Details on Current Known Issues (Jul. 25)

From SE: Since the implementation of the latest version update on Jul. 18, 2005, the following quest related issue has been discovered. Maintenance to address this issue was performed on Jul. 25, 2005 at 2:00 (PDT). -After making a request to the "An Affable Adamantking?" NPC for a new quest item, and then speaking to the "A Moral Manifest?" NPC, players will obtain an incorrect item and will no longer be able to receive the correct item from the original NPC. This issue also occurs when making a new item request to the "A Moral Manifest?" NPC, then speaking to the "An Affable Adamantking?" NPC. * For players who have obtained the incorrect item and have yet to complete the quest, the correct item may be obtained by trading the incorrect item to the original quest NPC.


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Charter Cable and Verizon DSL
# Jul 25 2005 at 10:25 PM Rating: Default
Sounds like Charter Cable and Verizon DSL customers are experiencing problems. Did somebody blow up the two companies or POL is having issues? I want to play to check my plants... If they die I will be so pissed!!! I have 300K worth of plants growing.
Routing problem
# Jul 25 2005 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
Ok guys... just did some quick tests and there is definitely a routing problem - It doesn't seem to be SE's problem, but rather Verio's. Perhaps route flap on one of their core routers. Either way, not good... :-( Keep trying all you like, your packets will be rejected just like mine! X-D

Good luck...
RE: Routing problem
# Jul 25 2005 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
340 posts
There are many many different critical points along the piplines of copper wire and fiber optic cable that form the internet. If one of those happened to be the link between Square Enix servers and Verizon and Charter's customers (some chunk of them anyways), then that could be the cause of problems. In addition, if the critical point in question is owned either seperately or jointly by verizon and/or Charter, they would in fact be the ones responsible for fixing the problem, though they may not be the ones responsible for causing the problem.
RE: Routing problem
# Jul 25 2005 at 10:41 PM Rating: Decent
I got news for everyone! It's not just Verizon customers that are having problems. I do not use Verizon, and neither do the 5 other people I know having issues. Myself, and the 5 others use different ISP's. Therefore, this is a POL issue - NO MATTER WHAT THEY TELL YOU.

My suggestion is to give it time, and keep trying. As frustrating as it is - there is nothing we can do at this time.

The fact that the PlayOnline site is not operating should say that THEY are having issues. Trust me; I have much experience with server issues.

RE: Routing problem
# Jul 25 2005 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default
/hmmm how could that be possible if your posting this message on the internet...if it were a verizon or charter problem (those seem to be the two largest internet providers) then wouldn't we all be unable to even connect properly to the internet?
Connections issues
# Jul 25 2005 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
charter cable here, haven't been able to log on today. loads very slowly, and won't load at all.

family and friends aren't experencing any problems, all using different ISPs
# Jul 25 2005 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
-_- this month is retarded.. the update took forever and now this happends.. i think POL should give us a free month.. its the lest they could do.. have you guys ever thought how much money ffxi makes monthly? next time in the game "/sea all" for your tottal and times that by $12.95 -_- thats why i think we should get a free month.. my sever has 2500+ ppl in tottal.

Edited, Mon Jul 25 23:19:19 2005
RE: arg
# Jul 25 2005 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
yeah i have to agree. its only fair. we pay every month to play and then somehting like this happens where we could be unable to log on for a day or two. it is frustrating not to be able to log on because of dns problems like this. i'm going to keep on trying to log on for awhile though.
Pol Problems
# Jul 25 2005 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
even if it isn't a verizon issue... still hope it clears up soon =/
once again..
# Jul 25 2005 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
this is not a Verizon-only issue...ive seen several posts here from ppl on charter having this same problem >.>

anywho, gl everyone..ima go watch a movie :P
POL Problems
# Jul 25 2005 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
i have have been reading this thread all night from work and was worried when i got home, i was able to log in right away... i am on comcast though... maybe as some people thought this is a verizon only issue??? well hope you guys can log in soon =/
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
Its been down for 5+ hours, been trying everything here. Stupid POL /kick.
Hopefully it'll be finished in the morning... I'm going to go to sleep -_-zzzz

BTW, on Charter Cable here, connecting w/ wireless router
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:49 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
3 hrs and no luck so far >.< and cant get onto the website to see what it says about the servers. /sigh just wish I can get on and farm for a bit before bed. I do hope they get it fixed by the morning.
Upset but Happy...however that works.. O,o;
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
man, Im so glad i found this forum.. I was upset after getting d/c'd at 2pm and couldnt get back on
I thought my computer had viruses..or somthing.. because the playonline site didnt come up so I couldnt contact anyone. I'm bummed out i cant play.. but im glad that its not just my problem, its everyones.. However! ;; i hope it gets fixed a-sap
I miss my hawt Elvaan woman!!!!! [Aedastreia]

Edited, Mon Jul 25 22:46:32 2005
Temp Log
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:40 PM Rating: Decent
I dunno about anyone else, but I usualy temp log to go check this site for a map or quest help or whatever.. Lately whenever I've gone back to FFXI, I get into the POL viewer, and then when I go to get back into the game, it always sais that I got disconnected...

Anyone else have this issue? Could they be connected? Or maybe, just maybe, an alien being has infultrated SE and stolen all of their servers, thus cutting them off from the world... We may never know...

Edited, Mon Jul 25 22:40:59 2005
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
168 posts
When will it END >.< I need to get my Assult Jerkin
WHeN WilL POL sTop!
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
Must get on... Must lvl sam... ; ;
WHeN WilL POL sTop!
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
Must get on... Must lvl sam... ; ;
Charter Hi-Speed
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
I got charter cable and getting the 1160 message on my machine and 21 on my wife's ps2, so its not just verizon, its the game. Sorry to bust the anti-verizon bubble, cause I hate them anyways. Here's to continuous log on attempts all night, so we dont lose our saplings!

PS typing one handed, our taru sized child likes to be fed every once in a while
RE: Charter Hi-Speed
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I'm still trying too. Maybe we'll get lucky and will be able to log on. If so I'm not logging off when I go to bed. lol Maybe I should opened a Smirnoff Green Apple for good luck. ^^
stupid SE
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:08 PM Rating: Decent
241 posts
3 hours still cant log on pol-19 error
also cant get on
/sigh /cry missed full moon for RNG AF1
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Yes its not verizon's fault. Could this be another series of attacks like before?
RE: :)
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
nope if its anything maybe POL just had conflict with veriszons main lines, it COULD be DNS without verizon being at fault
# Jul 25 2005 at 8:59 PM Rating: Good
89 posts
How dense are you people? If it were a verizon problem you wouldn't be here posting about how pissed you are that you can't log on. If it were your ISP it would be affecting all of your internet capabilites, not just FFXI. Think, if you can't get on POL, or the POL website but can navagate everything else fine, how could you possibly believe for a minute it was your ISP?

No, this ***** was brought to you in entirety by SquareEnix and the Chrono team responsible for this game. Leave Verizon out of this, they already have enough legitimate slander going against them for their stupidity.
# Jul 25 2005 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
well there was that one time when a certain ISP shut down their port, and it only affected FFXI.
# Jul 25 2005 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Thanks for the info. So I hope that we can get on by tomorrow. I was able to get on the website for a bit but now I can't. Hopefully they are trying to fix it as we speak.

Edited, Mon Jul 25 22:03:10 2005
# Jul 25 2005 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
My friend and i did a little investigating, and we have a theory, my friend thinks that the POL DNS is messing things up, were our servers try to connect to theirs the server gets an error not being able to connect, this would make sence for some people being able to connect and not others, cause we all have the same internet provider. a quote from him

"because some their DNS provider probably didn't send the faulty discontinue messages to some networks... I really don't know, I'm not a DNS expert by any means, but from what you're showing me, it IS a DNS problem"

i hope this makes sence to you, i just understand that we can't connect and some can, and this is a probable reason why
# Jul 25 2005 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I just reset my dsl modem and restarted the computer. I got a POL-0019 message now. >.< I hope they get this fixed. I may go into withdrawals soon. /em begins to twitch.
# Jul 25 2005 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
well, i have Charter Cable Internet and I'm getting the same errors as you guys...

hasn't let me on in about 5+ hrs ;;

guess I'll get on whenever SE decides to let us on >.>
/sigh /cry /psych /angry /sit /logout
# Jul 25 2005 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
I've been off from work for almost 5 hours. Keep trying to log in and restart my PC see if it works. But still, no luck. [/cry]
***** this! ><
Is it? Or isn't it?
# Jul 25 2005 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
So...this is wierd. Almost everyone of you have said that your provider is Verizon (DSL). This is what I have and I can't log on either. No playonline, no playonline website not even know, I'm really starting to think that friggin update wasn't even worth it. Ever since then...countless log in problems-either ya can't log on or it takes HOURS. It's also strange that there is no information or reassurance that this is being looked into. These posts are the only thing I've seen on the matter. Way to go Square Enix or Verizon or whoever the hell's fault this is. You're pissing us off AND taking our money XD
Logging in problems
# Jul 25 2005 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I've been trying to get on since I got home from work, about 2 hrs now. And so far nothing. All I get is the POL-1160 message. This sucks. >.< I'm a Verizon DSL user too. I think I will keep trying but I hope they fix it soon. I'm off work tomorrow and want to play.
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