Legacy of the Ykesha Announced

Today began as any other post patch day for Everquest users. They fired up their PCs, logged into the patch program, and watched as they began to download the changes implimented the night before. But instead they found something else. Word of the newest Everquest expansion was released According to the patch message, the new expansion, entitled Legacy of the Ykesha will feature all the expected bonuses from a new release, new spells, new zones, new monsters and quests, as well as a few surprises such as extended bank space and a new item slot, "charms". However, all of that pales in comparison to the two shocking announcements regarding this expansion. First, this will be Everquest's first downloadable expansion, requiring no hardcopy cds, fully accessed through their own servers. Second, many of the rumors on the web have been confirmed, a new playable race will be added. For the first time Everquest players will be able to control Frogloks, not just kill them en mass. Frogloks will be the third playable race added after the original release. Iksars were made available in the first expansion, Ruins of Kunark, and the cat people of the Vah Shir first made their appearance as Player Characters in Shadows of Luclin. Legacy of the Ykesha has an expected "live" date of February 24th, 2003 and will have a preorder cost of $17.95 to activate the expansion on release. There was more to this patch but, really, who cares right? We all know what the big story was. But for convenience, the entire patch message is related below. Stay tuned for more patch related mayhem, and news of the newest frogtastic expansion as it becomes available. FROOOAAAAKKK
January 15, 2003 3:00 am ------------------------------ *** Announcing The Legacy of Ykesha *** The Legacy of Ykesha will be the first download-only extension for EverQuest. This product will not be available in stores. This extension will include some great new gameplay features, as well as new zones for characters ranging from level 35 up to level 60. Legacy of Ykesha Features include: A new playable race: Frogloks Enhanced Looking For Group Tool New Cartography System New Magic Item slot: Charms Armor Dyes Dozens of new creatures Expanded bank capacity New zones New spells For more information, please visit www.legacyofykesha.com *** Patch Information *** ** Gameplay/Features ** - With our last patch and the patch today, we've significantly reduced the amount of bandwidth that EverQuest needs to use, even in large raid or extremely-crowded-zone situations. - Fixed a problem with tints not properly updating when armor is removed. - Fixed a bug with character faces displaying incorrectly to other players when you zone in after them. - Fixed resurrection timer that was counting down against the 3 hour limit when player was not logged in. - Corrected a problem with health and movement updates being delayed. ** Spells ** - NPCs will now notice Druid and Shaman Percentage Heal spells in a manner similar to traditional healing spells. - Removed the chance for slow spells to be reversed from the 17 NPCs that had this ability. - Fixed a bug that was preventing Curses, Diseases, and Poisons from being removed. - Raised all recast times below 2.25 seconds up to 2.25 seconds. This is a change in the spell data as the first part of a two-part change needed to correct the "Recast time not met" problem. More information is available at the Developer's Corner at www.everquest.com. ** Alternate Advancement/Special Abilities ** - The range on the Bard Ability "Boastful Bellow" has been increased slightly. - Fixed a bug with Harm Touch that was not allowing it to increase the standard amount per level over level 60. ** User Interface ** - Fixed a bug with effects in the Songs window. They were not getting removed on the client when the bard was dispelled. - Introduced new Story window. The purpose of this window is to provide story updates in a readily available location. ALT-N toggles the window. You can select to have the window pop up when new story elements are added if you wish. - Item Links are once again creatable from Items and from other Item Links. Please do not attempt to "mine" the servers for undiscovered items. Links now have a built-in mechanism to prevent those who would go on fishing expeditions by sending up many bad links in an attempt to discover new items. These invalid links are logged, as are the accounts of those who create them. - Added an optional confirmation box before spending AA points. To turn on this confirmation box, please check the Options window. ** Miscellaneous ** - Sage Quests in Plane of Knowledge have been fixed. - The event to fight Bertoxxulous in the Crypt of Decay will reset 4 to 6 hours after the event is failed. It will respawn normally if the event is won. ** New/Changed Interface Files ** - EQUI_StoryWnd.xml (actually added with the Jan. 9th patch) - EQUI_OptionsWnd.xml


Post Comment
The Froglok formerly known as prince
# Jan 16 2003 at 12:08 AM Rating: Decent
First off i sympathize with all those people without credit cards. But there are alternatives like the visa buxx cards but if the cost of around $20 is prohibitive in the extreme consider selling some plasma, i am, and i know a place that will buy it for about $12 two hits and your there. SOE produces a product that i have been very pleased with despite the problems that pop up now and again. Sure these problems are annoying but the overly sensitive nature of some EQ citizens never fails to surprise me. As for frogloks i cant wait hope there will be more classes though
Well I'll be damned
# Jan 15 2003 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
I never thought of the Frogloks as being good, but when they are all KOS to my Troll you would think I'd have had the sense to notice that they arent evil. Anyway, I think the armor dye is gonna RULE, and making maps will be awesome too. This expansion could possibly be the best, and if it isnt better than Luclin, 2nd place isnt all that bad, at least it already beat out Velious :p
# Jan 15 2003 at 10:47 PM Rating: Excellent
One thing that I dont think many people have thought of is that on the release date, it can be aquired by everyone on that day (in theory anyways). When PoP was released, those in North America got the game first. It took many weeks for those in Asia, Europe, and Australia to be able to purchase it retail. It had to do with distribution.

Sure offering it by download will save Sony money, lots of it. But it has the potential to be a good thing for the majority of the players. Now if Sony plans well enough (I really doubt it considering their track record) this can work well. But like many others, I forsee complete and total chaos across the world. Is Sony really prepared to accept what I am guessing will be over 1 million downloads on that first day of release? Do they have the customer service and techs in line to handle any issues that show up from this new approach? Like I said, considering their track record, I doubt it.
RE: Download
# Jan 16 2003 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
There may still be a problem for those of us in Europe to obtain LoY quickly. We have 2 accounts in the house, on my old account I was offered (and took) the LoY downloads, however on the 2nd account which has the European New Dawn patcher LoY downloads were NOT an option. This also begs the question as to how diffrent are the Everquest and Everquest Invasion patchers.
RE: Download
# Jan 15 2003 at 10:55 PM Rating: Good

There is absolutley no way SOE can get hold of that much bandwidth and even if they do, someone will trip over a router and mess it up for hours. Just my 2cp.
RE: Download
# Jan 16 2003 at 1:18 AM Rating: Excellent
take this into account, there letting people download most of the files as they come available so that they wont be killing there bandwith. Most of the people who are going to buy ykesha will be doing like i am and downloading the files as they come available and on the 24th when it goes live ill have most of it and will have to download whatever they saved till the end. There planning it out pretty well, especially for them.
How gay
# Jan 15 2003 at 10:43 PM Rating: Decent
Sony is chargeing for a patch that should be free. Larger bank size? The small banks have been a prob scince day 1, and they should fix it for free. The only way I want to pay for an Expansion, is if there are new zones, new spells new aa's. Im 65 and building my char, Im not intrested in startng another twink for 20$. What eq needs is more 60-65 content that is accsesable without botlenecks or time sinks. Put in 10 new HARD bosses that are easy to get to (3hour clearing) and give them a 3 day respawn timer and Vola a great game
RE: How gay
# Jan 16 2003 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
SOE wants to bring in more people to the game. If they keep on making more expantions for high lvl chars, people who just got the game are NOT going to buy that expation that adds more zones for lvl 60-65s. Thats like a new person buying SoV Just to hunt snow bunys in EW. but this is what i have to say that downloading LoY is a HORID way to try to get more people to play ( if thats SOEs intent)
# Jan 15 2003 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
download? what a load of crap that is!!!! I can just see the problems now. Crashed download servers, incomplete downloads because of connection stability thus having to start over, poor peeps with slow modem connections, having your machine take a dump and having to re-download all patches and now an expansion...I know I have forgotten something....etc..etc..etc..The sony way of increasing profits while decreasing service
Not Happy About LoY
# Jan 15 2003 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
Well if this expansion is only avaible by use of a CC then count me out. I don't have and won't have a CC. I really hope they make it possible to pay another way after it goes live. I have to say if this is way they will be doing business in the future then my account will be retired soon.

Balanax Lunalobo
56 Warrior
Jaledori Wintermoon
50 Shaman
Shunned Disciples of The Nameless

Edited, Wed Jan 15 21:49:38 2003
RE: Not Happy About LoY
# Jan 16 2003 at 1:26 AM Rating: Excellent
open a bank accnt, Obtain a Debit Card. If you dont want to, then dont worry about the expansion. SoE doesnt do everything right, they ***** up alot, but it gets old watching ***** day in and day out about everything they do, It IS there game, If they want to do a downloadable expansion then Hey great, I dont have to go and wait in line at a store, i can just play it as soon as its online. The day SoE pleases every single person playing EQ is the day Hell freezes over, Everyone is lvl 100 and can cast every spell that exsists and to be an Uber guild you need 3 people.
RE: Not Happy About LoY
# Jan 16 2003 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
WRONG A0Bhaal!

Whenever you design a game, you MUST remember, it is THE PLAYERS' game!

Creating video games is 99.999% marketing, and 0.001% design. You make what people will buy. You don't just make what YOU think would work, or then your game will sit on the shelves forever. Nobody will want it.

Now why is there so much whining and ******** over EQ? People, the sooner you realize EQ is not a game, the better off you will be. A game is something you pop into your Nintendo or PS2, play for a couple weeks tops, beat, get bored with, and be done. Super Mario was a game. Zelda was a game. Final Fantasy is a (great) game.

So what is EQ then? Well, what do you call anything which requires hundreds and hundreds of hours' work, in deapth continuing knowledge and learning, which you do in your spare time? A HOBBY. EQ is a hobby, and if you haven't ever seen it, some people get pretty damn passionate over their hobbies. Consider tha gardener who waits 5 years on a flower which only blooms every 5 years, which is then killed due to a ***** up at the fertilizer company... The gardener would be pist at the company! Sure, they don't garden for a living, and it IS only a hobby, but one that they put alot of work and time into.

EQ is also a community. Worse, it is a community with nearly no government. People treat eachother right, and respect other peoples' opinions without calling them names or flaming PLEASE.

As far as it being cc only, and downloadable... Give Sony some time. I am sure that before the next expansion or extension, they will make another way to get it... They DO want money after all... Don't they?
# Jan 15 2003 at 9:59 PM Rating: Default
Dang Froglok's? I've been hopin for new races for awhile. Got into eq when ikkies just came out, and when the vah shir popped up I made a couple o those too. But froglok's? I was hopin for more like a minotaur race. Stats look pretty nice though, and i can't wait to see how armor will look on them. Oh well guess i'll buy the patch anyway.
# Jan 15 2003 at 9:29 PM Rating: Default
Holy crap. Frogloks. I seriously always wanted a Froglok PC. This Rocks. I must get a credit card. And to think I was gonna switch over to EQOA. Well f that now. F it in the ear. Only if they have Frogloks. I wanna name mine Mistertoads Wildride. Now if they only make Gnome Clockwork as a playable race. That'd be cool.

Rohq Jah
Vah Shir Bard
Brell Serilis
Should be more classes.
# Jan 15 2003 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
I've been to Guk several times, and I've seen Froglok Enchanters too. I'm pretty sure I've seen Necro/SK ones too (they had a skeleton pet serving them). I thought for sure they were going to include those classes in along with the others.

I guess since they worship a good god then SK's and Necro's can't exist, but at least enchanters :)

I'm still glad frogs get to be played now, and I like their new Luclin type look.
RE: Should be more classes.
# Jan 16 2003 at 10:49 AM Rating: Default
im pretty sure that we are going to be able to play the live side of the frogluks and not hte undead... im sure if we could choose between the two then we would be able to play more evil classes such as SK/necro... just a thought

Mattiee Sowhowler -46 dru
alts: 24 sham 28 ranger 27 pal 24 necro 11 cleric
all of tholuxe paels
RE: Should be more classes.
# Jan 16 2003 at 2:04 AM Rating: Default
More classes? there fine , lets note these are good froglocks.
Froggie class stats
# Jan 15 2003 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
Base statistics for frogs are as follows:
STR 70, STA 80, AGI 100, DEX 100, WIS 75, INT 75, CHA 50

Given the class modifiers, the frog classes shape up as follows:
STR 75, STA 85, AGI 100, DEX 100, WIS 85, INT 75, CHA 50

STR 80, STA 85, AGI 100, DEX 100, WIS 80, INT 75, CHA 60

STR 70, STA 85, AGI 100, DEX 100, WIS 85, INT 75, CHA 55

STR 80, STA 90, AGI 105, DEX 100, WIS 75, INT 75, CHA 50

STR 70, STA 90, AGI 100, DEX 100, WIS 75, INT 85, CHA 50

I would have liked to see some other classes such as rogue, druid, and bard, and having just one caster class seems a bit strange... but looking forward to playing something different. None of the classes stand out as overpowering like with some of the other races, but with some STR items, a frog warrior could be quite formidable.

Will also be nice to have a 'good' refuge down in that end of Antonica as well (I'm assuming the frog city will be somewhere near Innothule Swamp).
RE: Froggie class stats
# Jan 16 2003 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
Oh it would just have to be done - a froggie bard - complete with banjo and tophat. (a classic scene from a cartoon)
RE: Froggie class stats
# Jan 16 2003 at 9:09 AM Rating: Default
Froggie Rogue?? How would he sneak or pick-pocket with them flipper-type feet? You can hear them coming forever.
RE: Froggie class stats
# Jan 16 2003 at 4:28 AM Rating: Good
195 posts
Hmmm...what about Dead Side Guk...should it be possible that there would be Necros and Sk's?

Also, isn't this the first Shamanistic race that doesn't have a Beastlord option? So, because there can be clerics, that eliminates the Beastlord? Smiley: oyvey wierd...

Edited, Thu Jan 16 04:19:10 2003
RE: Froggie class stats
# Jan 16 2003 at 3:40 AM Rating: Decent
I think it's nice Shaman can finally play a race that doesn't tower over humans
RE: Froggie class stats
# Jan 15 2003 at 11:38 PM Rating: Excellent
One has to give serious thought to the idea of a froggie bard. The rest of us would never get any sleep!
Credit Card Problem
# Jan 15 2003 at 8:27 PM Rating: Default
Anyone ever pay for a subscription, and when your paid time is up, you DO NOT get billed again? Well, here is Sony's Answer to all those unpaid months of playing. I paid for a 6 month block. When time was up, I was not charged again for another block. (due to credit card fraud, my CC# was changed to protect me.)

Although I never did recieve the "your account time is up" message, when I did have an online problem which I needed live tech support, I did get the account unpaid message when I reloged.

And so, Looks like Verant will be doing some house cleaning soon, and wants their Dues paid. This will be a good way to recieve Valid Credit cards to charge their customers for playing.

(Its been 1 year since I havent paid to play)

Where's the Froooaaakkk?
# Jan 15 2003 at 8:19 PM Rating: Good
Yep, sounds great... $18 for the preorder? $24 after release? Does anyone else realize how much money their saving by promoting this as an online download? No boxes, no shipping, probably little or no advertisement, no hardcopy backup, no little Frog figure inside the box, no Map to get ripped up by your 5 yr old daughter. All I see are people looking forward happily to being screwed yet again. Ooooooh,look, we get to run around and /shout Frooooaaaakkkk... people are gonna get sick o that one real quick. Yeah, sad to say I'm one of the addicts, I doubt I can turn it down either... maybe it's time for a 12 step program. All I know is, as great as the game is, it's become apparent SoE/VIs' apparent disregard for the consumer has reached a new level. I for one, would rather see em fix the problems they've had for the past several years rather than ship yet another expansion when 75% of the server populations aren't even capable of fighting in half of the Luclin zones zones yet, let alone anything beyond a Tier1 Plane in PoP. I for one, am not impressed, rant done, thanks for being a captive audience n I hope ya'all enjoy your new frogs. I for one, intend to make one only so I can jump it offa the Wiz Spires in DL n watch it impact =)
# Jan 15 2003 at 8:13 PM Rating: Default
beastlords rock!!
RE: beastlord
# Jan 15 2003 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
you know it !
# Jan 15 2003 at 8:12 PM Rating: Decent
i highly agree the new expansion sounds good , but for those who cant afford it are really at a disadvantage , still havent got pop yet and missing out on the nice spells you get with that expansion . will we all be able to use the new bank slots , charm slots ? will the new spells be no-drop (most likely) .

i am a big moaner i know , but some people struggle to pay the montly fee
RE: deprived
# Jan 15 2003 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
moaner: my girlfried moans (if ya know what i mean) ......ah wait i dont have a girlfriend i play too much eq ......nm
more money?!
# Jan 15 2003 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
more money ..!? gez give the long term subscribers a gift for the loyalty , not sure about playing frogs then agin i dont have to.
Legacy of Ykesha: Comment
# Jan 15 2003 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
I just gotta say, damn, I can't wait until this comes out. Also being the opportunity to my a frog, it's been my DREAM! LoL. But really sounds cool.

But, I think The Frogloks should be able to be Rogues! I mean look at their agility and dexterity. Plus, they would look cool =D.

Also, Sony Online Entertainment, I LOVE that you sell the expansions over the game and instead of store so I don't have to run to the store!
RE: Legacy of Ykesha: Comment
# Jan 15 2003 at 8:41 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
I too think frogs would gravitate toward the rogue disciplines seeing as they already have poison glands... would also like to see them as bards since they do 'sing' as well.
From Sony
# Jan 15 2003 at 6:37 PM Rating: Excellent
64 posts
I called a buddy at Sony:

Some Answers:

1> The dates on the website are INFORMATION ONLY. No new features (as of now) will go online until 2/24, with the possible exception of the test server.

2> The download only is basically an attempt to reduce costs of expansion (no wholesale discount, no hard production costs), and allow for quicker release. If this goes well, expect more (and possibly cheaper) extensions more often, with a big expansion less often (1/year?). Downloadable will also be the primary model for EQ2.

3> (My buddy does NOT work in the EQ area - this is just a rumor, he gets his info by walking over o EQ tech support when I beg him too) 4 to 5 new zones, one of which will be the new froggie home. Each class will also pick up a few spells.

4> It is HIGHLY recommended that you download in pieces if you plan to play the extension.

5> Those people without CCs are basically OOL. Suggestions include giving someone the $18 and having em buy it for ya or buying a pre-paid visa.

Things I'd like to know (and could not find out):

Are the new Charm slots for existing items (will they be retrofitted), or will they be for all new items, possibly crafted.

What new spells? (This is apparently a big secret). Note - I'm a 48 mage.

Hope this helps.

Loonbeam - 48 Mage
Seventh Hammer
Society of Assassins
# Jan 15 2003 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
could u just send cash? with account name?
Credit Card a must have???
# Jan 15 2003 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
I am looking forward to playing one of the froggies... but I have a problem which I'm sure others will share... I don't have a credit card! There seems to be no information about how us poor credit-cardless people can purchase this new expansion? I use the EQ Gamecard to play EQ. Hope someone can answer this for me.
RE: Credit Card a must have???
# Jan 15 2003 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
There are prepaid spending cards that you can get that act just like credit cards as far as purchasing is concerned. You fund them up front, and then use them like credit cards up to the amount funded. Visa Buxx comes to mind - you might want to check it out.
# Jan 15 2003 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
After all the killing that we have done in Guk, for various reasons, I, a paladin of Marr, have terrible faction. Will this be adjusted at all to reflect that the frogloks there are in fact Marr followers? Had there been some previous knowledge of those frogs being my brethren I wouldn't have killed them so much if at all. Maybe I missed some of the storyline regarding these froggies, but I haven't noticed anything in re-reading the history of Norrath. If nothing happens, I guess I will just spend more time on the dead side with my alts of Marr.

Edited, Wed Jan 15 17:02:12 2003
RE: faction
# Jan 15 2003 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
Actually there has ALWAYS been a knowledge floating around that the frogloks in Guk who aren't undead are indeed good and worship Marr. You didn't ever wonder why the Froglok Shin Lord dropped Ghoulbane, a holy weapon?
RE: faction
# Jan 15 2003 at 7:14 PM Rating: Good
So what?

Tunare drops items for necromancers. Doesnt make her evil does.

This whole idea sucks
RE: faction
# Jan 15 2003 at 5:43 PM Rating: Default
Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see that the froglok race will be based in Guk. I have dubious faction with the Upper Guk frogs but I was KoS the first time I met one of the live Kunark froglok. Maybe it will be a new zone, perhaps off, say, Jagged Pine? There is a nice dead-end tunnel there that hasn't been used.
RE: faction
# Jan 16 2003 at 4:17 AM Rating: Default
just another known 'dead end' area - in stonebrunt mts there is a neat little cave on the far wall by the river - big fancy cave entrence that stops after going in .... hmmm - wasnt stonebrunt an added zone thu a download way back when? just a thought
RE: faction
# Jan 15 2003 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
The dead end tunnel in Jaggedpine leads to the Unkempt Forest, which was blocked off to seperate it from the rest of the world, Jaggedpine was blocked off for the same reason, but when they reopened it they blocked the tunnel you are speaking of instead.

Of course, I'd still very much like to see this zone, supposed filled with druids and rangers of Tunare.
Down Time
# Jan 15 2003 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default
When I was on earlier they said it would be 30 minutes of downtime. It's going on 2 and 1/2 hours. Anyone have news on why?
RE: Down Time
# Jan 15 2003 at 5:54 PM Rating: Excellent
Never believe anything Verant says with an ETA.

Servers are up now, go, rejoice and multiply!
# Jan 15 2003 at 5:19 PM Rating: Default
Lightie God~
Lightie Classes~
Tolerated in Evil Cities?

Its weird. But I wouldn't say for 100% sure that all froggies will be lightie. Not until the game opens up with them.

Could make one good ranger with their stats though~ But it would be weird to not see a froglok Beastlord. They just seem like a race that would be. Wonder if tehy would have one of those sperm warder's from the SONH~

Edited, Wed Jan 15 16:57:40 2003
RE: ...
# Jan 16 2003 at 12:46 AM Rating: Default
NOT tolerated in evil...fyi
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
on legacyofzek.com it shows a list of dates when they will bring in some of the new effects live before the release date, but the main thing im askin is i noticed that next to froglok race it said "NOW" anyone know if will be able to start one once we get back online?
RE: frogs
# Jan 15 2003 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
I think those are just the dates that the topics will be discussed on the page.
RE: frogs
# Jan 15 2003 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
I believe that's when they will release more information on that feature. If you click on the froglok link it brings up a page with the frogok race's stats and classes.
servers down
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
Yep, they went down 'emergency patch' reputed to last 30 min about oh, an hour and 30 min ago, (3:00 pm EST or so)
What about the expansion?
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
Does this expansion/update seem like it will be worth the money to have it? How is this really going to benefit us besides being able to play a frog (whoopy)? The bank enhancment seems good but is that worth it? I think Varant should make this a nonpaid UPDATE to EQ, or chanrge something like $10 or lower. What do you all think about this update? Do you think it will be worth it?
RE: What about the expansion?
# Jan 15 2003 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
I'm not too interested (at the moment anyways) about playing a froglok race character.

What I AM looking forward to (and as such, have already pre-ordered) is the new zones. Being at 40 (about to ding 41) now, I won't be hitting any PoP zones for quite awhile. It'll be nice to have some other zones to explore that haven't been seen already...
RE: What about the expansion?
# Jan 15 2003 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
I think the price is fine, if it means getting an expansion out quicker (date wise) and cheaper then it's a good thing.
I've never had any issues with the prices Sony charge, I love the game, I play it lots, the $25 (Australian) I pay a month is great value imho. If it keeps the game running "smoothly" and ensures new content/functionality on a "regular" basis then I don't believe there's anything to whinge about.

Jhaele Bareev
60 Sorcerer
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