ZAM's Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Giveaway

The winners have been announced. Check and see if you've won!

The entry period for the contest has expired. Thanks to all those who entered!

ZAM is having a giveaway to celebrate the end of the world (or at least the end of Azeroth as we know it) and we’re giving away fifty chances to experience that post-dragonkissed world before anyone else.

You can see the entire list of winners at the bottom of this article!

List of Winners:


How to Win
We have a thread in the General WoW forums for the contest entries. All you have to do is post a response in the thread that states what you’re the most excited about in the new World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion. For example:

  • Playing as a Worgen.
  • All the new changes to old Azeroth. I can’t wait to see what it looks like!
  • The new talent changes. My class is going to be OP. QQ moar newbs.

We’ll be collecting entries for the next seven days, and on Monday August 2nd, 2010, we’ll be announcing all fifty winners of the giveaway and we’ll then send you your beta key for Cataclysm! It really is that simple. Just submit the part of Cataclysm you’re most excited about, and you're golden!


Please Note: You must enter your contest submission at the designated forum thread. Any comments on this article will not be counted as submissions.


Additional Note: Both Tankspot and Wowhead will be having their own beta key giveaways in the next few weeks, so make sure you check out our entire network family for all of your chances to win!

++ If you're an AddOn author WoWInterface has almost an unlimited number of keys to give away.

Rules and Qualifications

  • In order to use the beta key, you must have a WoW account in good standing.
  • Posts in the contest thread that are not contest submissions will be deleted.
  • Users may enter more than one Cataclysm item that they’re excited about, but only one entry will be counted per user.
  • We reserve the right to remove entries if we feel like you're not properly participating in the contest.
  • The contest begins on July 26th, and all winners will be announced on August 2nd, 2010.
  • The fifty (50) key winners will be drawn from the pool of eligible posters at the end of the entry period.



Post Comment
You all are retards
# Jul 28 2010 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
You guys are all dumb. This is the wrong place, it says so in the damned article.
You all are retards
# Jul 28 2010 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
At least somebody is reading all the rules here, ive been tring to tell everyone here that this isnt it, and my last post on this news article told them HOW to get to the correct thread... I just preety much gave up on them. More chances for us to get beta key invite.
# Jul 28 2010 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
The thing I am most excited about? The new "Holy Power" for Paladins and the other various class changes such as the DK's rune bars. I feel like this will make the game go back to its roots of being difficult again and not wiping out the hardest raid in 2-4 hours and making it to where you have to spend several days and many wipes trying to compete for progression.
What I look forward to is
# Jul 28 2010 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
wrong place.
Cataclysm Beta
# Jul 28 2010 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
Cataclysm brings with it a great amount of things that would make a new player and an old player want to play again. Im am most excited about is the warrior changes they wold add some spice to the class and change its way of fighting by an large amount Im looking foward to questing in new azeroth from what I have seen blizzard's plan to make the early game more fun to the new player and encourage the people that quit before level 10 to play longer I KNOW I WILL.
Beta key
# Jul 28 2010 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
I am looking forward to leveling my already 80 and new toons to 85 and seeing the new areas as well as new raid. That is the first part, the second part is seeing all the new mobs that will be added and the new quests and seeing if any are linked to the Warcraft lore.
Beta keys giveaway
# Jul 28 2010 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to get into Catacylsm beta because my Brother,Cousin,Mom all have played WoW for five years like myself, and none of us have ever gotten into beta. Now onto the things I would like to see in the new expansion.

Guild Leveling: That is going to be amazing! Fast Track! Mass Ressurection! Mount Up! all amazing guild perks and I cant wait to see them in action.

New Guild UI: It looks amazing and would like to see it in action and how it works.

Worgen/Goblin/New Class Combos.: I want to test all these new combos including a Tauren Paladin(A Holy cow!) and gnome priests. Now Gnomes can have their own raiding guilds/all gnome raids.

New/Old Content Changed: Everything has been changed and I cant wait to see it, its amazing i'm always looking for good old or new zones to look at on or Everything is looking great.

New Spells and UIS: I see the paladins have a spell called Word of Glory that only works with Holy power, and would like to see how this works along with the new soulshards+spell rotation.

Please if you pick me, you wont regreit.
# Jul 28 2010 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
What i'm really excited about in the upcoming expansion cataclysm is to just try out all the new bosses, i'm pretty in to raiding so i guess i'm looking forward to the raids the most

I'm also really excited about the guildperks and the new talent trees, guildperks seem really nice as it makes you feel like your actually a proper team not just a bunch of people who ended up in the same place. The talent trees look like blizzard put alot of tought into doing this and tbh i'm really happy with what they did, especially the new abilities at lvl 10 its gonna make low lvl combat fairly more interesting wich i like since i lvl alot of alts.

the other thing that i'm looking forward to is just flying in azeroth finally after the pain of running around on that slow 100% ground mount i'll be able to cruize trough its beautiful lands and look at them from above with a big grin on my face.

I'm also a big lore fan so the elemental lords and malfurion better be bloody epic!
beta key giveaway
# Jul 28 2010 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
I love to explore the world of warcraft ive got the acheivement and this world being changed dramatically the way it is will be an entirely new experience and i cant wait thats what im most excited about.
What I look forward to is
# Jul 28 2010 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
What i am looking forward to the most is leveling a goblin hunter up.
# Jul 28 2010 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
I look forward to trying the new races, (Worgen and Goblin) and check out all the new areas in cataclysm! I've played wow since classic and i have always been a big fan.
Cata. Changes
# Jul 28 2010 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
Unlike some of these other guys/gals who posted here. I have not played wow since beta or alpha, no do I spend MASS amounts of hours playing at home or work or w/e. However unlike 99% of these guys/gals who have posted saying why they think they should be able to get into the Cata Beta is I have played Warcraft games since around 1994(ish) starting with Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. After that I have moved onto every game that they came out with Warcraft II Tides of Darkness, Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, Warcraft BNE(for you noobs who have no idea what this is its Edition) Warcraft III and Frozen Throne, and of course all of the WoW series. Not to mention during some bored times I have read a few of the books n what not. But what makes me so rather intrested in Cata is the chance to see what the changes are and how they effect the over all play of the game. With archeology and Path of the Titans down to the little things like when you progress thru a quest how it changes the landscape a bit, all the way up to the major changes with class and race options and the way your skills will be developed.
# Jul 28 2010 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
I've never really liked leveling alts, so I don't care too much about the revisions to old zones, and the new talent trees look more or less like the old ones. What I'm really looking forward to is the return to TBC style raids. The creation of multiple raids to a single tier will help prevent any sort of raid burnout, and will also provide more content to do each week. Hopefully Cat will succeed in the one area WotLK failed: interesting and challenging end-game content.
beta key
# Jul 28 2010 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent

im playing World Of Warcraft since the alpha version in 2003.
to be honest i didnt like the changes they made in burning crusade.
the wotlk was much better and now im realy looking forward to see what has happened in cata. ive been reading all posts on forums and watching videos on youtube but its just not enough i want to see all of it myself and check the new talents new raiding system and everything esle, its just impossible to say everything im interested to see in cata.

thanks allakhazam for this chance.
Looking forward too:
# Jul 28 2010 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
edit: oops

Edited, Jul 28th 2010 6:41pm by Conclusion7
My Cataclysm Changes
# Jul 28 2010 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
I'm definitely looking forward to the talent changes when you hit level 10. Getting primary skills quickly is going to be awesome. It's always been boring using your primary spell/ attack and possible one other until 60, so this is going to be awesome. Also, having new, core skills at level 1 is also going to be fun, like Slam, Crusader Strike, etc. Cataclysm looks like its going to be lots of fun.
Beta Key
# Jul 28 2010 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
I could probably go on and on for about 10 pages how much i want this. i have been playing wow since 2006, i have seen bad changes and good changes, but with this expansion i really think that blizzard is going to go all the way.
Worgen, Goblins, Revamped Areas, Talent Changes, Dungeons & Raids, Flying in Azeroth, The use of Phasing, Stories of honor,grief and happiness, and ofcourse the new guild perks and reputation, Finally something that will keep everyone in the guild. I thought wow would hold out for a another 3-4 years before cataclysm was announced, now i dont know when the madness will end. So yet again wow will steal my life for 2 years. And i would love to experience such a great thing.

Edited, Jul 28th 2010 6:42pm by Arrezz
Catalysm Closed Beta key Giveaway;
# Jul 28 2010 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
i had a some guildies ingame which said the graphic got better (they had a family member as beta tester) and im really looking forward to seeing the change. how faar have they reached? how faar can we reach in technology? in 50 years i wonder how games will look like if this speed continues through the years. im really excited to the see the graphics.... also the movie i saw of the water it was a buityful scene.

Also i want to try out all the new features, Goblin, Worgen eventual. If i get a expansion i would start right off with making a goblin their city is TOTAL EPICNESS i mean WTF it looks like a city ! not some old town with a inn. but a major city. with signs and such. its crazy i cant wait to drive around in their mounts! i also wanna try that rocket racial :P fire yourself to your target imagine a ******* dk with it!!!!!!!!!! **** it Q.Q MORE NEWBS DK GOBLIN WILL BE GODS! Deathgrip them to you or grip yourself to them thats the question!.

Worgen is a really cool add i didnt think would come. i'd love to try changing forms and use their sprint and such. and their racials seem pretty uber for a rogue:D and im REALLY excited to see a stealthed worgen with daggers using ambush lol, seems fun.

also looking forward to flying mounts in kalimador and eastern, its so frekin anoying i gotta use 100% all the time. well yeah i got Swift zulian tiger and some rare mounts but i wanna move quicker. My Power knows no bounds!

but the thing's i'd test straight out would be a goblin for sure.

also want my bolbasaur:D got a druid, lol allmost should name him that haha. Bolbasaur use solar beam! rofl:D

But i cant wait for my mage to get that flame sphere spell. its total epicness. (85)
I heard they made it so u have less talent points so im excited to see how theyre planning to see if it ruins many players who doesnt have skill? or what i got no clue. but i cant wait!!!!! release catalysm newb q.q
Also interested new content
# Jul 28 2010 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
Hello,im playing woltk long time,now need some new in this game,so cata wil be nice :) >wana try worgens:)

Edited, Jul 28th 2010 6:32pm by amfacka
Why i want in the Cataclysm Beta
# Jul 28 2010 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
I want in because it would be my first beta, and i want to help test the 3rd expansion pack for the greatest mmo ever. In the live servers, i have no 80s, and want to get a head start on knowing the zones. Plus all the new race/class combinations would add a ton of fun to my boring life. Also, i am as reliable a bug reporter as anyone. I would report as many bugs as i can find. I want to help make the game perfect. So basically, if i get in the beta, it would be a win win for me and Blizzard.
New race-class combinations
# Jul 28 2010 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
I can barely wait to level a Worgen and a troll druid! come on, the new skins for the bear, cat and travel forms are gonna be awesome!

And what about hunter pets? come on, can't try to bring down Deathwing without a spiny raptor or that cool looking fox!! besides, no ammo means more gold and less bad dps issues!

OMFG! underwater mounts?? wow, so we finally get to explore the vast seas of Azeroth??! and can´t imagine a better way than riding on a hi-speed seahorse or whale?!?!

Besides the new race-class combinations! I can finally level up a badass arms BE warrior!

In general I'm really looking forward this expansion, it really promises to take Warcraft to new heights!!
Why I'd like a key
# Jul 28 2010 at 4:14 PM Rating: Default
Well up until recently I have always been in Beta Testing for almost all new games. Why Beta Test? To see new content first? Partially. To play new Class/Race combos? Slightly. To find bug, shortcuts, or other things that can be classified as cheats? Oh Yeah. I want to find them and have them removed. I want the game to require at least some degree of skill. I enjoy exploring, findin hidden things, locating new mobs, new areas and new class to race combos. Kinda upset that Night Elves can't be Warlocks, but being able to reset your Stones simply using Shadowmeld would have been insane. Night Elf Mages are going to be nice, Worgen Warlocks & Hunters might be amusing. From all I've read the Hunter Class changes are going to be the biggest change and the one Class I most want to Beta the Bugs out of. Hunter Players are going to have to re-invent how to play I believe since Shot Rotation will become more critical than ever before. That's my biggest reason I would like to Beta Test Cataclysm.

Bruddawulf The Original Beast Master
cataclysm beta key
# Jul 28 2010 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
I Play this Game since Beta Dezember 2004 :-).
I want to fly in the old Lands. I Like Goblins and Worgen. Please give me the change of this.
# Jul 28 2010 at 4:08 PM Rating: Decent
Myself i'm looking forward to just go out into the new world and learn the lore and quest. I'm also gonna love testing out all the new features and making a goblin. =) ~~for the horde~~
# Jul 28 2010 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
I look forward to nothing, except everything!

On a serious note, I really like the guild changes so far and the vanilla setting which is the best in WoW.

Also as a horde player I welcome all the Retbulls and Holycows!
a shoot at cataclysm
# Jul 28 2010 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
For four years i have been playing wow and i have away been a healer as a priest during BC and then as a a holy paladin during the wrath of the lich king and more recently i have stared the heal with my druid. I have always enjoy healing and intend to continue doing so in cataclysm. There for the thing for which i am most exited in cataclysm is the changes blizz is doing to the healing gaming experience in this game i enjoy so much. Because i have felt that healing has became a bit bland and easy to do unlike in the past where u had to actually think about the spells that would best fit the situation.
Secondly i also want to be able to experience the all new zones as well as the redesign old ones i love.
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