There's a Rate Hike Coming

Hang onto your wallets. This was just posted at this link on the main Everquest site. EverQuest price increase 03/25/2002 Due to the increased costs of running the EverQuest game service, we will be increasing our subscription rates in April. Effective April 25, the new monthly subscription rate will be $12.95/month. We will continue to offer discounts from the new rate plan on multi-month subscriptions. You don’t have to do a thing; you will automatically be migrated to the new billing structure under your current subscription plan when your current subscription plan expires. New EverQuest rates as of April 25, 2002: $12.95 per Month $35.85 for 3 Months $65.70 for 6 Months HOWEVER, for a limited time only (from April 10 through April 24, 2002), you may extend your current subscription for an additional 12 or 24 months by signing up for the new EQ 12 or 24 month plan – and reap great savings off of the new rates: Extend for 12 months for $109 US – and get a 30% discount off of the new monthly rates! Extend for 24 months for $190 US – and get a 39% discount off of the new monthly rates! Now is the time to lock in these rates, so don’t miss out. All pricing plans (except for the 12 and 24 month extension plans) are recurring, meaning you will continue to be billed at the appropriate interval, until you cancel your subscription. Note that purchasers of the full game will receive their free month of game play after supplying valid billing information. If you cancel your subscription during the free month, no charges will be made to your credit card. New York State and Texas residents will be charged sales tax. All subscription fees will appear on your credit card statement under the heading "SOE*EverQuest". Please note: The subscription charges are in addition to the cost of the game. You will need to purchase a copy of the game from a retail store or online at the Station Store. The price of the game will vary depending upon the store.


Post Comment
mixed feelings
# Mar 26 2002 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
I've been playing this for 3 year like many of you, and i guess as a 3 year player i'm an addict. I'm not so worried about the increase, but i am worried that my 3 dollars will do more for the legends service than it will for the regular player. I felt like the cost of legends was too much (and is for me), but to think that maybe legends will get the bulk of this increase also doesn't make me happy. I'll continue to play, i love the game, but i wish i knew better what my increase is going to buy.
Verant wins
# Mar 26 2002 at 1:21 PM Rating: Default
I lost the roll on my PD pipe in kc.. cry.. things like that suck for 10 bucks a month. For 13 dollars a month things like that would really blow.

but it sucks even more to see verant get 120,000 dollar more by charging us 3 dollars more for service like this.

P.S. guides need to get a grip on reality and learn how to really help players if we gotta pay more for this stupid addictive game 8^)
fix it
# Mar 26 2002 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
I personally have no real problem spending a little more but in exchange I expect more...
even at the 10.00 a month the downtime on the game is a bit silly... along with the bugs.. disconnect/LD issues... insane patch times.. etc..
if you charge X amount for a service, it should be worth the expense.
just one more opinion...

(and it does end up being more than the 10.00 a month if you take into account the cost of software, or happen to be the unfortunate one like me and have to spend 500.00 to upgrade your machine to even play semi-successfully)

PS (if SOE/verant checks these posts) Enough already with the one character on FV server ... people having to buy additional software and accounts just to have another Character there is insane...

as a bona-fide addict this doesn't mean I have any inclination to stop playing, just voicing an opinion - shoot I still pay 5.00 a pack for cigarettes but as long as they don't break in the pack I feel I get my money's worth =)

Edited, Tue Mar 26 12:51:45 2002
ex necro 55 level
# Mar 26 2002 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
verant will milk you dry if you let them.they are making money like crazy,futhermore all the patches takes the game away from you all day,most of the time after a patch it goes down again plus all the bugs it has.the game is 3 years old,you should be paying only 5 bucks a month.***** you verant.ex level 55 necro
My Opinion
# Mar 26 2002 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
OK....In PC gamer when EQ came out, there was an interview with a higher up in verant....They said that they originally were looking at $20-30 per month but, Ultima Online, their only other real competitor at the time, started charging at something like $8-10 per month, and to actually get enough subscribers over the competiton, were forced to charge along the same lines.
One thing i noticed is that those on the 6 month plan get a lesser percentage discount over 1 month as used to be....That seems illogical to me, but i cant blame them, theyre a company so im not gonna whine about it for 45 paragraphs.

If you are going to continue playing, it may not seem fair, but LIVE WITH IT. RL works that way.

If you are going to quit, its your decision, but im sorry that you cannot stand the idea of a competitive Real World company trying to make a profit.

Disagree with me if you want, but i believe i share this opinion with some of the more mature gamers out there who respect the company.
# Mar 26 2002 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
well, for us addicts, this will just be a bit more for us to pay, and we knew it would be coming when they started a $40 a month server. People in game were saying would you be willing to pay more for this if they increased 5 a month or whatever.
I feel a price increase goes along with time. everything tends to cost more with inflation, pay raises, etc. considering how many people are online at any one time 2000 or so, so lets take that as an average. times $10 a month is $20,000 a monthe per server. Times what 22 or more servers? lets make it easy and round it at 20. Thats $400,000 a month being taken in. Now I have a paladin who for the last 3 patches, has had no lay on hands button that works on one side of my screen where I used it the past year, although other abilities show up fine. It's there just wont title and show you whether it is available or not. I lost about a months time when Luclin came out between the fixes, system upgrades (after already buying 2 systems this year for $3-4000) and more reinstalls of windows software, game software and drivers. last couple months since then lost a day here and there because of patches and emergency fixes. So I definately would not pay for the $40 server since they can't fix all the bugs in the little server. I feel they will slowly push the little servers out to where we only have premium servers at some point so they can make more money while we have to deal with the bugs, and GM's have to deal with people who are gonna give them a hard time when they have nothing to do with it :)

I am addicted as I said, I love the game, and if I could get played to play would live in norrath. I have considered the guide program also, because I love the game and helping people in it. So this isn't a rant for the sake of ranting. I just think we should be able to play the game without the bugs before they start charging more or expecting us to try more expensive servers. If this ran smoother or they showed they cared about us losing a full months play while things get fixed, then I would consider a little more money for this basic service, or even going to a premium service no problem. it becomes much more without a fix, and my addiction will just have to go thru withdrawls :(
# Mar 26 2002 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
New Playstation 2 game $49.99
New X-Box game $59.99
New Desktop game $29.99
Each of these games only last about a month.

Ability to play a great game that is expanding changing and getting better for a mere 3 dollars more on top of only $10 a month....
My Opinions
# Mar 26 2002 at 11:55 AM Rating: Default
First, all you people complaining that you have payed over a grand that is your own damned fault you CHOSE to buy a second account knowing that you had to DOUBLE your current monthly payments. Some of you even say that you have 3 accounts and that a 3 dollar hike after 3 years is ridiculous. Lets quickly do the math on your 2 (or 3) accounts. somebody below did the math for 2 accounts its like 1 grand. 3 accounts 1500. That is your own fault for choosing to buy extra accounts with the knowledge that you were going to pay double or even triple. I have 1 account that the entire family shares and we do fine with that.

Second, IT'S ONLY 3 DOLLARS! I mean c'mon. You pay more than 13 bucks a month on gas for your car or a bus pass. I pay 1.75 for a coffee (small mom and pop shops are so cheap with their prices :D )and 50 cents for the paper in the morning. Add that to the price of the gas that I am gonna use that day and that's about 7 bucks A DAY. (rough estimation) 7 bucks a day times 30 days a month is 210 a month on my morning alone. If you don't want to pay $13/month for entertainment QUIT! plain and simple.

Third, VI and SOE have done a great job with EQ and all of you are gonna keep playing it anyways because it will give you a reason to ***** about the rate hike in game. So what if they are going to be taking more of your money. Inflation does that to companies. I guarantee that your paycheck has increase more than 3% in the past 3 years (assuming you stayed with the same company/business). So STFU and pay or quit. Please just quit, it'll finally open up some of those camping spots for me and I'll be able to stop paying plat for items. Or if you gonna quit and on bristlebane send a tell to either arlanna (elven mage) gilteth (dwarven pally) or cieppen (halfling ranger) and give me you char's gear that way it won't go to waste and it will save me time and plat.

Fourth, STOP MAKING UP VI'S EXPENSES! You have no idea how much they pay out a month, whether it be to payroll, tech support, customer support, R&D, etc. All I hear from you people complaining is that "VI makes a ton of money and doesn't pay their employees." BULLSH*T!!!! First off it's illegal NOT to pay your employees because we abolished slavery with the 13th ore 14th amendment. Second, if they didn't pay them then you'd have no EQ for 3 friggin years.

Lastly, the bugs and lag are inevitable. if you don't like it then, again, quit (see end of second point if you on bristlebane). I mean seriously a bug gets fixed a new one appears VI fixes it yadda yadda yadda you gives a ****? honestly. With hundreds of thousands of players with all those servers and bandwithe you are gonna run into both bugs and lag.

1) Stop complaing since you gonna play anyways
2) STFU and pay
3) Stop making up VI's numbers
4) Bugs and lag is inevitable

Arlanna Amanodel <Bristlebane Chamions>
35 High Elven Mage
RE: My Opinions
# Mar 26 2002 at 3:09 PM Rating: Default
Hehe, don't let Verant know who you are! According to the terms of agreement only one user per account. Of course no one follows this policy but just so you know, Verant does have this policy in place.
# Mar 26 2002 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
Verant forgot how expensive lawyers can be, hence the increase.
RE: Mmm
# Mar 26 2002 at 3:01 PM Rating: Default
LOL ... kind of like Microsoft and their .net strategy eh? Funny stuff!
My Cps
# Mar 26 2002 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
The $3 more a month doesnt bother me cuz i mean you pay more on a cup of coffee and this is for a month....What does make me mad is that the day they tell us they are charging us more we cant play the F'in game! Which for me everytime they have a patch i cant play because of the damned Error 00023 that constantly shows up. Now being in college i find that i can only play a couple hrs a day and when they patch and i cant play thats what makes me mad so with the extra $3 they should make loging in after a patch easy instead of new upgrades or making the game easier for newbs.

P.S. I think they are charging the extra $3 because most of us arent retarded enough to pay $40 for legends!
RE: My Cps
# Mar 26 2002 at 12:45 PM Rating: Default
I have to agree entirely with this post.
I don't mind the price increase, in fact after 3 years for it to finally come isn't a huge shock. But what DOES really bother me was yesterday FINALLY having a day off, sitting down to play and the ONLY thing I'm able to get is the message telling me "congratulations, you now get to pay more for a game you can't even play when you want to!" Oh goody.
Price increase, fine. But PLEASE use it to fix some issues such as patch/login troubles. For the most part I am very pleased with the game, else I wouldn't still be playing... but paying more you expect more quality, and there are certain problems that have just been going on too long. Fix them already.
RE: My Cps
# Mar 26 2002 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
Had to chuckle at that last bit. You're probably right :-)
What's Fair!
# Mar 26 2002 at 9:58 AM Rating: Default
Well, Unlike Most Veterans and anyone who has playedthe game for at least 1 year can see or say that this is the 1st time since its creation that the prices were raised, I seem to think that with the increase in quality of the game that Verant and sony are doing it is Justified! But what about all the bugs etc? Well they're workin on it. Everything has bugs the 1st time around and ya only fix em when ya find em so let the people in that department use the extra $3 per month to their advantage to produce a better Gaming XP :)
# Mar 26 2002 at 9:55 AM Rating: Default
So i signed up for the year plan at some point, don't know when, will have to go search thru records to find out. So am I still paid up till that year is over, or will I get billed again with just the increase. Will I be given a notice on renewal to select a different option or will I automatically get the same renewal at the new increased amount? And if it goes up again and I have the 24month package am I good till that time is met or what.
This isnt fair
# Mar 26 2002 at 9:52 AM Rating: Default
I dont get it. THis game is ever so popular, with many people that play it. I believe the statistics show that there are about 200,000 people who play this game. For 10$ a month for that many people is a lot of money. You do the math. I dont think there should be any increase in monthly payments. Either SoE is having trouble rackin in cash, or their just getting very greedy.
RE: This isnt fair
# Mar 26 2002 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
817 posts
And you have to wonder, are the people whining about 3 bucks a month the same ones whining about how crowded it is in Velks or how it sucks because you can never camp [highly desired loot item #001] cause there are too many people competeing for it?

From reading some of these posts you'd think VI has the obligation to give their product away free.

HELLO! People. There is an equilibrium price in a free market. There is a certain supply of a product (server space), you price your product so that you supply the consumer in a manner that exhausts your supply without creating a demand you cant supply and while making a profit.

Sure GM should sell cars for 1000 dollars. I mean they sell millions of cars! At grand a pop that is more money than they need!

Please get a clue people.

RE: This isnt fair
# Mar 26 2002 at 10:14 AM Rating: Default
Im sorry, but peopel please if you are obviously some sheltered idiot who knows nothing of the real world then dont post and make me get a headache from your stupidity. Do you think its free to house the servers(remember its in CA so thats about twice as much? For the electricity to run them? for the ungodly amount of bandwithe? for customer support? for programmers? for janitors to clean up the spilt code red in the offices?

This is the first raise since the game has been released. If you look at statistics this is actually probably very compared to otehr internet based companies(Like isps and such).
I dont get the fuss
# Mar 26 2002 at 9:20 AM Rating: Decent
817 posts
two thoughts on this.

1. If you cant afford the price increase or dont want to pay it, you can either,
a) lock in the chaep rate by buying a longer term.
b) quit the game

2. Why do people get so outraged by little things like this? You make a choice on how to spend your money. Prices change, if it isnt worth it any more dont do it.

3. I wish people would get this outraged over tax increases.

OK so that was three thoughts, sue me :)

RE: I dont get the fuss
# Mar 26 2002 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
3 easy words......Cost and Demand!
RE: I dont get the fuss
# Mar 26 2002 at 2:52 PM Rating: Default
I think you mean "supply and demand".
just another opinion
# Mar 26 2002 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
Well after reading about a dozen posts, I just decided to post myself.
I've been a die hard fan and player for over 2 years. This obviously shows for the most part, I'm happy with the game or I wouldn't be continuing to play. I don't mind the few extra bucks a month if I see some kind of benifit from it. Not another expansion pack. The sales of the expansion pack should help cover the development of it (and yes I know this isn't always the case but it will help to defer it a bit). What I would like to see is better performance. I'm running a 1.3 Ghz, 512MB, 64MB video, system and in some zones it looks like a really cool SLIDE SHOW! Lag has been so bad that I have died from it and have locked up and crashed. I don't have the most powerful machine out there but by Tunare it's not a slouch either! As a matter of fact, my PII 400/512/64 system runs VERY comparable to this new one. This is proving to me that it's not so much the system as the game itself causing the lag. Verant if you read any of these (and I hope you do) please address these gameplay issues. I will gladly pay the extra if I see the benefit of it.

Dalcron Spellfury 55 chanter
Sleste Scalefist 45 monk
Velishan 41 necro
Uglik 18 warrior
Nastanya 18 rogue
Alderian 12 mage
RE: just another opinion
# Mar 26 2002 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
817 posts
So turn down your settings if it is running too slow. turn off mip mapping, lower your graphics settings, turn off character models, shorten your clip plane. Just adjust till you get the frame rate you want.

Or do you suggest that there shouldnt be anything in the game that doesnt work flawlessly on your (old) system? So I shouldnt be able to get more options just because your machine cant handle it?

I, for one, am happy that that they have set the system to let people choose. More choice and configurability is GOOD. Not something to coplain about. Sheesh.

# Mar 26 2002 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
285 posts
In a situation where Sony/VI is already making beaucoup bucks per month providing us with service, why would they raise the price?

Profit. Plain and simple, whereas they're already making a lot of money (but probably less than some of you seem to think, they have a LOT of hardware) EVERYONE wants more. That's why you're all complaining about this price increase, because now you'll have less.

But let's look at some of the other things you may (or may not) be paying:
ISP: Approx. $50/month
Cell Phone: Probably more than $50/month
Rent: a ton more than EQ
Movies: let's say 2 movies per month ~= $15+/month

If you're complaining about something you enjoy doing costing a little over $10/month, you're complaining about the wrong thing. I played EQ fine for over 2 years on dial-up and only recently switched to Cable, and I don't notice much of a difference. I listed rent in the list above even though it's a necessity just for a gander at it by comparison. How much did your rent go up last year (assuming you don't own?) Did you get this upset about that? I doubt it, you just accept it. And $8.00 or more a pop for a movie is ridiculous... especially for only 2 hours of entertainment.

I'll end this soon, but bugs in a program the size of EQ with over 2000 concurrent users are inevitable. As soon as one is fixed, another will spring up. If you find a bug in your PlayStation game that freezes the game, you don't complain about it ******** you up, you press reset, then you don't do the same thing again. Use common sense. Besides, how much do other MMORPGs cost these days? Love ya all lots :)

RE: ooc
# Mar 26 2002 at 2:28 PM Rating: Default
And if you do own (your own house) take a look at the taxes you pay on the property! Ouch &#8230; and yes, while you can complain about taxes it, like another thing (death) are always constants in our world. I would add another constant: fees. Though usually it&#8217;s hard to give up because you were enjoying it so much, the good thing about fee based services, unlike death, taxes, rent, etc., is you can avoid it if you don&#8217;t like it.

To have the notion that fees for ANY service will never go up is just setting yourself up for a disappointment. Anything from ISPs, phone services, gym memberships, EVEN public transit and the US postal system, every service oriented fee goes up eventually. It&#8217;s just a rule of business and life in a country based on free enterprise.

If you want things to stay the same constantly then may I suggest a socialist or communist community for you. Sure, you won&#8217;t get much progress and change but you can almost always expect constant (high) fees/pricing (unless the government decides it wants more).

What does this have to do with the price of tea in China (i.e. price increase by Verant)? Most people expected it, AND it WILL go up again in the future. For you to think that it won&#8217;t is the same as pulling the wool over your own eyes. Now the question should be WHEN will the next price increase happen.

Great thing about this system is that if the price exceeds the value of the services being offered then you can chose not to pay for it (with exception of taxes). So $3 increase a month after 3 years sounds pretty fair to me. Another increase in only a few months with minimal changes done, and now we have a problem. But until they do that I only see a few good arguments as to why the hike is not justified.
Server software
# Mar 26 2002 at 8:25 AM Rating: Default
I wish that someone would write a bootleg server for EQ like they did for Ultima Online. Of course, I doubt that anyone has the hardware around home to support a full server, but it would be really nice to bring up a certain zone, log in all your buddies, play a GM and give them all UBER gear, and take down epic mobs.
Then again, you lose most of the social aspect, and the ability to show off you cool new toys to others, etc.
RE: Server software
# Mar 26 2002 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
What in the world does that have to do with a price increase?
RE: Server software
# Mar 26 2002 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
My guess it he is fed up of Verant and wants a non "you are in our world now" server. In any case would you really want that type of server? I personally like EQ for the challenge it gives. Bug/social frustrations aside, I happen to like being able to earn something in game. If it's just given to me I tend to lose interest very quickly.

An example of this is Diablo II. Man was it SO easy to find "uber" items and frankly after a while it became so boring because everything was available and explored. Give me the challenges, just keep the bugs/social frustration (big guilds, rude people, KSers, market whores) out of the equation.
# Mar 26 2002 at 8:20 AM Rating: Default
I tried out AO (Anarchy ONline) slightly before I (currently) gave up EQ. AO only costs $20 with no expansions as yet. The game's big bugs have been worked out and in some ways it's better than EQ, but that might just be a matter of preference and opinion. Anyways, Even when I came back to EQ after quitting it for about half a year, and starting from scratch with new characters, and fighting in the same zones at lower levels, I still found the game fun. In a way I'm glad my character's files are still on my harddrive so that when/if I play again I can twink-out a 1st level XXX type character with my 30ish level character's class specific armor and keen items. I read some of the standard improvements Verant's trying to make with the game (like the "see through spellbook" and the better zoning procedures). I tend to think it's a nice touch. Seems everytime I "go back" to EQ it's grown in signifigant ways. Personally, I thinik it'd be nice if they retextured the existing zones a bit since my PC and Video card can definatly handle the better textures. However, talking to a big corporation like Verant is kinda like talking to God. Gotta just keep talking and praying that your voice is heard and your request is on the list. Heck, I can imagine the hordes of weekly ideas they get from players in the sugestion forem. How much they pay attention to that is anyone's guess (although, when I was playing a Ranger, I sugested they color code the tracking list, and that came about). Anyways, there are other games out there that are cheaper via monthly rates, and some of them you (as consumers) may enjoy more. All depends on what you're looking for. Gotta wieigh the pros and cons. I for one am STILL not more social since I stopped playing and started watching more Japanimation (and playing "Giants:Citizen Kabuto", yeah, shameless plug here).... but maybe that's my nature to enjoy my indoor hobbies like that. Heck, I live within sight of a beach and I've only been to it once since I moved there; plus my idea of taking up surfing, is not even at a breaking point yet. It's easy to get lost in EQ's virtual world. Did you catch that last part? It's still a virtual world, and all your money you're paying into it means nothing in the real world. Maybe if you take screenshots like some Japanese tourist and creat popular murals that sell for oodles of money, you can recoupe your funds. However, I think EQ subscribers can fathom that their game is simulated. One EMP to the computers out there and everything fizzles forcing everyone playing to go outside into the sunlight. "Ouch! It burns!" LOL (some of you may recall a celular phone comercial a few years ago along those same lines). The cost increase shouldn't matter. What you do or do not get with the increase shouldn't matter. If you made and sold hand made rugs for a living and kept the price the same for your entire life, inflation would catch up to you and you'd be a pauper wondering where you went wrong. Yes EQ is profitable. I think Verant is just trying to protect it's investment. Lots of People hate Disney and it's exploitation, but they still provide an entertaining VIRTUAL, medium. Difference with them is that you go out into the outdoors between rides. I'm not one to talk, my pc faces my room's windows in my apartment (see also: doesn't live at home with mommie FYI) so I got them darkened so I can always see my screen. Anyways, I've read all the posts and some of them are valid. I've said my peace on the matter & will sum briefly. If I play again, I'll grudgingly accept the price hike, but try to sign up for an extended plan to save where I can. Ultima Online is STILL in business, so I doubt Verant's going anywhere yet. and it's still a pretty fun game, bugs aside.
RE: ramblings...
# Mar 26 2002 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
If it sounds like a flame I'm sorry but PLEASE use paragraphs! I got through your post but man it was a struggle!

As far as improvements in the game go there have been quite a few (in case you don't know yet). First of all the old wold has been retextureed via the Luclin expansion. I have to say it's a big difference from the old uncompressed textures that EQ used to use. The grass looks like grass, buildings wood textures are pretty impressive and there are a slew of other surfaces that have been improved (see the Luclin sight and they'll show you some of the changes).

Meditating no longer takes a book (they removed the level 35 requirement). As for the scribing/switching of the spells, that will come with the new UI (still not in place). Zoning times have been reduced in old world zones and messages are not buffered so you don't lose anything while zoning. Should be of interest for you to know that hell levels have now been taken out below level 50 (though the overall experience has just been distributed in a more efficient manner as to prevent hell levels).

My last statement is just a "fun" type statement: GET OUT MORE! You live near a beach and you aren't using it? And EMP? LOL, too much Anime/Starcraft me thinks ... ;-)

Tramaus Voronadil
45th Paladin of Truth - Order of Marr

Edited, Tue Mar 26 13:49:37 2002
# Mar 26 2002 at 8:14 AM Rating: Default
Because they did this i termed. one of my accounts
so the will lose 3 dollers a month now insted of gain

as i cant aford 2 any more
# Mar 26 2002 at 8:07 AM Rating: Default
Just a quick note. I read most of the posts and they a lot of them come down to pay it and stop complaining or fight it becuase it sucks. Either way, most of us will continue playing because of the time we have invested in this game. The only thought I wanted to add was this:

If the reason of jacking the price up is because of the costs involved in running the game, if people started to leave and they started to lose more money, what then? Are all you people who says its only 3 dollars extra now,ready to fork out another 3 dollars in another 6 months, or an extra 10 more dollars at the end of the year? Are you willing to lose more of that less than quality in game service because they want to reduce costs?
I have 2 accounts and will close one down now. I will pay the 3 extra dollars, but after this, I am done. When Star Wars or some other game catches my interested I might actually give it a try.. Something I never really considered before.
What I would love to hear in a year or so from Sony is that the cost of maintaining the servers for the remaining die hard EQ gamers is cost prohibitive and to avoiding shutting down the EQ service, they need to jack the price up to 30 dollars a month.
Either way. I'll pay it now. Either way I'll keep playing. However.. Just like there was life after the orginal Quake (TF and Creeper mods).. There is life after EQ.. And I hope Sony remembers that when they start to lose customers..
RE: Appendum
# Mar 26 2002 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
Actually I think what most people are saying (if they agree with the hike) is, "hey, $3 increase after 3 years isn&#8217;t that bad." They aren't saying that no matter how high the price goes they'll pay. I think that if Verant were to increase the fee by ANY amount in 6 months then you'd have a lot more angry people, because THAT would indicate that Verant is indeed going to make this rate hike a normal, constant thing. Other than that I think people are saying exactly what you said, "okay, after 3 years they've raised the monthly price by $3, fair enough (service issues aside), but they better not raise the fees again in 6 months."
RE: Appendum
# Mar 26 2002 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
Tried to quote and it didn't work right. Sorry!

Edited, Tue Mar 26 13:28:23 2002
price hike
# Mar 26 2002 at 7:22 AM Rating: Default
# Mar 26 2002 at 6:54 AM Rating: Default
certain things to keep in mind

1. Sony hasn't put as much money into the game as they would like people to think

2. Verent employee's are very underpaid.. if at all (programers, customer service ect)

3. Sony is a major world corporation with money invested and coming in from everywhere

4. There is little morality when dealing with large corporations

5. Recent medical studies show that mmorpgs are addictive and many people become obsessed and stop at nothing to continue .. leaving friends and family behind ... even their children

6. Everquest is still a faulty product (yet they have just anounced ANOTHER expansion)

6 1/2. there will probably be another expansion before the new one is finished

7. 10$ x 250,000 people = 2,500,000$ a month x 12 months = simple math that i can't do
...its a rediculous amount of money with a patheticly small amount of it going to cost (servers, employees, advertising ect) add 30percent
*i have people telling me 450,000 registers accounts now <edited

8. Sony tests out their games for free .. in otherwords they just sell it to us and we play test it

9. Legends server ... cost 5 times more to play on but only has about .5% added content and its not much diffrent than the test server aside from being able to petition .. adding to this ... didn't verent try selling everyone onto the legends server by starting gm events on standered servers and having them end abruptly before it got going, then telling you it wouldn't be like that on legends?

10. how many times in the last year had sony pissed you off with new policys, changes to the game, new severs ect?

10 1/2. how many times in the past year has verent made you happy? ... bug fixxes don't count , that was already their responability and most should have been done before we handed over our 30+$

13 bucks a month isn't a big deal... i just wonder where all this crap is going to end up going

Edited, Tue Mar 26 08:16:22 2002
RE: ...interesting.....
# Mar 26 2002 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent
certain things to keep in mind

1. Sony hasn't put as much money into the game as they would have you think < fact

- Unless you work for the accounting department for sony I doubt you know this for fact. Fact is that servers need replaced rvery year, each "zone" is its own server and there are a lot of servers. (i dont know the number so i wont make one up). They also have a T3 array for the internet connections. Last price on a single T3 line I saw was 6k a month.

2. Verent employee's are very underpaid.. if at all (programers, customer service ect) < fact

- once again unleaa you work for them, how do you know this is fact. If you have ever run or been involved in running a company you would know that the overhead costs of an employee (insurance, accounting, retirement, office space, office supplies) is 40% - 65% of an employees salary. So if an employee makes 50k a year, the actual cost to the company is more like 75k a year. This I know for fact.

3. Sony is a major world corporation with money invested and coming in from everywhere < fact

- Sony is a major corporation, with DIVISIONS. Money from one Division does not leak into another division. This is done for security reasons so if one part of the company fails it dosent bring down the rest of the divisions.

4. There is little morality when dealing with large corporations < fact

- Once again this is an assumption. I will agree its usually true, but the bottom line of ANY company is to make money.

5. Recent medical studies show that mmorpg s are addictive and many people become obsessed and stop at nothing to continue .. leaving friends and family behind ... even their children <fact

-- Hehe, we all kno this is true, but not the fault of Sony/verant.

6. Everquest is still a faulty product (yet they have just anounced ANOTHER expansion) <fact

- Agreed, there are still some problems in the game, but they have kept up on their word of having a ever developing and expanding world.

6 1/2. there will be another expansion before the new one is finished <more than likely fact

-- Guesswork, no place for this in an argument.

7. 10$ x 250,000 people = 2,500,000$ a month x 12 months = simple math that i can't do
...its a rediculous amount of money with a patheticly small amount of it going to cost (servers, employees, advertising ect) < fact

-- Again, unless you work for them in accounting, finance this is a guess. Marketing is VERY expensive and EQ does a lot of it. Whens the last time you picked up any game mag and didnt see an EQ add, not to mention the Movie Theatre trailer, TV adds etc. Marketing and accounting people are paid straight from Overhead (i.e. they dont actually make tangable money for the company but are necessary) not to mention recruiters, secretaries, phone systems, the list goes on. Running a company is expensive, very very expensive.

8. Sony tests out their games for free .. in otherwords they just sell it to us and we play test it <fact

-- WRONG, that is the final phase of testing, I remember reading a post on the developers forum conserning this in which a Sony employee clearly stated there is a Massive software testing tepartment inhouse that tests before anything ever makes it to the test server.

9. Legends server ... cost 5 times more to play on but only has about .5% added content and its not much diffrent than the test server aside from being able to petition .. adding to this ... didn't verent try selling you onto the legends server by starting gm events on standered servers and having them end abruptly before it got going, then telling you it wouldn't be like that on legends?

- If you are not on legengs, you have no need to complain or first hand experience to base your opinion on, if you are and dont think it is worth the money, change servers.

10. how many times in the last year had sony pissed you off with new policys, changes to the game, new severs ect?

-- hmmm, well i get pissed whenever i zone crash, or get stuck in a wall. But overall I enjoy the game, if I didnt I wouldnt play. And why would adding new servers **** you off??

10 1/2. how many times in the past year has verent made you happy? ... bug fixxes don't count , that was already their responability and most should have been done before we handed over our 30+$

-- most of the fixes are game exploits, and there have new quests, free zones, new items and a constant effort to keep this from becomming a "diablo" mess with rambant cheating and exploiting, I say overall good job on keeping the game balanced.

i'm going to end here, but i could continue on for very long time ... i think i've made my point
Sony is a company and they're trying to make as much money as they can .. theres nothing wrong with it, *its the way they go about it and how they care their customers* .... many times i feel like i'm dealing with some drug dealer or some pimp somewhere .. they make all these excuses why they do things but it never adds up unless you apply that sony/verent is taking advantage of us ... and they are .. theres no dought about it.
i love my main character ... and i mean LOVE... almost all of us do ... our characters are an extension of ourselves letting us live a life that we could never live in RL and we become attached to them and most of us wouldn't let them go ... Sony knows this... as soon as all this info on the obsesion/addiction to these games started getting released, sony started finding new ways to take your money .. some people bought into that, others got second accounts, some people have taken the bait and fallen further into their need for eq (some people really do need it.... "addiction") ... now they raised the stakes ... "well, we didn't rip off enough people on legends, so lets get all the basterds now"

I guess the reason i'm so mad is because i can't just take my charater and go elsewhere, i have to stay here or abandon my charater and all the hard work i've put into the game .. in the mean time Sony is just going to keep pulling my money away from me until i can't afford to play eq anymore (isp costs have risen also, atleast in my area) .. i already pay out 100+dollars a month to play eq ... single account at that

In my eyes, Sony is being abusive from several diffrent angels ... if any law expert out there knows of who to contact about this, or any info regarding, then please post a link, i'm really interested in looking into it

Nineva Delamortei

-- I understand you are upset at the price hike, but after 3 years of running things I think it is justifiable, in fact off the top of my head I cant think of anything that costs what it did 3 years ago. WOuld i rather the price stay the same? Sure. Am i gonna make up a bunch numbers and fill in the gap with opinions and speculation to make sony seem Evil? not a chance. Im not quite sue how you manage to pay $100 a month to play EQ, if there was no EQ you wouldnt have an ISP? The most i can see anyone paying per accoung is $40 (legends) anything else aer costs not attributed to EQ (even PC upgrades are necessary, regardless of what "game" im playing i upgrae mine every 6 months. (memory, HD, Processor, Video, Sound) not all at once but things need upgraded EQ or no. If you are truly that addicted to EQ and are draining your cashflow every month, and you feel Sony is personally out to get you then my advice is Quit. Walk away, smell the roses and seek profesional help if you cant.
RE: ...interesting.....
# Mar 26 2002 at 12:40 PM Rating: Default
ok, heres my opinion of your reply-
in one month alone verrant will make about $2.5 million, and over $50k alone from legends- so in one month theyve paid for whatever electricity or internet they need for a year., then there is 12 months ina year, so that is $30 million dolars off of eq, $600k from legends.
so lets say there are 100 VI employees, making $75k a year (including insurance, office supplies etc) that 7.5 million dollars a year in sallaries. and all their expansions are payed for when they are released.
ive also heard that now you have to pay like 99 cents a minute or something whenever you call into VI customer service.
i've also noted that should there be a bug that benefits players, VI has no prob bringin the whole game down to fix it, but, there are still problems in the game that were there since beta, like merchants not selling to you, pathing bugs, in GFay lagging and falling from the lifts.
what me and my bro have decided is, why pay 3 extra dollars a month (which aint much) for no extra service? just a new expansion geared for those in full kael armor and have weapons that make epics look like old school yaks.
so for these reasons and more, me and my bro will be quitting eq come april.
RE: ...interesting.....
# Mar 26 2002 at 1:09 PM Rating: Default
Yet another example of how rumors and other's opinions start false facts. Verant does not charge for their phone support. Other than having to make a toll call to California there is no other charge associated with the customer contacting Verant customer support via phone. The reason I know is because I have contacted them by phone if the problem is urgent enough. I'm not going to reply to anything else, being my only point is do NOT post what you've heard, only what you yourself have experienced.
whats really messed up is
# Mar 26 2002 at 6:14 AM Rating: Default
my concern is that if thye feel that they can charge 12.95 a month for a 3 year old game .. iam really worried when Starwars comes out. you can bet its gonna be at least 12.95 min what they are probbly gonna do is charge 15.00 because well if they can get 430,000 people to pay 12.95 for a 3 year old game and everyone and there sister knows what starwars is they can tack on a few more bucks and no one will care .. I dont even pay that much for my ISP.

its really hard for me to think what all the 'extra cost' is to justify a rate increase.

RE: whats really messed up is
# Mar 26 2002 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
202 posts
EQ is hardly the same game it was three years ago. By stating it is a "3 year old game" you are implying that it hasn't changed. This couldn't be further from the truth.

As to the pricing issue let's face it, this pricing is the same as what DAoC charged from the start, and I didn't hear any big complaints about that. Why shouldn't Sony be able to charge the same amount as DAoC? They're even offering you a way to save a ton by registering for 1 or 2 $190 for 24 months that's $7.91 a month, which is less than the current 6-month discount rate. If they were truly trying to gouge people they would have hiked the rate up higher than this and wouldn't have offered these other options. They're just trying to stay competitive, if they don't we will all be saying good bye to EQ...
Dyllwin Dalewalker
Heirophant of the 100th Season
Get over it!!!
# Mar 26 2002 at 5:46 AM Rating: Default
I love to read these posts. Complain, complain, complain. The one time I contacted customer service, I got a quick and professional reply. The 2 times I petitioned a GM, (once for my lost corpse in a wall, and the 2nd time for a crash that caused me a lose of a yellow exp.) I recieved a response in 10 minutes. The GM helped me get my corpse...and clearly explained to me that I could not get my exp. back. I wasn't happy about the 3 hours of exp loss...but &^$# happens. If I were to continue to lose exp from crashs...I'd just I would hate wasting time getting exp. and lose it. Yes, I hate the bugs, LD and patches...but I know that is part of the game...unfortunately. No I dont work for VI, and I wonder what the age is of most of the people posting complaints about this game. The fact is, life is not perfect and there are more important things to complain about...IN THE REAL WORLD!! Accept it or just play another game. Have a nice day.
RE: Get over it!!!
# Mar 26 2002 at 6:00 AM Rating: Default
ROFL Finally an intelligent post that flames the flamers. Everyone stop your whinning. VI can charge what ever they want. If you don't like it...don't play. No system or business is perfect...but EQ is really cool...and why keep complaining when you are going to keep playing anyways?? ROFL
RE: Get over it!!!
# Mar 26 2002 at 5:54 AM Rating: Default
Good point man!! And for those complaining about rate increase...get the 24 month plan...unless your mommy won't let you.
To all of you who...
# Mar 26 2002 at 4:40 AM Rating: Default
To all of you who think the price increase is way wrong, specially in a moment when there are more bugs than mobs chasing you in the game, the gm´s are totally useless, and/or (correctly) believe that the service will not be improved (why should they do it, if, after all, people keep playing with all the problems the game has?); congratulations, you got your brain not drugged enough to ignore the pickpocketing attempt.

To all of you who talk about whining, about 3$ extra being a cool increase in the price, or emit any other sort of support, and you have not been payed by VI or Sony to write that crap, then I strongly recommend you to do any or all of the following:
1) Get into some rehab program ASAP. You´re so dumb counting platinum pieces that you´re not noticing someone´s slipping his hand into your pocket.
2) Check out under your bed - NOW!. There could be some VI or Sony employee trying to get laid with your wife... after all, if you´re silently paying those extra 3$, you´re pretty much controlled by the game to notice something else is happening around you.
3) Give me 1$ per month. Come on, I´m offering something really cool you will not know about, nor will it affect you in any detrimental fashion.
You are saying that wasting 3$ extra per month with no benefit specified is more than ok, so why not give me 1$? Youre not going into bankrupcy for just 1$, are you? And I´m promising the same new stuff EQ is offering you - nothing!.
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