Cheaters deleted and banned, problems fixed

Alan VanCouvering recently posted this on the website: Cheaters and the recent up swell of concern (12-8-03) Over the last few days there has been a growing community concern about possible cheating, exploiting and platinum duplication. Rumors and speculation have begun to run rampant, and I've received a lot of concerned email on the topic. First of all, I want to thank you for your concern. The fact that you worry about this stuff as much as we do makes me feel good about the community that I work for. I want to especially thank those that have sent in detailed information about what they thought might be dupe or exploit situations. That information has been very helpful. With your help, we have been able to discover and eliminate some unusual ways of cheating. Obviously I can't go into detail about exactly how this cheating was done. I can tell you that several of our programmers and designers took lengthy breaks from working on their current tasks to define, investigate and smash those exploits. Most of these methods for cheating have been removed. The few that remain will be fixed shortly. We will be watching, and anyone using them will be banned. At the same time, our Customer Service folks have been diligently tracking down the cheaters. We have banned accounts and deleted characters in the hundreds. It's never a good thing to be forced to remove so many accounts, and we're not happy that such cheating was possible. We are pleased, however, to let you know that we are confident that we have located the majority of those that exploited the game and have removed their characters or accounts. Obviously we won't be able to prevent all of the possible ways to cheat. The folks that insist on trying to cheat have proven to be persistent and clever (and here is where I wonder why they don't apply that energy and skill to something beneficial...). We need your help to locate these issues. The multitude of eyes and ears of our players is always the best source of information for us. If you ever suspect that you have discovered something that seems like an exploit, please send that information to us through the Developer's Corner AND through /bug. Please don't assume we have heard the information already. We'd rather have ten reports about something like this than none. I'd also like to address a rumor about the nature of some of the cheating that people have been talking about. There has been speculation in the community that in order to pull off some of the rumored exploits someone had to be working on the "inside". We take such possibilities very seriously. And we have investigated this very thoroughly. We keep track of all special EverQuest commands issued. We have looked into the possibility that someone working here had a hand in helping others cheat, and we have discovered no evidence that indicates that to be the case. Also, the nature of the cheat did not require such inside help. I can't describe the cheat method in any detail, but there was an experience cheat that allowed extremely fast leveling. This required some rather sophisticated cheating, but was being done without inside help. Obviously we have removed that exploit and banned any accounts that used it. Thank you for playing EverQuest. And thank you for you help making the game fun. Have a great holiday season. Alan


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Banker anagram
# Dec 09 2003 at 2:21 AM Rating: Default
The banker in Befallen that was causing so much trouble and which seems to be the source of much of this has an interesting name. If you re-arrange the letters of his name (including the word "banker") you get "BANKER HOARDED".... Interesting....
RE: Banker anagram
# Dec 09 2003 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
The Banker in Befallen never existed.

He was an urban legend.

Think about it, do you personally know anyone who actually used this banker?

Just because you see on posted on a few boards, don't make it so.
are pareers programs illegall ?
# Dec 09 2003 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
what i would like to know is if those programs that trasck a player and groups,collective dps if they are illegial or not as i think it would be a neat statistic to watch and try and improve obn
RE: are pareers programs illegall ?
# Dec 09 2003 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
Parsers aren't illegal, they dissect your log files, they don't actually hack the game.
RE: are pareers programs illegall ?
# Dec 11 2003 at 2:05 AM Rating: Good
561 posts
Once again Frank you are wrong. Parser programs are indeed illegal. They are giving you access to information that would normally not be available to you. If it was intended to be available it WOULD be available to see. Any program that takes a beehind-the-scenes look at the game is illegal, whether it be server OR client makes NO DIFFERENCE it is still an exploit and thus a bannable offence.
in response
# Dec 08 2003 at 10:22 PM Rating: Default
I think that anyone who hacks or edits the game in anyway should be deleted from the EQ Player Database. Destroy their account and burn their home.
Those who can find things wrong with the game should report it to an in game GM or use /bug report to turn it in.
Doing this will keep the game fun and exploit free.
RE: in response
# Dec 10 2003 at 11:45 AM Rating: Default
UUm, I don't think that would help,
because it would just **** off a whole bunch of people, many that have lots of time and money on their hands, who would just create a new account, be pissed off for all the work they put into their characters and retaliate by creating hell for the whole game, simply trying to make people not enjoy the game and leave.

Is it really cheating if...
# Dec 08 2003 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
I know for a fact that it works, it was performed right in front of me in the past...a way higher level toon and another toon (the noobie) are in the same group, and when the NPC or mob is about to die, the higher level guy pops out of the zone, all exps go directly to the noobie, he must have dinged 3 levels off just that one mob, how would you explain this? is it cheating, i think so, never done it before, prolly wont knowing now about "cheaters" and how they are subject to deletion, anyways thats my 2 copper, see yas
RE: Is it really cheating if...
# Dec 09 2003 at 7:43 AM Rating: Default
18 posts
That's not cheating, it's a form of power leveling. I and others have been doing it for years. It's not hacking or exploiting a bug, it's just using zonelines to powerlevel.
RE: Is it really cheating if...
# Dec 09 2003 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
Um, yes it is cheating. It's is exploiting a feature of the game that was never meant to be used that way. How could you even say otherwise with a straight face?
RE: Is it really cheating if...
# Dec 09 2003 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
So what your saying, is that by using Screaming Terror and Feign Death to completely remove my agro and damage total from a mob, so someone else can kill it, ~I'm cheating? How is that cheating if that is 100% within my class ability?~
RE: Is it really cheating if...
# Dec 09 2003 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
in a way, everyone exploits a part of the game each day, the easiest and most used exploit is zoning to lose aggro, which 99.9% of people do.
RE: Is it really cheating if...
# Dec 09 2003 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
You can't justify doing something that is wrong by the statement 'Everyone does it'. Even if it were true (which it isn't), it doesn't mean that it's right.

That said, there are levels of abuse. Among the worst kind are grief players, but anything that ruins the game for others, including contributing to destroying the economy comes pretty close to that. Powerlevelling, while being a lot more harmless, can't be considered anything other than an exploit. There are already rules that prevent low-level people from getting experience when grouped with significantly high level people. If you do anything specifically to get around this restriction, you are using an exploit. Yes, I know that a lot of people do it. But if they ever did something to prevent this (and I can imagine a few things that could be done) I would not cry over it. Powerlevelling, while common, is CLEARLY not something that was intended by the game designers. If it was, there would be no restrictions on experience and levels in groups.

One thing that could be done would be to restrict the amount of experience that an individual can get from a kill based on that person's level. The cap would have to be something high enough that a well-skilled, equipped and buffed person might reasonably be able to attain on a real good day. Another thing that could be done is to base the experience on the total number of people that actually inflicted damage, buffed, debuffed or healed., and not on the number of people in your group that are currently in the same zone with you.

You know what? I buff friend's alts all the time. I also have been known to twink a bit. But I do NOT powerlevel ever. The difference is that ANYONE can go into PoK and pay for buffs. I'm just donating the same service for free. -Haldur
RE: Is it really cheating if...
# Dec 09 2003 at 6:09 PM Rating: Default
You know what Haldur,that last statement of yours about not never powerleveling.Well if you buff your friends lower lvl alts thats Powerleveling.
RE: Is it really cheating if...
# Dec 09 2003 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
Think i disagree on your powerleveling thought there. Simply for this reason if those levels had something new added to them they could be fun to work your way through but there are no new mysteries to work through. The folks that make the game dont seem to put any thought into the characters that are working there way through them. They havent added anything new for my rogue to do in forever.. I have looked for quest and things that i can do to make that part of the game interesting and something more than get a group and camp in HHK OT MS or any of the zones after you are done with PC.. Its all the same for me till I get to about 45 or so and cant start looking into going into new zones that can actually lead me to doing something new or useful for my class..
Perhaps if the developers spent more time developing new things for those levels they could be fun to play again, but people just seem intrested in the higher end of the game now so they spend most there time making new things for them, I cant be upset for them doing that but if being powerleveled past all the levels that are outdated and not enhanced it better not be considered cheating... perhaps they should add a little more int he middle range of the game..
You will most likely flame me for this but im sure some others will agree with it... just my couple coppers...
RE: Is it really cheating if...
# Dec 10 2003 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
It's interesting. They keep coming out with new expansions, new zones, augments, gear, adventures, mobs, spells, etc., and you're frustrated at the lack of anything new in the game.

If you're talking just about quests, I can't argue with you on that point. I can't tell if SOE doesn't understand how to create engaging, rewarding quests, or if they're simply not interested.
RE: Is it really cheating if...
# Dec 09 2003 at 6:47 PM Rating: Excellent
531 posts
While I agree fully with the spirit of your post you have to realize also that majority rules and the idea is to please the greatest number of people. MOST people are of the higher levels these days.

The gear a newbie can get these days is also MUCH greater than what a person could get in the old days. The lower levels go so much faster than they used to that adding anything for lower level characters wouldn't get a great deal of use for very long by anyone.

That said, LDoN adds a LOT to almost anyone of almost any level, granted you need to be level 20, but that's pretty quick for people these days.

Lastly, there are in fact SO many zones in all the lands that are usable by levels 1-40 that aren't being used too much it's not funny. Adding more zones on top of that would just be a waste. Lake of Ill Omen used to be packed, these days it's near empty. That's just one example with so many more out there.
RE: Is it really cheating if...
# Dec 10 2003 at 12:52 AM Rating: Good
I think they could make the middle levels a little more challenging that way people would stay in these levels long. MAKE POWER LEVELING MORE DIFFICULT. I have been playing this since the days of bata testing. I have level 65 players in every class and on the majority of server. I find the game used to be so much more challenging and require so much more skill at the lower levels. With every expansion they lower the level of skill to play so that you now have level 50+ with very few actual game skills and even less respect for other players. We don't need more at higher level lets make worth our while to get there, how about earning the right to be 65
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 10 2003 at 12:51 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I think they could make the middle levels a little more challenging that way people would stay in these levels long. MAKE POWER LEVELING MORE DIFFICULT. I have been playing this since the days of bata testing. I have level 65 players in every class and on the majority of server. I find the game used to be so much more challenging and require so much more skill at the lower levels. With every expansion they lower the level of skill to play so that you now have level 50+ with very few actual game skills and even less respect for other players. We don't need more at higher level lets make worth our while to get there, how about earning the right to be 65
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 10 2003 at 12:51 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I think they could make the middle levels a little more challenging that way people would stay in these levels long. MAKE POWER LEVELING MORE DIFFICULT. I have been playing this since the days of bata testing. I have level 65 players in every class and on the majority of server. I find the game used to be so much more challenging and require so much more skill at the lower levels. With every expansion they lower the level of skill to play so that you now have level 50+ with very few actual game skills and even less respect for other players. We don't need more at higher level lets make worth our while to get there, how about earning the right to be 65
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 08 2003 at 9:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) your right why hate congradulate technology was invented to be improved is a game not tehnology and thats right we all maybe more than others spend countless hours playing this game and one thing about hackers you always make people want to quit its like its impossible to have fun if someone can (for counter strike maybe DoD fans) shoot you through a wall what fun is that or can fly stuff like that makes you think whats the point or paying and we stop and the companys loose money so you lay people off so thats a different disscusion so thats it
# Dec 09 2003 at 12:53 AM Rating: Good
actually.... if you think about it, hackers, IN A WAY, make the game better, by forcing SOE to work on their game more.... just my 2 cents, tho i do agree that hackers and cheaters should be punished. :)
# Dec 09 2003 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, hackers do NOT make the game better. They force SOE to work on exploit issuse rather than focusing on game development. Yes they shoould be punished. Those of us that do not cheat, have been punished in the Bazaar enough. Just myt 2CP worth.

Brothur Buffindapeeps
Mystic of Fennin Ro
# Dec 08 2003 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
I just hope none of the innocents who got the plat by trading were banned.
# Dec 08 2003 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
Doesnt EQ know about all the websites that offer cheats. Why dont they just buy an subscirption themselves and use it to track these people down. Personlly i dont care if people cheat it is just a game.

Zlandicar Raiders rule
RE: Why
# Dec 08 2003 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
your right it is just a game and why does i matter i know i know i know its wrong but IT'S A GAME and i want anyone in the world to name a game thats been out as long as EQ that does not have a single cheat i don't care if its the smallest one EQ is a fun game it should be played fair but if it happens they need to start up their own little operation and hunt out the people that a stupid enough to cheat
Problem not fixed
# Dec 08 2003 at 7:50 PM Rating: Default
Problem fixed ? YAY RIGHT ! Thats just the tip of the ice berg. There is ALOT MORE problems then just that.
# Dec 08 2003 at 7:44 PM Rating: Default
I dont cheat, BUT,,,,, Why delete someone's char who exploits the game, unless they use a patch or hack? If you can figure out a way to exploit the game without changing the programming or the way the game works, then MAD PROPS to you (That has always been the fun of games), for doing something someone else may not have tried. Time more benificial??? BAh? this game is not benificial and we all waste time on it. So if people waste timo cheating thats their thing. Warn em first and give em an evil eye or some stuff. If people get all negative on this and what im saying then maybe your jealous that people have figured out a way to beat the system without doing the work you did, or they found a sneaky way of doing it with unbenificial time and energy. Not talking about hackers before yall smash me goons. But if I were to go to the plane of time and rip it off, then WTF, its a game and lemme have my reward if you didnt fix stuff. Or got a unkillable mob killed, then dont ban folks they used their mind and not just their wallet like everyone else. Hackers tho U suxxor a$$! Yall kill me in DoD all the damn time. Guess if people get their "circus" quicker and get full, then they might just lose interest and stop paying monthly fees??? I couldnt tell if they meant hacks or exploiters from the above article. Dont hate me and be nice to people who find new ways to do stuff =P If i find a mob that drop 1K at level one, because i smashed em with a whieghtedpolearm, will that get my char erased? =P
# Dec 09 2003 at 4:54 PM Rating: Default
The contract that you agree to every time you play everquest makes everything that SOE is doing ok. Don't say that it is ok to use exploits that are already there, because if you know you are using an exploit, you are going against the contract and you should be banned.
# Dec 09 2003 at 1:03 AM Rating: Default
The point is, these cheats were all being done with hacks and outside programs.
# Dec 08 2003 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
I would have to agree there, if do not change the programming in any way, shape, or form. and you find an exploit/bug it shouldnt be the player (your) fault that something was messed up and you benefited from it.

I bet this is the bug that they are referring to
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