Battle System Adjustments 3/5/07

Battle System Adjustments (03/05/2007)

In the upcoming version update, we plan to introduce two new dark knight spells, as well as implement changes to Signet that will improve party play for smaller groups.

Signet Bonuses

The adjustments made to improve player accuracy and attack versus monsters of a higher level, as well as the measures implemented to benefit full parties and prevent unfair pulling practices, have made it difficult for smaller groups to cooperate efficiently against weaker opponents.

In order to address this issue, the following bonuses will be added to the Signet effect in the upcoming version update:
- Increased Healing HP
- No TP loss while resting
- Bonus experience earned in smaller parties
- Increased defense and evasion against attacks from your auto-attack target

- Increased Healing HP
The initial value for Healing HP (based on the character's level), as well as the incremental jumps in Healing HP (based on the character's maximum HP), will be increased.
This change will improve Healing HP in a similar fashion to the bonus granted to Healing MP by the Clear Mind job trait.

- No TP loss while resting
While this bonus is in effect, TP will not be lost while resting.
This will allow players to rest fully for their next battle while still maintaining the store of TP they had built from their previous opponent.

- Bonus experience in small groups
The amount of experience earned while in smaller parties will be increased.
This bonus will be applied on the following scale:

*The experience earned for defeating special monsters will remain unaffected.

- Increased defense and evasion against attacks from your auto-attack target
Players will gain a bonus to their defense and evasion against their auto-attack target.

This bonus only applies to attacks from an opponent who you are auto-attacking with a drawn weapon. There is no effect against attacks from other sources, including monsters that unexpectedly join the fray.
*This bonus will only apply to monsters that check as "even match" or weaker to the player.

The bonuses described above will only take effect when a player has received Signet, and is within the usual Signet-specific areas.
These bonuses do not apply during Ballista, or other PvP events.

New Dark Knight Spells

The following dark knight spells will be introduced in the upcoming version update.

- Drain II (Lv.62 Recast Time: 3 minutes Duration: 1 minute)
Steals an enemy's HP, potentially increasing maximum HP. Ineffective against undead.

HP drained that exceeds the amount necessary to fully heal the dark knight will temporarily boost maximum HP.
As well as healing the dark knight, this spell should prove useful in providing extra HP for abilities such as Souleater.

- Dread Spikes (Lv.71 Recast Time: 3 minutes Duration: 1 minute)
Covers you with magical darkness spikes. Steals HP from enemies that hit you. Ineffective against undead.

While Dread Spikes is in effect, the dark knight will drain an amount of HP from an enemy corresponding to the amount of damage inflicted by each of the enemy's attacks.
Dread Spikes will wear off after the dark knight has absorbed an amount of HP equal to a certain percentage of his maximum HP, regardless of the remaining duration.

*The effect of Dread Spikes will be adjusted during PvP.

The HP absorbed by the reactive effect of Dread Spikes will not generate enmity for the dark knight.
*The dark knight will still be KO'd if a single attack inflicts an amount of damage that exceeds his remaining HP.


Post Comment
# Mar 05 2007 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
Thief's Knife
15,054 posts
The adjustments made to improve player accuracy and attack versus monsters of a higher level, as well as the measures implemented to benefit full parties and prevent unfair pulling practices, have made it difficult for smaller groups to cooperate efficiently against weaker opponents.

I don't recall this update
Final Fantasy XI 12-14-11 Update wrote:
Adjust the resolution of menus.
The main screen resolution for "FINAL FANTASY XI" is dependent on the "Overlay Graphics Resolution" setting.
If the Overlay Graphics Resolution is set higher than the Menu Resolution, menus will be automatically resized.

I thought of it first:
Yay SE!
# Mar 05 2007 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
You can really tell that SE has been listening to players on the past few updates. Now they are making it easier for people to solo too!

Increased defense and evasion vs. enemies EM or lower? BRING IT ON! This will allow jobs with poor eva/def (most mages, some DDers) the ability to kill something before the kill us! Already my 75brd/whm is capable of killing any EP or lower, and brd/nin I've gone to EM, and it's not "hard" at all. I just use songs (mostly Paeon) to keep myself up long enough that I can lolmelee them to death. It's really more of waiting for them to die of old age. But if I can rely on a little more def and eva, I can sing melee songs and kill them a tad bit faster!

Clear Body trait, that's just makes it all better. Coupled with no TP loss while resting. Too bad my pld is pretty much doomed to Aht Urgan now, since it's 60. Although.....How many DDers will still refuse to rest?!

More drk goodness. I've been thinking of drk as my next job to 75, especially after the Abs-TP update (and Hasso for /sam a little as well). This just makes it easier to choose.


I think I just blew a wad in mah subligar!

Edited, Mar 5th 2007 12:51pm by Pokiehl
# Mar 05 2007 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
I duo my BST.. As a 2 man party, we get a 25% exp bonus now with the new calculations, versus the old amount. This'll make things a lot easier.
Purely to boost soloability
# Mar 05 2007 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Obviously these changes are meant to improve the ability for melee jobs to solo things tougher than TW. The only boost in parties will DRK and PLD can recover MP w/o losing TP, which I personally believe to also improve soloability.

Not to mention the new spikes for DRK will enable us to better solo DC or higher.
BST friendly
# Mar 05 2007 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
366 posts
this looks pretty BST friendly to me, go go duo!!
# Mar 05 2007 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
437 posts
This update sounds great. I love to duo and trio with members of my linkshell, and this will also make soloing melee jobs a bit easier in signet areas since you can now recover in slightly faster time. This update will keep most people who like the full party happy since it will still be advantageous to do a 6-man party in ToAU areas. But it will be awesome for those who either can't scrape together a full party, or just wanna do a small group. I don't think the xp earn rate will be in the same ballpark as a 6-man party in ToAU, but it certainly won't be chump change either.
# Mar 05 2007 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
437 posts
sorry double post /apologize

Edited, Mar 6th 2007 12:59pm by zelljrc
Hope this works out
# Mar 05 2007 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
Yay for new DRK spells. Only two levels from Drain II, and I hope that's quested and not a drop. As for Aspir II... honestly, I don't see a real need for it. Not every mob can be aspired, so it gets used a lot less than Drain. I'd love to see Absorb-Speed or something similar. Imagine giving a mob slow while you get Haste. :)

I wonder if the signet changes are because they've noticed people don't seem to care about Conquest as much? Along with trying to get people away from the ToAU areas.

Still, I do worry like some others that this may unbalance the game. But on the other hand, how much time do you really have between mobs to rest? One tick, maybe two? In the end it may not be a big deal. It will certainly benefit jobs like DRK, PLD, and BLU that have MP but don't want to rest for fear of wasting TP, and will probably benefit mages and half-mages more than the melee jobs.
# Mar 05 2007 at 9:27 AM Rating: Excellent
9,835 posts
Forgot to include the DRK spells.

They are up there now.
Hope this works out
# Mar 05 2007 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
I wonder if they're starting to notice that people don't much care about Conquest anymore, as well as trying to get people away from the ToAU areas.

New DRK spells are nice (only two levels from Drain2! I hope that's quested and not a drop), but I'm worried about these Signet changes. Extra HP when healing and no TP loss might unbalance stuff.

Then again, how much time do you really have between mobs if you've got a good puller? I guess it could work out. If nothing else the "no TP loss" is great for jobs like BLU, DRK, PLD that have MP, but don't want to rest so they don't waste TP.
SE weakens FFXI experience
# Mar 05 2007 at 9:06 AM Rating: Default
569 posts
SE is making this game to easy AGAIN. I swear things are working out just fine.

DRK spells - about time. Here I am glad they added more respect to DRK.

Signet Changes: Did they think this through carefully, NO! These Signet should be based if your country controls the region not in general.

Increase healing HP? Ok you generate more hate when you cure people. More dead healers in the dunes. Nomad and Vagabond gear is now pointless to own. Is regen not a thing of the past?

No TP Loss? BAD IDEA, they should maybe lower the amount of TP loss but not stop its loss. Or make no TP Loss in areas your country controls. Do we get mediate ability like Samauri too? Oh wow, now everyone get kneel and heal so healers do not have to manage MP anymore.

Experience gains? WTF, this makes no sense other than make it look like you can gain levels faster at low levels as if you were in ToA areas. Seems the Empress has expanded her Candelensce ability to the middlelands.

Auto-Attack boosts? This is an interesting idea but MAYBE this should only activate if you do get aggro or linking while in battle, not if the its the only mob being attacked.

SE, you need to poll the community of these ideas before implementation. You all are taking ideas and implementing them then get a backlash because you are not considering what it might effect on the backend. I see good things and bad things, what will happen?

increased defense and evasion
# Mar 05 2007 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
2,890 posts
hmm this might make tp burn type set ups much stronger in signet controlled areas.
hmm imagine a smaller party set up with a brd pulling and the melee never need to disengage.

very interesting indeed.
OMG Spells
# Mar 05 2007 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
220 posts
Omg thank you SE. *sobs uncontrollably* You made this Galka DRK proud. *continues to weep in sheer joy*
OMG Spells
# Mar 05 2007 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
220 posts
Sorry, had to get one more OMG in...OMG!
# Mar 05 2007 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
3,644 posts
made it to "no more TP loss"
maybe now people will want to EXP outside of ToAU..maybe now i can lvl my BLM again .-.
DRK fix?
# Mar 05 2007 at 8:27 AM Rating: Default
6,424 posts
I wonder if these new DRK spells are in preparation for the Blood Weapon + Soul Eater fix.

DRK fix?
# Mar 05 2007 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
533 posts
Blood Weapon and Soul Eater were always intended to be stacked, there is no fix there that is needed. I think the pointless comment you were aiming for was for them to "fix" Blood Weapon with multi-hit weapons, which there really isn't a reason to do since it's only a 30 second ability and not everyone can get a KC/ridill/merc kris easily.
/clap /clap /clap!
# Mar 05 2007 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
1,949 posts
- No TP loss while resting
While this bonus is in effect, TP will not be lost while resting.
This will allow players to rest fully for their next battle while still maintaining the store of TP they had built from their previous opponent.

# Mar 05 2007 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
I have to agree...this is truly one of the best updates in a very long time. Even better then many of the job changes in the Expansion release and the patches that followed.

This opens a lot more doors. You are not nearly as restricted to always have to party with 5 other players to get maximum Exp/hr. Currently not partying at the moment as I am doing other stuff but definitely looking forward to the changes when i get back into the mix.

2 thumbs from me SE!
# Mar 05 2007 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
618 posts
- Bonus experience in small groups
The amount of experience earned while in smaller parties will be increased.
This bonus will be applied on the following scale:

Time to boot those mooching AFK peps while PT still fights XD.
I see Duo's will be more common. Even killing EM's will be fast and decent exp/time @ 75 exp a pop (based off the picture above; 100exp solo=EM)

Will these improvements apply to Sanction as well?

No- Sanction itself gives a exp bonus as long as you control the astral C. (dont loose besieged). They just added having more exp with signet to peps that have more then 1 person and less then 6.
# Mar 05 2007 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
867 posts
Honestly I think this has to be one of the best updates SE has done in a very long time, wow! I personally don't have a Drk that high of a level but I want to see Dread Spikes in action! Imagine all of those Drk + Kraken Club solo HNM videos with these add-ons.

As for Signet I'm glad they're doing this, I actually prefer Bibiki Bay birds over Colibre they seem easier and faster to me, even tho the Nin was complaining that he gets hit more by the birds and the eat up his shadows quicker than the colibre, but not like we ever let him die.. =P
# Mar 05 2007 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,286 posts
I wonder if these spells might be strong enough to allow possiblities for new and interesting job combinations. I certainly could see drk/pld being a fantastic soloing combo with teh combination of these spells and the recent changes to pld as a subjob (and the lovely parade gorget). I wonder what other doors this might open.
no fair
# Mar 05 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Default
OMG if DRK get drain II and aspir II i am so quiting

Cough* not really Cough* but drain 2 NOooo that means the blms **** win another war

I thought drain was a spell for blm ......I unno....I am just jealous (sp?)

blm update better be bad ***
no fair
# Mar 06 2007 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
I think DRKs are the ones drain and aspir are suited for, seeing how they can learn it first and have an equally highest dark magic skill...

And, by design, it help a DRK more than a BLM.... maybe if BLM had Souleater LMAO

Edited, Mar 6th 2007 1:16pm by JumpingDragoonEracle
# Mar 05 2007 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
199 posts
I wonder how many low-lvl death that i had would have been prevented if i had full HP and still had my TP....

Since nearly all my jobs are 20+... I'm thining the answer is: ALOT
dark spells
# Mar 05 2007 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
92 posts
New Dark Knight Spells

The following dark knight spells will be introduced in the upcoming version update.

- Drain II (Lv.62 Recast Time: 3 minutes Duration: 1 minute)
Steals an enemy's HP, potentially increasing maximum HP. Ineffective against undead.

HP drained that exceeds the amount necessary to fully heal the dark knight will temporarily boost maximum HP.
As well as healing the dark knight, this spell should prove useful in providing extra HP for abilities such as Souleater.

- Dread Spikes (Lv.71 Recast Time: 3 minutes Duration: 1 minute)
Covers you with magical darkness spikes. Steals HP from enemies that hit you. Ineffective against undead.

While Dread Spikes is in effect, the dark knight will drain an amount of HP from an enemy corresponding to the amount of damage inflicted by each of the enemy's attacks.
Dread Spikes will wear off after the dark knight has absorbed an amount of HP equal to a certain percentage of his maximum HP, regardless of the remaining duration.

*The effect of Dread Spikes will be adjusted during PvP.

The HP absorbed by the reactive effect of Dread Spikes will not generate enmity for the dark knight.
*The dark knight will still be KO'd if a single attack inflicts an amount of damage that exceeds his remaining HP.
battle fix
# Mar 05 2007 at 7:17 AM Rating: Decent
nice nice finally i get to keep my TP while i heal AND I GET AN EXTRA HP RECOVERY BONUS awsome
# Mar 05 2007 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
kinda meh who really cares when it only applies to even match maybe if it was with sanction too but when soloing even matches in non toau areas I just dont think thats enough when you consider how easy the toau mobs are and with stuff like auto refresh and increased exp gained with sanction.
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