Nektulos Revamp on the Way

A revamp to Nektulos Forest is on the way. As seen on EQLive: ==================================================== Hail, Friends, and well met. My name is Meg Haufe and I'm an Everquest environment artist, as well as a long time fan and player of the game. Everquest is the reason that I'm in the lovely city of San Diego, as I came here several years ago to meet some members of the guild I am in, "Ilsik Haucil" on Saryrn. I fell in love with the city, and moved here to pursue my career in game development. At the time, I never would have dreamed that I would be so fortunate as to end up working on my favorite game! But here I am, and I am loving being able to help shape the world I spent so much time playing in. When they asked me to remake Nektulos Forest I was really excited. I really felt that the zone should reflect as closely as possible the original zone, but with up to date art. The first thing I did was locate a top down map of old Nektulos, and print it out for reference. Then I ran around the original zone and made notes on the map as to where everything was, including the paths and things like where the land changed from grass to rock. I also felt that it was very important to preserve landmarks that players would recognize, and probably miss, if they were absent from the zone. Top on this list were the "Newbie Log" and the bridge. The Newbie Log resided slightly southwest of the entrance to Neriak, and was where young dark elves would gather, back in the day. I know that I would miss it, if I traveled there and it was gone. And the bridge, while I gave its art an updated look, is now back to being a large stone bridge.
All the other landmarks are there, although some of them might surprise you. For example the little Stonehenge where Halflings used to hang out is now a quite large Stonehenge, with a misty foggy feel in that area.
The first thing I wanted players to think upon entering the zone is how much it really feels like a forest. For this I have to thank my teammates Clint Batac and Andy Livingston, for making such beautiful trees! They really give the zone that deep forest feel. I also spent a lot of time working on the sounds of the zone, adding things like creaking frogs around the water, to howling wolves and owls and crickets, to impress that feeling of being deep in a forest.
Then, after exploring the zone for a short time, I hope the player realizes just how much the zone is like the original Nektulos. After all is said and done, that was the most important fact. Safe journeys to you all, Meg H. See the new look of Nektulos on Test now! ====================================================


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# Apr 26 2006 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
Is this guy stupid... they changed the zone because people complained... there were actually more Dark Elves since the change, people were actually happy with the new zone as from what I could see... and now this dork wants to change it BACK to the original way?... idiots.

Why can't sony just leave something alone? always have to ***** it up for people.
# May 01 2006 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Dont be so quick to judge, and criticise, something that should have really been done in the first place. SOE made a big error in revamping Nektulos to it's current form, theres just so much wasted space in such a small zone, and the camp sharing of what were origionally completely separate mobs just made it even worse.

I'm glad that the zone is going back to a close representation of its origional map, not just for nostalgic reasons, but because the new layout was never in character with it's surroundings. It just looks like a sculpted garden that should have a kiddies adventure playground hidden round a corner somewhere.
I look forward to seeing this revamp go live, the screenies look like it will do the old forest some justice! (Maybe Kithcor could have a similar treatment sometime soon hehe)
# Apr 27 2006 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
how do you know anyone complained and please provide where the statement "there were actually more Dark Elves since the change" came from. How were you provided this info? I like making things up too.

I like Meg's enthusiasm for EQ. Its refreshing to see someone that works on the game that isn't interested in just rolling out generic graphics (the same models used over and over for example).

But on the other hand, I don't spend much time in Nektulos but I certainly won't be angry anymore if I accidentally take port to LS instead of DoD and have to run through.
# Apr 27 2006 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
661 posts
LOL Seriously bud, think your quite out voted. This looks amazing!

Great work Meg. Am VERY much looking forward to the new zone.
Antonius Bayle
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