Details on Current Known Issues (Apr. 22)

From SE: Since the implementation of the latest version update on Apr. 20, 2005, several gameplay and system related issues have been discovered. Solutions to these issues are now being tested. Players will be informed as soon as solutions are finalized. The following issues have been discovered and are being addressed: - An issue wherein the gamma setting would be reset to default after certain event scenes in the Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi or the Garden of Ru'hmet. This can be remedied by restarting FINAL FANTASY XI. - An issue wherein characters would not turn translucent while under the effect of "Invisible," "Tonko," etc. within the Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi or The Garden of Ru'hmet. However, the effects are now functioning as usual. - An issue wherein certain types of fish would fail to respond while biting the lure of specific fishing poles. Cancelling the current catch can resolve this issue. We also conducted maintenance on Apr. 22, 2005 at 3:30 (PDT) to address the following issues: - Under certain circumstances, players were unable to obtain a key item for the Promyvion - Mea ENM quest. - An issue wherein participants for the three-game ballista match would be sent back to their Home Points under certain conditions. - A ballista issue wherein allowing Mid-Match Entry with either the Auto-Balance or Random-Shuffle entry types active would result in an unbalanced number of participants on both sides. We apologize for any inconvenience.


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Re: What the shell?
# Apr 22 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
Now it seems like when I attack them from behind, they turn and aggro before I swing my weapon.

I noticed the same thing.. they're responding before I barely start my "steal" or as soon as I click the attack button.. used to be they didn't respond until I actually swung on them.
Gives them an extra hit one me while Im levelling my low lvl jobs.
hope this is fixed...
RE: Re: What the shell?
# Apr 22 2005 at 2:27 PM Rating: Good
722 posts
Quadavs are sound aggro mobs. If they are at a level where they can aggro you, they will do so before you attack, even if they aren't looking at you when you walk up to them. It's always been that way. :P

However, I have noticed something about Quadavs. They've always been kinda stupid. A lot of times, you could run right by one that should aggro and it wouldn't. It was probably a glitch, and maybe SE finally saw it and "fixed" it. You can't really blame them for fixing glitches, even if they are beneficial to us. :/

Edited, Fri Apr 22 15:30:48 2005
RE: Re: What the shell?
# Apr 22 2005 at 8:55 PM Rating: Default
i haven't played for sometime. but i do remember the quadav at beaudeaux aggro sight not sound
RE: Re: What the shell?
# Apr 23 2005 at 1:49 AM Rating: Good
817 posts
All quads are sound aggro
RE: Re: What the shell?
# Apr 25 2005 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
253 posts
a few agro to both (very few).
What the shell?
# Apr 22 2005 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
I noticed something a little odd, but I may just be going nuts. It seems like the Quadav in North and South Gustaberg have developed their own version of spider sense (turtle sense?). Usually it's almost as hard to get them to aggro you than it is to avoid them. Now it seems like when I attack them from behind, they turn and aggro before I swing my weapon. I attacked several of them the same way and all but one did that. I was even using a nice, speedy Beestinger. Maybe this is just a lag thing, or a coincidence? I just never noticed them doing that before the update.
RE: What the shell?
# Apr 22 2005 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
131 posts
Quadav aggro to sound. They 'hear' you as you walk up behind then and they aggro you.
Actually, that's something diffrent
# Apr 22 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Default
If you readthe post a few days ago, a 3rd party attacked(aka hacked)FFXI to make the lag greater, sometimes SE would cancel the searches to reduce lag, other times the lag would shut them down.
RE: Actually, that's something diffrent
# Apr 23 2005 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
All servers are having that issue, but it seems only certain players are effected by it, which REALLY pisses me off...

My search has been down for almost 2 weeks now... do you know how bad it feels to reach 41 rdm and have lvl 30 gear? IT BLOWS. I can't make my own parties, use my friends list, the party list, or even my linkshell list.

Supposibly SE is STILL getting DDOS attacks, every day, and I can't comprehend why they can't find the source, it's been 2 weeks...

I called a few GM's on it, apparently, they don't have any clue what they are talking about, Here are just a few comments:

1.) "It should be fixed on the Wednesday, April 20th update."

2.) "We are still getting attacked, please be assured that the Dev's are working 24 hours a day!"

and the third one, i love, it was about a different topic, but you know how they ask you if you have any other problems? yeah, well get this:

3.) "Do you have any other problems today?" "Yeah, what's going on with the Search Errors lately?"
- Chat Closed By GameMaster -

Now, WTF is that?
[GM] Eisbracher is an ***.
Search falures
# Apr 22 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
131 posts
They completely forgot about the search falures.

I dunno about other servers, but on Bahamut, things were all fine until it started to get late last night. Then out of no where searches became near impossible to complete, which made shopping at the Auction House or forming a party increadibly difficult.

I wonder if other servers experiences this and if SE is forming plans to correct it (if it is still happening).
RE: Search falures
# Apr 22 2005 at 4:14 PM Rating: Decent
Its pretty commonoplace on Ragnarok now, whoop-dee-doo. Hope it gets fixed though.
RE: Search falures
# Apr 22 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Good
722 posts
This happened on Quetzalcoatl last night as well. However, it only lasted for about 20 minutes at the most, then it went back to normal.
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