ZAM's Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Giveaway

The winners have been announced. Check and see if you've won!

The entry period for the contest has expired. Thanks to all those who entered!

ZAM is having a giveaway to celebrate the end of the world (or at least the end of Azeroth as we know it) and we’re giving away fifty chances to experience that post-dragonkissed world before anyone else.

You can see the entire list of winners at the bottom of this article!

List of Winners:


How to Win
We have a thread in the General WoW forums for the contest entries. All you have to do is post a response in the thread that states what you’re the most excited about in the new World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion. For example:

  • Playing as a Worgen.
  • All the new changes to old Azeroth. I can’t wait to see what it looks like!
  • The new talent changes. My class is going to be OP. QQ moar newbs.

We’ll be collecting entries for the next seven days, and on Monday August 2nd, 2010, we’ll be announcing all fifty winners of the giveaway and we’ll then send you your beta key for Cataclysm! It really is that simple. Just submit the part of Cataclysm you’re most excited about, and you're golden!


Please Note: You must enter your contest submission at the designated forum thread. Any comments on this article will not be counted as submissions.


Additional Note: Both Tankspot and Wowhead will be having their own beta key giveaways in the next few weeks, so make sure you check out our entire network family for all of your chances to win!

++ If you're an AddOn author WoWInterface has almost an unlimited number of keys to give away.

Rules and Qualifications

  • In order to use the beta key, you must have a WoW account in good standing.
  • Posts in the contest thread that are not contest submissions will be deleted.
  • Users may enter more than one Cataclysm item that they’re excited about, but only one entry will be counted per user.
  • We reserve the right to remove entries if we feel like you're not properly participating in the contest.
  • The contest begins on July 26th, and all winners will be announced on August 2nd, 2010.
  • The fifty (50) key winners will be drawn from the pool of eligible posters at the end of the entry period.



Post Comment
# Jul 29 2010 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
Cant wait to try out my ele shaman new ability Spiritwalkers Grace, moving and casting. LOL Let me throw a LB at you while I run away haah good luck all in the drawing
Cataclysm is gonna be' awsome!
# Jul 29 2010 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
I can't wait becouse i think Azeroth was the greatest, so a new Azeroth?? with new Graphics and instances, new classes for every race!! and Flying in Azeroth :o it can't be any better, But i think the new Water quality is gonna be the best, with moving water effect and stuff, with awsome new water instances, is so Beutifuld! :o theres gonna be a water paradise down there.
Most looking forward to in cataclysm
# Jul 29 2010 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
Hands down I'm looking forward to the changes to my warlock, a 2 minute cooldown, Felflame, Hellfire on the run as Demo, yes please!
Cataclysm Closed Beta Key Giveaway =)
# Jul 29 2010 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
First of all is the graphics ! I think it will look like real life! :D
and the new dungeons and raids, so excited about how it is to fly in eastern kingdoms and kalimdor =o and the new abillities and talents ^^
i would really wanna test out beta to see how it is to be in cataclysm =)

bad english yes...
Cataclysm Beta Key
# Jul 29 2010 at 6:38 AM Rating: Decent
The thing I am most exited for, are the new herbs and elixir's that will appear. As I know from the beginning of wotlk, there were alot of money to be made in the new herbs and potions, and I mean ALOT. The same goes for skinning, arctic fur would go for 500-1000g a piece. So it will be exiting to see which herbs blizz has come up with in this expansion. Maybe fire or lava lotus or something;)

Also the new mounts and achievements, I'm kinda an achievement hunter :P
Cataclysm is my dream!
# Jul 29 2010 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
I wanna say that cataclysm really is my dream, beacuse I wanna try the new races and all the quests that I can get all all the new beasts that my hunter can tame. but I know that cataclysm is everyones dream.
Well that's my wish.
Cataclysm Giveaway
# Jul 29 2010 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
I really want to join the beta because i saw some gameplay in a video and i really want to try it out myself. Plus i want to help out for the expansion feedback etc :D.And flying...I really want to FLY! :D
Cataclysm Giveaway
# Jul 29 2010 at 5:51 AM Rating: Decent
I'm most excited about paladin changes and professions changes, as well as the new profession. That would be the things I would love the most to try out.
Beta Key Giveaway
# Jul 29 2010 at 4:48 AM Rating: Decent
I'm looking much forward to seeing the new expansion, because i think the changes that will be made in Azeroth will change the game in a positive way. I'm also much looking forward to trying out the new races, since i've heard that their starting zones are much more different and dynamic than the older ones. I will also be looking much forward to seeing the new guild system, and the new graphic changes. Going from 80 to 85 also makes me excited because i know that will lead to me having to do more quests which is the most enjoyable thing to me, in WoW!

Bring on the Cataclysm!
what I look forward to MOST
# Jul 29 2010 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
Though everything about cataclysm looks absolutly wonderful the one thing that stands out most to me is the fact that i will get to relive the fun of lvling and actually spending time in azeroth again throughout the past years my favorite part about the game was the azeroth game play because it is the beginning of the game and now the end(for now)i cant wait to fly around azeroth as a worgen and revisting all those places i use to love to be in as a "noob"
Why Are There Six Pedals If There Are Only Four Directions?
# Jul 29 2010 at 4:13 AM Rating: Decent
As more and more of Cataclysm is revealed I grow less and less sure of what I like most about the expansion. I originally played WoW as a level 60 warlock right when the original Naxx was released. I remember all the steps WoW has taken from WoW:Classic to today and I cannot help be a bit giddy about everything. Finally the greedy goblins are going to throw down the gauntlet and choose a side, the Wargen are getting some loving with a deserved storyline(and we finally get to see behind that wall, yes Greymane Wall. I remember wanting to know what was behind there since my Succubus quest). Epic flying in Barrens? Count me in. But probably the best parts are the evolution of the WoW story (if you haven't run MC, do it now- Ragnaros loves to hint) and the return to a more classic WoW raid style, which I cannot wait to embrace. I'm sorry if this post is a bit scattered but to focus on each thing individually would turn this wall of text into a mountain. Anyway I'd like to thank ZAM for making 50 enthusiastic gamers even more enthusiastic about this game.
cataclysm Beta
# Jul 29 2010 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
I am very exited about the new classes and the zones i also hope that it will be great with the new mastery system and that defense and armour pen is removed from gear I also thinking on how it will be as Garrosh as the new leader i hope it will be great it seems like it will be more conflicts in cataclysm i am exited about see the new zones :)
# Jul 29 2010 at 3:57 AM Rating: Decent
Obviously I'm excited about the new races, but I am desperately in love with the new smaller talent trees. Different specs will actually MEAN something for some classes. Also, the new areas look lore-filled and fun.
# Jul 29 2010 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
What I'm most looking forward to is the progression of the Warcraft lore. Malfurion Stormrage is finally making his long-awaited return (can't wait to see if they put in some sort of game event that shows what happens/happened to Staghelm) and from what I've seen and read, Cenarius himself is coming back as well! The Hyjal zone just looks like a complete loregasm for me. I'm hoping with all the underwater gameplay that we might at some point see an appearance from Azshara herself, but really that'd just be the icing on an already very delicious cake.

tl;dr - Lore makes me happy. I'm a Malfurion fanboy.
Beta Key
# Jul 29 2010 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
What i am most looking forward to would have to be the new dungeons and raids and zones. Not only do they have new raids and revamping old dungeons to make them fun again but they are making 10 man a valid raid option because it drops the same loot. I really like this aspect that they are changing because it gives 10 mans the room to shine rather than the big powerhouse 25 man raiding guild. I also like the fact they are making places that weren't accessible available now to be played in or raided in. I remember back in vanilla trying to get into hyjal or going to the bottom of tanaris/silverpine forest and saying wtf is this gate, glitching your way into the dwarven airfield all these places most could not get to is now gonna be in the playing field for the game which is exciting. Not to mention flying in azeroth the places that i have always wanted to get to! I'd love to receive this gift of a beta key this by far is the most interesting expansion changes i have seen.
# Jul 29 2010 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
I am very excited about the many changes to Azeroth in the expansion. Finally, it won't be boring and I won't be forced to level through instances just to be entertained as having leveled so many characters in my WoW career it just isn't as fun anymore, but with the new quests and storylines WoW is definitely going to be more fun.

Just one thing?
# Jul 29 2010 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
It is hard to list just one thing about the game we are looking forward to. Although if I had to list one thing, this is it... Azeroth.

As someone who has been playing WOW for sometime, I have noticed the original areas have largely been ignored. Yes, we have gotten items like karazhan, Sunwell, and Oxyia 2.0 which has forced us to revisit the respected zones to get there.

4.0 lets us see these zones and spend new time in them. WOW 2.0 anyone?
beta key
# Jul 29 2010 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
im looking forward to an attempt for blizzard to balance pvp arena and BGs, get back to a bit more of a TBC setting than a globalling wotlk play style. also with rated BGs i may be able to avoid playing with really bad ppl and can simply play with ppl that i know know how to play their class and how to win a BG. larger healthpools and less dmg will hopefully mean no one can be one shot and setting up a kill will be the norm not RNG kills. healer/melee/caster will hopefully be the only viable 3v3 setups once again
# Jul 29 2010 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Jul 29th 2010 5:15am by Uduarman
Beta Key
# Jul 29 2010 at 3:07 AM Rating: Decent
i want beta key cuz in cataclysm you can fly in azeroth, i want to enjoy the hard(as blizz says) leveling to 85 and try out worgen. also would be fun trying raids and 5mans.
# Jul 29 2010 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
I am most excited about everything. I started playing after WotLK came out. So I'm excited to be in on the changes as they are happening. My husband and I have already reserved copies for when it comes out, can't wait ^.^
Move to designated forum thread.
# Jul 29 2010 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Jul 29th 2010 4:30am by kalinar
Cataclysm = A whole new game
# Jul 29 2010 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
The most exciting aspect of cataclysm is that with all the changes its like playing a whole new game. I am most excited about experiencing all over again the levelling up process from an evolved storyline and different surroundings. I can't wait to start exploring everything and comparing the new to the old and re living the experience like when i started playing in Vanilla :)
# Jul 29 2010 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
What im most excited is seeing the land that you roamed in leveling and hanging out in is going to be changed, also im excited for a new challenge to get to 85, and most of all just the excitement of downloading the new expansion to your computer.
Beta key gief
# Jul 29 2010 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
Well 2 best things in cata for me will be stat changes and talent changes - Blizz guys rly think how to do things :)

Gfx changes might be enjoyable aswell - i rly liek to to play on max to fully see all detail :)

Rly thankfull to blizz for giving ali worgens ^^
Cataclysm Bets Key Entry
# Jul 29 2010 at 1:28 AM Rating: Decent
What I'm most excited about? Goblins! What's not to be excited about after all? Yet goblins as a playable race are what excite me. I have my goblin priest all planned out. I just hope that there are enough characters for my preferred name: Revbillybobcoinpurse. Healing as a commercial venture! So that boss is hitting you? How much is a 12K heal worth to you? Yes. I take "offerings", cash preferred. But seriously, I really can't think of a race I'd rather play except, perhaps, the Kalu'ak Tuskars. I'm looking forward to all the other changes too though I'm sure that I shall get nostalgic for the old Barrens and Stranglethorn now and again. I'd really like to get a glimpse into the new, old world.
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