Actions Taken Due to Member Agreement Violations

On February 14, over 800 accounts which repeatedly violated the PlayOnline Member Agreement were permanently banned from PlayOnline. The users of these accounts would form groups to monopolize the hunting spots of notorious monsters (NM). They also repeatedly performed harassment and MPK actions against other players. Grief tactics, including harassment, are listed in the PlayOnline Member Agreement as violations and are not allowed for any reason. Also, interfering other players' game play in order to monopolize monsters which spawn in hunting spots is not allowed. Based on the above, we have taken strict actions against players who have violated the PlayOnline Member Agreement. If you become a victim of harrasment, please make a GM Call and report the issue directly to a Game Master. Your understanding and cooperation will help us provide the best experience possible to our players. Thank you!


Post Comment
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 15 2005 at 5:35 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'd say why banned those 800 accounts. they did absolutely nothing wrong. its just the whiners who cry to the GM about not getting their NM drop.
RE: To the cry babies
# Feb 15 2005 at 5:55 PM Rating: Default
230 posts
Do you work for IGE? That or your a frequent costumer of theirs.
Nothing wrong? How about those people that got MPK'd while honestly trying to make money?
GMs get a life? They were doing their job!
RE: To the cry babies
# Feb 16 2005 at 9:39 AM Rating: Default
to your response another baby is born

**** happens man. you die cause of a link or you die when someone trains some mobs. happens all the time.

GM job should be helping people who are stuck in glitches of the game. not being the judge of personal matters.

If you ever been MPK's probably cause your *** started some **** with a another person. So they call upon a friend to train a few mobs to your direction.

As far as innocent people dying cause of it. Live and let die
RE: To the cry babies
# Feb 15 2005 at 5:55 PM Rating: Default
You are the most ignorant person to post in a long time, thanks for supporting unfair practices and unsportsman-like conduct in a game thats supposed to be about having fun. If you are butt-hurt cuz now you can't bully ppl around for fun cuz you got you account banned, then good. If you can't abide by the rules that you agree to uphold everytime you log in to POL, then I think SE should by all means follow up on their promise that they state in the user agreement:
to ban offenders.

/cheers to SE for finally doing something about a long running problem, instead of just continuing to nerf NM spawns and drops. I hope they keep cleaning up the scum that are attempting to take over our servers. And to those 800 that are now forced to go terrorize some other game, like WoW or EQ2... Goodbye and good ridance.
RE: To the cry babies
# Feb 15 2005 at 5:54 PM Rating: Default
75 posts
shut your hole, dumbass

banning gilsellers, mpk'ers and "consistent" harrasers is a GOOD thing.

RE: To the cry babies
# Feb 16 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Default
No shut your hole you dip ****.
If you spend the amount of time camping for a NM you deserve to get paid.

Hey its fair
# Feb 15 2005 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
Hey I think they did the right thing... I am a newer player and i would like a chance to get good items... And i have been killed by the MPK's and it sucked... so ***** all those who were banned you got what was coming to you.... Karma ********
# Feb 15 2005 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
I love conspiracy theories!! Yay

# Feb 15 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
well from now i can see we lost a few gil sellers here on unicorn, but we still have out stroper crew in... the one crew i wanted gone ><
# Feb 15 2005 at 3:21 PM Rating: Decent
heh, all i have to say is .... This is a Win for all the honest players. Now maybe I can finally camp something and get a drop.^^

I really wish SE would make Garlaige Citadel Coffer a little bit easier to find >< lloking for 4 days now ><

Ayways, Go SE!!! w00t for the good guys!1!
# Feb 15 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
Umm., what does MPK stand for?
# Feb 15 2005 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
MPK stands for Mob player killer, Sence a PC cannot engange another PC in combat unless in a ballista, some trains a bunch of mobs around the other pc dies or zones, thus all the mobs aggro unto the other player.. hence killing them.. Bruatly uneccesary tactic.. and against the users agreement.
# Feb 15 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
270 posts
ah yes i have had that happen to me once before and i hope the idiot got what he deserved.
# Feb 15 2005 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
I cant even count how many times this happens in Valkrum Dunes. People tried to do this to my best friend who was lvl 29 in the dunes with a me lvl 50 atm and we were campin VE and he trained about 30 gobs to my friend then used his nin 2 hour and hp'ed. Leavin a lvl 29 with about 30 gobs one agro'ed then it was a f***** party! All i can say is a GM was contacted after i had to save my friend with sleepga. Thanks to that GM he was so helpful!
Cool, but
# Feb 15 2005 at 1:54 PM Rating: Good
I think its great that they banned a few of these gil seller accounts, but in the end i believe its only going to have alot of the prices sky rocket untill they get a grasp on the NM about the only way for an honest person to make gil in this game is to craft, but then you need some gil to start out. One thing that crossed my mind awhile back was to make all these drops from an NM, at least the heavly camped ones, to be ex. Hell i know that it would make the ones that buy guild to purchase these items to get up off there butt and go get it, the lvl of the NM might have to be adjusted to do this those. but the side affect of this all the goods that you need to craft will sky rocket to no end. about the only way to make this game, less competive is increase the number of NM that drop these items, and spread them out through different zones and increase there drop rates. here is another thought too, once you have obtend the drop you cannot camp/claim the target for a set amount of time. therefore allowing other people to obtain the drop themselvs.. Just a few thoughts on the matter.. what do you think?
# Feb 15 2005 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
75 posts
This is a step in the right direction for SE. I think in the long run, this will limit the amount of these types of items on AH and forcing people to go out and get it themselves.
I think rare drops off of camped NM's should be like a non-repeatable quest. If everyone has one chance to get it, that is all you need. You are always going to have ppl who don't even need the items, and sell them. When I unlocked Rng, I had no intention on being a ranger, so I sold the necklace. It didn't sell quickly, but that is how it should be. Later on down the road if I ever want to start going Rng, then I will have to buy it from someone. I see no problem in making rare drops non-repeatable.. maybe earrings and rings are the exception since you can wear two at a time.
The economy would be better off with this method, because the ex-campers will be forced into being tradesmen and tradeskills. For all intents and purposes, I think that would benefit everyone.
RE: yay
# Feb 15 2005 at 4:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Changing items into Rare/ex would not be a great idea due to the fact that not everyone has lots of room. If you decide to clean house, all those Rare/ex items you tossed out, you'd have to go out for again if you need it again. Then there is also the fact that if everyone is synthing (since that would be the only real way to make good profit for the time invested), the game would slow down, cause people would be too busy farming their materials (or for us who get soo bored with synthing and farm for an online living). fewer parties would be made, fewer quests and missions being run, eventualltually we'll all get bored out of our minds and want to just stop playing.

I do have to say though, that in the post before this, that the idea to make more of those NM drops rare and make it so they can't have more than one, even if it's on the AH or not. Also, maybe there could be a way to make items rare for an account (for those who have mules they could toss the items to). That would mean that a person can only have one such "Super Rare" item on an account.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 16:27:27 2005
Are we missing the obvious?
# Feb 15 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone considered the possibility that SE is employing the gilsellers? SE is interested in real world money. Creating shortages of desired items, by nerfing the drop rates and/or hiring low cost Chinese labor to camp and monopolize them, forces players to buy gil to obtain the best gear. SE would make more money on everyone who buys gil. Transactions in the game are easy to trace. SE knows who is selling gil and real money trade is illegal. Maybe they only deleted the freelancers or the ones who violated the unpublished "Gillseller's Agreements".

Want a real fix to AH inflation? Make everything that is not Rare/Ex availble for sale from NPCs. Prices at AH wouldn't rise much above the NPC price, real players could still make gil (although not as much as with uncapped prices), and the gill sellers could continue on their merry way while players who choose not to buy gil could still obtain gear at reasonable cost.

PS...I've degrees in economics and business. If you don't think a Japanese company is incapable of deceit and double dealing on this level...get real!
RE: Are we missing the obvious?
# Feb 15 2005 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
Seriously, do you think SE really gives a **** about 800 people?? Big deal, they lost $10,000 in revenue. If you haven't seen the Official Playonline site, then you probably wouldn't have known that FFXI has more than 1.5 million people playing this game. Do the math:

1.5 Million people x (lets hit rock bottom) - $10 per month - uh huh....say it with me now: "$15 Million per month" (mind you that this is $10 per month, not full price) - now multiply that by just 1 year of service that they have been giving.

By the way, they didn't mention anything about Gil Sellers being banned. Thats what all assume. They stated they banned NM campers and people that train mobs into the innocent.

They never mention those who take over mining spots or those that buy stacks of items from guilds and sell them on AH for triple or quadruple profits.

SE employing Gil Sellers for more money...I wouldn't believe it at all. These people are making tons of cash. Plus with another MMO and Front Mission Online coming out pretty soon to only add to their revenue, that would be even more ridiculus to believe.
RE: Are we missing the obvious?
# Feb 15 2005 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
252 posts
Yeah dude, Square-Enix is totally breaking their own terms of service and selling gil online through shady fronts. They introduce scarcity in this game, like every other MMORPG, because us MMORPG players are masachists who need to define their lives in this virtual game through struggle. Who would care about getting sniper rings is everybody had them? How many paladin tanks would you see if ninjitsu is free?

So Square-Enix just banned 800 accounts (which is a huge number, equivalent to about 1/3 of the people online on my server at any given time) and you're claiming they just banned their own people? They're just lost $10,000 in monthly revenue (800 * 12.95) to appease those complaining about gil selling, but whatever you say.
RE: Are we missing the obvious?
# Feb 15 2005 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
But not all 800 are from one server, it's out of all of them (32 servers).

But I disagree with the OP as well, they don't want to antagonize players or else their paying customers will turn to another mmorpg.
RE: Are we missing the obvious?
# Feb 15 2005 at 2:31 PM Rating: Default
1,638 posts
duh why the heck would SE employ gil seller? They are the game creator, they can generate unlimited gil and sell to any desperate wannabe out there. There is no need to have those crazy gil farmer running around pissing people off. SE can even generate any item they want!

SE would only allow gil seller and farmer to exist if and only if they do not interfer with other players (let's say those bunch of bot fishers in Buburimu penisula). In this case: harrasing players, monopolizing items and make it so obvious that everybody knows that they are gil seller!

If you are going to cheat then don't make it so obvious (be a proud shinobi and don't get caught cheating!).
RE: Are we missing the obvious?
# Feb 15 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
Okay, their being able to track transactions ingame does not mean that they're able to prove that someone is a gilseller. All they can see is having large amounts of gil sent between accounts notably from the same player, which would SUGGEST that the COULD be gil sellers, but would no be nearly enough reasoning to stand up in say a legal trial.

The real money transaction is performed outside of POL, and therefore can't be directly linked to accounts. Real money transactions, last I checked, are in fact no illegal, it is merely against the terms of service, so the worst they could do given hard evidence is to ban the account. But the money transaction takes place outside of POL, and is not in any way directly linked to a particular account.

Even if someone bought gil and reported the seller, it'd still be one person's word against another, and while there may be cause to believe it, it is not compelling evidence one way or another, and the person that bought the gil could be banned because they admitted to buying gil, yet the accused can't be proven to have done anything unless they have some concrete evidence.

I haven't bought gil, so I don't know how the contact info would go, but I don't believe that they would send the buyer an e-mail or anything tracable containing the name of the character that would be sending the gil, so they could just say they were sending gil to a friend and mistyped the name, or that they just randomly decided to send this person a lot of gil. Improbably? Of course, but not impossible, and there's no evidence that the reason for sending the gil is because of some form of cash payment.

Even if SE employees bought gil themselves to try to catch them, I'm sure the sellers are smart enough for have the farmers be on different accounts than the senders. They probably have an account that is their "bank" on each server that keeps all the gil, and have a separate account that only ever holds gil for long enough to recieve gil from the "bank" and send it to the buyer, then the char is deleted. At most, SE can ban the account that is the seller. Site are starting to have a mimimun transaction price, and that alone would be enough money to create a new account after the previous one was banned.

I'm not saying that it's not a possibility that SE COULD be employing gilsellers, but it's highly unlikely, since if word ever leaked out, FFXI would almost all but shot down, and that's quite a big risk for a game that generates so much money for them already.
RE: Are we missing the obvious?
# Feb 16 2005 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
225 posts
I totally agree, but on the legality of gil selling; since gil, as with all other things in-game, is the intellectual property of Square Enix, a third party profiting with SE's property would constitute copyright infringement. Since SE owns the gil, the gil seller is selling someone else's property. So gil selling is against the law. Perhaps the difficulty lies in multinational situations, since the laws cannot be effectively applied across international boundaries...

Edited, Wed Feb 16 03:06:11 2005
RE: Are we missing the obvious?
# Feb 16 2005 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
225 posts

Edited, Wed Feb 16 02:54:16 2005
RE: Are we missing the obvious?
# Feb 16 2005 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
225 posts
D'oh! Triple Post

/slap <me>

Edited, Wed Feb 16 03:04:31 2005
RE: Are we missing the obvious?
# Feb 15 2005 at 1:33 PM Rating: Default
THIS IS SO ON TARGET IT SCARY! I have been trying to tell people this forever it seems. I have been playing the game since it reached us in North America. Knowing it has been out in Japan for 2 year before that, I seriously doubt that the NA economy brought these sellers in. This has got to be something that has been going on from the start.

Sony stopped selling PS2 models that support the HD because the sales are not what they expected. If the sales were as bad for FFXI, it would have been dropped a long time ago. This means that SE is banking like you wouldn't believe.

A businessman is not concerned with the experience of the consumer unless it makes them money, and they don't make any changes unless it is to make more money. These gil sellers are obviously making SE as much, if not more, money as they are making off of us. The proof is in the numbers. The number of gil sellers is rising, as is evident from the AH. Simply view the price history and it will be completely tagged by the same name. Try cross referencing this with other items and we will be astonished to see what you find.

This also goes to show that SE does not care about us, the consumers, either. Otherwise, the gil seller problem would have never appeared in the first place or at least it would have gotten a real solution. SE also being the developers, could easily track these people. Track the sales and stats. I can track now long i've been online and even how long i've been playing the game from day 1. How are these 'tools' being ignored? They are clearly built in for a purpose, and the fact that they are not using them shows to me that they are covering up the problem. I see SE making updates and claims that they are weeding out these players, yet there is no real way to measure of these claims. People are still reporting the campers and are still being harassed.

They day there is no money to be made from the game is when we will be rid of the gil sellers. These salesman obviously belong to SE, in one way or another.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 13:45:11 2005
are we missing something here?
# Feb 15 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
RE: are we missing something here?
# Apr 25 2005 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
253 posts
Wrong window..
I mistell even out of game now 0.o

Edited, Mon Apr 25 10:58:44 2005
The main issue
# Feb 15 2005 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
I don't think the real problem here is the cost of the items that the GS are camping the NM's for. People's main issue is that they feel they can't properly compete with Gil Sellers for the NM's. I don't mind going up against another 'player' for a NM drop, or even don't mind paying the price at the AH for an item being sold by another player. I get upset if I have to pay top price for an item that i have to buy essentially from a GS. I also get annoyed if i see a GS camping a certain NM 24/7. The cost of the items isn't the real issue. The difficulty in obtaining these items through means other than buying them, because of the GS, is the true problem. If you can fairly camp an NM for a drop,(by not having to compete with the GS) but don't want to bother or spend the time, then paying for it at the AH is more for your own benefit of not having to put in the time to camp it. So, essentially, you are paying for whoevers time that went and got the drop. AGAIN - the issue being with the GS's 24/7 unfairly camping NM's, not the cost.
# Feb 15 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Good
506 posts

I believe prices will go up. Prepare.

Simple reason: gilsellers who constantly camp provide a constant supply of a given item. If this supply drops because gilsellers have been booted, the prices will go up. This last patch was evidence enough of this fact. The difficulty of camping an NM was increased (typically by considerably expanding its spawn area), and so prices skyrocketed.

The climbing price of shehei is another good example. Because logging was nerfed to combat gilsellers (the nerf consisted of a dramatic drop in logging results after one hour in the zone), the difficulty of obtaining elm logs was increased, and, consequently, the price of elm has more than doubled.

Now while i don't claim to be an economist, and am working with basic principle and rudimentary knowledge, the general trend seems to be fairly clear: gilsellers keep prices low because they keep supply (relatively) high. The difficulty and time required to obtain a given item will also affect the price. I don't advocate gilselling, and gilsellers generally annoy me, but they have had an integral, and in some cases GOOD, role in the economy.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 13:05:01 2005
RE: $$$
# Feb 15 2005 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
gilsellers who constantly camp provide a constant supply of a given item.

Not necessarily, on Midgardsormir theres a PC that occasionally holds the Morion Worm, doesn'r kill it. Just holds it to lower the supply of morion phalums and therby raising the price.
So What
# Feb 15 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
When i read this i was so happy to think that all the dang gil farmers would be off my server. I log on and see that both the Jerry's and Tom's from the Bismark sever are still sitting in their normal gil farmer areas. The Kotes in Castle Oztroja and the archer's rings in Ordelle Caves are still really unavalable to get.

The worst part is, why didn't SE do this before they seemed to lower the drop rate of all the NMs and their good items. Now it seems that prices are going up A) because of gil farmers and B) because of the lower drop rate now.
Hitting the Lottery
# Feb 15 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
I don't think that it matters if the NMs are camped as much after as before. Which would you rather have? Twenty drops going to 1 gilseller (monopolist, call them what you will) or to 20 bona-fide players?

With one you have 19 pissed off people, with the other you have 20 people who have "hit the lottery".

Which makes for a better game experience for everyone overall?
NMs vs. BCNMs
# Feb 15 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
as previously stated, NM drops should become rare/ex and BCNM drops should be rare so only 1 can be held at any time. The reason why NM drops should be rare/ex is... Do you ever see 10 people camping NMs like Falcatus Aranei spider in Korroloka Tunnel for a Webcutter? No! This is an uber scythe for any DRK or BST and if it was not ex/rare, it would most likely cost around 100k+. Even the Gaxe dropped from heronox in Gustav Tunnel is very nice and would cost a pretty penny. But since its rare/ex, only those who need the weapon will ever camp it (or kill it for sheer joys when you're only a lvl 48BST. Did this twice just to feel superior). On the other hand, BCNM drops should be kept rare but still sellable on the market.
# Feb 15 2005 at 12:15 PM Rating: Decent
2,214 posts
Well, I know from talking with my roommate that well, prices will not drop as long as people have his type of mentality. Which, is perfectly fine, it promotes the economy.

Simply, I am of the mind of selling stuff just above cost for me (both him and I are crafters). So, typically I can sell stuff from 100-5k less then what they are posted in the AH and still turn a decent profit in my eyes (I can make 40-100k a day on the stuff I deal in). My roommate is currently on a kick with warp cudgels. Now the price to craft these things is rediculously low compared to the price they sell for. My roommate will put them at the current going rate. Now he can make 1 million gil in a day. I have noticed from comments here that many people share our split views on the economy and well, the two ideas are mutually exclusive. There are people out there (specificly posting in here) that complain about the high cost of goods and their desire for the price of the items to drop to a reasonable amount. Obviously the voice of the buyers. Then there are people who are complaining about the people who undercut the price of items so their items do not sell. Do I need to say this is the sellers?

Anyways, what I am trying to point out on the whole gil farmer thing is that I know enough people in this game that sell their E. Hairpin and leaping boods at the ah price to say that there is no number of accounts that they can ban that will cause the price to decrease. The only way it will go down is if the supply reaches critical mass. I will tell you right now, I would pull my 500k item out of the ah and put it in my bizaar or sell it for less if it got returned twice. That was the point of what Square is trying to do. However, people are still willing to buy the item instead of going to get it. I personally have not bought lizzy boots or a hairpin and thf and nin are my two main jobs. Simply because I spend my gil and time on leveling and crafting. Maybe someday I will either have the time to farm them or the gil to buy them, but, I don't care if I don't have the UBER gear. I keep the supplies to compensate. I mean, whens the last time you have seen a ninja heal themselves in an exp party? Or use a ranged weapon even? For the price of the Emporer's hairpin I can get 10 levels worth of Juji Shuriken. And with Provoke, Hi Potions, Ninja Tools and Shuriken I a) have no problems maintaining hate even with over zealous blms or rangers. b) average exp chains 3-5. c) comparable if not better dps (Damage per second) with and dt (Damage Taken) with other nins I pt with.

So, I guess what I am trying to get at is, I see my course of action for fighting gil farmers. Don't buy the crap. If you buy something that is typically "Farmed for gil" you are supporting their actions and in my opinion have no right to complain about them farming the item. There are alternatives to everything. Yes there are items that have stats the blow the doors off of other items, and yes people are going to farm them to sell them. And as long as someone is willing to pay the price, someone is going to be willing to sell it to you. So, if you are selling the item sell it cheaper, if you are buying the item, wait for the price to drop, otherwise, I don't think you can hold it against sony for having an open economy. I don't want someone to tell me how much I can sell something for, let the market tell me.

Anyways, that's 2 cents... Hopefully it will be taken with a grain of salt:)
RE: interesting
# Feb 15 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
Normally the reason people are willing to pay so much for these items is they just by the gil from sites like IGE, and don't spend the time to earn it. If you eliminate the gil sellers, then you increase the value of gil. In doing this people will not be willing to pay as much for these items, and the price will go down.
POL Member agreement
# Feb 15 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Default
28 posts
Just a tought, but you think that perhaps the reason SE targeted MPK and NM monopolizing is that not only could it be easily proved they were doing so, but also that the violation of the member agreement would hold up in the unlikely case someone sued SE because they got banned? While it's known who the gilsillers are on each server, is there enough of a connection for SE to prove it against the POL agreement? And even then, I'm thinking it would ban only one account if that is the account doing all the selling, as I see only 1 name on AH for sniper's etc. all the time.

Now I wonder if they do track the amount of times someone calls a GM on an MPK/gilsiller and that could set a precendent for the future. Of course, I would just be thinking wishfully about SE too.
Economy cap
# Feb 15 2005 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
I think that if SE were to set a cap on items that are sold at the AH, wouldn't ppl just raise the prices to meet the cap? get the most for your gil. no more free economy >.<
Go SE!
# Feb 15 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
686 posts
I am impressed. A few thoughts.

1) SE can't catch everyone. I think that we should remember that. 800 accounts is impressive. On most severs IGE had 10-20 sets of gil to sell at a time. As someone said SE banned about 25 accounts per sever. That is a decent number if you ask me.

2) Bots are a different issues from gilselling. The are doing other things to prevent bots like changing fishing (which has the benefit of making fishing more exciting BTW).

3) I like the fact that SE backed up there words with action. At the last update they said they would take action and they did. When they said they were investigating the situation it appears they really were.

I am quite pleased with the outcome.
# Feb 15 2005 at 10:46 AM Rating: Default
The problem is that this is only a band-aid on the problem. They currently have a system that encourages people to do this in order to achieve the best advantage.

First off with the MPK:
EQII easily solved this issue by having the mob respawn as soon as it lost all hate. Why have a system that enables MPK when it is illegal?

Second Camping NM's:
Obviously it is not the games intention for people to camp these monsters as a means of "crafting" items to make gill. So why not disable people from claiming an NM after you have obtained it's principal drop.

It would be easy to create an event where when you obtain a monster signa that you receive a status ailment, which prevents you from attacking
Hoo Mjuu for x length of time.

I understand that this would prevent parties from obtaining multiple drops; however it would just force that party to move on to another NM and prevent that party from monopolizing the camp.

I work as a technical support specialist and I have to say that it is utterly retarded that illegal actions can take place in a computer system which can be programmatically avoided. If SquareEnix has a specific way they want us to play the game, they should program the game in a manner which prevents it’s end users from using the software in unsolicited ways.

Edit: Paragraph formatting

Edited, Tue Feb 15 10:51:14 2005
RE: Band-Aid
# Feb 15 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Excellent
Well Mr. Tech Support, while some of the problems can be solved by programming as you say above, and each of the fixes you suggest would likely serve the desired purpose, you really have to ask if the ends justify the means. What you're proposing is hard ball tactics that would impact not only the violators, but everyone else as well. Groups getting multiple drops isn't the issue, it's monopolies, so to penalize virtually every player because a group of 6-12 people is monopolizing a drop is, to use your words, "retarded." In regards to the respawn, I think Squenix has done their best to create as 'life-like' an environment as possible, having a monster simply respawn when you zone and it loses hate is silly, and removes, to a large extent the sense of reality when another group is forced to train a gobbie through your camp. When I play, I expect certain things from this game, and simply programing dead end fixes takes away from those expectations.

About it being a band-aid fix, I don't know but I think permanent expulsion is far from a band-aid solution. Might others rise in their place? Sure, in fact its more than likely; but, if the system works they'll get deleted as well, and the next ones, until the point where we are self-regulating and for fear of expulsion we the players simply stop breaking the rules. I applaud SE, and sincerly hope they don't take implement anything like your suggestions.

[Edit: Used way too many commas.]

Edited, Tue Feb 15 11:19:02 2005
RE: Band-Aid
# Feb 15 2005 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
It doesn't matter if a party is monopolizing an NM to sell the gill, or just to get items for legitimate reasons. They are still playing the game as unintended by SquareEnix.

I do understand your view on mobs respawning. I am currently satisfied with the current system; however I don’t think that anybody would object to a system which eliminates MPK in this regard just because it’s “unrealistic”.

Edit: and really, if you want 'Life-like', I don't think that a chain of goblins is going to think: "Oh-no, they went in to the mighty strong hold of Selbina; let's just walk back and beat up on some random sucker on the way". No, if it was 'life-like' they would zone with you.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 13:00:25 2005
RE: Band-Aid
# Feb 15 2005 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
I would!

There you go...
The magic number is 50
# Feb 15 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
800 accounts spread over 16 severs = ~ 50 accounts banned per sever. On average there are ~5,000 players online on my server. That is 1% of your sever is now banned. PWNED WOOWZERS !!!111 I can see a light at the end of the tunnel... o wait I just got KOed from an MPK.
RE: The magic number is 50
# Feb 15 2005 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
362 posts
There are actually 32 servers.
at last
# Feb 15 2005 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
Lower Prices
# Feb 15 2005 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
179 posts
Just a quick comment on the possibility of lower prices. On one of the more recent updates, SE changed the AH cost to reflect the value of the item on auction and not what it goes for to the NPC. This means that if I want to sell an item that goes for 500k on the Jeuno AH it will cost me roughly 10k. If I'm selling that item, I might undercut a bit but not too much because it's costing me so much to sell the item. SE put that fix in to try to stop undercutters and it has worked for the most part. Because of this, I doubt there will be much price movement on the AHs for NM drops. It's all simple economics from a college trained economist. We can all hope though ^^. Happy NM hunting!
Nice Move
# Feb 15 2005 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
I think finally SE is dealing with Vanadiel problem and making a warning for everyone who MPK, sells/buys gil, etc. I just hope not to see the gilsellers an the coming gilsellers to drop off.

Thanks SE amazing Valentines present.

PS. if you dont like SE kicking these ppl then you were buying/selling gil, so.... leave the game cheater.
why the hate?
# Feb 15 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
I dropped my 2 cents in here cuz I love FF and
don't like to see ppl ruining it by gil selling.

I come back to find I was rated down for trying to help. WTF!

As for you Loning, I'm 27 and yes I went to college. Now since you have such a good business sense please elaborate as to what we could do to rid the FF worlds of gil sellers.

Anyone can dismiss my ideas and rate down, but how is that going to fix things?

RE: why the hate?
# Feb 15 2005 at 10:41 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
mmm... a few weeks i made a trade with the ex/rare idea and someone told me i was wrong too.

On the other hand the price cap idea seems nice but.... don't think SE wants to make the game easy :p
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