SOE Answers Common Questions About Attack

While we all wait for the Sony Online Entertainment services to come back online following an attack on the network, SOE posted a brief FAQ today to keep players updated on the situation. While they don't provide any new details, SOE has said it will continue to post updates to the site with new information as it becomes available. 

According to the FAQ, some games and services are expected to be up and running "soon." SOE emphasizes that the services will only be restored once the network is secure. SOE spokewoman Taina Rodriguez told The San Diego Union-Tribune that the network will be shut down until Friday and possibly longer, so it certainly looks like players should remain patient during this downtime.

You can read the current FAQ after the jump. As a reminder, SOE has confirmed that hackers may have obtained personal information from SOE systems, so be wary of any phishing scams that you may receive through e-mail. SOE will be granting customers 30 days of additional time on their subscriptions, in addition to compensating them one day for each day the system is down.

During the downtime you are welcome to join us in ZAM's IRC chat. Feldon of EQ2Wire also has set up a ZAM IRC java applet that you can use.

Recent Updates - May 4, 2011

When will SOE's services be back online?

We have been working around the clock to restore operations as quickly as possible, and we expect to have some of our games and services up and running soon. However, we want to be very clear that we will only restore operations when we believe that the network is secure.

How is the SOE intrusion related to the PSN/Qriocity intrusion? Was this a second attack on SOE?

While the two systems are distinct and operated separately, given that they are both under the Sony umbrella, there is some degree of overlap in design. The attacks were similar in nature. This is NOT a second attack; new information has been discovered as part of our ongoing investigation into the criminal attack in April.

How is SOE planning to notify customers whose data may have been stolen?

We are sending out customer service notification emails to the email addresses we have on file for the accounts that were affected. These emails will be sent by Innovyx, our third party email distributor, and contained either '' or '' in the sender field.

SOE initially thought no data was extracted, what changed?

Essentially the perpetrators used sophisticated means not only to access the data, but also to cover their tracks. We committed to continue the investigation and in doing so, uncovered further information that we did not have when we initially believed the data was not stolen.


Post Comment
# May 06 2011 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
Ok send Obama in after these hackers. Maybe we will be back playin everquest in uh 10 years.
# May 06 2011 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
Quoted If Anonymous had hacked SOE everyone's loading screen would be Goatse'd and all character names would be reset to Mudkipz.

Will the Goatse have a custom graphic? And will the character name change be free? I would love to have a toon named Mudkipz!!!
Xp pots
# May 06 2011 at 3:08 AM Rating: Decent
I would just like to have 1 30 min xp pot for each day servers are down. Because im grinding AA's and could have used my LoD once a day and have not been able to.
End of May according to CNET
# May 06 2011 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
Read the link below to CNET. They mention Sony is looking to have things running by the end of May.

Edited, May 6th 2011 4:46am by rickcarufel
End of May according to CNET
# May 06 2011 at 4:47 AM Rating: Decent
rickcarufel wrote:
Read the link below to CNET. They mention Sony is looking to have things running by the end of May.

Edited, May 6th 2011 4:46am by rickcarufel

don;t really care when the servers come back up, the offer for the PAID subscription compensation is acceptable, just care about the security of the system an the data, and getting the terrorists that did this arrested, prosecuted and put in a maximum security federal prison. These lowlifes are nothing but thieves and terrorists

This is not a 911 system, it will come back up when the 3rd party security consultants say it is ready.
End of May according to CNET
# May 06 2011 at 6:28 AM Rating: Decent
The whole issue is that SOE is not PCI compliant (security for personal credit card information)and they should be. If they were none of this would have happened. A lot of people assume that all companies are PCI compliant just because they are large multi national corporations but sadly not all of them are.

Edited, May 6th 2011 8:33am by sroslund
# May 06 2011 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
131 posts
your playing on a free server and wanting more free stuff... and you think other people are on meds?

Pot , meet kettle.
# May 06 2011 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
I play EQ2 Extended and i have a gold account which means i get chatged 14.99 per it's not free for me. Read the entire post before you decide to open your mouth and insert your foot.
# May 06 2011 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
That makes more sense than 30 days free play time when the server i play on is the free to play server.

Ya.... sure hoss.

perchance you need to review your own meds, before putting your foot in your mouth. ( to put in in language you can understand =P )

And while your smoking that , I got this bridge for sale...
# May 06 2011 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
No offense Medaci but I think u inserted your foot in your mouth already by your dumb suggestion.

Edited, May 6th 2011 2:06pm by Firebard
SOE Downtime
# May 06 2011 at 12:40 AM Rating: Decent
I may be wrong but I have a strange feeling after reading this article that Sony is not going to have either there Play Station Network (PSN), or Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) network or servers up before at least Monday.

May 5, 2011 4:36 PM PDT
Exclusive: Third attack against Sony planned
by Erica Ogg

A group of hackers says it is planning another wave of cyberattacks against Sony in retaliation for its handling of the PlayStation Network breach.

An observer of the Internet Relay Chat channel used by the hackers told CNET today that a third major attack is planned this weekend against Sony's Web site. The people involved plan to publicize all or some of the information they are able to copy from Sony's servers, which could include customer names, credit card numbers, and addresses, according to the source. The hackers claim they currently have access to some of Sony's servers.

Should the planned attack succeed, it would be the latest blow in a series of devastating security breaches of Sony's servers over the past month. The failure of Sony's server security has ignited investigations by the FBI, the Department of Justice, Congress, and the New York State Attorney General, a well as data security and privacy authorities in the U.K., Canada, and Taiwan.

Several weeks ago the hacker group known as Anonymous targeted several Sony Web sites, including and, with a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack in retaliation for what its members saw as Sony's unfair legal action against hacker George Hotz. Two weeks ago Sony's PlayStation Network, along with its Qriocity service and Sony Online, were the target of an attack that exposed the personal information of more than 100 million Sony customers. Sony was forced to shut down PSN, Qriocity, and Sony Online, and is currently working to bring them back online after rebuilding the security of its servers.

Sony says it doesn't know who orchestrated what it's calling a "highly sophisticated, planned" attack, but it has dropped hints that the group Anonymous is involved. Kazuo Hirai, chairman of Sony Computer Entertainment, told a Congressional subcommittee in a letter yesterday that the intruders on its servers planted a file named "Anonymous" containing the statement "We are Legion," part of the group's tagline.

Anonymous issued a statement yesterday denying it was involved in the PSN breach. "While we are a distributed and decentralized group, our 'leadership' does not condone credit card theft," the statement said.

Now it seems the same group of hackers that was able to infiltrate the PSN servers is planning to hit back against Sony.

Sony did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Here is the link to the article
i realy wish...
# May 06 2011 at 12:19 AM Rating: Decent
that i would get exp pots instead of a month + days per down time.

as i'm grinding out an infinite amount of aa, (i'm playing a low mage, level 80 and 480aa, i was grinding around 100 aa a day) a x10 18 or 24 exp pot would simulate a day of play. as im going to play regardless, the free day is meaningless to me, its i want to make up for lost time fast...

i realy wish there was an option for days or pots.
# May 05 2011 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
I miss my friends! If any of you are keeping up with everything that is happening through ZAM, this message is for you....

Hello Everyone HUGSSSS! How are you all?

Hope all is well in RL for you! How's the baby? How's your mom? How are your wedding plans going? How is school? New puter working well? How is mom and your aunt? Bet mom is enjoying her new TV : ) Doctor visit go well? How did the test go at school? Bet you aced it. : ) Been working some more on your house? Bet it's beautiful!

Saw you come in the other day when I was logging...WB! And as I was logging saw a new person come into the guild... WELCOME! Need any help? Just let us know. = : )

I miss you all so very much. Hope to see you soon!


# May 06 2011 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
I loved the post Ali. I miss everyone also. I hope EQ gets up and running just like everyone else but I`d rather SOE make sure all is good instead of going back up just to have a nasty little surprise planted in a file somewhere. Until EQ gets running again, I`ll be playing a lot of Golf.
Going above and beyond
# May 05 2011 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
This post is targeted to the EQ2 Extended game/server. Instead of giving us free time because of this incident, how about giving us an in-game bonus...other than double experience. If you can't or don't know how to get experience, then go play Pogo. I'm talking about free housing/guildhall upkeep for a month, at least one free additional backpack or free broker tokens for free-to-play customers. Unlock one set of classes or races for those who pay subscription prices. Give us something other than more time. We will be here when you get back online. Many people already pay for some of these upgrades to their accounts. Give them a break by YOU providing it to them. I'm sure it would be appreciated immensly. I know I look forward to getting back in the game...and it won't be because of 30+ more days added to my subscription.

Edited, May 6th 2011 1:23am by Medaci
Going above and beyond
# May 05 2011 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Or give us 2500 Station Cash. Something that we, the people who pay for this, can use and enjoy. It's nothing more than code anyway. And who knows, it could possibly give some people more enjoyment from the game by giving them more adversity. They just may become subscribers :)
# May 05 2011 at 8:43 PM Rating: Good
22 posts
The Hackers want to get back at Sony???? It is not Sony they are messing with, it is the public.. The people that play the games they are messing with.. What did we do for the hackers to mess with us?? Hackers are like backstabbers. They don't care who they hurt as long as they can cause trouble for a lot of people. Hackers you bite a big one, and if you hit them again you bite 2 big ones.
# May 05 2011 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
It is sure a sad day when we condemn a company for making money on a product we want. If people didn't want to play there games they wouldn't want to pay for the service. Sony like many companies has been the target of criminals. If you are under the mistaken impression that they are the only one who has been hacked do a google search only takes a minute.
What we should be doing is being outraged at a group of hackers who stole peoples private information. And now they brag about it. Use to be people got mad at the criminals not the victimns. The criminals excuse is that they were mad that sony changed some of the features in the playstation game that they didn't like. Well when you don't like something a company does to there product honest people move on and find a game they like. If you commit a criminal act you should elicit the anger of the masses not the company who has been wronged.

# May 05 2011 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
I agree, but the truth is that people will use the opportunity to slam SOE, even though they participate in using their product. It's an opportunity to continue their constant barrage of complaints. Others will see it as a potential money making opportunity in the form of lawsuits, which will ultimately make no one much in the way of money except the attorneys. But they'll try anyway. There's a whole segment of the population that jumps on the lawsuit bandwagon at any opportunity they can, even if they personally faced no real harm.

SOE is not the first, won't be the last and isn't currently the only company whose customer information is or many have been compromised. I recieved an email just today about another rather large corporation that I have done business with that discovered a breach in it's Chicago area. They notified their customer base on the chance that if during the investigation, they find that the breach is larger than they currently believe it to be. Even the Pentagon has been hacked at least once. There is no foolproof environment. Not in cyperspace, not in the real world. If they were truly negligent, they share in the crime. But there has been no finding at this point of true negligence. There may or many not be.

I always wonder why those who are so abhorred at SOE, whether it's because they make a profit, because they are a huge corportation, because of their business practices, whatever, why they continue to do business with them? It seems to me, that if you find a company that offensive, you don't do business with them. Period. Problem solved. To do otherwise is hypocrisy at it's highest level. I don't do business with companies whose business practices or mission statment is offensive to me. That's how I express my disdain.

This isn't food, shelter, clothing or any other life sustaining requirement. This is entertainment. If you find the corporation offensive, choose not to participate. I sincerely hope that all those who claim they have left and claim they won't return don't. I think all of those who are left and the game will be better without their destructive mentality.
# May 05 2011 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
For the first time I think I completely agree with someones view. We will all find a fault in something even though we like the product. Although It's only human nature to express our opinion on situations that may arise. We're all just doing what's natural and lashing out at the situation knowing darn well that Sh*t happens and nothing is bullet proof.
Surprised? No.
# May 05 2011 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
It's OK sony employee posing as a customer. We understand that you must protect your job and attempt to belittle people who have constructive comments.
Surprised? No.
# May 05 2011 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
Ok? U mad bro? I just posted that because I saw it, and it wasn't on ZAM yet; so I thought everyone would like to know. And unless Sony recently opened an office in Iowa, pretty sure I am not an employee of SOE. Nice try though...
Nothin today folks...
# May 05 2011 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
From SOE's Facebook page:

Unfortunately, we are unable to bring SOE services back online today. We regret the downtime.
26 minutes ago

Nothin today folks...
# May 05 2011 at 6:56 PM Rating: Default
Blah blah blah, guess ill get drunk tonight for Cinco De Mayo.
Another Attack?
# May 05 2011 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
Another Attack?
# May 05 2011 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I would hope they could track these guys considering they should be fully monitoring these servers during this next planned attack. These hackers are getting cocky it would seem.
legal action
# May 05 2011 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
say the US? or if other countries if anyone knows im interested. If anyone knows post it! thanks!
legal action
# May 05 2011 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
what type of legal action would these hackers get if caught? fines, jail time, etc... just curious. dont know the law on this.
legal action
# May 05 2011 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
Depends on what country's rules they are tried under...if they ever get tried.
legal action
# May 05 2011 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
Very country dependant I suspect.
# May 05 2011 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
(Unlike some of people, many people have assets and credits to be concerned with.)So ragging on Sony, Trying to put fault somewhere, What Sony did or did not do, is going to change the concerns? There are all kinds of links to CC protection, (for those that did not have it in the first place.) And how is complaining going to fix your assets and credits that you are concerned about? Call your bank. Servers will not be up, Until they are up. 99 people are worried about the stupid game servers coming up. The rest are all trying to be important lawyers.

If you have assets and credits to be concerned with, what does that have to do will the billing of Everquest? What does it have to do with hackers getting into systems around the world?

If your so concerned about you credits and assets, you would have had protection on them in the first place..
# May 05 2011 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
Isn't it true that some people are upset about the possibility of ID theft than other because of financial implications? If calling cc to cancel cards and having credit protection is all you think you have to do for ID theft then you are either ignorant or uneducated or both. Or have nothing so it doesn't hit you home.
# May 05 2011 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Unlike you, I have had ID protection since 2002. CC protection, and when the passwords for CC used online came out I got that too. So who is uneducated?
# May 05 2011 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
None of this really matters in the long-run anyhow....... California is going to fall off into the Pacific and the world is going to come to an end in a few months. According to what peeps are saying about Armageddon. lol...... Run up your credit cards, take on astronomical bills for as long as you can till the earth J/K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't do that. It was a gross joke.......LOL
# May 05 2011 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
509 posts

In regards to Spafford, of Purdue University, reporting to a House Subcommittee:

"Spafford claimed that security experts had spotted Sony was using outdated versions of the Apache Web server software and had no firewall installed. The issue was apparently "reported in an open forum monitored by Sony employees" some two to three months before the recent breaches."

Cactuszach Rathebringer- [EQ]85 Human Pally Karana

Cactuszach- [FFXI] 75 Galka Monk Hades server

Cactuszach- [LOTRO] 50 Dwarf Guardian Vilya server
# May 05 2011 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not sure I buy into an argument that their failure to keep up with patches or to run a firewall contributed to this mess.

The 2008 versions of Apache worked well. There's a school of thought that says you mindlessly download every update that comes out; Windows works that way. There's a school of thought that says you install updates only if they address a problem you actually have lest you break something else; that's the UNIX approach. Apache is something of a UNIX product. So I won't fault Sony for not being current on Apache unless they ignored an update that targeted a vunerability that was exploited here.

As for firewalls - not only does Linux include a quite effective software firewall at the network interface level, but one is generally careful to run daemons only for services one actually needs. The concern that they didn't have a hardware firewall might or might not matter if they addressed this within the UNIX environment.

I suspect that when this is resolved, if it is, we'll find that the hackers had some kind of inside information - a login they stole or something - and a stack of firewalls taller than Cisco's building wouldn't have mattered.

that said. I want my game back. I'm on the WoW 10 day trial and I don't much like the user interface.

den of misfeets
# May 05 2011 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
Well, incompetence is the word. I see fortune 500 companies' servers go through maintenance all the time. I knew their hardware and network were very antiquated from amount of time they take 8 hours for patches and updates, etc. They had been getting more than $300 mil per year from EQ franchise, and could have milk another 3-4 more years of easy revenue. It would have taken them only fraction of that revenue to do full upgrade on hardwares and security.
People are dumb
# May 05 2011 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
There is no system, that hackers can not or will not (try) to/or (get in). Hackers have been getting into the best secured systems there are, that is what makes it fun to them. No matter how good your security is, there is always someone that can find a way to get through it. Name the security system nobody can hack, then go sell it to Sony, the US Government, NASA, I am sure they would all like to have it.

As far as Billing complaints, what are you complaining about? Your going to get 30 days free play, plus one day for each day they are down. Those are the days you are paying for now, that you are not playing. Your not loosing anything.

People just like to complain, make sure they blame everyone else, cause trouble if they can.

Sit back, relax, Go make love or something.. Quit complaining and worrying about stuff you have not control of...
People are dumb
# May 05 2011 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
Got to agree with ya....does absolutly no good to complain here, on this forum. I joined an identiy theft co. and that is all I can do besides wait. I can change nothing by whining about all this. In my 10-1/2 years of playing EQ1, Sony has always done right by me and they will make it right on this. I have no doubt. So do what the man sense in getting all worked up...if you covered your bases the best YOU can, then all you can do is wait! All will be good!

God Bless to all !
People are dumb
# May 05 2011 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
You are so dumb. It is too funny that you think people are dumb for raising concerns. Hillarious. Go drink more beer and sit back. Unlike some of people, many people have assets and credits to be concerned with.
Letter to Congress
# May 05 2011 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Had to do some searching, hadn't found an actual link to it, so you can check it out here,

First off, ZAM great job on keeping the updates consolidated and current, many thanks.

Some of you may want to actually take the time to read the letter, although informative it raises some concerns that I'll address further in.

For the record, I have a PSN and SOE account and have received e-mails from Sony in regards to both. Not that it matters much, the letters don't say anything diffferently than what the press release says, save for instead of being generalized it uses "you" and "your".

It's been thrown around here that Sony wasn't on the ball with their security. APACHE has been thrown around here to an extent. I can't really fault Sony at this time for using it, if it has, up to this point, served their purposes well, known issues or not. I for one would rather have an old car whose limitations I know well than buy the latest and greatest not knowing anything about it.

As far as the downtime goes, I can only hope that what we're experiencing is the further analysis of the other 120 or so servers that they currently have, referenced in their letter. My hope is akin to the desert scene in "Spaceballs", politically correct or not, it's what I'm hoping for. It also should be noted, that it took 3 outside firms and Sony employees 6+ days to go over the inital 9 (iirc) servers that they brought down, so we're likely in for the long haul here. Please take note that Sony has repeatedly said "at this time" they are unaware of CC info being taken, that means they're still looking.

Before I start flaming Sony and using words like "liable" there are some questions derived from the letter they sent that I wouldn't mind having answered. Zam and Co. maybe ya'll can help out here? :)

1.) Having been made aware of impending action from as notorious a group as "Anonymous" what actions were taken to insure that my information was being safeguarded?

2.) Were all internal directives and regulations followed precisely initially, during and following the discovery of this incident? If not, what were they and why weren't they followed?

3.) Was there sufficient staff on hand initially and during the DOS attacks to insure that information wasn't being pilfered? (I know the answer is no, since they were too busy with said attacks to notice other intrusion) Why not?

4.) Are the internal directives and regulations set up to maximize security or are they more directed towards maximizing profits? i.e. Is "some" data loss acceptable versus earning the ire of the entire client base for an outage?

5.) Why has Sony's repsonse to this incident been so reactive? Are security breeches so commonplace that it had to be known what information was lost before issuing an alert? If so, how long have you (Sony) been "riding the risk fence"? Why was profit loss risk analysis used in regards to personal information?

For further information, this isn't the first time that I've had my peronal information stolen, mine was some of the information that was stored on the computers that were stolen from a warehouse a couple of years back military records and all. I've cancelled the card that my accounts (yes all of them) were directed to, it's going to be a pita redirecting all the stuff I have going to it to the new card number but it's part of online transactions these days. Secondly, if you're so unaware of what is going on with your credit report that someone is able to not only have a card issued in your name, but use it and then not pay for it in the time it takes for it to be sent to collections, now is a really good time for you to fix that deficet.
in the end
# May 05 2011 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
I like how folks say don't blame Sony.Ok fair enough.But when all this is said and done what are they going do to US as customers?Bet they raise price's and make US pay in the end.How is that fair to make US pay for this?Read the post's and see how many think this will happen.I'm not alone when i say this.

Good Day
in the end
# May 05 2011 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts

SoE gets victimized. You and I get victimized. And your worried about if Sony will raise prices after this is all over?

Someone give this man a reality check please =P
Irony of ID Theft Prevettion
# May 05 2011 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
I looked things up online about preventing ID of the things not to do is to give out your credit card info EVEN IF YOU HAVE INITIATED THE CALL to unverified people.

So I look up credit check agencies online (fully aware that the sites listing their #'s can be hacked and redirected). Called the one I found for's an automated system that wants my credit card # to put an alert on my credit report. I think I'll wait until I can get a phone number or recommendation from a real live person so that I know I'm not calling a hacker's voicemail spoof of Equifax.

Call me paranoid. I don't care.

Edited, May 5th 2011 5:09pm by Sierci
Irony of ID Theft Prevettion
# May 05 2011 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
344 posts
You give your cc info out every time you use it. Whats the difference if you give it to some guy on the phone or some bot on the phone or a waitress? You cant use it if you dont give it out.
Irony of ID Theft Prevettion
# May 05 2011 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
You didn't quite get the point I was making.

Sony gets hacked and suggests that ID theft may be occurring.

What a fantastic time for the hackers who did the original hacking to redirect all contacts to legitimate credit firms to...them. So what is your credit card number? I didn't go past that.

Like I said, I'm paranoid. I'd rather be that than hacked.
# May 05 2011 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
So how do I quit EQ2 if I can't even get to the site to quit.
Ruined my life
# May 07 2011 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
156 posts
OK my life is ruined. First my dealer decides to get married and quit dealing and now this. My favorite shows are no longer on TV. What happened to Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Friends? I even cleaned my apartment. It didn't take me too long either. Just a couple days with a rake. I tried that walking thing and went all the way around the block. Boy was I tired when I got back. BTW I did find my dog when I was cleaning the apartment. I wondered where he had gotten off to. Poor Fellow. That sun thing is still out there too BTW. Avoid that! My skin hurts from going outside. I think it's a conspiracy (Sun, Sony see the connection? Just add a Y - well kinda) THERE'S NOTHING TO DO! Aaaaaahhhhh! [bangs head against wall]
"Is it just me or did that dragon just look at us funny?"
# May 05 2011 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
sketchyDU wrote:
So how do I quit EQ2 if I can't even get to the site to quit.

pick up the phone and call them is the best nethod
# May 05 2011 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
156 posts
If you really want to just have your bank stop the debits to your account or cancel your card.
"Is it just me or did that dragon just look at us funny?"
It wasn't Sony
# May 05 2011 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
156 posts
Folks, please quit ragging on Sony. They didn't do it. Some good-for-nothing criminals did it. If your bank got robbed would you condemn the bank for the robbery? They are trying to fix it in order to protect YOU. A daily update is nice but, what are they going to tell you? "It's not fixed yet but, we are working on it." They could cut and paste this every day and it would be a truthful status message. I miss the game too and I wish I could play. If you want to attack someone attack the A** ****s who did this to us. It wasn't Sony.
"Is it just me or did that dragon just look at us funny?"
It wasn't Sony
# May 05 2011 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
The problem is not that it was Sony who broke in, the problem is that Sony's security was substandard and allowed the break-in to occur. The analogy of using if your bank was broken into, would you blame the bank? Well, YES, if the bank left the safe open with no security guards, which is essentially what Sony did. This whole thing is going to cost Sony money and in the end, US, the players money as Sony tries to recoup their losses from this. At least if a bank is robbed, the bank itself is insured to an extent and it wont cost us money directly.
It wasn't Sony
# May 05 2011 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
This is true.
It wasn't Sony
# May 05 2011 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
mtcards, ****** Superhero wrote:
The problem is not that it was Sony who broke in, the problem is that Sony's security was substandard and allowed the break-in to occur. The analogy of using if your bank was broken into, would you blame the bank? Well, YES, if the bank left the safe open with no security guards, which is essentially what Sony did. This whole thing is going to cost Sony money and in the end, US, the players money as Sony tries to recoup their losses from this. At least if a bank is robbed, the bank itself is insured to an extent and it wont cost us money directly.

so I guess anyone who gets their site broken into has substandard security? Americin Express, Mastercard, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Valve's Steam, the military reseach sites to name a few - might want to research before saying something.

Edited, May 5th 2011 5:35pm by eq2ctplayer
It wasn't Sony
# May 05 2011 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
"If your bank got robbed would you condemn the bank for the robbery?"

It depends, if the bank had outdated security or sloppy practices like leaving the vault door open, then yes, I would blame the bank.

Now don't take that statement as a comparison to Sony. I son't blame Sony for the criminal attack, as far as I know SOE had all the appropriate security in place and the hacker was just able to work is computer magic and get around it.

But it would be nice to get some sort of update on a time table. Every project has estimated time tables. Something like "will be up no later than May 10th" or "Will be down until at least May 10th" would be nice instead of "we don't know jack s**t"
It wasn't Sony
# May 05 2011 at 9:52 PM Rating: Decent
Every project has estimated time tables.

You would be incorrect.
Blizzard uses the "It is ready when it is ready" method.
Look at Starcraft 2. There was never an estimated release date, just like there isn't an estimated release date for Diablo 3. I am fine with that. I would rather a finished product, that works as intended, gets released whenever it is ready rather than a "hurried up-we'll patch broken stuff later-let's get it out on this specific date" product.

I would rather have the "we're still working on it." updates rather than the "it will be ready by friday-oops we were wrong-it'll be read on saturday-oops we were wrong..." updates.

But hey, some people love to be told "check's in the mail" several times a week...
It wasn't Sony
# May 05 2011 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
Banks are typically insured to cover losses to their clients. Think Sony has that sort of insurance? Fat chance.
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