SOE Developers Discuss EQ's Future

Sony invited a number of websites to San Diego to meet with the Everquest development team and deluge them with as many questions as we could think of about the game. You will likely see reports pop up on several other sites on this, so hopefully we won’t completely duplicate each other. Much of the conversation revolved around where the game was heading and how much Sony was willing to continue to devote to its continuing development. Because most of the development team was there in front of us for several hours, I felt we were really able to get a true sense of what they were thinking in terms of the game’s recent past and its future. Note that although I am writing questions and giving answers below, these are my summaries of what was said and are not actual quotes. How successful was The Legacy of Ykesha, and does this success mean the end of free zones and other additions? Apparently, Ykesha has been the most successful expansion Everquest has ever put out. They expect sales to be almost one to one players to sales, which basically means that almost everyone who plays Everquest has or will buy Ykesha. The day Ykesha was launched, Everquest set a record of 118,000 simultaneous users, and they have gotten almost all positive feedback on the new froglok race. A number of us were concerned that the success of Ykesha, which was not a true full sized expansion like Planes of Power, would mean that there would no longer be any free additions to the game. We were assured that free additions would continue both through revamps of existing, underutilized zones and additions of zones that are on the map but not yet available. The team then went on to name the Plane of Hate as a zone that was being revamped right now and Nurga and the Plane of Mischief as ones with planned future revamps. They further said that they are currently working on adding the underwater zone Veksar to the game, which would be a level 50 to 65 zone and would be available via a free download. Despite its success, the plan seems to be to alternate these download “extensions” with larger scale expansions that need to be purchased in a store. That is both practical and good marketing. Additions that require a lot of artwork are too large for download and must be on a disk, which means expansions like planes of Power that add a lot of new zones really can’t be sold via download. Plus, putting out a box and selling it through stores keeps Everquest’s name on the shelves and in front of the people browsing in the game store for something new to play, which is good marketing. With Star Wars Galaxies and EQ2 coming out, what will happen with Everquest? This may come as a surprise to many of you, but the development team does not think that either SWG or EQ2 will have a significant impact on Everquest. In fact they expressed a belief that if anything, those games will likely drive more sales of Everquest. They had a good argument. Despite doom and gloom predictions by many of the players, every new MMORPG that has come out since Everquest, including Asheron’s Call 1 and 2 and Dark Age of Camelot, has in fact increased the sales of Everquest rather than taken away from it. The publicity surrounding those games brings new attention to the whole genre and helps drive the sales of all of the games and expand the whole MMORPG player base. Certainly Star Wars will bring in a new set of players, many of whom may eventually switch over to Everquest. The team was adamant that Everquest will continue to thrive and expand for years to come and that Everquest 2 and SWG were not expected to pull away current Everquest players, but instead were expected to generate their own audience and also bring back many of the players who had played EQ in the past and gotten tired of it. The general consensus was that most Everquest players had too much time and effort invested in their characters to simply drop them and move on to a new game. As long as they are enjoying the game they are playing, why would they drop it and go play something else? Basically, the gist of their response was that as long as the players stick with Everquest, they will stick with the players. Surprisingly, Everquest is still growing. I was told that the sale of new Everquest accounts is actually higher today than it was a year ago, and it seems like every month or so they set a new record for simultaneous users. Despite the other projects they are working on or have released, it is clear that Everquest is their core product, and they know enough to make sure it keeps expanding and developing so that their players stay happy and keep playing. Certainly, there were quite a few people in the room whose only job was to work on expanding, tweaking and adding onto Everquest. This definitely did not have the look of a game that was being phased out or abandoned. What are some of the things we can expect to see in the future with Everquest? The whole team was really excited about the success of the invasion of Grobb and about the player’s reaction to that invasion. Apparently, this was done using a new quest technology that they quietly introduced with the Planes of Power expansion that lets them set up elaborate computerized events involving multiple zones. They actually characterized this first test of that technology as conservative, saying that the system was capable of quite a bit more than it showed in that event. This quest technology lets them run a single event across every server at the same time. It also lets the event cover multiple zones, and lets the mobs of the event go from zone to zone, even following the players across the zone lines if necessary. This can let more players participate in an event without straining the zone limits and causing undue lag. Moreover, where before an event of this magnitude needed massive GM involvement, they can now plan out the event beforehand and then let the computer handle most of the details. Therefore, you can expect to see more of this in the future. The plan is to try to make the world a little more dynamic, and to start to develop an ongoing storyline that the players can participate in. As they pointed out, if they are willing to stage an invasion of one of the game’s starting cities, then there is nothing you can say they won’t do. Other future plans really revolve around continuing to do what they have been doing over the past year or two. Older zones will get tweaked. New zones will get added. Class balancing will continue. Because of the new dye system, more armor looks are planned. Currently broken or imbalanced areas, such as archery, will be revamped. As you can guess, much of this was left vague, as they did not want to make promises that they would not be able to keep. I hope this has answered many of the questions you have had about the game and where it is heading. I know I truly got the sense that Sony was as dedicated to the continued success of Everquest now as it has ever been.


Post Comment
Concerning Nurga
# Mar 04 2003 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
Hello there,

I sent a message to EQ Dev Corner and got a reply from Alan VanCouvering. Specifically, I asked if they were planning to revamp Nurga into a high-level zone like they did with CT, and he answered that no, they were planning touch-ups to make it a truly great 30-45 zone. :)

Minerios Serredargent
RE: Concerning Nurga
# Mar 04 2003 at 8:57 AM Rating: Default
He didn't happen to give you a timeframe did he?
RE: Concerning Nurga
# Mar 04 2003 at 10:02 AM Rating: Default
Na, unfortunately... :(

Minerios Serredargent
a newb point of view
# Mar 04 2003 at 7:51 AM Rating: Decent
I have been playing since Feb 1 2003 and am an everquest junkie. i love this game best one i have found in a long time. Great replayability but am really overawed by the amount of content there is. Soo many weapons and armor to choose from i don't know where to begin. That is why i give thanks to aal of those players out there you help me out when things get a little out of focus. That is what i think makes this such a great game. Players helping players.
As for LoY, i think(in my humble opinion)that they need to fix the problem with the charms. What are they supposed to do really? I have not read much about them and have not seen a player with one yet. I hope they come out with some cool charms that do some amazing things. I have faith in SOE. Doing a great job. Just wish i would have found out about this game earlier.

31 Ranger of Tunare
New LFG tool
# Mar 04 2003 at 7:45 AM Rating: Default
Well, the new LFG tool is my main reason for buying the expansion. After switching servers, I've got a handful of character is the upper 20's, and most of the time it's been impossible to find groups at that level... like people transfer out at level 25 and come back at 35. Unfortunately, it just proves what I suspected. Most folks tend to solo or PL through these levels, or only partner with someone they know.

The only time most people used the LFG switch before LoY was during raid setup (and it was usually new to a lot of them then). They still aren't using it, in most cases. Maybe it's because there are so many ways the new LFG tool can crash the client (which I'm sure they'll eventually fix, although it doesn't seem to be a priority).

Then again, maybe it's just because people don't like groups.
couple thoughts
# Mar 04 2003 at 4:14 AM Rating: Good
as for the upper lvl zones, I would like to see more unused zones get revamped like CT did...they come out with planes and the sick xp they have, now all the old zones are empty...spread it out a little, add a small amount of more xp per kill to an old zone, this would lead to more peeps able to get grps instead of tons of peeps packed into planes...nothing sucks more than having 4hrs a day alotted to playin the game, and sittin there LFG for an hour of it >< maybe even upgrade some of the old uber equiptment so it is wanted again...who is gonna farm a zone of wore out junk that once was the whip, but now is vendor fodder? the new gear out there is sick, dont get me wrong, it totally suck when you go on vacation and come back to find all yer uber gear is now worthless within a month...just my 2cp from a couple years played...kill all the frogs FFRRROOOAAAKKKKKK cLoRa~Nameless dump cleric
RE: couple thoughts
# Mar 04 2003 at 3:21 PM Rating: Default
I don't think that it's only the 40s that people are struggling to get grps in. I've been playing EQ for just over a year now and have just got my second character (a ranger) to the 50s. I gave up playing my druid at 47 cause of the difficulty getting groups and the druid solo spots being too crowded, but thats another matter.
During 50 and 51 I was usually able to get a group in KC with my ranger (in the unlikely event clerics were available), but since I turned 52 exp has been rather lacking. The reason for this is the lack of clerics in the zones other than the planes. KC is now rather lacklustre exp and ther are limited fear kiting places for rangers at 52. Clerics of low 50s have no problem getting a planes group, however myself and, i think, a lot of other low 50s are sitting for ages with LFG turned on, in PoT, waiting for a group (ive seen them sitting there and then leave). Unless you have a reasonable sized guild its not possible to do places like seb or chardok every day. I mean how often can u just walk in here and get a grp by calling?
Sony needs to revamp some of the pre-PoP zones to get people back and away from the planes. I wasn't there then, but I've heard that KC was often so full that you couldnt get a grp, now its so empty or lacking clerics, that you either cant get a group or end up having a druid as main healer ( no offense to druids but a recipe for deaths). Dreadlands often had over 100 people before PoP (bristlebane server), now considerably less.
As for the problems with rangers, I fear kited through my 30s and 40s and levelled so quickly. Where is there to fear kite now? Nowhere. If I cant fear kite for xp and can't get groups in less than an hour, what the hell am I supposed to do? I spend my life farming low level zones, like runnyeye, which are always empty. Why not revamp Runnyeye for higher levels?
I hope Sony reads these forums regularly, so listen Mr Sony and help out those people without big guilds, and give us back something other than the planes. Oh and provide more 50+ fear kiting for rangers please. You owe us all for our support, keep the masses happy rather than the big guilds.
RE: couple thoughts
# Mar 04 2003 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
Rockhoppes in DSP are probably your only option for fear kiting at 52, and that's if they are up. Western Wastes may work if you have positive CoV faction, though I'm not sure on the levels of the animals there and would probably wait for 55 before heading there.
RE: couple thoughts
# Mar 04 2003 at 8:36 AM Rating: Default
I agree completely. I played EQ solid for a couple years after it first came out and took a couple lengthy breaks that put me behind a bit in levels to those I had hung out with in my early days. That said, now I'm back and in my high 40's and I notice that the zones I've used to level up in are noticeably short on people. Dreadlands is hit n' miss on being able to get in a good group and I'm finding the other "40's" zone the same, for the most part.

It's left me thinking that EQ may have grown too much too fast. While I think PoP and Ykesha are two very nice additions, the development of zones that were already established has been more or less forgotten. And I might be wrong here but it seems Verant has forgotten the concept of a good camp. Especially on SHadows of Luclin...there are very few spots for the 40-50 player to sit and xp-binge like we had in Kunark (i.e. Sarnak Fort in LoiO, Mountain Giant fort in FM, around KC in DL) where good friendships forged and group tactics perfected.
In fact, if it weren't for the Nexus and the Bazaar, I'd rarely ever go up to Luclin....there's just nothing up there worth the effort for me at this point...maybe when I'm mid-50s there will be but now, it just seems that they rushed too much putting out Luclin, then not long after PoP came out and then Ykesha follows immediately after. Too much too soon and it's left the zones that used to be great a little worse for wear.
I just don't want to have to solo my wayz to 50+ because Verant catered too much to the uber guilds and power players by releasing too many expansions too quickly.
RE: couple thoughts
# Mar 04 2003 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
I think you need to revisit the Luclin zones. These zones are very good if you know where to go and when to go to them. There is no better zone for XP than Paludal Caves that I have found. I took a lvl 7 Frof Shammy to lvl 24 in a weekend. I did this completely solo. I started in the back side of the caves (Shadeweavers enternace) then moved briefly to the Hollowshade enterance, then finally into the main cave. At 24 I immediately went to Neth Hall and I am getting great XP there as well beating down DB Trogs and Fungoids. The Luclin zones DEFINATELY have a place in the game if you want to xp binge. I submit that you simply need to know what levels to hit these zones at.
Char Slots
# Mar 04 2003 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
They should add more char slots =)

what helps the game more than more char slots
look, after nearly 4 years of EQ mostly everyone
has 5 to 7 mid 40 Chars, add a bazaar mule and
the slots are filled?
Shall i delete my 40 shammy or my 35 warrior for
a slimy little frog? to do another shammy?
no =)
If i had 2 more slots i would start a frog right
now =)
so in my opinion they should add 2 or 4 more char

RE: Char Slots
# Mar 04 2003 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
After 3years, still playing 1 char at level 65 now.. ,I will be happy if they charge me less and remove the other char slots...
RE: Char Slots
# Mar 04 2003 at 2:33 AM Rating: Decent
no way are they going to add more char slots.they make money off the number of accounts they suprised you still get 8.
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 04 2003 at 12:31 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Rogues own deal with it
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 04 2003 at 12:32 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well you got a point there
# Mar 03 2003 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
Someone mentioned epic weapons could use revamping. I totally agree. Now they are mostly a thing of status. Would be nice to implement a few step quest for each of the weapons, making them at least equal the uber drops we see today. This could be a possibility i think, seeing their sacrifice of a few good weapons in the past, ie ssoy, obsidian shard, etc. . used by trolls or ogres(forget which) to forge decent weapons. Lastly, my opinion only, so no flame needed here, but if we are all tired of lack of customer service on servers. Maybe more of us should apply to guide ;), sign me up
The Zolz of many faces.. Shadowhawk
RE: Epics
# Mar 04 2003 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
Yes.. There are much better weapons out there now than the epic.. Myself, as a druid, prefer 1HB to 1HS, and therefore don't think I'm going to be going for my leaf blower.. If I do, it'll be off and on, it's not something I *have* to have.. I think the epic should be the be-all end-all of weapons for that class, and that's it..

I also think more spellgem slots... another 2 would be sufficient.
RE: Epics
# Mar 04 2003 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
I agree that there are better weapons than the Epic's in many cases, not to mention the cost in time and effort vs reward is completely out of balance. However this is also true of a lot of the older quests at this point. I think the thing to keep in mind is that different players play the game for different reasons and for me getting my Epic is still in the top 5 list of things I want to do, it was 1st or 2nd for a long time but now that I am almost level 55 my priorities have changed a little. I stil want to do it for the challenge and for the satisfaction of having a really distinctive looking weapon. That being said I am a Paladin and in a guild that has only 10 player's over level 50 including 3 other Paladins, so the odds are I could cash farm enough and buy something with better stats by the the time I could get anywhere close to the support I need to kill the required Dragons not mention Miragul and the final piece in PoA. That doesn't mean I will stop trying and will proudly use it anytime I can once I have earned it.

Riktor Ironwulf
54th Cavalier
The Tribunal
# Mar 03 2003 at 9:15 PM Rating: Good
I just wanted to thank Alla for the post and state a couple of opinions.

First I am glad to hear that EQ will continue for some time, I have been playing for two years and still love it. Yes there are some things that need fixing as everyone has stated. Some Quests need to be upgraded and some zones need to be revamped and tweaked and loot tables need to be upgraded. But, all said, I think its still one of the best games around. And gives me hours of entertainment.

On the subject of class balancing. There are a few things that could be better. I have played every class to at least level 20.

Without going into a long discourse, I agree with everyone here that the Warrior is the most overlooked class. Those warriors should be one of the highest melee damage dealers and punishment takers in the game. My Main is not a warrior so I am not writing this advocating my favorite class. I just really do feel that the warrior hss been neglected in all this class balancing stuff. No, don't give them a new healing spell, thats a clerics job nor root nor Bind Affinity or any other spell. What they need is more HP,AC, STR and STA period. Thats what they do. And yes I know some will say, you can obtain items to increase all of those. any way just my 2 CP.

Edited, Mon Mar 3 20:51:05 2003
RE: Thanks
# Mar 04 2003 at 12:10 AM Rating: Good
69 posts
Warriors need more taunt. Everything else just influences the clerics decision making. Ask a high level warrior what he needs, he will opt for taunt above all else.

RE: Thanks
# Mar 04 2003 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
L65 warrior here. 9650+hps. High enough to comment?

What warriors need is more scalability. Nothing more. You need more use for the warriors in the group/raid who aren't taking the direct damage. The really need to look at all melee damage tables to somewhat rebalance the the 'teirs' relative to each other - the ghaps are growing exponentially with each increase in weapon ratios.

Regarding hp/ac etc. They had it right with nToV armor, and they're back on the right track with Ornate and Elemental - restoring the hp/ac differentials without overpowering or nerfing. Raising the nonBP/Leg drops of Ornate molds would fill this gap, and making them nodrop from 'raid areas' (eg: deep Tactics/Decay/Torment, maybe even a couple of pieces from different zones like Kunark class stuff

Regarding taunt specifically, it's not going to change. Increasing taunt would make fights more trivial. What I would like to see however is a greater variety of ways to acheive this. Once you reach a certain level EVERY warrior is completely tied into the BoCarnage -- Hategiver -- Bloodfrenzy -- BoWar route. Any other weapons of the same level are next to useless to them
RE: Thanks
# Mar 04 2003 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
Perhaps a 43 Warrior isn't high enough for ya, but I can certainly tell you that I have no problem with Taunt. There are other ways in whice to influence mob aggression besides straight taunt. I agree more with the need for STA, HP, and AC.

RE: Thanks
# Mar 04 2003 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
I play a 61 cleric as my main and I can tell you warriors need more taunt. Whether by skill or weapon type/use. Many a time I've been in a group or raid and pop off a heal and boom...agro the cleric! And don't say it's because I healed too much or too soon. Trust me, if I don't heal when I do, someone dies. I know awhile back there was a patch msg. that said agro. on clerics in PoP was supposed to be decreased. It still seems pretty high to me. Mobs view heals as damage, so they go after the healers sometimes. A warrior that has been hitting a mob for awhile, shouldn't just shift due to a heal...hopefully.
RE: Thanks
# Mar 04 2003 at 11:44 PM Rating: Decent
If I was a mob I would identify the cleric and kill him before anything else...
RE: Thanks
# Mar 04 2003 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
I'm NOT speaking from experience here as my highest level character is not even 40 yet but the first thing that comes to mind is that if agro shifts to the cleric that easy, then the group (or some specific person) isn't doing their job right. Without being there, I couldn't possible guess at what might being going wrong. At the VERY least, OTHER characters should be getting agro over the cleric if it's hopping around. A trick that was taught to me as a NON-main meleer if agro gets too high on yourself is to switch to target yourself and taunt yourself twice and then switch back. I'm not saying that the taunting yourself DOES anything other than act as a timer to tell you when the Main and Main Assist are two "rounds" of agro ahead of you. Frequently (again, from my experience) this happens most when the MOB has a DS up and by not taking damage from the DS on top of being hit means less need for a healer's attention.

I will agree that the lack of "options" for a warrior is at the least disappointing. With my ranger, if I want agro (pre AA) I have everything a warrior does plus 3-4 QUICK cast spells that get their attention. I HAVE learned though that agro management is a group activity; taking coordination rather than just "do this" or "don't do this" instruction.
# Mar 03 2003 at 8:31 PM Rating: Default
just something on rangers.ive duelled rogues,ran by them and they get double backstab off.How?they didnt turn and bak stab,they ran by.when im dealing damage with my bow i have to constantly relocate my posistion,otherwise i stop hitting the mob.So point is bowing with rangers is always difficult,even with archery maxed.I have am3 etc and still miss a lot.So us rangers do have our weak points,and hopefully this will be adressed in the next patch.Archery is great outdoor but in dungeons ive had to run from fighting monks and rogues cause they nail.BTW I play on TallonZek so i know what im talking about
RE: rangers
# Mar 04 2003 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
Actually if you have am3 I don't see how you can lose to a rog considering you probably have a good DS also at your level. I play on Vallon Zek and for all my friend that play ranger at that level have no problem at all to kill a rogue that kill themselve on your DS... A rogue can't stay up that long against 500+ hit for bow when we barely hit 500 on a backstab, maybe double that. But what is harder land a bs on a ranger moving? Or a ranger bow kiting any pure melee. Rangers are beast in pvp and almost anyone that play on pvp server will say that against a pure melee, with equal lvl and gear rng will own monk, rogue or warriors easy.
RE: rangers
# Mar 03 2003 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm. You did not post the level of your rogue opponent, but assuming your wisdom comes from experience and not just the demanding PvP environment of Tallon Zek perhaps the rogue had the AA ability Chaotic Stab which allows a minimum damage backstab from any angle. Even at "minimum" damage a poke from a level 59+ rogue would still smart :)
RE: rangers
# Mar 03 2003 at 9:12 PM Rating: Default
761 posts
Also it seems the most I can deal out at lvl 51 is two dots and hit with arrows for max 100 but average 30's. On a pvp server you have someone that cons in the 4 lvl range + or - they root you and hit you with two 800+ dots. bang you are dead before you get two bow shots and a dot off or 200 damage nuke not enough. Something must be done to even out the classes. Casters seem to have a big advantage on pvp. One solution would be to make some of their nukes npc's only or if they cast they can not cast another for 30 sec plus.
I really don't know the answer but it is very lopsided now.

Vinney Ranger lvl 51 Rallos Zek
Come visit my housing creations 20+ in Cedar Country Meadows, ZEK.
RE: rangers
# Mar 04 2003 at 12:12 AM Rating: Decent
Hmm, maybe don't use a bow?

This painfully obvious statement has been brought to you by:

Captain Obvious
RE: rangers
# Mar 03 2003 at 8:43 PM Rating: Default
How does playing on Tallon Zek give you the authority to know what you are talking about? Every server has idiots and every server has excellent players.
# Mar 03 2003 at 6:52 PM Rating: Good
I will go to EQ2 as soon as it gets out. I started late playing EQ (march 2002) and want to start fresh in EQ2 at the beginning. In fact, I have already organized a group of people that will jump to EQ2 and we are very excited about EQ2 coming out late this year.

This online gaming is getting better and better everytime a new series comes out. The computures are phenomenal and it's going to get better and better as soon as the Fed's get off their can and open up the Bandwith... Then, wow... the use of tons of more equipment can make online gaming seem like a 'HoloSuite'
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 03 2003 at 6:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) All of you people ******** abnout quitting if they nerf something just need to shut up. Yes, customer service is a little lacking, but considering how massive this game is, cut SOE a little slack. Seriously. And as for class balancing? I think it's bull that a class like the ranger can do 10k worth of damage with one arrow. That is unbalanced. And you ***** about it being underpowered? get over yourselves!!!! What about Warriors? The warrior is not only a master of absorbing damage, but according to almost EVERY SINGLE fantasy article ever created, they are a master of combat. I think they should be able to outdamage any melee class this game has to offer, sure everyone should have some cool little ability, but the hybrids and other melee classes just need to quit whining about getting "nerfed" when in reality they're just not getting their way. I think SOE is doing a wonderful job and I am looking forward to what they for EQ in the future.
RE: Oh lord
# Mar 03 2003 at 10:03 PM Rating: Excellent
30 posts
Hmm, I know this is just flame bait but I can't help but respond.

If I want to quit a game because all the time I've invested in it is essentially negated by a change to the balance of the game that's my choice.

Yes Verant have done an awesome job, and they are getting better but I still say if they nerf Archery for Rangers it will be the end for me.

If they balance it and do so with justification of where the Ranger class should fit in the scheme of things and that balance equates to a lower DPS I'll have no problem.

10k with one arrow?! I'd like to know how. I've only done 409. OK I have several levels to go, EQ and AM3 but still I can't see a single shot equalling 10k.
RE: Oh lord
# Mar 04 2003 at 6:54 AM Rating: Decent
My fiance is a 61 Ranger with EQ, AM3, Elven bow of mystacism, and a roughly 14 damage arrow... She hasn't had this combination for long (just got AM3) but has critted for 2089 damage while in trueshot. The best bow for CRITS in the game would be the 45 60 bow from plane of sky. She has tried to quest that, but gave up because of a needed drop from the eye of veeshan... which only drops one class's quest piece per kill. Anyway that bow can supposedly crit for roughly 2600 max damage with max stats and all. The ratio on that bow SUCKS, thus negating any advantage from the high damage that causes the high crits... she settles for her 40 38 bow. ALSO, that damage you keep seeing is her damage during discipline, which refreshes only every 75 minutes... All the rest of the time she can crit for roughly 1100. All in all, rangers DO have very nice DPS but, as stated elsewhere, it can be situational. For example, if Wraith/Reviviscence is going up against a boss calibur mob, they use the "cornering" tactic most of the time, which requires the mob to get faced in the corner such that all the rest of the folks there can swing at its rear. Any time that a mob is partially in the wall, she will miss every bowshot due to a bug in the game... That's what makes it useless indoors, since there are walls and such that you're almost always fighting neer. There's a free lesson I guess...

Anyway, at this time I really don't think sony should be worrying about rangers... moreover they should be worrying about enchanters that can solo mobs that otherwise take an entire raid force to take down.

RE: Oh lord
# Mar 04 2003 at 6:56 AM Rating: Default
Good lord my sig needed updating...
RE: Oh lord
# Mar 04 2003 at 3:25 AM Rating: Default
I dont know about 10k with an arrow, but I have seen a ranger with a 10 damage arrow and a bow of doom repeatedly crit for over 1600 damage. His highest was 1996. There are quite a few screenshots on ranger boards with 2k+ bow crits. I don't think we can get a 10k crit, maybe with one of those real slow bows with a slow delay big damage, but most rangers don't use those to use for discipline, better dps with a much faster one.
rogues and rangers.....
# Mar 03 2003 at 7:11 PM Rating: Default
i think you need to quit yappin about how rangers are now a powerful class. I mean, pre SoL, rangers were unwanted, unliked, weak, and an absolute waste of a group space. When Kunark was released, you rogues and monks got everything, well now it's our turn to get stuff, we are actually useful now, while you guys get the shaft for a bit. Bit to mention the PoP 17 damage piercing weapons, you still are very powerful, and tho it may happen a few times a ranger is picked over you, most people don't have the balls to /shout Group needs ranger. it's not like rogues can't still put out great damage, but it's just for a moment that us rangers actually get something good for a change, and i can almost garuntee that if there are a few more expansions rangers will go back to the bottem of the wanted list and you rogues will be on top as most DPS class
RE: rogues and rangers.....
# Mar 03 2003 at 7:17 PM Rating: Default
btw, this is Laeweanea , 51 Ranger of Pover, yes i don't have anything sepcial for archery yet, but ive seen people with the 1k+ DPS, and yes rogues are some of them
# Mar 03 2003 at 6:11 PM Rating: Default
Backstab AA's should be implemented!!
Throwing AA's should be implemented!!
I mean they have AM3 and EQ, why can't they have sumthing like EQ for throwing and AM3 for backstab?! Rogues have always been main damage dealers because of the backstab capabiliies... That was until AM3 and EQ were introduced to rangers. Now it seems rangers are preferred over rogues, this i see as a class balancing issue
RE: Rogues
# Mar 05 2003 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
What ever rogues have that hide AA SoS which is invaluable for CR's, & you the parses from the Ranger's Glade are showing that even with the bows out of PoP our damage still does not beat a 65 rogue.

Be happy using archery is so buggy & situational that if they implemented something like what you are suggesting for rogues, then they would be required to fix archery for rangers. Unmezzing mobs because the are in LoS, having to hit that archery key repetatively for hours on end, unale to hit mobs that are in a wall. We have to use TS, EQ, AM3, & high level gear just to beat you're dps & that can only be done once an hour.
RE: Rogues
# Mar 03 2003 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
From reading Rangers Glade you will be happy to know that Rogues DPS outclasses Rangers at L65 as it well should.

It's only at L60 if a Ranger has EQ and AM3 that they can outdamage a rogue given the right situation.
RE: Rogues
# Mar 03 2003 at 7:10 PM Rating: Good
No problems out damaging 99 percent of rangers here. I do agree however that with the new bows out of Plane of Power that Rangers are doing some insain damage now, but with the right AA point set up on a rogue you are one of the most invaluble players on any raid ..well besides plane of water..sigh. Be greatful for what you do have and focus on that not what other people have.

# Mar 03 2003 at 6:09 PM Rating: Default
i know we are a minority amongst minorities but us kids on the pvp servers have been waiting patiently for our turn for awhile now.
Archery comments
# Mar 03 2003 at 5:10 PM Rating: Default
30 posts
It's a vague comment and everyone immediately assumes they mean a nerf. To me it could mean they will try to fix the two major things wrong with Archery.

1. Give us auto-attack for Archery.

2. Fix the bug with walled mobs.

In the little time I have to play I'm slowly working my way to 60 and then plan on the AA needed for EQ and AM3. If they nerf archery for some weird reason I can't think of (sorry the out of AoE, etc stuff doesn't cut it in my books) that will be the end of my EQ days.

I do agree though that Warriors have been the most overlooked class when it comes to class balance to date.

RE: Archery comments
# Mar 03 2003 at 6:06 PM Rating: Default
Another note is that recently completing my epic I've come to ralize that out of the two weapons when split the red blade of tactics is by far the only part worth using. As a main tank in raids and groups i've combo'd my red blade with a wavecrasher.
Since day one I dreamed of wielding my lightsabers only to be extremely disappointed in a time where better weapons are dropped rather than quested.
What I'm hoping for is a redoing of all existing epic item's namely the melee type ones t omake them more valuable to the players taking the time to quest them. Weapons that coincide with the evolution of the game. Seemingly wouldnt a godly ratio be more epic worthy that a weapon that is lighter on damage and delay as well as fairly weak in comparison to common weapons for over level 60 tanks regarding Procs.
Hope to see epics that make tanks worth thier time invested.
RE: Archery comments
# Mar 04 2003 at 6:19 AM Rating: Default
Epics are Kunark era, of course they seem outdated and weak. Just have to get over it.

SOE has said a couple of times regarding epics:

"Epics are Kunark era gear, the fact that some are still as useful now probably means they were overpowered in the first place."
# Mar 03 2003 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
I know when you started everquest with the Beastlord you said that all races that had shamans will get this class. Frogloks with shamans and cleric get only warriors and paladins. But as the shaman warrior class is a beastlord making this one more class for this race to make would realy help. just my option by the way.

Druidess of Tunare
RE: beastlords
# Mar 03 2003 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
I agree wholeheartedly, but impose the following fun question:

What animal would a frog use as a warder?

Consider what is taken already:
Bear, alligator, tiger, wolf, scaled wolf (little iguana looking warder iksars get)

What possibilities would fit with the Frogloks in theme?

A tadpole that eventually grows into an adult froglok?

A fly? (hehe)

A crawfish? (swamp animal, presides in Lousiana, USA, which is a predominantly swamp state... Looks like a miniature crab, and is caught for food. Also called a "crawdad")

A snake? (seems logical, except that others would have a tough time targeting your warder in certain environments)

Warders seem to always be some sort of large predator....

A velociraptor? (THAT would seriously ROCK!)

Anyway, there are not alot of animals that would work. Would be nice to see an update adding BL to the Froglok classes. Wouldn't be alot of code for SoE, either... Just like the other BL's could use an existing model for warder, then code the class into the froglok choices. Done. 8)

There could be a reason they didn't allow Frogloks to be BL's... Can anyone think of a logical reason why it wouldn't work?
RE: beastlords
# Mar 04 2003 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
I thought Beastlord's were a Shaman/Monk combo?

Also, as a Froglok Beastlord pet it would have to be a Mushroom for me. :)

Sir Tydan Marcellarius
Grave Lord
7th Hammer
RE: beastlords
# Mar 04 2003 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
A Toadstool?
RE: beastlords
# Mar 04 2003 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
You are forgetting the memory for global models is full. Any such pet would have to come from the global models that already exist.
RE: beastlords
# Mar 03 2003 at 8:11 PM Rating: Default
The Frogloks could have a spider as a warder. They are predatory, and would be easier to target than a snake. Just my 2cp worth
# Mar 03 2003 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
Firstly, thanks to Alla for writing this article, as well as everything else he does for the people who come to this site daily.

This comes as good news to me and I'm sure some other players as well. With EQ2 and SWG coming out, I thought for sure that EQ would be phased out. Now I'm comfortable in knowing that EQ will still be around for years to come.

And... /gasp... dare I say... thanks SOE?

Little Black Stormcloud
# Mar 03 2003 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
As a Ranger the very vague comment about archery makes me nervous.

However, I would also like to say thank you to Alla's for the great information. I may not push for my BFT now, though.
Farwarden Aquendar Lerilon, 105 Season Human Ranger of Tunare
My Fantasy Novels
My Profile
# Mar 03 2003 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
Personally, I am very disappointed by the LoY expansion. Aside from the expanded bank slots, nothing impacted me. I don't have characters that are high enough for those zones, nor cast the new spells.
As far as the new questing system, I've never quite managed to be online for an event since they never seem to tell anyone that one is going to happen, which basically means that only the hard-core, 14+ hours a day players ever really get to see them (unless you get lucky and happen to log in as one is starting).
And honestly, I'm sick of new stuff when many old things are still broken (pathing of mobs and pets in many zones) and have been broken for so long that it's now considered a feature of the game (unless of course it works to your advantage at which point you are banned from the server).

Just my 2 cp worth
RE: Umm
# Mar 03 2003 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
661 posts
As an Ogre I find it somewhat anoying. Not being able to go everywhere in Neriak now because OH stupid trolls don't like me. Well 1/3 of them don't. I worked REALLY hard on factions ect, now they just get in the way. But other than the factions probelms LOY is a great expansion. The new bank slots will be handy.
Antonius Bayle
RE: Umm
# Mar 03 2003 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
The expansion is considered level 35-65, which probably includes 80% (or more) of the EQ community. Sorry you're disappointed, but they're catering to the majority of the players. The lower to mid level zones are becoming less and less populated while it gets harder to find hunting grounds at higher levels. Why keep making more empty zones?
You're 100% right on your last point, though. If they don't want to take the time to fix their previous bugs, they shouldn't be banning people for taking advantage of them. If it's been there for 3 years with no fix, then it must be how they want it. You can't exploit correct coding.
RE: Umm
# Mar 03 2003 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
I honestly think they need to stop putting out expansions, they have made enough money in the past 3 years. They even said that they get more and more accounts in every month.. so why need another expansion if your still making money off the other ones?

They need to start fixing bugs, re-vamp these zones they have been promising us, and finish the class balancing.
RE: Umm
# Mar 04 2003 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
1) SoE can never mke enough money.
2) While getting new accounts everyday is nice the new expansions are to retain curent accounts by adding new content to keep us short attention span people entertained.
3) Classes will never be balanced without the diversity that makes them different classes.
RE: Umm
# Mar 03 2003 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
Class balancing will NEVER be finished. It is an ongoing battle that is always changing due to new spells or skills that are added. As to fixing the old content - there is a separate dev team that does nothing but work on old content, tweaking and fixing. They are not the same people that make the new expansions. I personnaly hope they continue to make new expansions for years to come. I find that my enjoyment of the game increases with every bit of new content.

For Your Enlightenment
RE: Umm
# Mar 03 2003 at 4:22 PM Rating: Default
"They have made enough money in the past 3 years" ... HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....
# Mar 03 2003 at 3:19 PM Rating: Default
I am a member of a guild that see's PoP's, elemental planes on almost a daily basis. I bought LoY, for one reason and one reason only. The increased bank space. And I can state with certainty, that is the same reason multiple other folks did. My charm space is empty, and frankly I think it will stay empty for quite a while. There is not one person I know of in our guild who has a charm or seems to care if they do. We do have folks who are running amuck getting and selling the dyes, and I have seen some really sweet new colors, as well as some that are just unbelievalbe. Believe the sales of this expansion were soley driven by two items, bank space and dyes.
Good to hear
# Mar 03 2003 at 3:12 PM Rating: Default
Revamps and new zones are always fun.. glad to hear they are doing these and plan on keeping everquest going strong passed EQ2/SWG
RE: Good to hear
# Mar 03 2003 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
They have been promising us this for... a year now. So far the only new zones/revamps we've seen we have has to pay for.
RE: Good to hear
# Mar 03 2003 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
New zones (free since EQ came out)
Temple of Solusek Ro
The Hole
The Warrens
Stonebrunt Mountains
Jaggedpine Forest*

Revamped zones (again, since EQ came out)
Kerra Isle
Cazic Thule*
Sleeper's Tomb*
Grobb/Neriak Foreign Quarter*
Plane of Hate/Fear (small revamping to Fear, new level opened on Hate)

* - Fairly recent

... if you think they haven't released any free content or revamped any zones, you're a smack tard or a n00b.
RE: Good to hear
# Mar 03 2003 at 5:50 PM Rating: Default
Um, Cazic Thule was revamped. I know, I used to love playing in that zone BECAUSE it was empty and I could solo or group with out being trained every few minutes (Like KC).

Also, Velk's was revamped and they upped the level for that zone as well.

However, the quests related to that zone have not had there rewards revamped, so they shafted the players that NEED to go into those zones to get their quest armor.

Now you have to be 55 or higher to go deep enough into Velk's to get what you need for a supposedly 45 quest.

At 55, you'll most likely be killing in PoP zones and getting BETTER gear than what the quests for Velk's gives you.

In effect, they NERFed their own quests.

/rant off

I still love this game. LOL!

Edited, Mon Mar 3 17:18:31 2003
RE: Good to hear
# Mar 03 2003 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
"They have been promising us this for... a year now. So far the only new zones/revamps we've seen we have has to pay for."

And what do you call Jaggedpine Forest and all of the newbie quests added? They HAVE added quite a lot of free content. Stonebrunt was more than a year now but was also free.
RE: Good to hear
# Mar 04 2003 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
Why does everyone keep calling it FREE CONTENT?!?! Or am I the only one paying a monthly fee for this game?
RE: Good to hear
# Mar 04 2003 at 8:59 AM Rating: Default
Yeah, you are the only one paying a monthly fee. The rest of us don't pay a dime. In fact, SOE sends people over to upgrade our computers and install the software whenever there's a new expansion. And they bring cookies too.

Or, "free content" could mean new stuff added without an additional fee.
RE: Good to hear
# Mar 03 2003 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
That poor little cartography tool is sitting all alone in the corner crying, and wishing it could come out and play with its friends, armor dye and expanded bank... I think I'm goona go over and cheer the poor little thing up....

Check user journals in about a week 8) I am mapping zones not mapped, and putting the maps in my journal 8) I will be posting directions on how to use the map data I post, and the standards I employ while mapping.

Quickly, I can sum up that all my maps will be done on the first active layer, allowing the other two to remain free for whatever uses you may have. Also, the height filter should never be used in my maps, unless you are in a zone with multiple floors (Kurn's Tower, for example). Please do not post to the journal, because I would like only map data to be posted there, so people don't have to sift through tons of conversation to find the map they want...

Once I have a clear set of standards on the maps posted, I will post an email address where people may send their maps, to help the initiative...

The first two will be posted this friday (March 7), at appx 7 PM US Central Time.

I expect to be able to post 2 maps per week, in keeping with my stadards for quality.
RE: Good to hear
# Mar 04 2003 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
*cough* you haven't heard this from me...

Show EQ is a program that lets you do a lot of things with Everquest that are more or less illegal to do.


It has also allowed people to make detailed maps of the zones. Now the reason I post this is that there are conversion tools that turns those maps into useable files for the LoY Mapping tool.
If you can find it on the net, it has ALL the zones completely mapped.

(And if I might say, they're damn usefull)
I have to agree
# Mar 03 2003 at 3:10 PM Rating: Default
I have to agree with the idea that SWG and EQ2 won't pull a lot of people away from EQ.
I'm a die hard Star Wars fan and would love to play SWG, but I just can't see myself giving up on a character that has become so much a part of my leisure time.
I don't play EQ as much as I used to but with the recent expansions I am enjoying it more than ever.
What I have seen of EQ2 looks amazing and I'm also being very tempted by Everquest Online for the PS2. I just can't justify paying a monthly fee for more than one game plus how would I divide my time between more than one.
Thanks for the update. I'm sure there are a lot of us that are more than a little worried about the future of the greatest on-line game ever.
# Mar 03 2003 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the update!
best expansion?
# Mar 03 2003 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
I am curious why this last patch was rated as the best expansion ever, i really dont see that much to it and would rate the pop expansion as the best with the raid tool and pop ports
RE: best expansion?
# Mar 03 2003 at 3:52 PM Rating: Default
Who rated anything? The comments concerning the expansion were based on sales, not content. Everyone who plays bought it - that's all they're saying.
RE: best expansion?
# Mar 03 2003 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
I've played since April of '99, about 3 weeks from release. I've bought every expansion; not LoY though.

I won't buy anymore 'new' content either. If they prove they can take care of existing problems, such as class balancing, old, broken quests, crappy zones that are never used, well-known bugs that have been around for months, if not years, etc.

They move too slowly on the problems that we've endured for a long time, yet always have time to peddle new crap on us, for an additional fee. For that reason, I, along with many others, will not buy LoY or anything new.

If they are correct about selling more LoY extensions than any previous expansion, I would bet that it's because of new subscribers and the fact that EQ's player base has grown. Also, many people, especially the newer players never bought Kunark, Velious or even Luclin. They bought EQ when all of those were bundled together, along with the original Everquest.

Anyway, more power to 'em if LoY was a huge success. I still ain't buying it until they address the old stuff :)
RE: best expansion?
# Mar 03 2003 at 4:05 PM Rating: Default
This just shows that they can put whatever kinda crap they want to on the shelves, label it "Everquest" and we will buy it. Sad but true. Hell I bought the LoY expansion too, even though I knew it was the biggest POS in the Everquest world.

..and NO I did not start a froglok. I hate them damn frogs, something I've been killing for 3 years, why would I want to play something I hate? Because they can backflip.
best expansion?
# Mar 03 2003 at 2:46 PM Rating: Default
I am curious why this last patch was rated as the best expansion ever, i really dont see that much to it and would rate the pop expansion as the best with the raid tool and pop ports
Ever thankful
# Mar 03 2003 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Nice that they invited all of you and nicer that you took notes and posted them, here!

If they use the Computer-run event thing more often, I hope they will post, occasionally, or even give you an inside track, as to when they will occurr. I think it would be nice for people who read your site (which I plug any chance I get) to get an extra inside track on in-game events. :)

Thanks again, as posted below, to you and ALL of your staff for your years of work and keeping us "newbies" in the know.

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