed with thier life found happiness and joy in EQ. That is why he played it so often. When he played he didn't have to worry about what was going around him and that is why he loved it so much. I think that his mother should stop and think about this with more of an open mind to her son's stand point. If EQ was the only thing that gave him joy in his life that it might have well prolonged it. Also she should be happy that her son was happy with something in his life. It feels good to be part of something in which you and others can share the joy of doing something together. This idea on the whole thing might be controversial, but hey it makes me feel better to think that he had happiness with something before his last days.

My Opinion..
# Apr 09 2002 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
In my opinion.. yes I think it's sad, but what about any other game on any console or computer? I know I can't stand many games out there yet my friends will sit and play PS2 for hours on end constantly switching out games. It gives them something to do I suppose. I just preferr to put a few hours a week into a goal oriented game such as EQ instead. So it's just one game, all things can, and should be handled responsibly. It's very unfortuanate that someone felt the need to end their life under any circumstances.. wether it had to do with a game or not, and my best wishes go out to his family.

Almada 49 Bard Drinal
what the
# Apr 08 2002 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
I am a police officer and i have been playing everquest for about 9 months. I have investigated many suicides. It is always sad when someone feels they have no where to turn and they take their own life. And we all feel bad for the family members that are left behind. But remember suicide is a selfish act. I my self play about 10-20 hours a week depending on what is going on in my life. I don't give up time with my family just to play everquest. This is not the same as drug addicition. how many people did i arrest last month for stealing or robbing to play everquest? zero! How many for DOPE! to many to count. Everquest is a blast and if you have to play for 36 hours straight then maybe your problem is not everquest. I will tell you what i tell the kids i meet everyday out there. Who cares what someone eles thinks about you, Its your opinon that counts. You make your own choices. Poeple do things for all different reasons. We have addictions for everthing. Maybe we should all hug and go to Everquest Anonymous meetings. It will not change a thing and her son will still be dead. I am a father and i mourn the lost of her child but if he was so mentally unstable why did she allow him to keep weapons in the home, or why was he living alone. I don't know. As stated before their are no easy answers for suicide and the person how knows the real reason was to messed up to share with anyone. Blame the guy that pulled the trigger. Not gun company, his former employer, and certainly not a computer game company. After all he bought the game, installed it, and learned to play it.

It a game people have fun.
Warning labels
# Apr 08 2002 at 11:08 AM Rating: Decent
Let me start out by telling you about who I am and what my experience with Everquest (EQ) is like. I’m 35 years old and have been playing EQ for slightly over one year. My FiancĂ©e and I play together on separate accounts. We both play 12-20 hours per week during the winter months and 4-10 per week during the rest of the year. Until recently I worked with several EQ friends, most of whom play between well over 20 hours per week. With regard to EQ being addictive, I do not agree with this theory at all. When I think of addiction it is in the context of something, which a person becomes physically dependent upon, such as alcohol or cocaine to name just two. This is not to say that mentally addictive substances are not harmful, but no one is going to get the shakes or feel they have bugs under their skin if they suddenly stop play EQ or quit smoking pot. For the sake of this argument let us break EQ players into two groups, adult (18+) and children (under 18).
If there are children out there playing EQ even five hours a day, then I think the issue is with the parents. This is not to say that parents that let children play this much EQ are bad parents, but I do think they are not serving their child’s best interest letting them in the long run. EQ is a great game full of adventure and can be wonderful fun for a child. Yet it is important that children learn to diversify their interest and to interact with others face to face. Allowing a child to seclude themselves in a room with a computer and EQ for 30+ hours a week does not prepare them for life as an adult. Believing the latter to be true I cannot see the purpose or good of a warning label. Although I could further defend this argument in the interest of brevity I will move on to adults that play EQ.
I have no problem with adults that choose to play EQ for 30+ hours a week. However, if they are playing EQ that much I suspect it is because they have nothing else to do or perhaps they don’t know how to do anything else. Perhaps they lack the social skill necessary to interact with people face to face. If the latter is true then again the purpose of a warning label escapes me. If the player is married or involved with others either socially or romantically and their EQ play is hurting these relationships it does not necessarily follow that they are addicted to EQ. Rather their complacency or lack of social skills is hurting their relationships. Real life relationships require more energy and dedication then the relationships we build in EQ. Therefore it is not surprising that some prefer EQ relationships to real life relationships. Once again this issue will not be resolved by putting warning labels on EQ or any other game.
This is an interesting debate and I look forward to any rebuttals.
Can I have his stuff?
# Apr 08 2002 at 12:46 AM Rating: Default
Can I have his stuff?
RE: Can I have his stuff?
# Apr 08 2002 at 9:08 AM Rating: Default
RE: Can I have his stuff?
# Apr 08 2002 at 9:07 AM Rating: Default
wow that's useful !!!
Blaming the Mother ?
# Apr 06 2002 at 10:45 AM Rating: Default
OMG, I hope the poor woman does'nt read these post. We have her hanging from the tree already. Though miss directed she may be she is not responsible for her son's death. As parent's we make mistakes but most do a heck of a job raising our children and some times they get in trouble no matter what or have mental illness's that eventually lead to tragedy such as this . How many times is 80-90 % of our conversation's at home and over the dinner table about EQ? Don't your parent's get frustated over it and how much time you spend on it.Then it happen's and someone takes their life and leaves a note or tell's a friend . Can you see how easy it would be for some lawyer or friend to suggest to this mother it's EQ fault and to prevent it from happening something should be done.This mother probably heard her son raving about the game day in day out and I'm sorry, it's not her fault. The farther society get's from God and social values deteriorate mental illness will run
rampant. It's all our fault's, not this poor mother or Sony's. Before casting that first stone we just might look deep within our own lives and the society we've made for our children. God bless this woman and her son, amen
RE: Blaming the Mother ?
# Apr 17 2002 at 10:33 AM Rating: Default
# Apr 06 2002 at 9:59 AM Rating: Default
As i do grieve over the loss of anyone this lady needs to realize some things. Her son was an addict with problems, which she openly admits. When you are and addict at anything there are always certain risks and what not that arise. If you were addicted to running there is a possibility of running yourself to death. People come close quite often by "hitting the wall". You could become addicted to milk for Christ sake and drink yourself to death. Obviously these kinds of things are a little over the top to think that someone would actually do them but you get my point. As I said before I do feel for the mother and I hate to hear that her son is dead. But, he did not die because of an addiction he had. He died because of suicide. When a person dies because of suicide it is because of DEPRESSION, and I really do not want to come off as a jerk, but I don't think there is anyone out there you can sue for the matter. My heart goes out to this heartbroken mother, but maybe if she is that concerned about the cause of his death she should look into why he was depressed. In most cases that I have seen or been involved in myself, being 21 also, I have realized that most of depression is from people and often times parents. While I understand what parents do to try and raise us best they can, some things get ya down you know, as anyone can relate to. I doubt that Shaun was getting depressed over his game, maybe a little pissed from time to time, but he played so much because he was depressed not the other way around.

My advise for to Elizabeth is to look at home before you go around blaming your neighbors.

32 Wizard
Proud to be an American
# Apr 06 2002 at 9:51 AM Rating: Default
Isn't it ironic that we all rush to Sony's defense after all our slamming of server problems and patch ***** ups, lol, We are obssessed with the game, lol. On the pevious post of the, USA is full of get rich on family members deaths, was inappropiate. We all have them in all countries the individual's that are pushed by other's to file lawsuit's to redirect grief and blame, This was a tragedy but unfortunately one of the biggest problems on death and dieing is blame. Mother, be right or wrong is going through natural grieving process and hungery lawyer's jump at the chance to represent these individual's that are going through a tragedy. America with all of it's problem's still represent's freedom and when genecide abounds we save your butt :^)
# Apr 06 2002 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
sorry folks! posted that twice (
Sign of the Times
# Apr 06 2002 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
For starters i feel very sorry for this womans loss, it must be a terrible thing to outlive ones child ! But at the same time it is unreasonable to attempt to place blame on anyones doorstep, let alone SOEs.
The fact of the matter is that this young man had some very serious problems with his life and how he saw himself. I personally feel that i do play this game a little too much sometimes, but i also feel that it is a far less harmful passtime than some others that are considered more socially acceptable, as in Drinking, Gambling etc. For anyone to try to blame others for the problems in their life or in the lives of their family is, to my way of thinking at least, merely a very simplistic way of avoiding responsibility for your own actions! All i see in the news today is yet another case of someone desperately trying to shift the blame for their own failings onto someone else!

A young man took his own life and that is a tragedy! but the important part of that sentance is that he took HIS OWN life! he in no way harmed innocent and unconnected bystanders. Maybe we would all be far better off if we all took a look at the culture that makes a person feel so worthless in himself because of his appearance, or his job or whatever other ultimately trivial and unimportant aspects of his life that he feels the only thing he is fit for is death!!
If anyone reading this knew this man in-game, i would like to know how they thought of him as a person.

That is just my opinion on the subject and i know for a fact that many people will strongly disaggree with me ! But we are all entitled to an opinion, regardless of how other people may react to it.

Baelenor (cleric)
Karana server

Sad to see a light extinguished

Also, i like the idea of sidestepping this law suit by sticking on the label straight away, but wont people then say that its either poorly worded, too small, in an easily overlooked location Etc Etc. The guy had epilepsy and knew that computer gaming could trigger a fit! Didnt stop him playing though, did it!
Sign of the Times
# Apr 06 2002 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Sat Apr 6 09:36:38 2002
# Apr 06 2002 at 9:16 AM Rating: Default
The Lawsuit against Blaxksabbath/Ozzy was tossed out by the Judge.

Of all the lawsuits against TSR for D&D and AD&D related suicides none were won.

Some folks think its good to cash in on family crises and are alway screaming about thier rights when a fast buck is to be made.

They are the kind of person to ignore the signs of a previously diagnosed mentally ill person's apparent addiction to a game untill the person kills himself. Then they decide to sue the company that produces the game.

Sheesh, why not sue to PC manufacturer, the CPU manufacturer, the Graphics card manufacturer etc etc etc as well, they dont includ warnings that thier product may be used to run another product that can in turn run another product that may or may not cause an addiction....LOL

The USA is, unfortunatley full of un caring get rich on the death of a family member quick *** holes these days, thank god i no longer live there.

Yours disgustedly

Hacked Off
History Repeats Itself
# Apr 06 2002 at 8:43 AM Rating: Decent
A person killed himself listening to Ozzy's Sucide Solution and Ozzy was sued.
People's character from Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, died in a game so those people thought they had to die. D&D was sued.
Now a young man kills himself because he played Everquest and his mom wants to sue.
She knew her son had problems, seizures and mental health, and she wants to sue SOE and/or Everquest.
I hope this does not make it to court. This is a waste of everybody's time.
I am an IDIOT
Here is your sign lady.

I am sorry Shawn killed himself and I do greive with the parents for the loss of a child. Please don't try and get a free ride from the things your child liked to do hoping to get money. I doubt your child would have wanted that. The money won't bring the child back.

Xiren (Forever Wind)
Dark Elf Necromancer
Solusek Ro

Edited, Sat Apr 6 08:44:35 2002
# Apr 05 2002 at 8:18 AM Rating: Default
Why not blame herself? She must have known these problems existed. Funny how her level of concern has increased with the potential of dollars to be had. If he was that bad before why not intervene. The answer is someone dropped the ball and it was not Sony. How about a neglient family lawsuit on this guys family.

Its only a game folks. Maybe it was one of the few things in his life he liked. But I play and in no way has the game told me to blow my brains out or the like. Our society is very disturbing that we blame others and take no responsibility. I am sorry the young man died but if anyone is responsible it was himself and him alone. Thousands play EQ everyday and have little or no ill affects. I think it is a cheap hobby with tremendous value for your buck.

Some people aren't happy in life. Lots of people live under the same circumstances and social variables and they are doing fine. Why blame a game when everyone knows that this game in no form could make you kill yourself? It is impossible. Some people have really bad problems they think this is only way to cope with their problems. They loose hope and finally do it. If anything, I bet EQ prolonged his life as it gave him something to do. Some thing was wrong with this young man mentally. It had nothing to do with the game.

# Apr 04 2002 at 6:19 PM Rating: Default
I have know three people in the last 5 years who have committed suicide. Yes life kicks you in the nuts sometimes, thats it. I am not out to sue the drug dealer who supplied my first friend who died, nor am I out to sue the car company who made the car another friend used to kill himself. Maybe I could have done more to stop what happened, maybe not. The truth is who can foresee these things happening? Yes, usually there are clues, but sometimes you can not pick up on them before it is too late. I agree there are too many people out there ready to make a quick buck off of suing someone, and actually it sickens me. Maybe the mother needs help dealing with her anger and depression too. I know I would be depressed if my son was mentally handicapped, I also would feel guilty and responsible if he committed suicide.

Also I love how this lawyer has basically stated that everyone that plays EQ is doing so because the are fat ugly and outcasts ( not a direct quote) I for one think that is the silliest thing I have ever heard. I play EQ cause I love it. It is fun time consuming and relatively an inexpesive form of entertainmene. I cocktailed at the casino's, I have also delt cards. I have been in a pool league at the local bar. None of this means I am a drunk or a addicted gambler. Quit sterotyping it makes me sick.

Of course this is just my opinion, I could be wrong. ( that is a direct quote, thank you Dennis Miller)
Condolences to the mother
# Apr 03 2002 at 11:14 AM Rating: Excellent
I do feel very badly for his mother, and I hope our condolences and those of her friends and family help her get through her pain and grief. Few things hurt so bad as a parent losing a child.

However, I think that her son had some serious emotional problems. Everquest could have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but it is by no means the sole reason her son killed himself.

Unfortunately, people with mental illness project their emotions and problems onto inanimate, immaterial things, whether television, comic books, or online gaming. Being able to become someone else for even a little while is a great reliever of stress. When it is taken too far is when problems arise.

While unfortunate, this incident was in no way Sony's fault, nor even the person who engaged in the trade with her son. Incidentally, I feel bad for them as well. Imagine having to live with the idea that your actions may have caused the death of another, simply because you were playing a game. While I do not condone dishonesty in EQ, it is a game.

I do not feel this lawyer who is assisting the man's mother has her best interests at heart. I think he sees dollar signs at the idea of suing a huge company like Sony, probably in the hopes they will settle out of court to avoid the negative publicity.
# Apr 03 2002 at 9:20 AM Rating: Default
If you ask me, I think Sony should just take this lady and her attorney to court. This guy had a history of mental illness. I doubt they would get anything from Sony at all.
It's these kinds of stupid suits that cause the prices to go up. True, the label could get more people to buy the game, but being one of the younger people of the Everquest community, I know that parents would be less likely to let their children play the game if it has a warning label on it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sorry for her loss, but she should have been paying closer attention to her son's behavior and keeping an eye out on his interests.
# Apr 03 2002 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
This is dumb, I mean, it's really sad that her son killed himself, but blaming EQ is just trying to pass the buck. It sounds like he'd only been out on his own for a few months, so obviously he'd been living with her while playing EQ. I think that it's very much a possibility that she blames herself for not forcing him to go into treatment or taking medication and feels so guilty about it that she has to pick something other than herself to blame. (which she really can't do either, but as a mom I know that you always try to do the best for your kids and blaming yourself for their shortcomings is normal) Another thing is that if this had been say, about 20 years ago, it would have been Ozzy, or Judas Priest, anyone remember those suicide lawsuits? Or D&D etc. *sigh* ALL of those people had serious mental problems before the music and games entered the picture. It's kind of like blaming the guns for what happened at columbine. Oh No, it couldn't have been all the problems these kids were having and lack of parental intervention, oh no, not that! It has to be the guns and gun control. Puh-lease, these people need to get a life and look at what the real issues are instead of trying to target a nearly irrelevant component of these peoples lives.
parnet interaction
# Apr 02 2002 at 9:36 PM Rating: Default
It is my oppion that if his mother would of spent more time with her son, this tragity might not of happend. I truly belive that the mother feels so guilty for the death of her son that she seeks a blame. The first step of faceing a major delima is DENIAL, ovolisly what the mother is going through. As metioned before the man did have mental problems, and since this is a factor SONY should not have the blame.

(sorry cant spell guys)
Shaar 50 necro
People are stupid
# Apr 02 2002 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
I just felt the need to chime in here - tv and chocolate are addictive and theres big fat people all over the United States - if they walked into court trying to sue Hostess because their doughnuts are way to addictive - the courts would laugh them out in the street. Why do we entertain these non-sensical court cases anytime it has to do with a fantasy product? Anybody remember the raid on the offices of the guys who published Illuminati? Gimme a break! No offense to this woman, but her son was a wack job and I agree with the "sad" post above - he probably prolonged his life playing EQ.
# Apr 02 2002 at 6:27 PM Rating: Default
OMG! When are we going to stop placing blame for our mistakes and failures on companies that create succesfull products? When are we going to stop trying to profit from "opportunities" like this? Perhaps, (not necessarily, I admit before the flames begin), taking a look at the mirror will help you find other reasons why your son chose to do what he did. Everquest could only have been a catalytic, if anything at all, to real life problems pushing this guy to the brink of desperation, not the actual cause, for God's sake! If you are really concerned about this happening again to one of us EQ players, start an Awareness Foundation and bring the message home of how important it is NOT TO IGNORE the signs described in this article. Take constructive action, not destructive action.

/OOC Chill out guys... it's just $3 extra bucks a month, no need to loose your life because of the rate increase!
Warning Labels
# Apr 02 2002 at 11:04 AM Rating: Excellent
First off, I know that there arent any warning labels saying this product is addictive, but who's to be the judge of that? I have friends who are perfectly fine with sitting down for maybe an hour or two a day, playing EQ, then getting up and doing something else. However, I know people who sit down on the couch and watch TV for 16 hours straight, all day long on a weekend. Should we have commercials saying, "WARNING!: This program may be addictive! Parental Advisory Suggested"?
Second, I believe that EQ DOES come with some sort of warnin which would help the everyday person who plays it keep from getting completely sucked into this wonderful escape. Most computer and video games today come packed with a warning in the manual that it is not safe for your health to just sit at the cmputer all day, and that you should take a break every hour or so. So for this mother (who is obviously greif stricken and looking for some sort of scapegoat) to go of and suit SOE is kinda stupid.
# Apr 02 2002 at 12:57 AM Rating: Default
There is no doubt that EQ can have negative consequences. There is also no doubt that most people play the game and lead completely normal lives. This person was obviously mentally handicapped. It is normal that his family would grasp for some kind of explanation for the unexplainable. Unfortunately, they, in all ignorance of what is actually is, latched upon Everquest.

I hope for their ultimate sanity that they don't just cling to their lawyer and let him lead them on. And I say this as a plaintiff's lawyer myself and as a constant champion of the rights of the little guy. In this case, the corporation is not the evil one. No warning could have prevented this. Nobody could have forseen something like this happening. This person was clearly suffering without EQ. In fact, EQ may have prolonged his life by giving him something to cling to when everything else may have been gone. Who really knows?

As hard as it is to realize, sometimes nobody is to blame. Sometimes life just comes around an kicks you in the nuts. Some people rail against it and never recover. Others learn to live through the misery and concentrate on the positives. This guy was obviiusly dealt a losing hand. I enthusiastically represent those who have been wronged by the system (and there are many), but I will not represent someone who has just suffered through no abvious fault and wants someone to pay for it. I understand the attitude, but will not condone it.

All I can ask of those who read this story is to realize that no two people are alike and that Everquest players are as diverse a lot as any other group of people.
No big suprise
# Apr 01 2002 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
As sad as this is, it comes as no big suprise to me that the guy had some server mental problems, and it also sounds like he had very little interaction with other REAL people. Take EverQuest out of the equasion and the guy prolly would have ended up in the same place without treatment. I have said it befor and will say it again hear... RPGs are NOT for mentaly unstable people. In my D&D group we can control who plays the game with us, unfortinetly this is not posible with an online RPG.

Peace and long life to you and yours.
Xylam Zekk
45Warrior of the Tribunal server
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