And the Jedi Have Become the Hunted...

In a shocking twist Bounty Hunter players on the Naritus galaxy found a new "Dynamic Mission" appear on the Bounty Hunter terminal listed with the hardest missions Bounty Hunters can get. Naritus is also the home of one of the few new Jedi Initiates..... Zina was confirmed to unlock her FS just late yesterday, the second such Jedi player we have heard of. Now this new "Dynamic Mission" is level 75 difficulty and only has a letter and number code as its name. The reward is 150,000 credits.... One of the Master Bounty Hunters, Nerro Elyst accepted the mission, the Jedi players name was listed on the mission in the targets name section. Nerro Elyst then quickly spoke with the Master level Spy-Net Operative and received the bio-signature. Nerro Elyst then attempted to track the player using droids but was greeted with a "your target is not online message" even though she was indeed online. Perhaps a bug, or perhaps the Jedi player had not yet done enough open displays of the force to give away her position, in the end though with Player Bounties active one thing is certain... It will be the players who will eagerly help keep the Jedi population in check... now the question to you is are you to be one of the hunted or the hunter?


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Jedi Hunters
# Nov 12 2003 at 1:45 PM Rating: Default
Jedis must look over their shoulders now a Bounty hunter veteran is not affraid to meet a jedi and they are more then a good match for em
just take boba Fett as an example
sure Jango died by the hands of a jedi Master but he also killd quite a few of em
Uninformed Opinions
# Nov 12 2003 at 12:47 PM Rating: Default
I love a bunch of people criticizing a system they know little about ... how many in this string are jedi, have fought jedi (non-npc), or even know if a jedi exists on the server? How can you possibly have any strong formulation of how it should be if you don't even know how it actually is?
RE: Uninformed Opinions
# Dec 11 2003 at 9:05 AM Rating: Default
Well first off I AM a dark jedi and a really powerful one at that. If you play I could rip you to shreds in seconds. plus if you threat me here I'll just send some "friends" after you. lol.
No BH jedi
# Nov 12 2003 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
Jedi can't ever take skills outside the Jedi tree. No commandos, no smugglers, no pistoleers, nothing. Just Jedi combat abilities.
# Nov 12 2003 at 7:29 AM Rating: Default
Sooner or later there is going to be a BH that IS a Jedi, then what? The serious hunting will begin. Will that give such a character an advantage? Being able track down another Jedi and use similar powers against him. It would seem to nulify the fact that Jedi are more powerful than the standard character. Of course they both face perma-death in that situation.
# Nov 12 2003 at 6:30 AM Rating: Default
Have you guys even looked at the Jedi tree?? A single bh isn't a treat whatsoever to an jedi. You guys makes the Jedi sound like this weak pathetic looser... come on. It's an Ûber class. A single jedi will kick any bh *** easy by himself. No need for protection. If I should hunt down a jedi I would at least group with 4 other master bh just to have a slight hope of surviving the encounter. If your not an jedi knight yet, well stay hidden. To becoming a bh target you have to do a lot of sable wielding stuff first. But ones you reach jedi knight or higher, you are God and you will protect this petty players who think they are protecting you.
Hunt them down
# Nov 11 2003 at 10:54 PM Rating: Default
What are you all worried about anyway? How many Master Bounty Hunters have you seen. A master bounty hunter has an earned right to hunt them, bounty hunter is a no joke profession, try it sometime. I'm not talking about about the weapon skills either, I'm talking about the investigation part too. This is an awesome idea, it's not like you lose your FS slot, you just lose the character. That's the risk you take. Too bad so sad. This is what you signed up for, if you didn't know, then you should have read your manual. So, hunt those jedi, take them out. Oh little jedi, find a place to hide, you've got a price on your head so big you won't be able to go near a populated system.
RE: Hunt them down
# Feb 23 2004 at 7:55 PM Rating: Default
Actually, I found BH one of the easiest professions to master.
Master Yoda
# Nov 11 2003 at 9:23 PM Rating: Default
I really want to unlock my FSCS, the perma death is worth it IMO and I would be able to handle the solatude. Im paranoid enough to be very wary about who I even walk by, let alone talk to. Im rather disappointed in myself that I havent opened my FSCS yet, but it will happen soon... I can sense it.
Jedis have to hide!!!
# Nov 11 2003 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
I think that for balance the classes you should apply a more severe punishment but lose the character is too much

That's the Point! A Jedi is not a normal class. it's a class for hardcore players.

And the only way to keep the jedi population low is to make them to play hard as possible or not to implement jedi as a playable class.

If there is no one who hunts them then the most people on every server will just play jedis after some time.
# Nov 11 2003 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
What ever became of the rumor that a Jedi that suffers perma-death gets to become one of those blue Jedi ghosts that pop up all over the movies?

I think a decent consolation prize for dying as a Jedi is an "observer" mode where you can go anywhere and mensch, "No no, you're doing it all wrong, you use Suppression, then wound, then pet, THEN melee" or "You call that a Lightning Cannon? The guy that killed me, now THAT was a Lightning Cannon!"

As far as perma-death? Tough up and deal, as long as you play smart, you don't need to die as any class.
# Nov 11 2003 at 2:59 PM Rating: Default
Anyone willing to kill a Jedi should have the same penalities : / If it fails and die he/she should have permadeath too : /
RE: Point
# Nov 11 2003 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
Jedis are the ones who had to take care not to use their force powers in public.
If they are carefull they ill not be hunted by BHs.

The most or nearly all people in the sw-universe do not believe that Jedis exist. So the only way to keep the jedi population low in this game, and keep the game near to the sw-universe is to force jedis not to use their powers in public.
And not like the "anti-roleplay" first Jedi in SWG did.

Another way could be that only 5 or less Jedis are allowed on one server.

It's so stupid that a lot of people want to be a Jedi.
Play JK3 if you want to be a Jedi.

Too much Jedis in game destroy the game.

So anyone who wants to be a jedi play your role and you will never be hunted.
RE: Point
# Nov 12 2003 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
I can see the point (kinda) of keeping the Jedi population low. However, I don't get all this "keep the game near the sw univers", becuase as it is the game is very different from the sw universe anyway.

RE: Point
# Nov 11 2003 at 4:28 PM Rating: Default
Look for this point of view : after a jedi has his identity reveled the same hunter (or any or many others ) can just try every day kill him till he/she is dead : / So the person will not be able to play safely anymore.

Is this fair : / I think that for balance the classes you should apply a more severe punishment but lose the character is too much : / Look at yourself restarting all your skills from the zero. The FS compensate this?
RE: Point
# Nov 11 2003 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
Look for this point of view : after a jedi has his identity reveled the same hunter (or any or many others ) can just try every day kill him till he/she is dead : / So the person will not be able to play safely anymore.

A Jedi will just be hunted when he uses hist forcepowers in public.
It's not fair and it doesn't has to be fair, because to keep the game near to the SW-Universe is more important.
The best would be they never put jedis as playable class in the game!
RE: Point
# Nov 11 2003 at 9:04 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm ... well it is your oppinion :) and I respect it :) I don`t think that keep the game so close to the "reality" of the story will make the rpg better : / When many ppl just leave the game because they lost his chars I think that sony will look back and change its mind : / I think that lose the char is too much : / If you look closer you will see that the game has some changes from the original story to be playable : /and this isn`t an requirement from the story anyway :) This is just a question about balancing in the game. They could just send they char back to an inicial stage of the jedi skills for exemple and/or make the person lose the equip and/or change the name.
# Nov 11 2003 at 2:39 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm ... It don't look fair to see lots of effort lost in one single battle :/

What are the rules for the combat? Will the Jedi be asked to accept it or the hunter will just jump over him/her without any advice?

What are the losts ? Will the Jedi lose itens, houses, exp of the professions, ... ?

See that in the movie the Jedi have friends and many people reconise him/her as a Jedi :) Will the game just impose to the Jedis the isolation ?

Will the Jedi be a soloer :)) and hunt alone all the time?

hmmm... It dont seams fair for me : /

I don't have the game yet but I will have it soon and I really will try to be a Jedi and enjoy all the play time till there :)

RE: ??
# Nov 11 2003 at 3:36 PM Rating: Default
See that in the movie the Jedi have friends and many people reconise him/her as a Jedi

In the movies Jedis live in isolation :
-Ben (Obi Wan) Kenobi
that's the jedis life at the time of the classic trilogy

Will the Jedi be a soloer

No, he has to hunt with his rebel-friends.
RE: ??
# Nov 12 2003 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
So what's up with all the rebels screaming "hunt the Jedi" then?
RE: ??
# Nov 12 2003 at 5:34 PM Rating: Default
The rebels screaming hunt the jedi are more than likely BH's and that's their job! Get over it!

And to that new guy that doesn't even have the game yet, but thinks it's unfair 4 us BH's to be hunting Jedi's, get over it! Once u get Jedi, it's designed so that U put the game into Uber hard and putting bounties on their head is the one way to do it!

And since u haven't been in game yet, the people can show off their lightsabers in public without the fear of being killed, it's only when they "disturb" the force is when they become the hunted.

I think it's plain dumb that they can show off their lightsabers in a public place and not be gunned down. That is the time that this galaxy is in, where Jedi are the hunted and it's rightfully so.

BH 0,4,4,4
CH 3,2,1,0
Novice Medic
RE: ??
# Nov 11 2003 at 4:32 PM Rating: Default
Well, to really keep the identity in secret the jedi will never be able to tell to anyone about this becouse anyone can just change the side and reveal the jedi identity to the dark side or vice-versa.

Maybe the jedi should have the ability to change his name and face from time to time.
# Nov 11 2003 at 2:13 PM Rating: Default
If you read the interview, Haden explains that there is a reputation meter, if the Jedi uses his powers in front of others, his reputation grows. Eventually it reaches a lvl where there name is on a BH terminal, this is accessible only to high Lvl Inv 3+ BH's. If the Jedi chooses to go about his life practicing his abilities he will be hunted. If he does not and quietly Masters his profession, he will not be hunted.
And not just any BH, MBH or what ever will be able to just attack a Jedi. I would think only if they are TEF'd could that happen.
As far as BH tracking them, well we use droids to track our regular marks, its the same process.
In the end it boils down to the Jedi hiding his identity from the public, if he chooses to be open with his skills, he will learn the lesson the hard way. Once Jedis make it to a particular rank, I doubt any player will be able to slay them, unless it is another Jedi.
# Nov 11 2003 at 1:05 PM Rating: Default
hi all jedi fan!
A Friend
# Nov 11 2003 at 10:56 AM Rating: Default
if u want to knoe more email me at i have all the info u need.
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 11 2003 at 7:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I HOPE u BH's kill all the stupid jedis
# Nov 11 2003 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
"Haden Blackman: Jedi need to be mindful of where, around whom, and how often they use their powers. There is a separate "reputation" modifier for Jedi, which we call "visibility." Jedi rack up more "visibility" every time they use their powers. The amount of visibility earned varies depending upon the character's relationship to those around him. If a Rebel Jedi is using Force powers around Imperials, he'll gain visibility more quickly. When visibility hits a certain mark, there's a chance the Jedi will become a target for bounty hunter missions." (

So it seems up to the Jedi Initiate whether she will become a target for BH missinos.
# Nov 11 2003 at 5:44 AM Rating: Default
If the reports of a Jedi INITIATE being killed are true.. tough break. But you bounty hunters really shouldn't hurt yourselves patting each others' backs. An INITIATE has, at this point, at best a couple days to learn the Force.. whereas a bounty hunter has had months.. months of knowing what works and what doesn't.
I pity anyone foolish enough to target a Jedi Knight.. well.. no, I don't pity them.. I pity their orphans.

"... for my ally is the Force, and a powerful allie it is."
RE: Jedi
# Dec 11 2003 at 9:09 AM Rating: Default
lol. I highly doubt a dark jedi would die.
Alright then
# Nov 11 2003 at 3:16 AM Rating: Default
I just gotta say... what a bunch of ******** you people are. This is nothing more then an excuse for massive PKing. I can understand the role-play element, but come on...anyone who reaches jedi status is to be targeted and instantly killed w/o reason other then the fact that there character is a jedi.

I hope all the jedi in the game come together, form a resistance, and start kicking some ***.
RE: Alright then
# Nov 12 2003 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
Hmm.... A jedi guild...
# Nov 11 2003 at 2:18 AM Rating: Default
about the smuggler thing..

couldn't the jedi use a mind trick to hide themselves. like in "StarWars"

imperial soldier" can i see you id card?", jedi" you do not need to see his id card", imperial soldier" um.. i do not need to see your id card, move along citizen".
# Nov 11 2003 at 2:12 AM Rating: Default
i just have 3 words to say.. nerf the commando's
permadeath weeds out the wannabes
# Nov 11 2003 at 1:39 AM Rating: Default
OK, I apologize in advance for this post being WAY TOO LONG, but I have some strong feelings regarding a few of the issues addressed in this thread. First of all, please stop your force sensitive whining! Hell yes, there should be jedi permadeath! Hell no, no one else should be subjected to such permadeath! Look at the advantages jedis have. Don't even consider the combat advantage, just look at the skill tree. I wasted over 70 skill points mastering marksman and another 29 on brawler, just so that I could get to commando (which uses absolutely NO brawler skills or any marksman weapons). BHs waste 77 on marksman (again, for weapons they will never use as BHs) and another 77 on scout. It appears that jedis go straight to jedi, with no skill points wasted on mandatory pre-reqs. Apparently they don't even have to waste points on novice medic in order to heal. And when you consider the type of power one wields as a Jedi Knight and (eventually) a Jedi Master, the jedi advantage is insane.

And in response to the previous post suggesting that smugglers protect jedis, I think this is a really good idea but why limit it to just one profession? It would make sense for the smuggler to try to mislead and slick-talk the jedi out of trouble, but when push comes to shove and the slick-talk isn't getting the job done, who has the jedi's back? What other profession besides BH is capable of handling a BH one-on-one (not counting the jedi in question, of course)? Here is a hint: the answer starts with a 'C' and ends with a 'ommando.' If BHs are on the offense in the war against jedi, wouldn't it make sense for commandos to serve as the defense? There must be a reason the commando profession is as powerful as it is, what do you suppose that reason could be? And what do you suppose would happen if the hunter got a taste of his own medicine and became the hunted, to the point where he/she spent so much time in the cloning station that they ended up just declaring residence there? Wouldn't that make the world a safer place for jedi, or at least make BHs think twice before jumping on the first jedi mission they find? Sucks being a jedi sometimes, but it sucks even more being the BH who is fighting a jedi and his commando buddies. BHs smell like any other smoldering profession when they are fried up commando style.

FYI there is a group of rebel commandos of Flurry who have made preparations to hide and defend (if necessary) any jedi who is sympathetic to the rebel cause. More info posted here once we actually know for sure there is a PC jedi on Flurry (no indication there is yet).

Permadeath for jedi, absolutely. Anyone foolish enough to squander months of hard work and ALL that potential power on a defeat in battle does not deserve the title of jedi. And any jedi innitiate actually dumb enough to accept a duel challenge from ANYONE should just stick with playing a CH/pistoleer (which seems to be what most of the other half-wits in this game play). I cannot believe this Sunrunner story is true, but if that really happened the jedi involved (aka "******") should seriously consider giving up the game until they understand what being a jedi means. IT MEANS HIDING!!! Dude, you should check out this movie called "Star Wars" sometime. It's pretty cool. In it, this guy named Ben goes out of his way to hide his identity and he doesn't "duel" anyone until the end (at which point he suffers "permadeath." OUCH!) There's another hint...
RE: permadeath weeds out the wannabes
# Feb 23 2004 at 7:50 PM Rating: Default
Permadeath for jedi, absolutely. Anyone foolish enough to squander months of hard work and ALL that potential power on a defeat in battle does not deserve the title of jedi.

This I must comment on. I do like permadeath-it deletes your character, not your FSCS. So you can remake the Jedi with a new name. But ya gotta start all over, oye....

Anyway, there is one problem: RL difficulties affecting connections. TEF+Lag Spike=Screwed Jedi. Simple as that. I'm glad they give 3 strikes and you're out. I'm not sure about the new system, though. We'll have to see...

And allow me to tell everyone here, DARK JEDI HAVE THE SAME POWERS AS LIGHT JEDI. They have the same skill tree, same XP required, only if you get Jedi Padawan you can go Imp/Dark or Reb/Light. Initiates/Padawans are automatically Reb/Light. Duh.

I'll shut up.
RE: permadeath weeds out the wannabes
# Feb 23 2004 at 7:44 PM Rating: Default
I know a few Jedi on Flurry. Some aren't afraid to show their names, and I'll tell you a bit about each. Cixin: Has title of being Jedi on, not afraid to show it. I don't think she's ever used her light saber, heh. The other's I'll be more private about unless they give me permission. All I can tell you is there are indeed Jedi on Flurry. One's going to be at a party soon and show off even. =)
RE: permadeath weeds out the wannabes
# Nov 12 2003 at 10:18 PM Rating: Default
sorry to point this out to the guy with the really long thread, but a commando won't be able to protect a jedi for a bh will be a one on one thing unless the bh in question happened to take sides...any neutral bh will laugh at you standing in front of your initiate buddy, helpless as the bh's blaster rips straight through the aware that most bh's with a brain (in other words the ones who don't use pets) will be quite willing to watch a jedi for hours until the right moment to all you jedi masters out there better not got even remotely beat up, because any bh with their spit will have been waiting for that moment...and as a bh who has been hunting jedi in game (npc's of course) already, you can bet i am coming after all the just hope yer name isn't in my terminal, or I might just be that guy walking past as you try and take out a rancor...and only too late will u realize i also am the one who killed you.

"Hunting a mark isn't about taking it out as fast as possible and collecting your paycheck, it's about making that person so terrified they would ratehr be dead."
RE: permadeath weeds out the wannabes
# Nov 12 2003 at 12:18 AM Rating: Default
True dat! This is the best post yet on this subject. As a Commando/Ch as well as a guild leader we have one of our own trying to open the FS. Once he is there, our guild is prepared to protect this individual no matter what the cost.
# Nov 10 2003 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
I sincerely congratulate the dev's for making such a great system. They are really stimulating friction between all kinds of players, not just npc's. What a great game...
what is
# Nov 10 2003 at 10:40 PM Rating: Default
what is prema death?
# Nov 10 2003 at 9:52 PM Rating: Default
If you guys didnt know... when a jedi is killed they lose their character but not the FSCS so they can just remake their characters
Jedi Purge
# Nov 10 2003 at 8:53 PM Rating: Default
I warn all Jedi to be careful. If you are a Sith or a Grey then we will not hunt you but if you are a Jedi you must die. Let the purge begin.
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